How to print SearchRequest - nest

I'm trying to validate filter generation logic, so I have an instance of SearchRequest, but how to get a String representation of it ?
I don't have SearchResponse, only SearchRequest since I'm simply capturing it in my test.
This doesn't compile "Can't convert from NestSearchRequest" to byte[].
This doesn't work either, there is no Client class in Nest and ElasticClient doesn't have Serializer property (Nest 1.6.0/Elasticsearch 1.6.1).

Here's a complete example for how to get the json representation of a query, using NEST 1.6.0
void Main()
var client = new ElasticClient(connection: new InMemoryConnection());
var query = Query<Document>.Match(m => m
.OnField(f => f.Name)
.Query("Match This Name")
var json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(client.Serializer.Serialize(query));
public class Document
public string Name { get; set; }
which prints the following to the console
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "Match This Name"


How to change JSON returned by query using Helidon 2.0.0-M-2

I'm using Helidon 2.0.0-M2.
When I run the query below I get back a list of JSON objects.
dbClient.execute(exec -> exec.createNamedQuery("select-dsitem-by-id")
.addParam("userId", dataItemId)
.exceptionally(throwable -> sendError(throwable, response));
Returned list
"data": "qwerty",
"user_id": "12345"
"data": "qwerty123",
"user_id": "22345"
The attribute names seem to be taken directly from the database column name. e.g. one attribute name returned is "user_id". However, I want it to be "userId". I also want to create a parent wrapper for this list like:
"userList": [
"data": "qwerty",
"user_id": "12345"
"data": "qwerty123",
"user_id": "22345"
What is the best way to do this with the dbclient?
Simple approach:
Change your SQL statement to return the correct name, such as:
SELECT data, user_id as userId FROM mytable
Complicated approach:
We are working on a better support to map to a JSON stream.
Currently there is only one (a bit complicated) way to achieve this:
You can create a custom mapper from a DbRow to JsonObject. This mapper needs to be a general one (it must work for any DbRow of any query).
The built-in mapper uses metadata provided on the columns. I have prepared a simple example (that just expects to have a single type of statements):
class DbRecordMapperProvider implements DbMapperProvider {
private static final DbMapper<JsonObject> MAPPER = new DbRecordMapper();
public <T> Optional<DbMapper<T>> mapper(Class<T> aClass) {
if (JsonObject.class.equals(aClass)) {
return Optional.of((DbMapper<T>)MAPPER);
return Optional.empty();
class DbRecordMapper implements DbMapper<JsonObject> {
public JsonObject read(DbRow dbRow) {
return Json.createObjectBuilder()
.add("name", dbRow.column("FIRSTPART").as(String.class))
.add("message", dbRow.column("SECONDPART").as(String.class))
public Map<String, ?> toNamedParameters(JsonObject dbRecord) {
return dbRecord;
public List<?> toIndexedParameters(JsonObject dbRecord) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot convert json object to indexed parameters");
The important method is public JsonObject read(DbRow dbRow).
Once you have such a DbMapperProvider, you register it with the DbClient:
dbClient = DbClient.builder()
.mapperProvider(new DbRecordMapperProvider())

Swashbuckle 5 and multipart/form-data HelpPages

I am stuck trying to get Swashbuckle 5 to generate complete help pages for an ApiController with a Post request using multipart/form-data parameters. The help page for the action comes up in the browser, but there is not included information on the parameters passed in the form. I have created an operation filter and enabled it in SwaggerConfig, the web page that includes the URI parameters, return type and other info derived from XML comments shows in the browser help pages; however, nothing specified in the operation filter about the parameters is there, and the help page contains no information about the parameters.
I must be missing something. Are there any suggestion on what I may have missed?
Operation filter code:
public class AddFormDataUploadParamTypes : IOperationFilter
public void Apply(Operation operation, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, ApiDescription apiDescription) {
if (operation.operationId == "Documents_Upload")
operation.parameters = new[]
new Parameter
name = "anotherid",
#in = "formData",
description = "Optional identifier associated with the document.",
required = false,
type = "string",
format = "uuid"
new Parameter
name = "documentid",
#in = "formData",
description = "The document identifier of the slot reserved for the document.",
required = false,
type = "string",
format = "uuid"
new Parameter
name = "documenttype",
#in = "formData",
description = "Specifies the kind of document being uploaded. This is not a file name extension.",
required = true,
type = "string"
new Parameter
name = "emailfrom",
#in = "formData",
description = "A optional email origination address used in association with the document if it is emailed to a receiver.",
required = false,
type = "string"
new Parameter
name = "emailsubject",
#in = "formData",
description = "An optional email subject line used in association with the document if it is emailed to a receiver.",
required = false,
type = "string"
new Parameter
name = "file",
#in = "formData",
description = "File to upload.",
required = true,
type = "file"
With Swashbuckle v5.0.0-rc4 methods listed above do not work. But by reading OpenApi spec I have managed to implement a working solution for uploading a single file. Other parameters can be easily added:
public class FileUploadOperationFilter : IOperationFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
var isFileUploadOperation =
context.MethodInfo.CustomAttributes.Any(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(YourMarkerAttribute));
if (!isFileUploadOperation) return;
var uploadFileMediaType = new OpenApiMediaType()
Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
Type = "object",
Properties =
["uploadedFile"] = new OpenApiSchema()
Description = "Upload File",
Type = "file",
Format = "binary"
Required = new HashSet<string>()
operation.RequestBody = new OpenApiRequestBody
Content =
["multipart/form-data"] = uploadFileMediaType
I presume you figured out what your problem was. I was able to use your posted code to make a perfect looking 'swagger ui' interface complete with the file [BROWSE...] input controls.
I only modified your code slightly so it is applied when it detects my preferred ValidateMimeMultipartContentFilter attribute stolen from Damien Bond. Thus, my slightly modified version of your class looks like this:
public class AddFormDataUploadParamTypes<T> : IOperationFilter
public void Apply(Operation operation, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, ApiDescription apiDescription)
var actFilters = apiDescription.ActionDescriptor.GetFilterPipeline();
var supportsDesiredFilter = actFilters.Select(f => f.Instance).OfType<T>().Any();
if (supportsDesiredFilter)
operation.parameters = new[]
//other parameters omitted for brevity
new Parameter
name = "file",
#in = "formData",
description = "File to upload.",
required = true,
type = "file"
Here's my Swagger UI:
My NuGets
<package id="Swashbuckle" version="5.5.3" targetFramework="net461" />
<package id="Swashbuckle.Core" version="5.5.3" targetFramework="net461" />
Swagger Config Example
public class SwaggerConfig
public static void Register()
var thisAssembly = typeof(SwaggerConfig).Assembly;
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.Schemes(new[] { "https" });
// Use "SingleApiVersion" to describe a single version API. Swagger 2.0 includes an "Info" object to
// hold additional metadata for an API. Version and title are required but you can also provide
// additional fields by chaining methods off SingleApiVersion.
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "MyCorp.WebApi.Tsl");
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
// If your API supports ApiKey, you can override the default values.
// "apiKeyIn" can either be "query" or "header"
//c.EnableApiKeySupport("apiKey", "header");
UPDATE March 2019
I don't have quick access to the original project above, but, here's an example API controller from a different project...
Controller signature:
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Description = "Returns JSON object filled with descriptive data about the image.")]
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, Description = "No appropriate equipment record found for this endpoint")]
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Description = "This request was fulfilled previously")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostSignatureImage(Guid key)
You'll note that there's no actual parameter representing my file in the signature, you can see below that I just spin up a MultipartFormDataStreamProvider to suck out the incoming POST'd form data.
Controller Body:
var signatureImage = await db.SignatureImages.Where(img => img.Id == key).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (signatureImage == null)
return NotFound();
if (!signatureImage.IsOpenForCapture)
ModelState.AddModelError("CaptureDateTime", $"This equipment has already been signed once on {signatureImage.CaptureDateTime}");
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
string fileName = String.Empty;
string ServerUploadFolder = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/");
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(ServerUploadFolder + key.ToString());
if (di.Exists == true)
ModelState.AddModelError("id", "It appears an upload for this item is either in progress or has already occurred.");
var fullPathToFinalFile = String.Empty;
var streamProvider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(di.FullName);
await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(streamProvider);
foreach (MultipartFileData fileData in streamProvider.FileData)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileData.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName))
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable);
fileName = cleanFileName(fileData.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName);
fullPathToFinalFile = Path.Combine(di.FullName, fileName);
File.Move(fileData.LocalFileName, fullPathToFinalFile);
signatureImage.Image = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPathToFinalFile);
signatureImage.FileName = streamProvider.FileData.Select(entry => cleanFileName(entry.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName)).First();
signatureImage.FileLength = signatureImage.Image.LongLength;
signatureImage.IsOpenForCapture = false;
signatureImage.CaptureDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
signatureImage.MimeType = streamProvider.FileData.Select(entry => entry.Headers.ContentType.MediaType).First();
db.Entry(signatureImage).State = EntityState.Modified;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
if (!SignatureImageExists(key))
return NotFound();
char[] placeHolderImg = paperClipIcon_svg.ToCharArray();
signatureImage.Image = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(placeHolderImg, 0, placeHolderImg.Length);
return Ok(signatureImage);
Extending #bkwdesign very useful answer...
His/her code includes:
//other parameters omitted for brevity
You can actually pull all the parameter information (for the non-multi-part form parameters) from the parameters to the filter. Inside the check for supportsDesiredFilter, do the following:
if (operation.parameters.Count != apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions.Count)
throw new ApplicationException("Inconsistencies in parameters count");
var parametersList = new List<Parameter>(apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions.Count + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions.Count; ++i)
var schema = schemaRegistry.GetOrRegister(apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions[i].ParameterDescriptor.ParameterType);
parametersList.Add(new Parameter
name = apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions[i].Name,
#in = operation.parameters[i].#in,
description = operation.parameters[i].description,
required = !apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions[i].ParameterDescriptor.IsOptional,
type = apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions[i].ParameterDescriptor.ParameterType.FullName,
schema = schema,
parametersList.Add(new Parameter
name = "fileToUpload",
#in = "formData",
description = "File to upload.",
required = true,
type = "file"
operation.parameters = parametersList;
first it checks to make sure that the two arrays being passed in are consistent. Then it walks through the arrays to pull out the required info to put into the collection of Swashbuckle Parameters.
The hardest thing was to figure out that the types needed to be registered in the "schema" in order to have them show up in the Swagger UI. But, this works for me.
Everything else I did was consistent with #bkwdesign's post.

How to request same parameter twice in query string?

I am trying to request the following query string url: api/item?name=storm&name=prest
I am using the following code below and I cannot get the code to work.
public class ItemController : ApiController
private cdwEntities db = new cdwEntities();
public HttpResponseMessage Get([FromUri] Query query)
var data = db.database_ICs.AsQueryable();
if ( != null)
**data = data.Where(c => c.Name.Split("&").Contains(;**
if (!= null)
data = data.Where(c => c.ID==;
if (!data.Any())
var message = string.Format("No data was found");
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);
Any help would be very much appreciated.
You can use post Api and send array of [name].
name = [item1,item2....]
public void Post([FromBody] List<string> name) {
You can not pass same name key in Querystring. Browser/Code did not identified which is correct value, if you want multiple value then pass as a object.

Customize binding in ASP.NET Web Api

I am stuck with following problem in ASP.NET Web Api. Let say I have following code in my ApiController:
public void Post(Person person)
// Handle the argument
What I would like to do is to accept following JSON request:
"person": {
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 27
I would like to go around creating some holding object for each model just to properly bind incoming data. In previous version of MVC, it was possible to define something like Prefix to solve this.
Let me report that I have been able to solve this implementing CustomJsonMediaTypeFormatter:
public class EmberJsonMediaTypeFormatter : JsonMediaTypeFormatter
public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task<object> ReadFromStreamAsync(
Type type,
System.IO.Stream readStream,
System.Net.Http.HttpContent content,
IFormatterLogger formatterLogger)
return base.ReadFromStreamAsync(
formatterLogger).ContinueWith<object>((task) =>
var data = task.Result as JObject;
var prefix= type.Name.ToLower();
if (data[prefix] == null)
return GetDefaultValueForType(type);
var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(SerializerSettings);
return data[prefix].ToObject(type, serializer);
and replacing default JsonMediaTypeFormatter in GlobalConfiguration.

How can I use MEF to manage interdependent modules?

I found this question difficult to express (particularly in title form), so please bear with me.
I have an application that I am continually modifying to do different things. It seems like MEF might be a good way to manage the different pieces of functionality. Broadly speaking, there are three sections of the application that form a pipeline of sorts:
In it's simplest form, I can express each of these stages as an interface (IAcquisition etc). The problems start when I want to use acquisition components that provides richer data than standard. I want to design modules that use this richer data, but I can't rely on it being there.
I could, of course, add all of the data to the interface specification. I could deal with poorer data sources by throwing an exception or returning a null value. This seems a long way from ideal.
I'd prefer to do the MEF binding in three stages, such that modules are offered to the user only if they are compatible with those selected previously.
So my question: Can I specify metadata which restricts the set of available imports?
An example:
Acquision1 offers BasicData only
Acquision2 offers BasicData and AdvancedData
Transformation1 requires BasicData
Transformation2 requires BasicData and AdvancedData
Acquisition module is selected first.
If Acquisition1 is selected, don't offer Transformation 2, otherwise offer both.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Your question suggests a structure like this:
public class BasicData
public string Basic { get; set; } // example data
public class AdvancedData : BasicData
public string Advanced { get; set; } // example data
Now you have your acquisition, transformation and expression components. You want to be able to deal with different kinds of data, so they're generic:
public interface IAcquisition<out TDataKind>
TDataKind Acquire();
public interface ITransformation<TDataKind>
TDataKind Transform(TDataKind data);
public interface IExpression<in TDataKind>
void Express(TDataKind data);
And now you want to build a pipeline out of them that looks like this:
So let's start building a pipeline builder:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Primitives;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
// namespace ...
public static class PipelineBuidler
private static readonly string AcquisitionIdentity =
private static readonly string TransformationIdentity =
private static readonly string ExpressionIdentity =
public static Action BuildPipeline(ComposablePartCatalog catalog,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> acquisitionSelector,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> transformationSelector,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> expressionSelector)
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
The class holds MEF type identities for your three contract interfaces. We'll need those later to identify the correct exports. Our BuildPipeline method returns an Action. That is going to be the pipeline, so we can just do pipeline(). It takes a ComposablePartCatalog and three Funcs (to select an export). That way, we can keep all the dirty work inside this class. Then we start by creating a CompositionContainer.
Now we have to build ImportDefinitions, first for the acquisition component:
var aImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == AcquisitionIdentity), null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
This ImportDefinition simply filters out all exports of the IAcquisition<> interface. Now we can give it to the container:
var aExports = container.GetExports(aImportDef).ToArray();
aExports now holds all IAcquisition<> exports in the catalog. So let's run the selector on this:
var selectedAExport = aExports[acquisitionSelector(aExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
And there we have our acquisition component:
var acquisition = selectedAExport.Value;
var acquisitionDataKind = (Type)selectedAExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
Now we're going to do the same for the transformation and the expression components, but with one slight difference: The ImportDefinition is going to ensure that each component can handle the output of the previous component.
var tImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == TransformationIdentity) && ((Type)def.Metadata["DataKind"]).IsAssignableFrom(acquisitionDataKind),
null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
var tExports = container.GetExports(tImportDef).ToArray();
var selectedTExport = tExports[transformationSelector(tExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
var transformation = selectedTExport.Value;
var transformationDataKind = (Type)selectedTExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
var eImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == ExpressionIdentity) && ((Type)def.Metadata["DataKind"]).IsAssignableFrom(transformationDataKind),
null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
var eExports = container.GetExports(eImportDef).ToArray();
var selectedEExport = eExports[expressionSelector(eExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
var expression = selectedEExport.Value;
var expressionDataKind = (Type)selectedEExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
And now we can wire it all up in an expression tree:
var acquired = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(acquisition), typeof(IAcquisition<>).MakeGenericType(acquisitionDataKind).GetMethod("Acquire"));
var transformed = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(transformation), typeof(ITransformation<>).MakeGenericType(transformationDataKind).GetMethod("Transform"), acquired);
var expressed = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(expression), typeof(IExpression<>).MakeGenericType(expressionDataKind).GetMethod("Express"), transformed);
return Expression.Lambda<Action>(expressed).Compile();
And that's it! A simple example application would look like this:
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic acquisition")]
public class Acquisition1 : IAcquisition<BasicData>
public BasicData Acquire()
return new BasicData { Basic = "Acquisition1" };
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced acquisition")]
public class Acquisition2 : IAcquisition<AdvancedData>
public AdvancedData Acquire()
return new AdvancedData { Advanced = "Acquisition2A", Basic = "Acquisition2B" };
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic transformation")]
public class Transformation1 : ITransformation<BasicData>
public BasicData Transform(BasicData data)
data.Basic += " - Transformed1";
return data;
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced transformation")]
public class Transformation2 : ITransformation<AdvancedData>
public AdvancedData Transform(AdvancedData data)
data.Basic += " - Transformed2";
data.Advanced += " - Transformed2";
return data;
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic expression")]
public class Expression1 : IExpression<BasicData>
public void Express(BasicData data)
Console.WriteLine("Expression1: {0}", data.Basic);
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced expression")]
public class Expression2 : IExpression<AdvancedData>
public void Express(AdvancedData data)
Console.WriteLine("Expression2: ({0}) - ({1})", data.Basic, data.Advanced);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var pipeline = PipelineBuidler.BuildPipeline(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Program).Assembly), StringSelector, StringSelector, StringSelector);
static int StringSelector(IEnumerable<string> strings)
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in strings)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", i++, item);
return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());