How to reset emulator DB before each test? - gcloud-node

I'm running tests with the gcloud datastore emulator for node.
I want to reset the db before each test.
Is there a quick way like a 'drop' command or something I can use in a beforeEach block ?

Just simply remove the db file. Usually, it is ~/.config/gcloud/emulators/datastore/WEB-INF/appengine-generated/local_db.bin.

You could also send a POST /reset request to the emulator, mentioned here.


How do I run multiple configuration commands in Dell EMC OS10 with Paramiko?

I am trying to run a series of commands to configure a vlan on a Dell EMC OS10 server using Paramiko. However I am running into a rather frustrating problem.
I want to run the following
# configure terminal
(config)# interface vlan 3
(conf-if-vl-3)# description VLAN-TEST
(conf-if-vl-3)# end
However, I can't seem to figure out how to achieve this with paramiko.SSHClient().
When I try to use sshclient.exec_command("show vlan") it works great, it runs this command and exits. However, I don't know how to run more than one command with a single exec_command.
If I run sshclient.exec_command("configure") to access the configuration shell, the command completes and I believe the channel is closed, since my next command sshclient.exec_command("interface vlan ...") is not successful since the switch is no longer in configure mode.
If there is a way to establish a persistent channel with exec_command that would be ideal.
Instead I have resorted to a function as follows
chan = sshClient.invoke_shell()
chan.send("interface vlan 3\n")
chan.send("description VLAN_TEST\n")
Oddly, this works when I run it from a Python terminal one command at a time.
However, when I call this function from my Python main, it fails. Perhaps the channel is closed too soon when it goes out of scope from the function call?
Please advise if there is a more reasonable way to do this
Regarding sending commands to the configure mode started with SSHClient.exec_commmand, see:
Execute (sub)commands in secondary shell/command on SSH server in Python Paramiko
Though it's quite common that "devices" do not support the "exec" channel at all:
Executing command using Paramiko exec_command on device is not working
Regarding your problem with invoke_shell, it's quite possible that the server needs some time to get ready for the next command.
Quick-and-dirty solution is to "sleep" shortly between the individual send calls.
Better solution to is to wait for command prompt before sending the next command.

Debugging Parse Cloud-Code

What would be the best way to debug Parse Cloud Code? Currently it's a mess of logging to the console and checking logs. Does anyone have a good workable solution?
During development, you should begin by testing against a local hosted server. I.e., I use VS Code. You can set breakpoints and watch variables for their values. You can set up a tool like ngrok to get a remote URL for your local endpoint so you can test with non-local hosted clients if you'd like.
We also use Slack extensively. We've created our own slack bot, and it has several channels it reports relevant information too, triggered from our parse-server. One of these is a dev error channel. Instead of console.logs, which are hard to sift through and find what you're looking for, we push important information to Slack. We don't switch every single console.log to a slack message, just the important "Hey something went wrong here's the information" messages. This brings them to our attention so we can identify and resolve them way faster. Slack is awesome. I recommend using slack, even on a solo project.
at the moment you can access your Logs using a console.log() or console.error() for functions and all general logs of everything that happens with your app, at Back4App you can access using: Server Settings -> Logs -> Settings -> Server System Log.
Or functions and all logs generated by Parse server, they're: and request.log.error(), at Back4App you can access using: Dashboard -> Logs.

Ansible : get playbook result

I am using Ansible to deploy a PHP website into my servers (production, staging, etc), and I would like to get a notification (via skype).
For it I need learn ansible to send post request (with some params) when any ansible task starts or finishes (with result : success/failed or with error description)
Help me please with realization of all this stuff since I have any ideas about it. =(
You have to write your own callback plugin.
Take a look at slack notification plugin.

What is proper way for fixtures while using chimp with Meteor

I'm playing with chimp testing tool. At the moment I can easily run cucumber and mocha tests. The problem is that I don't know how to add DB fixtures. I'd like to have initial data before running some tests (e.g. add test user into system).
BTW that data can be added only by authenticated user and users can be create only by admin or from server level.
Can't find any docs about this for now. Any suggestions?
If you are using Meteor, you can pass the DDP parameter on the command line --DDP=http://localhost:3000 and then use server.execute to run code on the server. This code can then setup data.
If you are not using Meteor, you can use a HTTP call using request.get('http://localhost:8080/addUser').
Through HTTP / DDP you can access the server and create a testing backdoor to setup the data you need.

How can I setup a Database connection for Selenium-WebDriver?

If I run Selenium-WebDriver testcase it runs with the actual database which is configured for the application. But I want to setup a separate database for Selenium-WebDriver testcase For eg. "TestDB". When running the test case WebDriver should use TestDB. Is this possible?
If it possible, Do we need to configure this in any configuration file (*.xml) or anyother way to do this?
Please help me?
Thanks in advance
You may use a copy of your application configured to your 'TestDB' for testing purpose.
Put a extra request parameter with html request. Example :
seleniumTest parameter will only visible with selenium requests.
Capture this parameter in application and select the database on the basis of request parameter provided by selenium. If true map a test database, otherwise production.
Hope this works.