how to requeue a message using spring ampq - rabbitmq

While requeuing the message we want the message to be placed at the start/front of the queue.
This means if I have in queue as "D,C,B,A" and process A and then want to put back in Queue at start, my queue should looks like this:-
So, I should be able to process B, and since A moved at start of the queue should process it at end.
Interestingly, when tried with native AMQP library of rabbitMQ it wworks as expected above.
However, when we do it through spring AMQP library , the message still remains whereever it was, does not go to the front of the queue.
Here is the code which we tried:
public void onMessage(Message message, com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel) throws Exception {
if(new String(message.getBody()).equalsIgnoreCase("A")){
System.out.println("Message = =="+new String(message.getBody()));
channel.basicReject(message.getMessageProperties().getDeliveryTag(), true);
System.out.println("Message ==="+new String(message.getBody()));
channel.basicAck(message.getMessageProperties().getDeliveryTag(), true);
Any idea why it does not work in Spring but works in the rabbimq amqp native library ?
Spring AMQP version : spring-amqp-1.4.5.RELEASE
Rabbitmq amqp client version : 3.5.1

RabbitMQ was changed in version 2.7 to requeue messages at the head of the queue. Previous versions requeued at the tail of the queue - see here.
Your observation is because Spring AMQP sets the prefetch to 1 by default (by calling basicQos) - which only allows 1 message to be outstanding at the client. If basicQos is not called, the broker will send all four messages to the client so it will appear that the rejected message went to the back of the queue if the queue is empty due to prefetch.
If you set the prefetchCount to at least 4, you will see the same behavior.
If you really want to queue at the beginning you can use retry together with a RepublishMessageRecoverer.


Can message we are pushing to a Queue be moved to Active MQ Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) if any exception/connection error occur?

i am using Spring JmsTemplate for sending/pushing message to ActiveMQ queue.
i know after listener start processing that message and any exception occur,that message will be considered as a poison pill and moved to default DLQ of acive mq.
is that same possible (i.e. that message will move to default Dead Letter Queue ) while sending/pushing that message to Queue if there is any connection error or any other error occured while sending?
for example -
public void push(){
jmsTemplate.send(test.Queue, "This message is from client");
//if any exception occur here,i want this message to be placed
in DLQ
please suggest is it possible?
If you can't connect to send it the main queue, you probably can't connect to send it to the DLQ either.

How subscribe in an RabbitMQ queue with MQTT Paho

I am trying to connect from my Android app to one queue called "messages".
The producer (one webservices under AMQP protocol) is already connected, it can be check through RabbitMQ admin panel.
To connect from my Android device I am coding like this.
private void connect() throws Exception {
this.sampleClient = new MqttClient(, this.clientId);
MqttConnectOptions connOpts = new MqttConnectOptions();
/*connOpts.setConnectionTimeout(60 * 10);
connOpts.setKeepAliveInterval(60 * 5);*/
System.out.println("Not Connected");
I have tried with "amq.topic", "amq.topic.*", "amq.topic.messages", etc... But when I look in the RabbitMQ queue section "messages" is with 0 consumers, and have been set one new queue called "mqtt-subscription-Sampleqos1" automatically.
What's happening? How can I susbscribe to "messages" queue?
There are two important points about this question.
According with the RabbitMQ MQTT documentation:
Firstly, every queues are bound automatically to amq.topic exchange by the mqtt-plugin.
Secondly, every subscriber has his own queue which look like this, mqtt-subscription-{cliend_id}{qosX} (where X is the qos level of the subscription)
Therefore, producer must to publish the message to "amq.topic" exchange, and "amq.topic.." routing-key, and receiver must to subscribe to "amq.topic.." routing-key.
First, make sure MQTT plugin is enabled: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_mqtt
From the client side (here is you Android app), you need subscriber to a topic, lets say, topic my/android/app/messages
Then, from the server side, because of RabbitMQ's implementation, you need send the message to a special exchange 'amq.topic' with appropriate route key (notice the mapping between '/' and '.', MQTT use / and AMQP use .). For example if you publish by pika AMQP Python lib, the code will looks like following:
body='hello world'
In your case, you want to receive message from queue "messages", basically there is no way to directly subscriber message from that AMQP queue on your MQTT client. The work around is create a service running on your server side, work as AMQP subscriber, receive message from "messages" queue, and transparent forward message to exchange amq.topic with proper routing key.
Hope my answer helpful.

Re-queue Amqp message at tail of Queue

I have a project setup using Spring and RabbitMQ. Currently it is possible for my application to receive an amqp message that cannot be processed until another asynchronous process has completed (legacy and totally detached, i have no control). So the result is i may have to wait on processing a message for some amount of time. The result of this is an exception in a transformer.
When the message is NACK'd back to rabbitMQ it is putting it back into the head of the queue and re-pulling it immediately. If i get unprocessable messages equal to the number of concurrent listeners my workflow locks up. It spins its wheels waiting for messages to become processable, even though there are valid processable messages waiting behind in the queue.
Is there a way to reject and amqp message and have it go back to the tail of the queue instead? From my research rabbitMQ worked this way at one time, but now i appear to get the head of the queue exclusively.
My config is rather straight forward, but for continuity here it is...
Connection factory is: org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory
RabbitMQ 3.1.1
Spring Integration: 2.2.0
<si:channel id="channel"/>
queue-names="commit" channel="channel" connection-factory="amqpConnectionFactory"
acknowledge-mode="AUTO" concurrent-consumers="${listeners}"
<si:chain input-channel="channel" output-channel="nullChannel">
<si:transformer ref="transformer"></si:transformer>
<si:service-activator ref="activator"/>
You are correct that RabbitMQ was changed some time ago. There is nothing in the API to change the behavior.
You can, of course, put an error-channel on the inbound adapter, followed by a transformer (expression="payload.failedMessage"), followed by an outbound adapter configured with an appropriate exchange/routing-key to requeue the message at the back of the queue.
You might want to add some additional logic in the error flow to check the exception type (payload.cause) and decide which action you want.
If the error flow itself throws an exception, the original message will be requeued at the head, as before; if it exits normally, the message will be acked.

Consumer is not receiving messages from ActiveMQ

We are facing a random issue with ActiveMQ and its consumers. We observe that, few consumers are not receiving messages, even though they are connected to ActiveMQ queue. But it works fine after the consumer restart.
We have a queue named testQueue at ActiveMQ side. A consumer is trying to de-queue the messages from this queue. We are using Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer for this purpose. Message is being delivered to the consumer node from ActiveMQ Broker. From the tcpdump as well, it was obvious that, message is reaching the consumer node, But the actual consumer code is not able to see the message. In other words, the message seems to be stuck either in ActiveMQ consumer code or in Spring’s DefaultMessageListenerContainer.
See refer to the below fig. for more clarity on the issue. Message is reaching Consumer node, but it is not reaching the “Actual Consumer Class”, which means that the message got stuck either in AMQ consumer code or Spring DMLC.
Below are the details captured from ActiveMQ admin.
Queue-Name /Pending-Message-Count /Consumer-Count /Messages-Enqueued /Messages-Dequeued
testQueue /9 /1 /9 /0
Below are the more details.
Connection-ID /SessionId /Selector /Enqueues /Dequeues /Dispatched /Dispatched-Queue /Prefetch
ID:bearsvir52-45176-1375519181268-3:5 /1 / /9 /0 /9 /9 /250
From the second table it is obvious that, messages are being delivered to the consumer, but the consumer is not acknowledging the message. Hence the messages are stuck in Dispatched-Queue at broker side.
Few points for to your notice:
1)There is no time difference b/w Broker node and consumer node.
2)Observed the tcpdump at consumer side. We can see MessageDispatch(Openwire) packet being transferred to consumer node, But could not find the MessageAck(Openwire) for the same.
3)Sometimes it is working on a node, and sometimes it is creating problem on the same node.
One cause of this can be incorrectly using a CachingConnectionFactory (with cached consumers) with a listener container that dynamically adjusts the consumers (max consumers > consumers). You can end up with a cached consumer just sitting in the pool and not being actively used. You never need to cache consumers with a listener container.
For problems like this, I generally recommend running with TRACE logging and you can see all the consumer activity.
It took lot of time to figure out the solution. There seems to be some issue with the class, in case of AMQ fail over. The connection object is not getting started at consumer side in such cases.
Following is the fix i have added in file and compiled the sources to create activemq-core-x.x.x.jar
private final Object startMutex = new Object();
added a check in createSession method
public Session createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException {
synchronized (startMutex) {
if(!isStarted()) {

Clear existing messages in activemq queue, just after starting application using activemq-cpp

I have an application which is acting as a consumer for a queue in activemq. This application is written on c++ and using activemq-cpp to get the services of activemq.
I want to achieve is when my application goes down and again comes up, it should first delete all the messages which gets populated in queue during the time my application is down that is it should first delete all the old messages in queue and then starts receiving new messages.
Is there any way to achieve this using activemq-cpp?
If you cast your Connection instance to an ActiveMQConnection there is a destroyDestination method that will remove the destination from the broker and all messages if there are no active subscriptions when called, otherwise it will throw an exception so be prepared for that. A small code snippet follows.
ActiveMQConnection* connection =
dynamic_cast<ActiveMQConnection*>( cmsConnection );
try {
} catch(Exception& ex) {