How to use a shaderModifier to alter the color of specific triangles in a SCNGeometry - objective-c

First, before I go on, I have read through: SceneKit painting on texture with texture coordinates which seems to suggest I'm on the right track.
I have a complex SCNGeometry representing a hexasphere. It's rendering really well, and with a full 60fps on all of my test devices.
At the moment, all of the hexagons are being rendered with a single material, because, as I understand it, every SCNMaterial I add to my geometry adds another draw call, which I can't afford.
Ultimately, I want to be able to color each of the almost 10,000 hexagons individually, so adding another material for each one is not going to work.
I had been planning to limit the color range to (say) 100 colors, and then move hexagons between different geometries, each with their own colored material, but that won't work because SCNGeometry says it works with an immutable set of vertices.
So, my current thought/plan is to use a shader modifier as suggested by #rickster in the above-mentioned question to somehow modify the color of individual hexagons (or sets of 4 triangles).
The thing is, I sort of understand the Apple doco referred to, but I don't understand how to provide the shader with what I think must essentially be an array of colour information, somehow indexed so that the shader knows which triangles to give what colors.
The code I have now, that creates the geometry reads as:
NSData *indiceData = [NSData dataWithBytes:oneMeshIndices length:sizeof(UInt32) * indiceIndex];
SCNGeometryElement *oneMeshElement =
[SCNGeometryElement geometryElementWithData:indiceData
primitiveCount:indiceIndex / 3
[oneMeshElements addObject:oneMeshElement];
SCNGeometrySource *oneMeshNormalSource =
[SCNGeometrySource geometrySourceWithNormals:oneMeshNormals count:normalIndex];
SCNGeometrySource *oneMeshVerticeSource =
[SCNGeometrySource geometrySourceWithVertices:oneMeshVertices count:vertexIndex];
SCNGeometry *oneMeshGeom =
[SCNGeometry geometryWithSources:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:oneMeshVerticeSource, oneMeshNormalSource, nil]
SCNMaterial *mat1 = [SCNMaterial material];
mat1.diffuse.contents = [UIColor greenColor];
oneMeshGeom.materials = #[mat1];
SCNNode *node = [SCNNode nodeWithGeometry:oneMeshGeom];
If someone can shed some light on how to provide the shader with a way to color each triangle indexed by the indices in indiceData, that would be fantastic.
I've tried looking at providing the shader with a texture as a container for color information that would be indexed by the VertexID however it seems that SceneKit doesn't make the VertexID available. My thought was to provide this texture (actually just an array of bytes, 1 per hexagon on the hexasphere), via the SCNMaterialProperty class and then, in the shader, pull out the appropriate byte, based on the vertex number. That byte would be used to index an array of fixed colors and the resultant color for each vertex would then give the desired result.
Without a VertexID, this idea won't work, unless there is some other, similarly useful piece of data...
Perhaps I am stubborn. I've been trying to get this to work, and as an experiment I created an image that is basically a striped rainbow and wrote the following shader, thinking it would basically colour my sphere with the rainbow.
It doesn't work. The entire sphere is drawn using the colour in the top left corner of the image.
My shaderModifer code is:
#pragma arguments
sampler2D colorMap;
uniform sampler2D colorMap;
#pragma body
vec4 color = texture2D(colorMap, _surface.diffuseTexcoord);
_surface.diffuse.rgba = color;
and I apply this using the code:
SCNMaterial *mat1 = [SCNMaterial material];
mat1.locksAmbientWithDiffuse = YES;
mat1.doubleSided = YES;
mat1.shaderModifiers = #{SCNShaderModifierEntryPointSurface :
#"#pragma arguments\nsampler2D colorMap;\nuniform sampler2D colorMap;\n#pragma body\nvec4 color = texture2D(colorMap, _surface.diffuseTexcoord);\n_surface.diffuse.rgba = color;"};
colorMap = [SCNMaterialProperty materialPropertyWithContents:[UIImage imageNamed:#"rainbow.png"]];
[mat1 setValue:colorMap forKeyPath:#"colorMap"];
I had thought that the _surface.diffuseTexcoord would be appropriate but I'm beginning to think I need to somehow map that to a coordinate in the image by knowing the dimensions of the image and interpolating somehow.
But if this is the case, what units are _surface.diffuseTexcoord in? How do I know the min/max range of this so that I can map it to the image?
Once again, I'm hoping someone can steer me in the right direction if these attempts are wrong.
OK, so I know I'm on the right track now. I've realised that by using _surface.normal instead of _surface.diffuseTexcoord I can use that as a latitude/longitude on my sphere to map to an x,y in the image and I now see the hexagons being colored based on the color in the colorMap however it doesn't matter what I do (so far); the normal angles seem to be fixed in relation to the camera position, so when I move the camera to look at a different point of the sphere, the colorMap doesn't rotate with it.
Here is the latest shader code:
#pragma arguments
sampler2D colorMap;
uniform sampler2D colorMap;
#pragma body
float x = ((_surface.normal.x * 57.29577951) + 180.0) / 360.0;
float y = 1.0 - ((_surface.normal.y * 57.29577951) + 90.0) / 180.0;
vec4 color = texture2D(colorMap, vec2(x, y));
_output.color.rgba = color;
So I solved the problem. It turned out that there was no need for a shader to achieve my desired results.
The answer was to use a mappingChannel to provide the geometry with a set of texture coordinates for each vertex. These texture coordinates are used to pull color data from the appropriate texture (it all depends on how you set up your material).
So, whilst I did manage to get a shader working, there were performance issues on older devices, and using a mappingChannel was much much better, working at 60fps on all devices now.
I did find though that despite the documentation saying that a mapping channel is a series of CGPoint objects, that wouldn't work on 64 bit devices because CGPoint seems to use doubles instead of floats.
I needed to define my own struct:
typedef struct {
float x;
float y;
} MyPoint;
MyPoint oneMeshTextureCoordinates[vertexCount];
and then having built up an array of these, one for each vertex, I then created the mappingChannel source as follows:
SCNGeometrySource *textureMappingSource =
[SCNGeometrySource geometrySourceWithData:
[NSData dataWithBytes:oneMeshTextureCoordinates
length:sizeof(MyPoint) * vertexCount]
In response to a request, here is a project that demonstrates how I use this.


OpenGL texture mapping with different coordinates systems

I already asked a question about texture mapping and these two are related (this question).
I'm working with Quartz Composer which appears to be kind specific with textures...
I have a complex polygon that I triangulate in a specific coordinate system (-1 -> 1 on x | -0.75 -> 0.75 on y). I obtain an array of triangles vertices in this coordinate system (triangles 1 to 6 on the left pic).
Then I render each polygon separately (it's necessary for my program), by applying a scale function on its vertices from this coordinate system to OpenGL one (0. -> 1.). Here, even if for 0->1 range it's kind of stupid :
return (((1. - 0.) * (**myVertexXorY** - minTriangleBound)) / (maxTriangleBound - minTriangleBound)) + 0.;
But I want one image to be textured on these triangles (like on the picture above). So I begin by getting the whole polygon bounds (1 on the right pic), then the triangle bounds (2 on the right pic). I scale 1 to the picture coordinates (3 on the right pic) in pixels, then I get the triangle bounds (2) in pixels.
It gives me the bounds to lock my texture in OpenGL with Quartz :
NSRect myBounds = NSMakeRect(originXinPixels, originYinPixels, widthForTheTriangle, heightForTheTriangle);
And I lock my texture
[myImage lockTextureRepresentationWithColorSpace:space forBounds:myBounds];
Then, with OpenGL :
for (int32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
verts[i] = myTriangle.vertices[i];
texcoord[0] = [self myScaleFunctionFor:XinQuartzCoordinateSystem From:0 To:1]
texcoord[1] = [self myScaleFunctionFor:YinQuartzCoordinateSystem From:0 To:1]
And I obtain what you can see : sometimes parts of the image are fitting, sometimes no (well, in fact with this particular polygon, it doesn't fit at all...).
I'm not really sure if I did understand your question, but:
What hinders you from directly supplying texture coordinates that do match the topology of your source picture? This was far easier than trying to find some per triangle linear mapping that moves the picture in the right way.

Applying a vortex / whirlpool effect in Box2d / Cocos2d for iPhone

I've used Nick Vellios' tutorial to create radial gravity with a Box2D object. I am aware of Make a Vortex here on SO, but I couldn't figure out how to implement it in my project.
I have made a vortex object, which is a Box2D circleShape sensor that rotates with a consistent angular velocity. When other Box2D objects contact this vortex object I want them to rotate around at the same angular velocity as the vortex, gradually getting closer to the vortex's centre. At the moment the object is attracted to the vortex's centre but it will head straight for the centre of the vortex, rather than spinning around it slowly like I want it to. It will also travel in the opposite direction than the vortex as well as with the vortex's rotation.
Given a vortex and a box2D body, how can I set the box2d body to rotate with the vortex as it gets 'sucked in'.
I set the rotation of the vortex when I create it like this:
b2BodyDef bodyDef;
bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bodyDef.angle = 2.0f;
bodyDef.angularVelocity = 2.0f;
Here is how I'm applying the radial gravity, as per Nick Vellios' sample code.
-(void)applyVortexForcesOnSprite:(CCSpriteSubclass*)sprite spriteBody:(b2Body*)spriteBody withVortex:(Vortex*)vortex VortexBody:(b2Body*)vortexBody vortexCircleShape:(b2CircleShape*)vortexCircleShape{
//From RadialGravity.xcodeproj
b2Body* ground = vortexBody;
b2CircleShape* circle = vortexCircleShape;
// Get position of our "Planet" - Nick
b2Vec2 center = ground->GetWorldPoint(circle->m_p);
// Get position of our current body in the iteration - Nick
b2Vec2 position = spriteBody->GetPosition();
// Get the distance between the two objects. - Nick
b2Vec2 d = center - position;
// The further away the objects are, the weaker the gravitational force is - Nick
float force = 1 / d.LengthSquared(); // 150 can be changed to adjust the amount of force - Nick
b2Vec2 F = force * d;
// Finally apply a force on the body in the direction of the "Planet" - Nick
spriteBody->ApplyForce(F, position);
//end radialGravity.xcodeproj
Update I think iForce2d has given me enough info to get on my way, now it's just tweaking. This is what I'm doing at the moment, in addition to the above code. What is happening is the body gains enough velocity to exit the vortex's gravity well - somewhere I'll need to check that the velocity stays below this figure. I'm a little concerned I'm not taking into account the object's mass at the moment.
b2Vec2 vortexVelocity = vortexBody->GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(spriteBody->GetPosition() );
b2Vec2 vortexVelNormal = vortexVelocity;
b2Vec2 bodyVelocity = b2Dot( vortexVelNormal, spriteBody->GetLinearVelocity() ) * vortexVelNormal;
//Using a force
b2Vec2 vel = bodyVelocity;
float forceCircleX = .6 * bodyVelocity.x;
float forceCircleY = .6 * bodyVelocity.y;
spriteBody->ApplyForce( b2Vec2(forceCircleX,forceCircleY), spriteBody->GetWorldCenter() );
It sounds like you just need to apply another force according to the direction of the vortex at the current point of the body. You can use b2Body::GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint to find the velocity of the vortex at any point in the world. From Box2D source:
/// Get the world linear velocity of a world point attached to this body.
/// #param a point in world coordinates.
/// #return the world velocity of a point.
b2Vec2 GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(const b2Vec2& worldPoint) const;
So that would be:
b2Vec2 vortexVelocity = vortexBody->GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint( suckedInBody->GetPosition() );
Once you know the velocity you're aiming for, you can calculate how much force is needed to go from the current velocity, to the desired velocity. This might be helpful:
The topic in that link only discusses a 1-dimensional situation. For your case it is also essentially 1-dimensional, if you project the current velocity of the sucked-in body onto the vortexVelocity vector:
b2Vec2 vortexVelNormal = vortexVelocity;
b2Vec2 bodyVelocity = b2Dot( vortexVelNormal, suckedInBody->GetLinearVelocity() ) * vortexVelNormal;
Now bodyVelocity and vortexVelocity will be in the same direction and you can calculate how much force to apply. However, if you simply apply enough force to match the vortex velocity exactly, the sucked in body will probably go into orbit around the vortex and never actually get sucked in. I think you would want to make the force quite a bit less than that, and I would scale it down according to the gravity strength as well, otherwise the sucked-in body will be flung away sideways as soon as it contacts the outer edge of the vortex. It could take a lot of tweaking to get the effect you want.
The force you apply should be based on the difference between the current velocity (bodyVelocity) and the desired velocity (vortexVelocity), ie. if the body is already moving with the vortex then you don't need to apply any force. Take a look at the last code block in the sub-section titled 'Using forces' in the link I gave above. The last three lines there do pretty much what you need if you replace 'vel' and 'desiredVel' with the sizes of your bodyVelocity and vortexVelocity vectors:
float desiredVel = vortexVelocity.Length();
float currentVel = bodyVelocity.Length();
float velChange = desiredVel - currentVel;
float force = body->GetMass() * velChange / (1/60.0); //for a 1/60 sec timestep
body->ApplyForce( b2Vec2(force,0), body->GetWorldCenter() );
But remember this would probably put the body into orbit, so somewhere along the way you would want to reduce the size of the force you apply, eg. reduce 'desiredVel' by some percentage, reduce 'force' by some percentage etc. It would probably look better if you could also scale the force down so that it was zero at the outer edge of the vortex.
I had a project where I had asteroids swirling around a central point (there are things jumping between them...which is a different point).
They are connected to the "center" body via b2DistanceJoints.
You can control the joint length to make them slowly spiral inward (or outward). This gives you find grain control instead of balancing force control, which may be difficult.
You also apply tangential force to make them circle the center.
By applying different (or randomly changing) tangential forces, you can make the
crash into each other, etc.
I posted a more complete answer to this question here.

Draw a scatterplot matrix using glut, opengl

I am new to GLUT and opengl. I need to draw a scatterplot matrix for n dimensional array.
I have saved the data from csv to a vector of vectors and each vector corresponds to a row. I have plotted just one scatterplot. And used GL_LINES to draw the grid. My questions
1. How do I draw points in a particular grid? Using GL_POINTS I can only draw points in the entire window.
Please let me know need any further info to answer this question
What you need to do is be able to transform your data's (x,y) coordinates into screen coordinates. The most straightforward way to do it actually does not rely on OpenGL or GLUT. All you have to do is use a little math. Determine the screen (x,y) coordinates of the place where you want a datapoint for (0,0) to be on the screen, and then determine how far apart you want one increment to be on the screen. Simply take your original data points, apply the offset, and then scale them, to get your screen coordinates, which you then pass into glVertex2f() (or whatever function you are using to specify points in your API).
For instance, you might decide you want point (0,0) in your data to be at location (200,0) on your screen, and the distance between 0 and 1 in your data to be 30 pixels on the screen. This operation will look like this:
int x = 0, y = 0; //Original data points
int scaleX = 30, scaleY = 30; //Scaling values for each component
int offsetX = 100, offsetY = 100; //Where you want the origin of your graph to be
// Apply the scaling values and offsets:
int screenX = x * scaleX + offsetX;
int screenY = y * scaleY + offsetY;
// Calls to your drawing functions using screenX and screenY as your coordinates
You will have to determine values that make sense for the scalaing and offsets. You can also have your program use different values for different sets of data, so you can display multiple graphs on the same screen. But this is a simple way to do it.
There are also other ways you can go about this. OpenGL has very powerful coordinate transformation functions and matrix math capabilities. Those may become more useful when you develop increasingly elaborate programs. They're most useful if you're going to be moving things around the screen in real-time, or operating on incredibly large data sets, as they allow you to perform these mathematical calculations very quickly using your graphics hardware (which is able to do them much faster than the CPU). However, the time it takes for the CPU to do simple calculations like those where you only are going to do them once or very infrequently on limited sets of data is not a problem for computers today.

Drawing an angle/angular/"Conical"/"Arcing" gradient in Objective-C (IOS) using Core Graphics

I'm trying to draw a "conical"/"arcing" gradient (I don't know what would be the correct term for this) (Photoshop calls it an "angle" gradient —your friendly neighborhood stackoverflow editor) using Objective-C (IOS), pretty much exactly like the image shown in the following thread.
After days of googling and searching the internet to no avail, I've decided to ask for help here.
A little background on what I'm trying to do. My objective is to create a custom UIView, which is circular progress bar, a ring basicly, somewhat similar to the activity indicator as seen in the TweetBot iPhone app (displays when you drag to refresh, which can be seen in action here, around 17-18 seconds into the video, on top of the iphone screen). I want the progress indicator (the fill of the ring) to be a simple two color gradient, which can be set programmatically, and the view to be resizable.
Filling the ring shape with a gradient that "follows" the arc of the ring is where I'm stuck. The answers that I get from googling, reading Apple's Core Graphics documentation on gradients and searching on SO are either about radial gradients or linear/axial gradients, which is not what I'm trying to achieve.
The thread linked above suggests using pre-made images, but this isn't an option because the colors of the gradient should be settable, the view should be resizable and the fill of the progress bar isn't always 100% full obviously (which would be the state of the gradient as shown in the picture in the thread above).
The only solution that I've come up with is to draw the gradient "manually", so without using a CGGradientRef, clipping small slices of the gradient with single solid color fills within a circular path. I don't know exactly how well this will perform when the bar is being animated though, it shouldn't be that bad, but it might be a problem.
So my first question:
Is there an easier/different solution to draw a conical/arcing gradient in Objective-C (IOS) than the solution I've come up with?
Second question:
If I have to draw the gradient manually in my view using the solution I came up with, how can I determine or calculate (if this is even possible) the value (HEX or RGBA) of each color "slice" of the gradient that I'm trying to draw, as illustrated in the image below.
(Can't link image) gradient slice illustration
Looks to me like a job for a pixel shader. I remember seeing a Quartz Composer example that simulated a radar sweep, and that used a pixel shader to produce an effect like you're describing.
Found it. This shader was written by Peter Graffignino:
kernel vec4 radarSweep(sampler image, __color color1,__color color2, float angle, vec4 rect)
vec4 val = sample(image, samplerCoord(image));
vec2 locCart = destCoord();
float theta, r, frac, angleDist;
locCart.x = (locCart.x - rect.z/2.0) / (rect.z/2.0);
locCart.y = (locCart.y - rect.w/2.0) / (rect.w/2.0);
// locCart is now normalized
theta = degrees(atan(locCart.y, locCart.x));
theta = (theta < 0.0) ? theta + 360.0 : theta;
r = length(locCart);
angleDist = theta - angle;
angleDist = (angleDist < 0.0) ? angleDist + 360.0 : angleDist;
frac = 1.0 - angleDist/360.0;
// sum up 3 decaying phosphors with different time constants
val = val*exp2(-frac/.005) + (val+.1)*exp2(-frac/.25)*color1 + val*exp2(-frac/.021)*color2;
val = r > 1.0 ? vec4(0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0) : val; // constrain to circle
return val;
The thread linked above suggests using pre-made images, but this isn't an option because the colors of the gradient should be settable, the view should be resizable and the fill of the progress bar isn't always 100% full obviously (which would be the state of the gradient as shown in the picture in the thread above).
Not a problem!
Use the very black-to-white image from the other question (or a bigger version if you need one), in the following fashion:
Clip to whatever shape you want to draw the gradient in.
Fill with the color at the end of the gradient.
Use the black-to-white gradient image as a mask.
Fill with the color at the start of the gradient.
You can rotate the gradient by rotating the mask image.
This only supports the simplest case of a gradient with a color at each extreme end; it doesn't scale to three or more colors and doesn't support unusual gradient stop positioning.
FYI: here's also a good tutorial for creating a circular progress bar using Quartz drawing.

OpenGL Diffuse Lighting Shader Bug?

The Orange book, section 16.2, lists implementing diffuse lighting as:
void main()
vec3 N = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
vec4 V = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_vertex;
vec3 L = normalize(lightPos -;
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color * vec4(max(0.0, dot(N, L));
However, when I run this, the lighting changes when I move my camera.
On the other hand, when I change
vec3 N = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
vec3 N = normalize(gl_Normal);
I get diffuse lighting that works like the fixed pipeline.
What is this gl_NormalMatrix, what did removing it do, ... and is this a bug in the orange book ... or am I setting up my OpenGl code improperly?
[For completeness, the fragment shader just copies the color]
OK, I hope there's nothing wrong with answering your question after over half a year? :)
So there are two things to discuss here:
a) What should the shader look like
You SHOULD transform your normals by the modelview matrix - that's a given. Consider what would happen if you don't - your modelview matrix can contain some kind of rotation. Your cube would be rotated, but the normals would still point in the old direction! This is clearly wrong.
So: When you transform your vertices by modelview matrix, you should also transform the normals. Your normals are vec3 not vec4, and you're not interested in translations (normals only contain direction), so you can just multiply your normal by mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix), which is the upper-left 3-3 submatrix.
Then: This is ALMOST correct, but still a bit wrong - the reasons are well-described on Lighthouse 3D - go have a read. Long story short, instead of mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix), you have to multiply by an inverse transpose of that.
And OpenGL 2 is very helpful and precalculates this for you as gl_NormalMatrix. Hence, the correct code is:
vec3 N = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
b) But it's different from fixed pipeline, why?
The first thing which comes to my mind is that "something's wrong with your usage of fixed pipeline".
I'm not really keen on FP (long live shaders!), but as far as I can remember, when you specify your lights via glLightParameterfv(GL_LIGHT_POSITION, something), this was affected by the modelview matrix. It was easy (at least for me :)) to make a mistake of specifying the light position (or light direction for directional lights) in the wrong coordinate system.
I'm not sure if I remember correctly how that worked back then since I use GL3 and shaders nowadays, but let me try... what was your state of modelview matrix? I think it just might be possible that you have specified the directional light direction in object space instead of eye space, so that your light would rotate together with your object. IDK if that's relevant here, but make sure to pay attention to that when using FF. That's a mistake I remember myself doing often when I was still using GL 1.1.
Depending on the modelview state, you could specify the light in:
eye (camera) space,
world space,
object space.
Make sure which one it is.
Huh.. I hope that makes the topic more clear for you. The conclusions are:
always transform your normals along with your vertices in your vertex shaders, and
if it looks different from what you expect, think how you specify your light positions. (Maybe you want to multiply the light postion vector in a shader too? The remarks about light position coordinate systems still hold)