Insert Json array into Postgres as separate column - sql

I have created a table in PostgreSQL using this:
I try to insert JSON array into Table. Like below
FROM json_populate_record(
'[{"multiprocess":true,"http_referer": "http://localhost:9000/"}, {"multiprocess": false,"http_referer": "http://localhost:9002/"}]'
It throws error :
[Error Code: 0, SQL State: 22023] ERROR: cannot call json_populate_record on an array
How can I insert JSON array data into Table as below
true http://localhost:9000/
false http://localhost:9002/


What is the right way to handle type string null values in SQL's Bulk Insert?

For example, I have a column with type int.
The raw data source has integer values, but the null values, instead of being empty (''), is 'NIL'
How would I handle those values when trying to Bulk Insert into MSSQL?
My code is
create table test (nid INT);
bulk insert test from #FILEPATH with (format="CSV", firstrow=2);
the first 5 rows of my .csv file looks like
You can replace the nil with " (empty string) directly in your data source file or insert the data into a staging table and transform it:
BULK INSERT staging_sample_data
FROM '\\data\sample_data.dat';
INSERT INTO [sample_data]
SELECT NULLIF(ColA, 'nil'), NULLIF(ColB, 'nil'),...
Of course if your field is for example a numeric, the staging table should have a string field. Then, you can do as Larnu offers: 'TRY_CONVERT(INT, ColA)'.
*Note: if there are default constraints you may need to check how to keep nulls

Getting Error 10293 while inserting a row to a hive table having array as one of the fileds

I have a hive table created using the following query:
create table arraytbl (id string, model string, cost int, colors array <string>,size array <float>)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '#';
Now , while trying to insert a row:
insert into mobilephones values
I get the following error:
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10293]: Unable to create temp file for insert values Expression of type TOK_FUNCTION not supported in insert/values
How can I resolve this issue?
The syantax to enter values in complex datatype if kinda bit weird, however this is my personal opinion.
You need a dummy table to insert values into hive table with complex datatype.
insert into arraytbl select "AA","AAA",5600, array("red","blue","green"), array(CAST(5.6 AS FLOAT),CAST(4.3 AS FLOAT)) from (select 'a') x;
And this is how it looks after insert.
hive> select * from arraytbl;
AA AAA 5600 ["red","blue","green"] [5.6,4.3]

postgres: ensure json column root is an object

I'm wondering how to ensure that the data inserted into a json or jsonb column is an object, not an array (or an array of objects).
-- ok
insert into users (settings) values ('{ "theme": "cobalt" }')
-- ok
insert into users (settings) values ('{}')
-- error!
insert into users (settings) values ('[]')
-- error!
insert into users (settings) values ('[{}]')
you could do smth like:
t=# create table so16(j jsonb check (left(ltrim(j::text), 1) <> '['));
t=# insert into so16 values('{"b":[1,2,3]}');
t=# insert into so16 values('[1,2,3]');
ERROR: new row for relation "so16" violates check constraint "so16_j_check"
DETAIL: Failing row contains ([1, 2, 3]).
t=# insert into so16 values(' [1,2,3]');
ERROR: new row for relation "so16" violates check constraint "so16_j_check"
DETAIL: Failing row contains ([1, 2, 3]).

Bulk Insert - How to tell SQLServer to insert empty-string and not null

This seems like a trivial question. And it is. But I have googled for over a day now, and still no answer:
I wish to do a bulk insert where for a column whose datatype is varchar(100), I wish to insert an empty string. Not Null but empty. For example for the table:
create table temp(columnName varchar(100))
I wish to insert an empty string as the value:
BULK INSERT sandbox..temp FROM
'file.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '|#', ROWTERMINATOR = '|:' );
And the file contents would be row1|:row2|:|:|:. So it contains 4 rows where last two rows are intended to be empty string. But they get inserted as NULL.
This question is not the same as the duplicate marked question: In a column, I wish to have the capacity to insert both: NULL and also empty-string. The answer's provided does only one of them but not both.
Well instead of inserting empty string explicitly like this why not let your table column have a default value of empty string and in your bulk insert don't pass any values for those columns. Something like
create table temp(columnName varchar(100) default '')

insert into array of custom type in Postgres

i have created a custom Postgres type with :
CREATE TYPE new_type AS (new_date timestamp, some_int bigint);
i have a table that store arrays of new_type like:
CREATE TABLE new_table (
table_id uuid primary key,
new_type_list new_type[] not null
and i insert data in this table with something like this:
ARRAY[[NOW()::timestamp, '146252'::bigint],
[NOW()::timestamp, '526685'::bigint]]::new_type[]
and i get this error
ERROR: cannot cast type timestamp without time zone to new_type
What am I missing?
I've also tried array syntax that uses {} but nothing better.
The easiest way would probably be:
ARRAY[ row(now(), 146252)::new_type,
row(now(), 526685)::new_type
] );
Note that you have to cast the row type to ::new_type.
As an alternative, you could also write:
ARRAY['("now", 146252)'::new_type,
'("now", 526685)'::new_type
] );
Check PostgreSQL documentation about Composite Value Input.