Consumer is not receiving messages from ActiveMQ - activemq

We are facing a random issue with ActiveMQ and its consumers. We observe that, few consumers are not receiving messages, even though they are connected to ActiveMQ queue. But it works fine after the consumer restart.
We have a queue named testQueue at ActiveMQ side. A consumer is trying to de-queue the messages from this queue. We are using Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer for this purpose. Message is being delivered to the consumer node from ActiveMQ Broker. From the tcpdump as well, it was obvious that, message is reaching the consumer node, But the actual consumer code is not able to see the message. In other words, the message seems to be stuck either in ActiveMQ consumer code or in Spring’s DefaultMessageListenerContainer.
See refer to the below fig. for more clarity on the issue. Message is reaching Consumer node, but it is not reaching the “Actual Consumer Class”, which means that the message got stuck either in AMQ consumer code or Spring DMLC.
Below are the details captured from ActiveMQ admin.
Queue-Name /Pending-Message-Count /Consumer-Count /Messages-Enqueued /Messages-Dequeued
testQueue /9 /1 /9 /0
Below are the more details.
Connection-ID /SessionId /Selector /Enqueues /Dequeues /Dispatched /Dispatched-Queue /Prefetch
ID:bearsvir52-45176-1375519181268-3:5 /1 / /9 /0 /9 /9 /250
From the second table it is obvious that, messages are being delivered to the consumer, but the consumer is not acknowledging the message. Hence the messages are stuck in Dispatched-Queue at broker side.
Few points for to your notice:
1)There is no time difference b/w Broker node and consumer node.
2)Observed the tcpdump at consumer side. We can see MessageDispatch(Openwire) packet being transferred to consumer node, But could not find the MessageAck(Openwire) for the same.
3)Sometimes it is working on a node, and sometimes it is creating problem on the same node.

One cause of this can be incorrectly using a CachingConnectionFactory (with cached consumers) with a listener container that dynamically adjusts the consumers (max consumers > consumers). You can end up with a cached consumer just sitting in the pool and not being actively used. You never need to cache consumers with a listener container.
For problems like this, I generally recommend running with TRACE logging and you can see all the consumer activity.

It took lot of time to figure out the solution. There seems to be some issue with the class, in case of AMQ fail over. The connection object is not getting started at consumer side in such cases.
Following is the fix i have added in file and compiled the sources to create activemq-core-x.x.x.jar
private final Object startMutex = new Object();
added a check in createSession method
public Session createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException {
synchronized (startMutex) {
if(!isStarted()) {


ActiveMQ CMS: Can messages be lost between creating a consumer and setting a listener?

Setting up a CMS consumer with a listener involves two separate calls: first, acquiring a consumer:
cms::MessageConsumer* cms::Session::createConsumer( const cms::Destination* );
and then, setting a listener on the consumer:
void cms::MessageConsumer::setMessageListener( cms::MessageListener* );
Could messages be lost if the implementation subscribes to the destination (and receives messages from the broker/router) before the listener is activated? Or are such messages queued internally and delivered to the listener upon activation?
Why isn't there an API call to create the consumer with a listener as a construction argument? (Is it because the JMS spec doesn't have it?)
(Addendum: this is probably a flaw in the API itself. A more logical order would be to instantiate a consumer from a session, and have a cms::Consumer::subscribe( cms::Destination*, cms::MessageListener* ) method in the API.)
I don't think the API is flawed necessarily. Obviously it could have been designed a different way, but I believe the solution to your alleged problem comes from the start method on the Connection object (inherited via Startable). The documentation for Connection states:
A CMS client typically creates a connection, one or more sessions, and a number of message producers and consumers. When a connection is created, it is in stopped mode. That means that no messages are being delivered.
It is typical to leave the connection in stopped mode until setup is complete (that is, until all message consumers have been created). At that point, the client calls the connection's start method, and messages begin arriving at the connection's consumers. This setup convention minimizes any client confusion that may result from asynchronous message delivery while the client is still in the process of setting itself up.
A connection can be started immediately, and the setup can be done afterwards. Clients that do this must be prepared to handle asynchronous message delivery while they are still in the process of setting up.
This is the same pattern that JMS follows.
In any case I don't think there's any risk of message loss regardless of when you invoke start(). If the consumer is using an auto-acknowledge mode then messages should only be automatically acknowledged once they are delivered synchronously via one of the receive methods or asynchronously through the listener's onMessage. To do otherwise would be a bug in my estimation. I've worked with JMS for the last 10 years on various implementations and I've never seen any kind of condition where messages were lost related to this.
If you want to add consumers after you've already invoked start() you could certainly call stop() first, but I don't see any problem with simply adding them on the fly.

how to requeue a message using spring ampq

While requeuing the message we want the message to be placed at the start/front of the queue.
This means if I have in queue as "D,C,B,A" and process A and then want to put back in Queue at start, my queue should looks like this:-
So, I should be able to process B, and since A moved at start of the queue should process it at end.
Interestingly, when tried with native AMQP library of rabbitMQ it wworks as expected above.
However, when we do it through spring AMQP library , the message still remains whereever it was, does not go to the front of the queue.
Here is the code which we tried:
public void onMessage(Message message, com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel) throws Exception {
if(new String(message.getBody()).equalsIgnoreCase("A")){
System.out.println("Message = =="+new String(message.getBody()));
channel.basicReject(message.getMessageProperties().getDeliveryTag(), true);
System.out.println("Message ==="+new String(message.getBody()));
channel.basicAck(message.getMessageProperties().getDeliveryTag(), true);
Any idea why it does not work in Spring but works in the rabbimq amqp native library ?
Spring AMQP version : spring-amqp-1.4.5.RELEASE
Rabbitmq amqp client version : 3.5.1
RabbitMQ was changed in version 2.7 to requeue messages at the head of the queue. Previous versions requeued at the tail of the queue - see here.
Your observation is because Spring AMQP sets the prefetch to 1 by default (by calling basicQos) - which only allows 1 message to be outstanding at the client. If basicQos is not called, the broker will send all four messages to the client so it will appear that the rejected message went to the back of the queue if the queue is empty due to prefetch.
If you set the prefetchCount to at least 4, you will see the same behavior.
If you really want to queue at the beginning you can use retry together with a RepublishMessageRecoverer.

What happens if a Publisher terminates before receive ack?

I want to ensure that certain kind of messages couldn't be lost, hence I should use Confirms (aka Publisher Acknowledgements).
The broker loses persistent messages if it crashes before said
messages are written to disk. Under certain conditions, this causes
the broker to behave in surprising ways.
For instance, consider this scenario:
a client publishes a persistent message to a durable queue
a client consumes the message from the queue (noting that the message is persistent and the queue durable), but doesn't yet ack it,
the broker dies and is restarted, and
the client reconnects and starts consuming messages.
At this point, the client could reasonably assume that the message
will be delivered again. This is not the case: the restart has caused
the broker to lose the message. In order to guarantee persistence, a
client should use confirms.
But what if, using confirms, the Publisher goes down before receive the ack and the message wasn't delivery to the queue for some reason (i.e. network failure).
Suppose we have a simple REST endpoint where we can POST new COMMENTS and, when a new COMMENT is created we want to publish a message in a queue. (Note: it doesn't matter if I send a message of a new COMMENT that at the end isn't created due to a rollback for example).
CommentEndpoint {
Channel channel;
post(String comment) {
channel.publish("comments-queue",comment) // is a persistent queue
Comment aNewComment = new Comment(comment)
// what happens if the server where this publisher is running terminates here ?
When the server restarts the channel is gone and the message could never be delivered.
One solution that comes to my mind is that after a restart, query the recent comments (¿something like the comments created between the last 3 min before the crash?) in the repository and send one message for each one and await confirmations.
What you are worried about is really no longer RabbitMQ only issue, it is a distributed transaction issue. This discussion gives one reasonable lightweight solution. And there are more strict solutions, for instance, two-phase commit, three-phase commit, etc, to ensure data consistent when it is really necessary.

Instruct RabbitMQ to resend undelivered messages periodically

We're using langohr to interact with RabbitMQ. We've tried two different approaches to let RabbitMQ resend messages that has not yet been properly handled by our service. One way that works is to send a basic.nack with requeue set to the true but this will resend the message immediately until the service responds with a basic.ack. This is a bit problematic if the service for example tries to persist the message to a datastore that is currently down (and is down for a while). It would be better for us to just fetch the undelivered messages say every 20 seconds or so (i.e. we neither do a basic.ack or basic.nack if the datastore is down, we just let the messages be retained in the queue). We've tried to implement this using an ExecutorService whose gist is implemented like this:
(let [chan (lch/open conn)] ; We create a new channel since channels in Langohr are not thread-safe
(log/info "Triggering \"recover\" for channel" chan)
(lb/recover chan)
(catch Exception e (log/error "Failed to call recover" e))
(finally (lch/close chan))))
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work (the messages are not redelivered and just remains in the queue). If we restart the service the queued messages are consumed correctly. However we have other services that are implemented using spring-rabbitmq (in Java) and they seem to be taking care of this out of the box. I've tried looking in the source code to figure out how they do it but I haven't managed to do so yet.
How do you instruct RabbitMQ to (re-)deliver messages in the queue periodically (preferably using Langohr)?
I am not sure what you are doing with your Spring AMQP apps, but there's nothing built into RabbitMQ for this.
However, it's pretty easy to set up dead-lettering using a TTL to requeue back to the original queue after some period of time. See this answer for examples, links etc.
However, Spring AMQP does have a retry interceptor which can be configured to suspend the consumer thread for some period(s) during retry.
Stateful retry rejects and requeues; stateless retry handles the retries internally and has no interaction with the broker during retries.
See this answer which has instructions: we Nack the message, the nack puts the message into a holding queue for N seconds, then it TTLs out of that queue and into another queue that puts it back in the original queue.
It took a little bit of work to setup, but it works great!

"Unknown delivery tag" from RabbitMQ when ack'ing a message in a cluster with replicated queues

We've been using Rabbit successfully for about a year. Recently have upgraded to v2.6.1, because we want to use clusters with replicated message queues.
My testing has hit a puzzling behavior that smells like a Rabbit bug to me. The test that uncovers this is working with a two-node cluster. Both nodes are running v2.6.1. Both nodes have disk. Both nodes are running on Mac OS, though I doubt this is pertinent.
I'm also running Alice on the node that runs the test. The test uses it to programmatically do a stop_app on one of the nodes, because the test is trying to validate that if the cluster master fails, and a slave is elevated to take its place, that we don't lose messages.
So, the test has a small thread pool, which is given tasks that periodically 1) publish messages, and 2) toggle the state of the Rabbit master node (stopped if running; started if stopped). Other threads are consuming messages from queues.
I'm using publisher confirms, and I'm also acknowledging the messages in the consumers (using autoAck=false for channel.basicConsume()).
When the master node is stopped, I see both the producers and consumers catching ShutdownSignalException. They handle this by attempting to reconnect to the cluster. This works fine. When reconnected, they continue with their business.
Sometimes, what I see is that a consumer has successfully fetched a message from the broker, and is calling channel.basicAck() when it gets that ShutdownSignalException.
Later, when the consumer has reconnected, it again pulls down the same message. (The message bodies are tagged with a UUID, so I know it is the same one.) This time, when the consumer attempts to basicAck() the message, it again gets ShutdownSignalException, but this one has the following text in it: "reply-text=PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag 7".
In fact, that is the same delivery tag that was offered to the consumer by the broker before the master went down and the consumer reconnected.
Googling suggests that this event means that the consumer is attempting to ack the same message more than once.
But, how can this be so? If the first ack succeeded, then the message should have been removed from the broker's queues, and the consumer shouldn't see the same message again.
Yet, if the first ack did not succeed, then the consumer shouldn't be dinged for attempting to re-ack the message.
Anyone seen this before? It smells like a bug in Rabbit's replicated queues to me, but I've still new to Rabbit, and so am willing to believe there's a subtlety here in consuming from a clustered broker that I haven't yet grokked!
Thanks, --Steve
I'm not sure if my case matching yours, but I have seen similar "unknown delivery tag" on attempts to ack after reconnect and then the same message arrived again. Initially it looked like a bug to me, but in fact this is expected behavior. Consumer with QOS>1 may have in it's local buffer some messages and delivery tag will be invalid for all o them after reconnect. From another hand, attempt to ack even the current message after reconnect doesn't make any sense, because that message already nacked automatically on connection lost and this is why I got it again.