Counting specific text items in a listbox in VB -

I'm a hobbyist trying to get to grips with some simple programming & chatbot learning, appreciate the help!
I'm trying to perform a count on a list box whereby a certain text exists at the beginning.
I.e. the below could be text in a listbox
You: Hi, how are you?
ChatBot: Hi, I am good thanks, how are you?
You: I'm ok I guess.
ChatBot: Why are you ok?
You: I just am.
*Note the "You:" and "ChatBot:" are both text included in the list box.
Is there a way I can perform a count (that is stored in a variable) on the list box so that I get a count for each time the word "ChatBot:" is read?

If i understood right this will work:
Dim chtb As Integer = 0
For Each i As String In ListBox1.Items
If i.StartsWith("ChatBot:") Then
chtb += 1
End If
chtb is how many times ChatBot responded

You could use something like this:
Dim i As Integer = (From item As String In ListBox1.Items Where item.StartsWith("ChatBot:")).Count


Match Words and Add Quantities

I am trying to program a way to read a text file and match all the values and their quantites. For example if the text file is like this:
Bread-10 Flour-2 Orange-2 Bread-3
I want to create a list with the total quantity of all the common words. I began my code, but I am having trouble understanding to to sum the values. I'm not asking for anyone to write the code for me but I am having trouble finding resources. I have the following code:
Dim query = From data In IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\User\Desktop\doc.txt")
Let name As String = data.Split("-")(0)
Let quantity As Integer = CInt(data.Split("-")(1))
Let sum As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To query.Count - 1
For j As Integer = i To
Ok, lets break this down. And I not seen the LET command used for a long time (back in the GWBASIC days!).
But, that's ok.
So, first up, we going to assume your text file is like this:
As opposed to this:
Bread-10 Flour-2 Orange-2 Bread-3
Now, we could read one line, and then process the information. Or we can read all lines of text, and THEN process the data. If the file is not huge (say a few 100 lines), then performance is not much of a issue, so lets just read in the whole file in one shot (and your code also had this idea).
Your start code is good. So, lets keep it (well ok, very close).
A few things:
We don't need the LET for assignment. While older BASIC languages had this, and still supports this? We don't need it. (but you will see examples of that still floating around in - especially for what we call "class" module code, or "custom classes". But again lets just leave that for another day.
Now the next part? We could start building up a array, look for the existing value, and then add it. However, this would require a few extra arrays, and a few extra loops.
However, in .net land, we have a cool thing called a dictionary.
And that's just a fancy term of for a collection VERY much like an array, but it has some extra "fancy" features. The fancy feature is that it allows one to put into the handly list things by a "key" name, and then pull that "value" out by the key.
This saves us a good number of extra looping type of code.
And it also means we don't need a array for the results.
This key system is ALSO very fast (behind the scene it uses some cool concepts - hash coding).
So, our code to do this would look like this:
Note I could have saved a few lines here or there - but that would make this code hard to read.
Given that you look to have Fortran, or older BASIC language experience, then lets try to keep the code style somewhat similar. it is stunning that seems to consume even 40 year old GWBASIC type of syntax here.
Do note that arrays() in do have some fancy "find" options, but the dictionary structure is even nicer. It also means we can often traverse the results with out say needing a for i = 1 to end of array, and having to pull out values that way.
We can use for each.
So this would work:
Dim MyData() As String ' an array() of strings - one line per array
MyData = File.ReadAllLines("c:\test5\doc.txt") ' read each line to array()
Dim colSums As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) ' to hold our values and sum them
Dim sKey As String
Dim sValue As Integer
For Each strLine As String In MyData
sKey = Split(strLine, "-")(0)
sValue = Split(strLine, "-")(1)
If colSums.ContainsKey(sKey) Then
colSums(sKey) = colSums(sKey) + sValue
colSums.Add(sKey, sValue)
End If
' display results
Dim KeyPair As KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)
For Each KeyPair In colSums
Debug.Print(KeyPair.Key & " = " & KeyPair.Value)
The above results in this output in the debug window:
Bread = 13
Flour = 2
Orange = 2
I was tempted here to write this code using just pure array() in, as that would give you a good idea of the "older" types of coding and syntax we could use here, and a approach that harks all the way back to those older PC basic systems.
While the dictionary feature is more advanced, it is worth the learning curve here, and it makes this problem a lot easier. I mean, if this was for a longer list? Then I would start to consider introduction of some kind of data base system.
However, without some data system, then the dictionary feature is a welcome approach due to that "key" value lookup ability, and not having to loop. It also a very high speed system, so the result is not much looping code, and better yet we write less code.

task 1 for project

I need to produce code within Visual Basic that identify's a words position. For example, my sentence could write 'This is my Visual Basic Project'. If the user entered the word 'my', the output will open another form displaying 'Your word is in the 3rd position'. Its required to use strings then split it into an array, then using the match function give each word individual properties/positions.
I am fairly new to programming and would love any help. I would appreciate it if you could return some code for my design e.g buttons and listboxes. I have tried incredibly hard to get this program fully functioning but i'm finding it very challenging.
Really please. Many thanks!!
First of all, I am not a Visual Basic or .NET person, but I really liked the problem and so optimization of my code is possible . I am little confused by, what do you mean by match function. Are you looking for REGEX or something for string matching over here?
Anyways, based on your description, I tried to code something for you, which I think is something what you are looking for.
The whole logic is within the click of the button "FIND POSITION OF WORD". Split the sentence then compare the entered word with each word in sentence
Public Class FindTheWord
Private Sub buttonFindTheWord_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles buttonFindTheWord.Click
Dim inputSentence As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim inputWord As String = TextBox2.Text
Dim SplittedSentence As String() = inputSentence.Split(" ")
Dim Position As Integer = 0
For Each word In SplittedSentence
Position = Position + 1
If (word = inputWord) Then
MessageBox.Show("Your word is at position : " + Position.ToString)
End If
End Sub End Class
Hope this helps.

Replacing nothing with a string

This may be a simple question, but I have searched quite a few sites and have tried a few of my own ideas and I still cannot seem to find a simple way to get Visual Studio to replace all of the listbox items with the string of nothing with some other text.
Using things such as :
For Each S In ListBox1.Items
S.Replace("", "Not Blank")
String cannot be of zero length
Which is quite annoying because the actual listbox item contains no text.
This seems to be one of the easiest things I have ever encountered while using But it now seems very hard for what should be a simple command.
A couple of problems. The Replace function returns a new value, and you promptly ignore it. Second, you can't really modify the collection as you For-Each over it, so a For-Loop would be more appropriate.
I think you want something like this instead:
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ListBox1.Items(i).ToString) Then
ListBox1.Items(i) = "Not Blank"
End If

How to restrict swear word input when using a textbox within Visual Basic

I have had several ideas yet most of the solutions online only restrict certain keys or only numbers, not full strings.
I want a solution that as soon as a keypress of a swear word has been inputted, VB detects it then disallows it. I have been able to do exact string matching so if a user puts the work F*** in, then it shows an error message, but this would not work if the user decided to put in "F***nugget". It would not be elegant nor time feasible to enter every possible combination of swear words. Thanks in advance for help.
If e.KeyChar = "F***" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please choose something else")
You need a 'string contains' function.
If you're writing in try String's Contains function, which is used like this:
Dim b As Boolean
b = s1.Contains(s2)
If you're not writing in .net
try InStr function. You can use it as follows:
InStr("find the comma, in the string", ",")
EDIT: after op's comment
If you want to check several swears you can put them in an array and check for each:
Dim swears = {"F***", "S***"}
Dim hasSwears As Boolean = false
For Each swear As String In swears
If InStr(textBox.Text, swear) > 0 Then
hasSwears = true
End If
Now you know if there are any swears according to hasSwears.

Convert String input to working VB code

Is it possible to convert, say, a textbox input to working code?
For example, user types 'if x<10 then y=2 else y=5' into textbox1, it gets used directly as code something like ...
dim x as integer = 5
dim y as integer = 0
include processed textbox1.text
resultbox.text = (y*20).tostring
It's not important why this would be needed - just whether there is any straight-forward method that parses a string to code.
Many thanks.
Maybe this is what you are looking for:
yes you can do this using the VBCodeProvider class. Although the amount of code required is quite significant: