SSRS auto display data in another page when save as PDF - pdf

I have a nested group property Member and Date where Date is nested in Member. My data has returned me 3 Date which resulted in 3 Group.
First group have 2 records and second group have 3 records while third group having 10 records.
Problem here is first 2 group displayed in first page while third group automatically display in second page eventhou first page still have plenty of spaces. May I how to configure so that half of the third group will display in first page while the other half display in second page?


DataTables yadcf Multi select filter Server Side Script

I am using DataTables with Server Side and yadcf Multi select filter.
I have a database that I need to filter by multiple Caja ID, on the Database the Caja ID is just a number (1-30) i already did the yadcf_data_14 for the label and value of the filter.
The filter works almost good when i select 1 filter. If i Select Caja ID = 1 then i shows me all the items that has 1 and also 10 to 19 and 21. I am guessing it is a contains filter not exact value.
Also, when i select the second item to filter, then I shows Nothing.
I need help on getting the filter working when i select 1 to show me exactly the value selected, and when i select 2 filters then show me all the results of the 2 selected values.
Image with 1 Filter:
Image with 2 Filter

Access filters on splitform through query to report

I have a splitform and what I want to do is open report on filter I use in this spltiform. What's important is that in this splitform you can do the correction of the row (you can't edit the previous row, but it creates two additional rows - one is negative and the other is to edit and I have one column which stores the ID of corrected row - CorrectedRowID). So I can't create report based on that table, so I created a query which groups this data by CorrectedRowID and it takes the last row of each ID so I have only the newest row of every ID. Then based on that query I created report.
On the splitform I have button which opens the report. But what I want is that when I have filter in this splitform and I click on the button Open Form it opens the report already on the filters. I have used this code in this button in VBA:
Private Sub Command282_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "tb_ewid_WNT1_raport", acViewPreview, , Me.filter
End Sub
When I create a normal report (not based on query) filter works great, but when I put some filter on the data in this splitform on one column it asks me for the value of the column on which I want to filter my data.
The query returns the newest rows of each ID. For example:
In this case query will return this, so for each CorrectedRowID it returns the highest ID:
I created the report based on this query. And I also created a button on splitform which uses the code I wrote up. When I filter my data and when I click on this button it asks me for the value for some column (it's not the same every time). The values that it asks for are combo boxes which take the values from not the same table. The query uses JOIN.
Where did I make mistake?

How to customize the entries rows of Table Component in CDE PENTAHO?

I have 12 rows in my resultset which I am rendering in the table component in CDE Pentaho. By default 10 entries is shown and next 2 rows goes to next page and for two rows i need to use pagination. My question is how to make by default show rows customize and show 20 rows by default. I want all my rows seen at once in first page. No need of pagination or next to see remaining 2 rows.
Set 'Page length' in advanced properties of the table

How to restrict displaytag to make database call on sorting?

I have a list of 1000 records, and I shown there 1000 records on page load using display tag.
I enabled sorting on some columns, and when I click on the table header to sort, display tag is making a database call and loading all 1000 records again.
How can we restrict to make database calls on sorting for display tag?
Because, we have loaded all the 1000 records, so could we make use of those list without loading the records again?
You are missing a fundamental: Pagination.
You should not load 1000 records at once; load 10 records at once instead (assuming 10 records is what you show in a page), and load the other 10 when changing page / sorting.
Filter them directly in the query (if you are using queries), for example, selecting page 3 (results from 21 to 30) in a query to a minimal "person table", ordered by name, would result it the following SQL:
SELECT id, name, age
FROM ( SELECT id, name, age
FROM table_person
ORDER BY name )
SELECT id, name, age
FROM table_person
and so on.
Be sure to read the documentation related to your database, and simply use query parameters to specify order by, starting row and ending row values.
you can use setFirstResults(), setMaxResults(),instead unnecessarily load all 1000 records.
divde per page max result shown 10 records only, and setFirstResult is restricted records first 5 from your records list.
Criteria cr= database_session.createCriteria(Records.class);
all_records_list = (List<Records>) cr.list();

ssrs report : Facing issues with Master detail kind of report

I need to generate a report of below format. The header repeats only per page.
ItemNr | ItemGenDesc | FulfilmentBin | onHand
CAP100 Capacitor FulFil1 5
binPriority | binBackup | binBackupQty | binMin | binMax
1 bkBUSLOT2 100 1 5
2 bkBUSLOT3 150 2 6
CAP400 Transistor FulFil12 20
CAP500 Transistor FulFil14 30
binPriority | binBackup | binBackupQty | binMin | binMax
1 bkBUSLOT5 250 5 9
My SQL output is as below
I tried to work with 2 tablix and somehow I got the output coming up in preview mode but when I export to PDF, I get blank lines between each item. I am guessing that's because the binPriority grid (detail grid) is hidden when the itemnr count <=1. Also the tablix1 row header appears for every grouping but I want row header to appear once per page.
Can anyone suggest what are the ways to generate this type of report?
Update 1 : Sorry CAP500 in the report should be Radiator. My typo mistake. The report should be grouped by ItemNumber and it is sorted by binPriority. So it will print binpriority=0 in the master grid and then in the detail grid it will print in the order of binPriority. The OnHand that is shown in the master grid is relevant to binPriority= 0.
You can achieve your specified layout with a single Tablix. This is fairly simple if you don't mind Columns 2-4 in your Group heading lining up with Columns 1-3 in your Detail. Since horizontal page real estate isn't really an issue (only 6 columns counting the blank column to the left of your Detail columns), I would take this route.
I'm not sure how much you know about SSRS, so forgive me if this explanation is too rudimentary. Others with less experience than you might find it helpful as well.
Right Click the Detail Row on your Tablix.
Select Add Group => Row Group => Parent Group.
Set the Group By value to ItemNumber and check the "Add Group Header" box.
This creates a Group By Column, which I would delete for your specified layout. Make sure to only delete the Column, not the Row Group.
In the Grouping Window (down at the bottom by default), right click the ItemNumber Row Group and select Group Properties.
On the Sorting tab/menu, set the Sort By value to binPriority.
Right Click your new Row Group Row on the Tablix and select Insert Row => Inside Group Above. You'll need to do this twice so you have 3 Row headings in the Row Group.
Insert 3 more columns for a total of 6 columns in your Tablix.
Put your ItemNr, ItemGenDesc, FulfilmentBin, onHand Labels and Values in the first two Rows, first 4 Columns of your Row Group.
Put your binPriority, binBackup, binBackupQty, binMin, binMax Labels in the Last Row, Last 5 columns of your Row Group.
Put your binPriority, binBackup, binBackupQty, binMin, binMax Values in the Last 5 columns of your Detail Row.