Trying to get Stenohide to work - dll

Just downloaded the stenohide zip file, and copied the given .dll files onto windows\system32
However when I try to run stenohide.exe, it does not work at all.
Could you please help, thanks.
Error message- I put the exe on my desktop and tried to run it, and error message said:
The program can't start because cygwin1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling...
I have cygwin1 in my system32 directory.


How do I download a file in a custom directory?

I googled it and no help. I am making a program here people register and then they can download some indie games i am creating. But i am having problems with the download function. When i go to download the game / program i am getting a error saying i need a file extension here is the code i am trying
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("", "C:\ProgramData\GamingcenterApp\games")
I need it to be like this because it is downloading a games folder that the gaming center will know it is installed so it can open the app.
Thanks GamingBlock
Let me explain what to do. DownloadFile downloads a file to your PC, and not a folder. Here is the fixed code:
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("C:\ProgramData\GamingcenterApp\games", "READ_ME.txt")
Folders are purposely not supposed to be downloaded by the DownloadFile call. I haven't tested your code but it could generate an exception.
Argument 1 is the file you want to download from the internet, and Arguement 2 is the file name. Not the directory you want it to download to. Also, You can't set the text in the .txt file by code. And of course this will generate an exception because I tested your code.
If this does not help, Simply comment on this answer and I will try to improve it.

Right use of the .dll file?

I need to use the Corel Photo-Paint so I already installed it in my PC.
When I wanted to run the program I get the error:
This programme can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing . Try to reinstall this.
So, I download the .dll file and then I copied in the path:
Now I get this:
The entry point procedure ucrtbase.terminate not found in the dynamic link library api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
How can I fix this problem and finally use the program?
*This is not about programming but I don't know how to use this forum correctly.
Do you have the ucrtbase.dll on your system?
if you don't, you can download it here:
Then extract it in **c:\windows\SysWOW64** folder
Try again

Cannot get PDB to load. "A matching symbol file was not found in this folder."

I've got a project that debugging was working just fine about an hour ago, and now after the latest rebuild I can't get it to load the symbol files, so I cannot hit my breakpoints.
I've tried everything suggested here on Fixing “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.” and cannot get it to load my PDB. There are a ton of questions on .PDB files not loading here on SO and I've spent the last hour going through as many of them as I can and trying everything suggested, but to no avail.
I've tried Build>Rebuild Solution, Build>Clean+ Build>Build Solution, Build>Clean + Build>Rebuild Solution, manually deleting all files from the BIN output folder + Build Solution and/or Rebuild Solution. The same thing happens in each case; the compiler creates a brand spanking new .DLL and .PDB file, yet the .PDB refuses to load at runtime.
I've even tried Debug>Windows>Modules>[Right-Click on offending symbol library]>Load Symbols and I manually browsed to the correct .PDB file, but when I hit Open it just tells me "A matching symbol file was not found in this folder".
Using Debug>Windows>Modules>[Right click...]>Load Symbol Information gives me:
C:\Windows\ssoederPDMupgrade.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
PDB does not match image.
PDB does not match image. C:\Windows\ssoederPDMupgrade.pdb: Cannot
find or open the PDB file.
C:\Windows\symbols\dll\ssoederPDMupgrade.pdb: Cannot find or open the
PDB file. C:\Windows\dll\ssoederPDMupgrade.pdb: Cannot find or open
the PDB file.
Cannot find or open the PDB file.
Cannot find or open the PDB file.
PDB does not match image. SYMSRV:
not found
not found Symbols not found on
symbol server.
Not much of an answer but...
I think something became corrupt in VS Express 2013. I have no idea how or why - and I may be totally wrong here, but the simple matter is what got my breakpoints working was installing VS Community 2015.
After installing VS Community 2015 (VSC 2015) the symbol file loads without problem, and all breakpoints are hit. This also got everything working in my existing VS Express 2013 (VSC 2013) installation, so I can work in either one now without problem.
Event timeline:
I've been working in VSE 2013 on this same project for a month or two now. Writing a class library, debugging using Debug>Attach to process.
I made some changes yesterday to code within a single class module (no other changes) and used Build>Rebuild Solution to clean and re-generate the current configuration (DEBUG) output files.
Event horizon: I went to debug using Attach to process as usual, and my break point appeared hollow with the message it would not be hit because no symbols had been loaded.
I spent quite a bit of time trying to work this out before posting here (see my original question for details on what was tried).
Received suggestion from #HansPassant regarding use of Symchk from command line. Tried to follow instructions linked to and was unable to get it working - command line didn't recognize Symchk or Symchk.exe as valid commands/processes/etc.
I downloaded WDK 8.1 update and installed.
Opened VSE 2013, received an error message regarding a driver failing to load, application froze before loading up. Actually, after trying multiple times I found it would sometimes get to the welcome screen - but remained unresponsive even then.
Went on M$ VS site to download latest copy of VSE 2013 installation files to do a repair-install, and I noticed there was a newer version: VSC 2015.
Downloaded and installed VSC 2015.
Opened project, started debugging by using Debug>Attach to process and it worked - all symbols loaded and my breakpoints worked. NOTE: I changed nothing with the project * - just opened it and ran.
* unless some changes are made by the IDE unbeknownst to me just by opening the project.
This seemed to repair whatever driver was corrupted in the VS2013 install as well, as I went back to VSE 2013 and it opened without error AND I was able to open the same project and do Attach to process and all symbols loaded and breakpoints are working again.
I had the same problem with VS2013 Ultimate. I did a clean and build of the assembly several times, and I deleted all temporary files from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files.
I also verified that in "Debug -> Options and Settings -> Symbols", there were no modules excluded... in the end, I found a reference that was different from that deployed into the GAC.
I'm glad you got it to work CBRF23! I had this problem when trying to compile a DirectX effect file in DevC++. The easiest way I found of downloading pdbs is to first download WinDBG here:
Then as an example, say you want to download d3dx9d.pdb. copy d3dx9d.dll from C:\windows\system32 and paste another copy into your (debugger) windbg symchk.exe folder, then connect to your internet server, go to the windows start menu, Run: [then type] cmd [press enter], next go to the windbg debugger folder by going to the Command Prompt (MS-DOS Window)
(if it's in the C:\windbg_6p12p0002p633\debugger_x86 folder for example, then type):
cd windbg_6p12p0002p633[enter]
cd debugger_x86
[and finally type the following but change the double asterisk** to one asterisk *:]
symchk /if d3dx9d.dll srv**c:\symbols*\mainserver\symbols*
Please note again, that there is only supposed to be one asterisk after srv (the post would interpret an asterisk as italic or bold), not two then it will open symchk.exe and download the pdb symbol file associated with the inputted dll into the created C:\symbols\ folder automatically!
Did you try these steps?
1- delete the .SUO file
2- make a CLEAN BUILD.

Intellij compiler error - failed to copy from temporary location to output directory

IntelliJ was working fine on my machine and suddenly it started to give me these errors when I compile
"failed to copy from temporary location to output directory: path-of-the-temporary-compiled class-in-the-user-temp-directory"
If I remove the module from the project and add it again and compile the file, it works fine for sometime and then starts giving this error.
Tried cleaning up the user dir, shutdown and restart, etc. No luck
IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.3 on Windows 7. Also on IntelliJ IDEA 12.0.1 on Windows 7.
I got the exact error.
I fixed this problem by Rebuilding the project.
Click on Build -> Rebuild Project..
This will resolve the problem. Thanks.
I got the same error but did not see any answer to this question so thought of posting my solution(workaround) for this:
As the error mentioned failure to copy from temporary location which was point to Temp folder so I tried cleaning up the Temporary files etc. using Disk Cleanup of C:\ and that resolved the error for me.
NOTE: This is just a temporary workaround, I would love to get a real solution to this. I am using IntelliJ IDEA 12.0.1.
I got the same error and restarted the IntelliJ IDEA which fixed the problem. I think when I restarted, the process was killed and associated files in temp files were delete..
Next time when I get it I will compare the no of files in temp folder before and after restart.
It's works by set resources config in the pom file

Admob in Titanium can't build

Maybe i'm just being stupid, or perhaps Titanium has moved on, but i'm trying to run your command in Terminal and i get an error:
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
The file I download have this name:
I cant find '' anywhere
I trie to rename it and put it on module folder but nothing happens.
any help
With Titanium its always worth restarting everything, deleting your build folder and any other voodoo you can think of before giving up, esp when messing with modules. That error looks somewhat familiar.