How to disable admin port in DropWizard while using gzip server mode/type - gzip

I am trying to disable admin port in DropWizard while using 'gzip' server mode.
I know this is possible in 'simple' server. Below is the .yml file configuration. -
type: simple
but I want to disable admin port in gzip server mode.
bufferSize: 8KiB
NOTE: I cant use 'simple' server as we have dependency on 'gzip'.
I am out of ideas now any help is really appreciated.

The default Dropwizard config includes an admin connector. To prevent this, you will need to explicitly tell it to not include any admin connectors:
bufferSize: 8KiB
adminConnectors: []


Spring cloud config git refreshRate behaviour

I am trying to setup Spring Cloud Config Server and want to enable auto refresh of properties based on changes to the backing git repository.
Below is the bootstrap.yml of the server.
port: 8080
name: my-configserver
bootstrap: true
uri: /Users/anoop/Documents/centralconfig
refreshRate: 15
searchPaths: {application}/properties
enabled: true
As per the documentation determines
how often the config server will fetch updated configuration data from
your Git backend
I see that the config clients are not notified of changes, when the configuration changes. I have not configured a git hook for this and was hoping that just setting the property would do the job.
Since you have configured the refreshRate property, whenever config client (other applications) call config server to fetch properties (this happens when either the application starts or application calls /actuator/refresh endpoint), they will get properties which were fetched 15 seconds (your refreshRate) old.
By default the refreshRate property is set to 0, meaning any time client applications ask for property config server will fetch latest from GIT.
I don't think there is any property which lets your client apps get notified in case of change/commits in the GIT. This is something your app needs to do by calling actuator/refresh endpoint. This can be done programmatically using some scheduler (though I wouldn't recommend that).
By default, the config client just reads the properties in git repo at startup and not again.
You can actually have a way to workaround by force bean to refresh its configuration from the config server.
First, you need to add #RefreshScope annotation in the bean where config needs to be reloaded.
Second, enable spring boot actuator in application.yml of config client.
# enable dynamic configuration changes using spring boot actuator
include: '*'
And then config a scheduled job (by using #Scheduled annotation with fixedRate,...). Of course, fixedRate should conform with refreshRate from config server.
And inside that job, it will execute the request as below:
curl -X POST http://username:password#localhost:8888/refresh
Then your config client will be notified changes in config repo every fixRate interval.
The property is configured in the Config Server and controls how frequently it is going to pull updates, if any, from Git. Otherwise, the Config Server's default behaviour is to connect to the Git repo only when some client requests its configuration.
Git Repo -> Config Server
It has no effect in the communication between the Config Server and its clients.
Config Server -> Spring Boot app (Config Server clients)
Spring Boot apps built with Config Server clients pull all configuration from the Config Server during their startup. To enable them to dynamically change the initially loaded configuration, you need to perform the following steps in your Spring Boot apps aka Config Server clients:
Include Spring Boot Actuator in the classpath, for example using Gradle:
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
Enable the actuator refresh endpoint via the management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=refresh property
Annotate the Beans holding the properties in your code with #RefreshScope, for example:
public class BookService {
private int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
With the application running, commit some property change into the repo:
git commit -am "Testing property changes"
Trigger the updating process by sending a HTTP POST request to the refresh endpoint, for example (using httpie and assuming your app is running locally at the port 8080:
http post :8080/actuator/refresh
and the response should be something like below indicating which properties, if any, have changed
HTTP/1.1 200
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 10:18:48 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Setting up Sahi, Behat & PhantomJS on Vagrant

I'm trying to set up automated testing with PhantomJS, Behat and Sahi on my vagrant machine.
I'm getting the following output, when trying to run a test with behat:
Exception has been thrown in "afterStep" hook, defined in FeatureContext::afterStep()
Connection time limit reached
Here is my
# dirs. Relative paths are relative to userdata dir. Separate directories with semi-colon
# default log directory.
# Directory where auto generated ssl cerificates are stored
# Use external proxy server for http
# Use external proxy server for https
# There is only one bypass list for both secure and insecure.
# Mark this property true to disable the proxy alert
And my browswer_types.xml:
<options>--ignore-ssl-errors=yes --proxy=localhost:9999 --ssl-protocol=any /usr/local/sahi/phantomjs-sahi.js</options>
javascript_session: sahi
browser_name: phantomjs
goutte: ~
host: localhost
port: 9999
Sahi run output:
SAHI_USERDATA_DIR: ../userdata
Sahi properties file = /usr/local/sahi/config/
Sahi user properties file = /usr/local/sahi/userdata/config/
Added shutdown hook.
>>>> Sahi OS v5.0 started. Listening on port: 9999
>>>> Configure your browser to use this server and port as its proxy
>>>> Browse any page and CTRL-ALT-DblClick on the page to bring up the Sahi Controller
Reading browser types from: /usr/local/sahi/userdata/config/browser_types.xml
I've tried reinstalling a bunch of stuff, tried playing around with the ports, processes, proxy settings, nothing.
your vagrant comes with an empty or no db. so when you try to connect to your app, e.g log in with some known user it will crash cause it won't find it!
all the best ;)
Since version 4.3.2 of BrowserType change settings. Since there is no tag force. please check. since Sahi Pro V4.3.2

iPlanet removing HTTP header information

I want to remove these two details from HTTP response headers. I am using iPlanet Web Server. I could not find a way to do that in configuration file. Any suggestion on how to remove these info in iPlanet?
Server: “Microsoft-IIS/7.5”, “nginx/1.0.11”
Ok, I figured it out:
for Server version, go to server.xml and add this tag
<http><server-header></server-header> </http>and set it to none.
for x-powered-by, I was using weblogic so I modified config.xml and there is tag element named <x-powered-by-header>NONE</x-powered-by-header>. set it to none and you're done! :)

Integrate http apache with kaazing gateway

I am running an app on http apache 2.4 through which I am trying to connect to a kaazing gateway. I have followed the
instructions that are found in kaazing site at "setup-guide.html#webserver_integrate" section, but the connection keeps failing: the Mozilla console prints:
TypeError: this._socket is undefined, 4146 XmppClient.js
I changed the <allow origin> with an *. I would like to ask whether I should make any changes on the configuration file of apache.
Finally, I managed it to work. I made a new install of kaazing gateway. In gateway-config.xml at the GATEWAY_HOME/conf/ I changed the value of the gateway.hostname with my internal ip and set the
in service with type: xmpp.proxy and this time worked! Also I changed '
with the
(http apache) and also worked. I don't know why didn 't it work before.
Thanks for trying to help!

Redeploy an existing Axis2 web service in remote server

I am trying to redeploy an Axis2 web service in a remote server. I am doing this by uploading the .aar file from the axis2 admin console.
I know 'hot update' is disabled by default. So I tried adding the following line to the services.xml file:
<parameter name="hotdeployment" >true</parameter>
<parameter name="hotupdate" >true</parameter>
However, the redeployment was not successful.
I also dont have permission to restart the server.
Can anyone let me know the right way to do this ?
This settings located in axis2.xml, You should set there.
Standalone Axis2 server:
In war file: