The executable file has created in Distribution type, GRacket mode and an icon is added. But, right-click on the file -> Properties -> Details shows the File description as "Racket GUI application" and other default file details as shown in picture.
Here is the code I used.
#lang racket
(require racket/gui/base
;;;;changed application name
(application:current-app-name "pokeball")
(define frame-width 400)
(define frame-height 300)
(define top-frame
(new frame%
[label "pokeball"]
[width frame-width]
[height frame-height]
[alignment (list 'left 'top)]))
(send top-frame show #t)
Product name is still showing as racket though I changed app-name.Is it possible to format those default properties?
Try .
Scroll to fourth screen shot.
After i updated my VS to Version 17.3.0 Preview 2.0, i have a pop up info from VS and i want to disable it and i don't know how(and i don't know what question to ask google). If anyone knows or have a link to a similar question i will really appreciate.
(to bad i can't put a printscreen, i don't have reputation points)
Disable: template (template: "[action]/ .....)
value (Ok(value: products))
[Route(template: "[action]/{category}", Name ="GetProductByCategory")]
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Product>>> GetProductByCategory(string category)
var products = await _productRepo.GetProductByCategory(categoryName: category);
return Ok(value: products);
Ty u.
It's called "Viewing inline hints" and I found it at link:
For quick view (if it's disable) press ALT + F1 (on windows).
For permanent view: Tools → Options → Text Editor → C# → Advanced → (scroll all the way down) and Enable "Display inline parameter name hints"
when we working with java in Intellij we have fori key for auto complete a for loop but i could not find the same shortcut key for that when working with Kotlin in Intellij .
actually i have tried and found iter shortcut but it is for foreach i want auto complete of some thing like for (i in 0 until 10 step 3) .
can you help me find the correct key for that
I think iter is the closest you get out of the box; it is is defined in the live templates as:
for ($VAR$ in $ITERABLE$) {
Go to preferences then search for live, this will show you all the live templates. If you then open the Kotlin section in the tree on the right
you can make a copy of iter (using the copy icon) then you can edit it in the pane at the bottom. Call the copied template iteru and amend it to something like
for ($VAR$ in $START$ until $ENDV$ step $STEP$) {
If iter is displaying foreach it might be that intellij thinks the source file type is something other than Kotlin.
I want to use the Structural Search and Replace option under Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> General -> Structural Search Inspection to find .scss/.sass files that are lacking the string #charset "utf-8";.
So far, I've added an "Option" called "charset" and the search template contains the string #charset "utf-8";. How do I proceed from here? When clicking on "Edit Variables" I only see this, but I'm not sure what to do with it.
I want to change the header name of the ABAP program. What can I do or where can I find the option to edit the header?
Two ways for this:
Set it in program options. Select the program and check menu Goto / Attributes.
Or you can create a GUI title and set it via ABAP. This overwrites attributes' setting.
More about how to achieve: here.
To change the program header is more easier than it seems.
Just open you program via SE38 -> Goto -> Properties -> Check the title field and change -> Save
And you are done. :)
I have this.
Usually is changing the name in atributes with transaction se38, but sometimes this don't work, you need in the transaction se80, create a title GUI, if yuou don't have a title created, righ clic in the program name, create -> GUI title.
And put your name and code.
and in your program (se38) in PBO, you have to call the title with
SET TITLEBAR '100' (Put your title code)
(100 is the title code), but this instruction have to need inside of a moodle, if is outside don't will work.
I use the first moodle that i have in my PBO (i don't know if is the best decition or the right form, but is a way and works).
finally the title change
The path is SE38 -> (Put Program Name) -> Now open the program in edit mode -> Select the option GOTO -> select Properties Change the program title.
I don't know where to find and adjust the configuration file to have Mathematica insert ClearAll["Global`*"]
at the beginning of every new notebook. How can I do this, rather than having to type it everytime I open a new notebook?
AFAIK there is no way to change the default new Notebook. But it is possible to add custom keyboard shortcut and/or menu command which will create new Notebook which will contain whatever you need. For example, you can add menu item "New my Notebook" under the "File -> New" submenu and assign Ctrl+Shift+N keyboard shortcut to evaluate it (this modification will only persist during current FrontEndSession) by evaluating the following (taken from here and here):
"New", {MenuItem["My new Notebook",
CreateDocument[ExpressionCell[Defer#ClearAll["Global`*"], "Input"]]],
FrontEnd`MenuKey["N", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> {"Control", "Shift"}],
System`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic]}]]
Now pressing Ctrl+Shift+N will open new Notebook window with "Input" cell already containing ClearAll["Global`*"]. If you replace FrontEnd`Modifiers -> {"Control", "Shift"} with FrontEnd`Modifiers -> {"Command"}, the keyboard combination will be Alt+N.
Information on how to make this change permanent can be found in this MathGroups post:
You can completely reset the menus using...
You'll get some ugly flicker, but that would work. You can also put
the AddMenuCommands function in a front end init.m which can be found
someplace on the path specified in the ConfigurationPath option. In
that case, the init.m file will get executed by the FE as it starts,
not the kernel, and so it won't matter how many kernels you start or
So you need to create the init.m file in one of the paths given by the ConfigurationPath option:
Options[$FrontEnd, ConfigurationPath][[1, 2]]
{FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}],
FrontEnd`FileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Autoload", _, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}],
FrontEnd`FileName[{$BaseDirectory, "Autoload", _, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}],
FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "Autoload", _, "Configuration", "FrontEnd"}]}
Some of these paths contain blank (_) which is undocumented but seemingly means any name (I have not not checked this).
Another way to make this change permanent is to edit your file, but it is not recommended.
P.S. I recommend you in future to ask your Mathematica-related questions on dedicated site, where they will receive more attention: