Convert 8 Digit Number into Date in SQL - sql

I have a date field that is pulling from a server as just an 8 digit number, and I would like to convert it to a standard date format.
For example, "20140501" would be converted to 05-01-2014
I tried using the DateTime code, but that didn't work for me. Any suggestions?

Many databases might recognize the string '20140501' as a date, because this is an ISO standard format. Hence, you might try this:
select cast(cast(datecol as varchar(255)) as date)
Whether or not this works depends on your database.


Converting Varchar(200) to YYYY-MM-DD format in Teradata SQL

I have a Varchar like so:
I am trying to convert it into a format like:
1994-02-23 or YYYY-MM-DD
I have tried select cast ('23FEB2025' as date format 'yyyy-mm-dd'); and sel convert(date,'23FEB2025')
There are other dates in the column that are formatted like 12DEC65.
I am now starting to assume that there is no simple way to convert this so I am asking for a little guidance. Would i need to take sub strings of the date and use a bunch of select case statements?
I was hoping to find a short way to do this but it seems there might not be one. I read on here that storing dates as a string is a bad idea and I fully subscribe to that notion now.
Thank you for any help or advice!
The format portion of casting a date is the input format. The output format is based on your locale and date settings. In your case, you want this:
cast ('23FEB2025' as date format 'ddMMMYYYY')
Which will return 2025-02-23.

IBM i Date Diff with CYYMMDD - can't use DATE()

(title edited)
Good afternoon, all!
Using IBM i version 7.1 and looking to calculate difference between two dates in a query. Since nothing is ever easy, one date is in CYYMMDD format, the other (curdate()) is YYYY-MM-DD. I tried to CAST my CYYMMDD formatted date (field name APENGD) as a varchar(10) then wrapped that in a CAST as a date (since decimals can't be CASTed as dates):
Cast(Cast(APENGD + 19000000 As varchar(10)) As date) As math
but I only see a result ++++++++++++++ for whatever reason. I was able to test a few different versions of this and found I can't use DATE anywhere...can anyone suggest an alternative??
Thanks in advance!
casting varchar to date only works when the string includes separators.
At 7.1 you could use TIMESTAMP_FORMAT(), but you'd end up with a timestamp instead of just a date. But that's easily dealt with.
Date(Timestamp_format(char(APENGD + 19000000),'YYYYMMDD')) As math
My prefered solution when dealing with numeric/character value dates is creating a User Defined Function to handle conversion.
You could write your own, or use the one I do. iDate written by Alan Campin. Then your code would simple be:
idate(APENGD,'*CYMD') as nath
Note that if you're trying to use date differences in a WHERE clause, like so
WHERE CURRENT_DATE - 3 months <= idate(APENGD,'*CYMD')
The above will perform poorly since an existing index over APENGD can't be used (directly). Assuming a recent(6.1+) version of the OS, you can create a new index that includes the expression you're using to convert APENGD to date.
Or you could code it using the Date->Numeric function ConvertToIdate that Alan helpfully includes. That would allow existing indexes to be used.
WHERE ConvertToiDate(CURRENT_DATE - 3 months,'*CYMD') <= APENGD
The DDL was not offered [to define the column APENGD]. No matter, as the following should suffice, mostly irrespective the definition; either as a string or as a zero-scale numeric. The effect depends on the SQL recognition of a 14-character [up to 26-character, since some v7 release] character-string as an unformatted [i.e. lacking any delimiters, thus digits-only] TIMESTAMP representation:
date(timestamp((APENGD + 19000000) concat '000000'))
IBM i 7.3->Database->Reference->SQL reference->Language elements->Data types->Datetime values->String representations of datetime values->Timestamp strings
A string representation of a timestamp is a character or a Unicode graphic string that starts with a digit and has a length of at least 14 characters. …
If you want calculate difference between 2 dates, you can use:
The first argument of function specify the type of result.
1 : millisecond
16 : days
2 : second
32 : week
4 : minutes
64 : month
8 : hour
128 : trimester
256 : Year

T-SQL Dates using Convert() function?

I am bit confusing here?
declare #date1 datetime = '2016-01-21 14:10:47.183'
I want to convert '2016-01-21 14:10:47.183' To '21-01-2016'
when I tried: select convert(date,#date1,105)
I am getting: 2016-01-21
But with: select convert(varchar(10),#date1,105)
I am getting: 21-01-2016
Why I am not having same results with above code?
Why should I convert to varchar?
Thanks in advance
This is just presentation matter and should be done in application layer. If you cannot do it in application you could use FORMAT (SQL Server 2012+):
declare #date1 datetime = '2016-01-21 14:10:47.183'
SELECT FORMAT(#date1, 'dd-mm-yyyy');
Why I am not having same results with above code?
select convert(date,#date1,105)
-- vs
select convert(varchar(10),#date1,105)
-- DATETIME -> VARCHAR(10) using specific style
If you only to skip time part use SELECT CAST(#date1 AS DATE) and do not bother how it is presented. It is still DATE.
To sum up: in SQL query use DATE as date, in application display it with desired format.
The reason why is because once you put a value in a datetime column (or date or any of the other variations on date-time datatypes) in SQL Server. SQL Server ceases to think of that date as having any particular format. It translates it into numbers, and stores it that way internally.
So when you select a date from a date time column, SQL Server displays it in the default format that you have selected based on your environment/local settings.
If you want to display it in any other format, you have to first convert it to a string, because as far as SQL Server is concerned, dates don't have formats. They are just numbers. The 21st day of March is the 21st day of March, whether you write it as 3/21 or 21/3.
So when you try to convert a date to a date with a different format, SQL Server just ignores you because dates don't have formats. However, if you want to convert that date to a string, SQL Server will be happy to help you display that string in any format you like.
Hope this helps, but sounds like some further research into how SQL Server stores dates would help your understanding.

How to convert an integer field into a date in Netezza?

i have an integer field which has date values but i would like to convert it as date field. I have tried several methods but with no success. The field has Date values but is stored as an Integer. This is what i have tried:
but i get this error "Cannot cast type INT4 to DATE".
I have done several research but coul not find good solution for netezza.
You can concatenate 01 and then run a to_date
select to_date(201004||'01','YYYYMMDD')
I don't think this is something that you can do, not in an obvious way at least. There are hundreds of ways a human could represent a date as an int, so the conversion would not be built int would be something like 20120415 or 04152013 or hundreds of other formats and a date would be something like '2012-04-15'
I suggest you look at the top answer for How i can get the first 3 digits in 123456 Numbers in sql? and extract your data manually. what you should do though, is convert the field into a real date field and edit the dependencies to expect that format.

How to convert 3 type of dates?

I want to create a function, which has a paramater ( a string which contains a date ) and then the function converts it and returns it. In our company we have workstations with three different languages. We have hungarian, english and german workstations too. I want to read a date from the registry, but this date will be written into the registry according to the current regional setting.
So if the regional setting is hungarian, then date written to date registry is 2012.01.25 (YYY.MM.DD), but if i change the regional setting to german then the value written to the registry will be 25/01/2012 (MM.DD.YYYY). If i change the regional setting to english, then the value will be 01/25/2012 (DD.MM.YYYY).
Unfortunately i don't know which regional setting was used when the date was written into the registry, because it can be changed since the value was written into the registry.
This iy why i want to create a function which gets a date, and then converts it to this format: YYYY.MM.DD. but i don't know how to do it.
Could someone help me how to do this?
Are you managing this registry value directly or it belongs to another software and just trying tomread it?
If it's yours, then
A. if it is a string value, then simply format it before storing, to ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd), format or formatdate function will do the trick
B. if it is a binary value, convert the datetime value to double with cdbl and store that
Well, if it's not yours, then it's not your lucky day. I've done it a couple of years ago and I used the text around the date to make an assumption on the format ...
You can use this expression to convert your strings to SQL type date. This expression uses the DD/MM/YYYY format only when it cannot use its default MM/DD/YYYY format.
WHEN CHARINDEX('/', val)=5 THEN CONVERT(date,val,111)
ELSE CONVERT(date, val, CASE WHEN LEFT(val,2) <= '12' THEN 101 ELSE 103 END)
This expression should be used inside a select statement. I am assuming that the name of your varchar column containing a date string is val.
If you are saving those dates on a date type of column (DATETIME, DATE, SMALLDATETIME, etc), then it won't matter how it is displayed or under what language it was saved. If you want to convert a DATE to a VARCHAR on the format YYYY.MM.DD then you can use: CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),YourDate,102).