SQL Query to order data based on other column value - sql

I have the below set of data(current data), where system_id is the ID of the particular system. And pre_system_id's are ID of system where it is dependent. Now I need the order in such a way that rows with no dependent system should come first , then rows with one dependent system come second and so on.
The current result:
106 100
112 105 100 109
109 100 105
119 100 109 105 112
102 112 109
104 109 106
The actual result should be like below:
1 100
2 105
3 106 100
4 109 100 105
5 112 105 100 109
6 119 100 109 105 112
7 104 109 106
8 102 112 109 104
The query for the current result is simply
Select * from ImpactedSystem;

Sorting by the various PRE_SYSTEM_IDn columns using the nulls first clause should produce the order you want:
select *
from ImpactedSystem
order by PRE_SYSTEM_ID1 nulls first,
PRE_SYSTEM_ID2 nulls first,
PRE_SYSTEM_ID3 nulls first,
PRE_SYSTEM_ID4 nulls first,
Finally sort by SYSTEM_ID, to order the values with no dependent IDs.

you can use the below query to obtain the result as well.
select *
from Current_data
order by DECODE(pre_system_td1,null,1),


What is the best why to aggregate data for last 7,30,60.. days in SQL

Hi I have a table with date and the number of views that we had in our channel at the same day
date views
03/06/2020 5
08/06/2020 49
09/06/2020 50
10/06/2020 1
13/06/2020 1
16/06/2020 1
17/06/2020 102
23/06/2020 97
29/06/2020 98
07/07/2020 2
08/07/2020 198
12/07/2020 1
14/07/2020 168
23/07/2020 292
No we want to see in each calendar date the sum of the past 7 and 30 days
so the result will be
date sum_of_7d sum_of_30d
01/06/2020 0 0
02/06/2020 0 0
03/06/2020 5 5
04/06/2020 5 5
05/06/2020 5 5
06/06/2020 5 5
07/06/2020 5 5
08/06/2020 54 54
09/06/2020 104 104
10/06/2020 100 105
11/06/2020 100 105
12/06/2020 100 105
13/06/2020 101 106
14/06/2020 101 106
15/06/2020 52 106
16/06/2020 53 107
17/06/2020 105 209
18/06/2020 105 209
so I was wondering what is the best SQL that I can write in order to get it
I'm working on redshift and the actual table (not this example) include over 40B rows
I used to do something like this:
select dates_helper.date
, tbl1.cnt
, sum(tbl1.cnt) over (order by date rows between 7 preceding and current row ) as sum_7d
, sum(tbl1.cnt) over (order by date rows between 30 preceding and current row ) as sum_7d
from bi_db.dates_helper
left join tbl1
on tbl1.invite_date = dates_helper.date

How to use UNPIVOT in SQL Server

I have a table StoreDetails with the following data.
Store 1 2 3
101 138 282 220
102 96 212 123
105 37 78 60
109 59 97 87
My required output is:
Store Week xCount
101 1 138
102 1 96
105 1 37
109 1 59
101 2 282
102 2 212
105 2 78
109 2 97
101 3 220
102 3 123
105 3 60
109 3 87
How can I get this result set using UNPIVOT?
I prefer using cross apply:
select sd.store, v.week, v.xcount
from storedetails sd cross apply
(values (1, sd.[1]), (2, sd.[2]), (3, sd.[3]), (4, sd.[4])
) v(week, xcount);
Why do I prefer apply over unpivot? unpivot is very specific syntax that does only one thing (and is specific to SQL Server and Oracle).
On the other hand, apply is an introduction to lateral joins. These are very powerful and unpivoting is just one thing that they can do.
you can try below-
select store,week, xcount
from StoreDetails
xcount for week in (1,2,3)

result is wrong when retrieving the date

I'm working with PostgreSQL. I have two database tables,i want to get the min and max date stored in table1 daterange column which is of type character varying. table1 and table2 is mapped using sid. i want to get the max and min date range of table1 when compared with sid of table2. Please find the demo here. The result is wrong.
sid daterange
100 5/25/2017
101 1/24/2017
102 4/4/2014
103 11/12/2007
104 4/24/2012
105 01/15/2017
106 1/1/2017
107 3/11/2016
108 10/10/2001
109 1/10/2016
110 12/12/2016
111 4/24/2017
112 06/28/2015
113 5/24/2017
114 5/22/2017
sid description
100 success
101 pending
104 pending
105 success
106 success
107 success
110 success
111 pending
112 failed
113 failed
114 pending
Below is my query:
select min(daterange) as minDate,max(daterange) as maxDate from (SELECT to_date(table1.daterange, 'DD/MM/YYYY') as daterange FROM table1,table2 where
table1.sid = table2.sid) tt;
The result is as below which is wrong(mindate and maxdate displayed are wrong dates).
mindate maxdate
2013-12-07 2019-01-07
Please advice. daterange column in table1 is of type character varying.I cannot use ::date to convert to date type, because i need to use this query in my java hibernate code and the java code is not recognizing ::
You have day and month mixed up in the date format string.
Should be
to_date(table1.daterange, 'MM/DD/YYYY')

Oracle select query based on multiple conditions

100 200 1
101 201 1
102 202 1
103 203 1
104 204 1
105 200 2
106 201 2
107 202 2
108 203 2
109 204 2
110 205 2
First I want to select all group ID's and their correpsponding lowest revision number.
Then I want select first X message ID's (Controllable X input) with condition that it should contain all the revisions of of any selected group. For e.g if I select first 5 messages by rownum then all revisions of group_id 200 is not selected.
Hope I made it clear.

group by column not having specific value

I am trying to obtain a list of Case_Id's where the case does not contain a specific RoleId using Microsoft Sql Server 2012.
For example, I would like to obtain a collection of Case_Id's that do not contain a RoleId of 4.
So from the data set below the query would exclude Case_Id's 49, 50, and 53.
Id RoleId Person_Id Case_Id
108 4 108 49
109 1 109 49
110 4 110 50
111 1 111 50
112 1 112 51
113 2 113 52
114 1 114 52
115 7 115 53
116 4 116 53
117 3 117 53
So far I have tried the following
FROM [dbo].[caseRole] cr
WHERE cr.RoleId!=4
The not exists operator seems to fit your need exactly:
FROM [dbo].[caseRole] cr
FROM [dbo].[caseRole] cr_inner
WHERE cr_inner.Case_Id = cr.case_id
AND cr_inner.RoleId = 4);
Just add a having clause instead of where:
FROM [dbo].[caseRole] cr
HAVING SUM(case when cr.RoleId = 4 then 1 else 0 end) = 0