Remove Character from First Array and Last Array String -

Dim arr() As String
Dim a As Integer
Dim temp As String
Dim temp2 As String
a = 0
Open App.Path & "\EndOfB.txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, temp
temp2 = temp2 & "," & temp
a = a + 1
arr = Split(temp2, ",")
Close #1
Guys how can i remove the character (") in the first and last array? because if i write in a textfile, the first and last string had this character ("). This is the sample output".
Thanks in advance Guys. :)

Change your loop to
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, temp
temp2 = temp2 & "," & temp
a = a + 1
arr = Split(temp2, ",")
' Strip first character from first array element
arr(LBound(arr)) = Right$(arr(LBound(arr)), Len(arr(LBound(arr)) - 1))
' Strip last character from last array element
arr(UBound(arr)) = Left$(arr(UBound(arr)), Len(arr(UBound(arr)) - 1))

I had the same problem, I was able to just google it which is what you should do before asking but since I understand and had this problem myself for a little while I will give you a easy example of what do do.
Text1.Text = Mid(Text1.Text, 2)
Text1.Text = Left$(Text1.Text, Len(Text1.Text) - 1)
I Hope this works for you, just replace text1.text with the name of the string you want to edit.


What is the simplest way to get the second item of each row in a string file

I have a String file with 8 items (separated by commas) in each row, e.g., CA,23456,aName,aType,anotherName,aWord,secondword,number. I want to create a new string of items consisting of the 2nd item (an Integer) of each row of the original file. I know there are many ways to do this but someone out there knows how to do it with very few lines of code, which is what I am looking for. I prefer not to use a parser.
The way to show what I have tried is to look at the code below.
Dim sn2 As String = ""
Dim sn2S As String = ""
Using readFile As New StreamReader(newFile1)
Do While readFile.Peek() <> -1
sn2S = readFile.ReadLine(1)
sn2 = sn2 & sn2S & ","
End Using
The code returns the second character of each row not the second item. What I hope to get is a string that looks like: 123,1345,4325,3321,3456,3211 etc. Where each number is the second item in each row of the original file.
You could split it up by cells
Dim row As String = "CA,23456,aName,aType,anotherName,aWord,secondword,number"
Dim cells() As String = row.Split(",")
Dim cellValue As String = cells(1)
But in your case, I would just do a search and Substring by the index of the delimiter.
Dim startPosition As Integer = row.IndexOf(",") + 1
Dim endPosition As Integer = row.IndexOf(",", startPosition)
Dim cellValue As String = row.Substring(startPosition, endPosition - startPosition)
If you have the whole file in memory, there could be some regex that could do the job with one pass.
As for this line
sn2 = sn2 & sn2S & ","
You might want to check at doing a join or using stringbuilder.
You could try
Dim sn2 As String = ""
Dim sn2S(7) As String = ""
Using readFile As New StreamReader(newFile1)
Do While readFile.Peek() <> -1
sn2S = readFile.ReadLine(1).Split(",")
sn2 = sn2 & sn2S(1) & ","
End Using
In one line
Dim sn2 = String.Join(",", File.ReadAllLines(newFile1).Select(Function(s) s.Split(","c)(1)))
From the inside-out:
File.ReadAllLines(newFile1) splits the file into lines and results in a string array holding those lines, which is fed into...
...Select(Function(s) s.Split(","c)(1)) which operates on each line by splitting the line by comma s.Split(","c) and then indexing the resulting array (1) to return the second (zero-based) element. This is fed into...
String.Join(",", ... ) which takes those second elements and joins then together with comma.

How do I get all text from all cells to one variable?

I have a large range that I need to find all numbers that is between four and six digits long.
I know I can use regex for this but I don't want to loop each cell and check them all.
What I need is kind of selecting the range copy and paste in notepad and copy back to a variable.
This way I can regex the variable and find all matches at once.
I don't need to know where the number was found, I just need the numbers.
Is there any way to copy the values to a string like this?
Dim text As String
text = ActiveSheet.Range("C9:IQ56").Value
is not compatible datatypes.
If I use variant I get an array of the columns and cells.
My attempt to join the array is not successful either.
text = ActiveSheet.Range("C9:IQ56").Value
textstring = ""
For i = 1 To UBound(text, 1)
textstring = textstring & " " & Join(text(i))
Next i
Any help with this?
use Application Index to do each row at a time:
text = ActiveSheet.Range("C9:IQ56").Value
textstring = ""
For i = 1 To UBound(text, 1)
textstring = textstring & " " & Join(application.Index(text,i,0))
Next i
There are two problems in your code, the declaration and the dimensions of the variable. Here is what you can do:
Dim Text() As Variant
Text = ActiveSheet.Range("C9:IQ56").Value
textstring = ""
For i = 1 To UBound(Text, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(Text, 2)
textstring = textstring & " " & Text(i, j)
Next j
Next i
Similar approach with delimiters concatenating row strings after loop
Added a Timer and the feature to use separators (delimiters) as well for rows (e.g. "|") as for columns (e.g. ","). Furthermore I demonstrate a way to join all row strings at once after loop via Application.Transpose() just for the sake of the art, though this isn't faster nor slower than #Scott Craner 's valid solution :+).
Sub arr2txt()
Const SEPROWS As String = "|" ' << change to space or any other separator/delimiter
Const SEPCOLS As String = "," ' << change to space or any other separator/delimiter
Dim v
Dim textstring As String, i As Long
Dim t As Double: t = Timer ' stop watch
v = ActiveSheet.Range("C2:E2000").Value ' get data into 1-based 2-dim datafield array
For i = 1 To UBound(v, 1)
v(i, 1) = Join(Application.Index(v, i, 0), SEPCOLS)
Next i
textstring = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, 0, 1)), SEPROWS)
Debug.Print Format(Timer - t, "0.00 seconds needed")
End Sub

reverse some text in cell selected - VBA

I'm rooky for VBA. I have some problem about reversing my data on VBA-Excel. My data is "3>8 , 6>15 , 26>41 (each data on difference cells)" that i could reverse "3>8" to "8>3" follow my requirement by using function reverse. But i couldn't reverse "6>15" and "26>41" to "15>6" and "41>26". It will be "51>6" and "14>62" that failure, I want to be "15>6" and "41>26".
Reverse = StrReverse(Trim(str))
Help me for solve my issue please and thank for comment.
You first need to find the position of the ">" in the cell. you do this by taking the contents of the cell and treating it as a String and finding the ">"
This is done in the line beginning arrowPosition. This is the integer value of the position of the ">" in you original string
Next use Left to extract the text up to the ">" and Right to extract the text after the ">"
Then build a new String of rightstr & ">" & leftStr.
Note I input my data from Sheet1 B5 but you can just use any source as long as it is a String in the correct format.
Sub Test()
Dim myString As String
myString = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B5")
Debug.Print myString
Debug.Print reverseString(myString)
End Sub
Function reverseString(inputString As String) As String
Dim leftStr As String
Dim rightStr As String
Dim arrowPosition As Integer
arrowPosition = InStr(1, inputString, ">")
leftStr = Left(inputString, arrowPosition - 1)
rightStr = Right(inputString, Len(inputString) - arrowPosition)
reverseString = rightStr & ">" & leftStr
End Function
just because you look for a VBA, you can add this function into your code:
Function rev(t As String) As String
s = Split(t, ">", 2)
rev = s(1) & ">" & s(0)
End Function
of course only if you have to reverse 2 number, otherwise you'll loop the "s", but the function would lose its usefulness

Replacing string at certain index of Split

Using streamreader to read line by line of a text file. When I get to a certain line (i.e., 123|abc|99999||ded||789), I want to replace ONLY the first empty area with text.
So far, I've been toying with
If sLine.Split("|")(3) = "" Then
'This is where I'm stuck, I want to replace that index with mmm
End If
I want the output to look like this: 123|abc|99999|mmm|ded||789
Considering you already have code determining if the "mmm" string needs to be added or not, you could use the following:
Dim index As Integer = sLine.IndexOf("||")
sLine = sLine.Insert(index + 1, "mmm")
You could split the string, modify the array and rejoin it to recreate the string:
Dim sLine = "123|abc|99999||ded||789"
Dim parts = sLine.Split("|")
If parts(3) = "" Then
parts(3) = "mmm"
sLine = String.Join("|", parts)
End If
I gather that if you find one or more empty elements, you want to replace the first empty element with data and leave the rest blank. You can accomplish this by splitting on the pipe to get an array of strings, iterate through the array and replace the first empty element you come across and exit the loop, and then rejoin your array.
Sub Main()
Dim data As String = "123||abc|99999||ded||789"
Dim parts = data.Split("|")
For index = 0 To parts.Length - 1
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(parts(index)) Then
parts(index) = "mmm"
Exit For
End If
data = String.Join("|", parts)
End Sub

Trim last "," delimiter of a string in VB.NET

This is my code:
With ad.Tables(2)
For i As Integer = 0 To .Rows.Count - 1
If .Rows(i)("name") & "" <> "" Then
temp &= .Rows(i)("name") & ", "
End If
End With
temp = temp.Trim(",")
testing &= "&Name=" & temp & vbCrLf
With this is get a comma in the end of the string. But if I do
temp = temp.Trim.Trim(",")
all commas are deleted.
How do I keep all commas and only delete the last one?
temp = temp.TrimEnd(CChar(","))
That will do it and I think it is the easiest way.
temp = temp.Trim().Substring(0, temp.Length - 1)
temp = temp.Trim().Remove(temp.Length - 1)
You can avoid the Trim/extra character if you set a delimiter within the loop
Dim delimiter as string = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To .Rows.Count - 1
If .Rows(i)("name") & "" <> "" Then
temp &= delimiter & .Rows(i)("name")
delimiter = ","
End If
The Trim() function has a Char() (static array of characters) parameter on it, you don't need to pass a Char explicitly.
' VB.Net Version
", Hello ^_^ ^_^ ,,, , ,, ,, ,".Trim({" "c, ","c})
//C# version
", Hello ^_^ ^_^ ,,, , ,, ,, ,".Trim({' ', ','})
Would produce the output
"Hello ^_^ ^_^"
The multi-parameter .Trim() removes the specified characters from both the beginning and the end of the string. If you want to only trim out the beginning or the end, use .TrimStart() or .TrimEnd() respectively.
This works:
dim AlarmStr as string="aaa , bbb , ccc , "
AlarmStr = AlarmStr.Remove(AlarmStr.LastIndexOf(","))
Check to see if the loop is done before adding the last comma. #cleaner
While dr.Read
For c As Integer = 0 To dr.FieldCount - 1
'This line checks if the loop is ending before adding a comma
If (c < dr.FieldCount - 1) Then s.Append(",")
End While
I wonder, that based on the OP's code sample, nobody suggested to use String.Join or build an output with StringBuilder
Dim names As New List(Of String)
With ad.Tables(2)
For i As Integer = 0 To .Rows.Count - 1
' DataRow("columnName").ToString() returns value or empty string if value is DbNull
If .Rows(i)("name").ToString() <> "" Then
End If
End With
Dim temp As String = String.Join(", ", names)
testing &= "&Name=" & temp & vbCrLf
With LINQ and DataRow extension method .Field(Of T) code will look simpler
Dim names = ad.Tables(2).
Select(row => row.Field<String>("name")).
Where(name => String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) = False)
Dim temp As String = String.Join(", ", names)
testing &= "&Name=" & temp & vbCrLf
If you go further you can(should) use StringBuilder for building a string and use Aggregate method to build string from the collection
I know that a little bit odd, but I found this works for me:
Visual Basic:
Every time: mystring = "today, I love go out , , , ," (less than five commas and spaces)
temp = temp.TrimEnd()
this trims the trailing spaces from a string.