Can I share beyondCompare setting between machines? - beyondcompare4

On my linux machine beyondCompare's settings are stored in ~/.config/bcompare. I would like to share these between my different machines. Can I:
Create a git repo in ~/repos/bcompareSettings
Move the contents of ~/.config/bcompare to ~/repos/bcompareSettings
Symlink ~/.config/bcompare to ~/repos/bcompareSettings
Push/Pull the git repo periodically and share it among different machines?


Where to store git repo to run swa efficiently using wsl2?

I'm trying to run my static web app using Windows Subsystem for Linux (2), but I can't figure out where on my computer I should store the git repository to be able to run it decently quickly. I have tried storing it on under /mnt/c/{workfolder}, but it takes several minutes to start up (using npm run start), and I have to rerun to see any changes. This is useless when I'm trying to work...
I have also tried to store it in /mnt/wsl/{workfolder}, and in that case it starts up quickly and I can see my changes without rerunning the app. However, it seems to disappears when I restart my computer.
Where should I store the git repository to be able to run the app quickly and see changes without rerunning? I'm assuming there's something I'm not understanding, help me get this it you know.
You'll want it somewhere on the ext4 partition of the WSL distribution. Typically, the best place is going to be under your WSL /home/<username> folder.
I would recommend:
mkdir ~/src
# or
mkdir ~/projects
# or something similar
Then create subdirectories for each project in that directory.
Why the others don't work:
/mnt/c is the Windows C: drive. That drive is mounted into WSL2 using the 9P network file system, and yes, it's (a) slow, and (b) does not support inotify, so apps cannot register for notifications of changes to files.
/mnt/wsl is a tmpfs mount. It's really there for holding things that need to be shared between all running WSL instances. The auto-generated resolv.conf that you see there is one of those things. You can also use it for copying a file from one WSL distribution to another -- Simply copy the file to /mnt/wsl, start another WSL distribution, and copy or move the file out.
But yes, all tmpfs mounts are ephemeral and will terminate when the last WSL2 distribution/instance terminates.

sshfs: will a mount overwrite existing files? Can I tell it to exclude a certain subfolder?

I'm running Ubuntu and have a remote CentOS system which stores (and has access to) various files and network locations. I have SSH access to the CentOS machine and want to be able to work locally on Ubuntu.
I'm trying to mirror a remote directory structure. The remote directory is structured:
And I want to replicate this structure locally (a lot of scripts rely on absolute paths).
However, for reasons of speed, I want a certain subfolder, for example:
To be stored locally on disk. I know the sourcelibs subfolder doesn't change much (but the rest might). So I can comfortably rsync it:
mkdir -p /my_data/user/sourcelibs/
rsync -r remote_user#remote_host:/my_data/user/sourcelibs/ /my_data/user/sourcelibs/
My question is, if I use sshfs to mount /my_data/user:
sudo sshfs -o allow_other,default_permissions, remote_user#remote_host:/my_data/user /my_data/user
Will it overwrite my existing files? Is there a way to have sshfs mount but exclude certain subfolders?
Yes, sshfs will overwrite existing files. I have almost the same use case and just tested this myself. BTW, you'll need to add -o nonempty to your sshfs command since the destination dir /my_data/user already exists.
What I found to work is make a copy of the remote directory excluding the large sub dirs. IDK if keeping 2 copies in sync on the remote machine is feasible for your use case? But if you'll mostly be updating on your local machine and rarely making changes remotely, that could work.

Two Mercurial repos. on remote machine -- one is cloneable via ssh; the other, not

On my LAN, on a remote machine people there are two Mercurial repositories in my home directory: Documents and stage. Just to be quite clear: these two subdirectories are each a Mercurial repository and they are peers of one another on the same machine.
When on another machine I run hg clone ssh://people:3887/Documents, the repository is cloned as expected. When I run hg clone ssh://people:3887/stage the response is:
remote: abort: error: node name or service name not known
abort: no suitable response from remote hg!
What could be different about these two repositories that means that one is cloneable and the other not? On the local machine itself, as the same user as which I am sshing, I can run all the usual hg commands without problems in either repository. I can't see anything obvious in the permissions on the two repositories, including on the files in .hg/ and in any case, I can do all Mercurial operations locally as the same user.
Problem solved by renaming stage to Stage on the host machine. The repository can then be cloned as normal.

Exposing application's codebase to the vagrant instance

I'm trying to run an application using vagrant. I have a directory where the codebase of app is placed and the .vagrant dir that is created there after its initializing. It looks so:
There is a some very short manual about what to do ( and I stopped at the point 9 where is said:
9) Expose [app] codebase to the vagrant instance... If you have the
codebase checkout out, you can copy or move it into the current
So it's not clear for me what to copy and where? Does it mean some place within vagrant (if yes, then which exactly?) or some another place? Or I should just make a command vagrant ssh now?
From the Vagrant documentation:
By default, Vagrant will share your project directory (the directory with the Vagrantfile) to /vagrant.
So you should find your codebase root should under /vagrant on your guest.
This is always going to be a little confusing, so you need to separate the concepts of the host system and the VM.
Let's say the shared directory (the one with the Vagrantfile) is [something]/vagrant on your host system. Copy your app directory to [something]/vagrant/nupic (or run git clone in that directory) while still in Windows. Check using Windows Explorer that you see all the source files.
In a console window, cd to [something]/vagrant and run vagrant ssh.
You are now in the VM, so everything is now the VM's filesystem. Your code is now in /vagrant/nupic. Edit .bashrc as per the instructions to point to this directory, and run the build commands.

convert maven local repository to remote repository

I have a repository directory under .m2 that I want to use as a remote repository (-Dmaven.repo.remote=http://remotehostname/repo) to other hosts. I tried just to expose the directory .m2/repository/ under Apache as http://remotehostname/repo, the directory is fully visible via HTTP, but Maven doesn't seem to be reading from the exposed repo. For various reasons, I do not want to add this new remote repo to settings.xml; limit it to -Dmaven.repo.remote
What do I need to do to convert a local repo under .m2 as a remote repo?
Further to #Perception's answer, you can look at Nexus Command Line tool, which can help convert your local repo to nexus repo
I haven't heard of any maven repository manager that can simply mirror your .m2 folder (which is just a local repository). You need to install and configure repository management software ... there are many free, open source ones, I recommend Artifactory or Nexus.
Nexus does fit very closely with your requirements since it uses a file based repository, and the file layout matches with the local repo layout.