react native update to 0.31.0 RCTNetwork error - react-native

I update react-native to 0.31.0, redbox as follow:
enter image description here
After remove the fetch method in my project, the error box disappeared too.
And this error only happens in iOS program.
How can I solve this problem?

Perhaps it's just a bug. Downgrade to 0.30


reanimated version problem (couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated.)

I am trying to practive this video.
(The basics of PinchGestureHandler with React Native Reanimated 2)
but my app doesn't work touch.
I get this Error
[Reanimated] Couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated.Did you forget to re-build the app after upgrading react-native-reanimated? If you use Expo Go, you must use the exact version which is bundled into Expo SDK.
How can I solve this problem?
first. I upgraded Expo SDK.
but I got still same error.
second. re-build the app.
but I got still same error.
third. I install reanimated again. but still be same error.
I was having the very same problem right now.
The following solved my issue:
npx expo start --clear
Hope it works for you too.

Animated Node does not exist with tag 1

We recently updated to Expo SDK 40 and now have run into a issue with “React Native: Animated Node with tag 1 does not exist”.
This is only an error on Android that is occurring.
We’ve changed all instances of useNativeDriver to false.
We’ve also tried commenting out all instances of Animated in our code and the error still persists.
Any ideas on what is going on here?
This isn't a full answer because I'm sure there was a fix for SDK 40 but Expo SDK 41 came out today and figured I'd see if that fixed the issue and it did.
For anyone that is stuck. SDK 41 using expo upgrade might be your solution.

React Native app stuck on white screen on launch

I am using RN version 0.60 and My app is stuck in white screen without getting any error
Try turning on debug mode. If it still exists,there is problem in your code or setup.
I was having an issue with gradle. After updating it to latest version everything working fine.
The bundles might be loading at that time. Have a look at your terminal any errors might be thrown there.

TimeoutError: transforming ..\node_modules\aws-sdk\dist\aws-sdk-react-native.js

I've been having an error when trying to run/test my react-native application on my mobile device. The error seems to be originating from aws-sdk as below:
Is anyone familiar with this error and knows how to fix it?
react-native: 0.45.1
aws-sdk: 2.223.1
Check out
After much attempts with the latest release i was able to get v2.224.1 working. I use react native v0.44.1.

React native server stops transforming every time

React native was working perfectly till today. But, Suddenly I'm facing a weird error. Whenever I try to load js from the react native android app. I'm getting the following messages.. Transforming progress bar is stopping exactly in 96% every time.
Let me know, If you need any extra information.
In my case, This was due to a package called MaterialReactNative. If there is some problem in the package, this will be stopped in transforming. If you want to know which package is making this problem. You can start react native in verbose mode.
react-native start -vvv
I hope that this will help few people who are facing the same issue.