Mutations using Relay Environment - react-native

I'm using Relay with React Native and have a problem during login & logout.
After login or logout, Relay keeps the store from the previous user. To solve this I use Relay.Renderer and Relay.Environment. As in, in each Renderer I put singleton object of Environment.
The problem is that I previously did a mutation on object of Relay.Store, as in
Relay.Store.commitUpdate(new CreateProfile(), callback).
Now it doesn't work. I guess this is because Relay.Store doesn't know anything about server endpoints. But Relay.Environment does.
And now I'm using something like this this.props.relay.commitUpdate(new CreateProfile(), callback). It works pretty well when the parent component is wrapped as Relay.Container, so it has relay object in props.
But what should I do in components which are not Relay.Containers and don't have Relay object in props?

Relay.Store is a globally accessible singleton instance of Relay.Environment and Relay.Store.commitUpdate() updates data in that global environment. But since you're using your own instance of Relay.Environment, to update it you need to use this.props.relay.commitUpdate(), as you noted. This updates the environment the container was rendered with.
If need to make mutations from child components of containers, that are not wrapped in a Relay.Container, there are two ways to do that. You could simply pass the relay prop to them, so in the render function of your container you would have:
<Child relay={this.props.relay} />
However, since those plain components are not in a Relay container, they don't currently need to know anything about Relay. If you want to keep them that way, you could write the method that does the update in your container component like this:
onCreateProfile = () => {
this.props.relay.commitUpdate(new CreateProfile());
and only pass a callback to your child component in render:
<Child onCreateProfile={this.onCreateProfile} />
If you need to make a mutation from a component that does not have a Relay.Container above it in the component hierarchy at all, you could create the Relay.Environment in a shared root component higher up and pass it down using props (or pass a callback using the strategy shown above).


Vue.js initialize custom component only once and use it as base for multiple views

I created a vue component based on MapBox, which is restricted in initializations before it costs money and that is perfectly fine. But I want to reduce reinitializations of my map component for their and my sake.
That's why I thought if it is possible to define the component once, pass in some properties and then handle the state via vuex.
Right now, I'd have to import my component and add the data like this:
:componentOptions="{ drawingEnabled: toggleMapDrawing, activeLayers: activeMapLayers, activeMarkerGroups: [] }"
#loaded="onMapLoaded" #selectedMarkers="onSelectedObjects"/>
The componentOptions are being watched, so the component changes its state accordingly.
My ideas/approaches so far were the following:
I thought about adding the snippet above to the root vue file, but that won't help since I want to place the map component dynamically and not statically before the rest of the page content.
Passing a rendered vue component into a variable and appending that later would be a bit too hacky, if it is even possible.
Using slots, but from what I've seen in the docs, it's not possible to use a slotted component from a parent component in a child like this.
The best idea that has come to my mind was to define the actual MapBox variable (which I suppose triggers the API for initialization) and then save that globally using the store or something. But since that will immediately append the component to a DOM element that will be specified in the options, so I'd have to store that somehow, too.
The initialization of the map happens in the mounted hook of the component and looks like this:
const baseOptions = {
accessToken: process.env.MAPBOX_TOKEN,
container: 'map',
style: process.env.MAPBOX_STYLE_URL,
minZoom: 10,
maxZoom: 20,
zoom: 13,
bearing: 150,
pitch: 50
} = new mapboxgl.Map(Object.assign(baseOptions, this.mapOptions))
if (! { throw new Error('Could not create map. Make sure the token is valid.') }
I might be wrong, maybe there's a better way or maybe this whole idea might be garbage, but hopefully it's not. Also please note that I'm not using the vue-mapbox module, because it's not being maintained anymore.
I'm thankful for any ideas and hints :)
You may use <KeepAlive>, a built-in component available in both Vue2 (docs) and Vue3 (docs).
Basically it ensures that a component tagged with keep-alive will only be mounted once. So in your case, you can place the map wherever you want, and the Map will only be initialized once in its mounted hook.
If you need to utilize the moment that your Map gets "focused" or "activated" so to say, then you can utilize the activated and deactivated hooks.
Why you cannot use KeepAlive.
There is an obvious and logical limitation. As long as the parent is alive and mounted, the component's children that are being kept-alive will stay alive. But if the keep-alive component's parent gets unmounted, then all the children will be unmounted aswell even if they were being kept alive. This is all very obvious but I just felt like pointing it out.
So, in your use case, you want a component (the <Map> component) to be globally kept-alive after its first initialization. I suggest you cache the map element itself and store it in the store. Then on every <Map> component onBeforeMount (Composition API) or beforeMount (Options API) hook, manually check if the element is cached, if it is then insert the cached map from the store, otherwise initialize the map.

Cannot update props passed via react navigation

I have a container where the API calls happen. I need to pass the response I get to another component which is not the child of the above container. I can't pass in props like how you usually do since it is not a child component of the above container. What I do is, I pass the response to the above container's child component and from there I use :
reason: this.state.reason
To pass in the reason as prop to the "Whatever" component. Now, the problem is this "reason" prop does not get updated when it changes in the container from where it is being passed.
Now, I am aware that since we are not passing props like how they are usually passed that's why we won't be able to get the updated props in whatever component. I am aware that I might have to change the structure of my app as well, but I cannot afford that right now.
Is there any way via which I can update the reason prop in the whatever component?
Thanks in advance.
You can use params in react navigation
--updating params
--passing params
--passing params to nested component

Vue JS Components structure

I am learning Vue and my doubt is about the structure of my Vue app.
I learnt that the components can include both logic and template. Then I separated my components and everyone is getting the config from the main app (config is an object with the coordinates config.ll, config.lng).
I do the ajax call to my search-and-discovery API service and I display the results inside each components (current location, venues-near-you etc).
My question is: is it correct to encapsulate the calls into each components? Or is it better to get the needed data inside the general app and then share the results with the components using pros?
I am asking that because the hard part is starting now when I want to communicate the click of a category to the venuesNearYou component, I tried to use the emit without success.
<sidebar :config="config"></sidebar>
<content :config="config"></content>
<currentLocation :config="config"></currentLocation>
<categories :config="config"></categories>
<venueDetails :config="config"></venueDetails>
<venuesNearYou :config="config"></venuesNearYou>
I think you could use event Bus like approach
we have three type of communication in vue app (without vuex)
Parent to child communication which is full field by props
child to parent communication handle by custom event from child which is listen by parent
communication between non parent child component in which we use event bus approach
Parent to child example
Child to parent example
In child this.$emit('sendDataToParent',{someData:"some data"}})
in parent
<child-component :somedata="dataToChild" #sendDataToParent="'gotsomedata from parent'">
Event Bus
in main vue instance
const eventBus = new Vue()
in some component from where to send data
import eventBus
eventBus.$emit('someEvent','some data')
in some component from where to receive data
created() {
// register listener
For more reference
It's hard to help you around emitting an event since you didn't provide much of a code. But check Vuex. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in Vue application.

Vue - Passing data between dynamic components using eventBus?

I have 3 Components in my 'Search' (parent) View; 'SearchForm', 'ResultList', 'DetailPage'. I switch from the SearchForm to the ResultList when I have received a response from the backend.
<component v-bind:is="currentComponent"></component>
When a response is recieved in my 'SearchForm' I save it to the searchBus;
Then, in my ResultList I want to retrieve it again and display the results;
mounted() {
searchBus.$on(['searchIssue'], (search) => {
this.table_items = search;
I display a loading animation (also a component) until the response is fully loaded and the ResultList is displayed.
Due to the Vue lifecycle everything is working when all components are displayed in one View, as they are already listening when the bus is updated.
Should I choose a different approach? E.g. using v-show or pass the response back to the Parent and inserting it again with a prop (Idk if it would work as not all components have the same props).
Is there a way to use the Bus anyway ? And how could it be solved making it one linear hierarchy and still hide the non-relevant components? (SearchForm -> ResultList -> DetailPage)
Should I choose a different approach?
I thing that is coming time for using Vuex
At the center of every Vuex application is the store. A "store" is
basically a container that holds your application state. There are two
things that make a Vuex store different from a plain global object:
Vuex stores are reactive. When Vue components retrieve state from it, they will reactively and efficiently update if the store's state
You cannot directly mutate the store's state. The only way to change a store's state is by explicitly committing mutations. This
ensures every state change leaves a track-able record, and enables
tooling that helps us better understand our applications.

Vue and Vuex state checking

I am experimenting with Vue and VueX and while everything is working well, there is one aspect that is troubling with regards to the store mechanism.
I have a component that loads a set of data from a remote service via axios. It works correctly and is called when the component is created.
export default {
created() {
This correctly populates the "bar" variable in the component with the valeus returned from the api call.
When I next view the component in the application, the created function is called again and the api called again, which returns the same data.
What is the best practice way of avoiding subsequent calls until we know that there is different data to be collected? Or more precisely, how do I invalidate data in the store when necessary so that api call is made only when it needs it?
You can put your api call to the parent or root component then place a refresh button to the child component.
Or you can check if variable bar is empty then make the api call.