When a SQL DELETE query times out, what happens with the data? - sql

If I were to run a DELETE FROM some_table, and that were to timeout, what happens to the data?
The way I see it, one of two things might happen:
The data is deleted up to the point where the query times out, so if there were 1,000,000 entries in the database and the first 500,000 were deleted, they'd stay deleted. The database now contains half as many as it did before the query was run.
The data is deleted, the query times out, the data is rolled back (I would guess from the logs made by DELETE?). The database now contains the exact same data it started with.
Both seem logical. Would one happen 100% of the time? Or is this dependent on some settings I'm unaware of? Note that I'm not asking about the viability of the DELETE, I realize that TRUNCATE would likely be opportune. This is purely out of curiosity of how timeout functions with DELETE.

The Oracle, SQL Server,MySQL, PostgreSQL databases follows ACID properties. Hence whenever delete statement shows timed-out it must get rolled back.
You can get overview of ACID from the this Link.


Removing rows without transaction logging?

We have pretty big table with hundreds of millions of rows. It takes about 5-15 minutes to run removal of rows for a specific foreign key value. For example removing 8 million rows takes 15 minutes.
The questions is that does the removal of the rows actually even free up space as the database has transaction logging on? Can I remove rows with by-passing transaction logging for that operation?
In simple terms, you can't get around the transaction logging. That's just how the database ensures consistency - if the transaction fails halfway through (or the server's power fails, for example), the database engine needs to know how to get into a consistent state again. Also, appending the things to be changed into the transaction log is much faster than actually performing a change on the data files of the DB, especially in cases like yours.
There's a few special cases where it's safe to get around those things - truncate table will remove all the rows at once, and only if the table has no foreign keys, which makes it rather trivial. You can't limit it in any way, though.
The newly free space will be reclaimed as part of the database maintenance cycle. During each database backup, the database is synchronized to have all the data written in the data files, and the transaction log is backed up and emptied in the DB itself (I'm oversimplifying, since there's a lot of possible configurations - in any case, this is something your DBA should care about).
If this is posing a problem to you, the solution wouldn't be to get around the transaction logging anyway. You probably want to ask why (and how often) you need to delete millions of rows at a time.

read-committed for rows whose keys are in a list (is the read atomic?)

I happen to be using innodb, read-committed.
My simple question is this relative to a transaction:
I have a table (TreeNodeId) which holds a set of 4 different nodekeys, that represent all extant nodes in my system that relate to available paths to webpages. Each key represents an item in the database, and each row in the table represents various combinations in which items are used.
At the beginning of a transaction, based on the items being changed, I make a single query for all rows in TreeNodeId that reflect some extant combination of my one or 2 items.
Will this single query be internally consistent, even if it fetches 10,000 rows? Is it possible for the db query set to get the first 100 rows, and then for some other simultaneous transaction to commit new or deleted rows that would cause the remaing results to be inconsistent?
If you isolation level is read 'committed' it will only return results that have been 'committed' by the transaction log. So if you start a query that is in isolation level 'committed' at that point in time the sql transaction log will only give you transactions that had posted to it's log as committed. If in the middle of the select someone posts records they will be seen as 'uncommitted' at that point in time till they end their operation and will be 'committed'. However even if you change the level to 'uncommitted' you should not get data as it is in mid stream, you should get what is available to the engine at the moment you began your operation according to the transaction logs.
Committed versus uncommitted will get records in the system at the moment of select that are there based on your select. So if I had say 3,000,000 records and 200,000 records inserting but they were committing one at a time and only 100,000 had committed and 100,000 were aware of operation in the logs but not committed yet.
Committed would give me 3,100,000 and Uncommitted would give 3,200,000. However there are schools of thought and I just got into a discussion yesterday with someone on this.... Uncommitted will give you the uncommitted results and are known as 'dirty reads' in that you are reading logs that are not set yet(you rebel). You are saying "Hey database I don't care what you got incoming that is finalized I WANT IT NOW." When you say committed you are saying: "Database I only want qualified data, if something is not finalized I don't want it."
Advantages with each:
Uncommitted you will not LOCK anything. You are basically saying to the system: "Don't lock anything out, just let me go through the system freely getting what is there and I don't care if you change something. I want it at moment of operation." If something is trying to insert or update when you perform this it WILL NOT LOCK IT.
Committed will not lock anything except that which is in process to commit till your operation has been completed. You are safe in knowing your data returned is finalized but your run the risk of BLOCKING transactions trying to insert or post. Your are essentially telling the database: "Wait for me to finish before continuing your commits on tables I am accessing. I need my data accurate so hands off till I am done". This will potentially lock data while it is performing the reads on a table you are gathering from. This is not that common as most selects are near instant but on huge systems that are transactional based on posting thousands of records a second it is a BIG CONCERN.
Honestly in my discussion I favored uncommitted and the other person favored committed. I argued it is far more acceptable to get dirty data than stop production inserts. They argued that phantom reads and other instances were worse. This is an opinion and SQL systems are designed around inserts and selects but seldom can you do both exceptionally fast without taking a little away from the other. My answer if you want accurate reporting is do nightly backups, SSIS packages, binary collections, or something similar in an isolation level such as snapshot or committed and put that data somewhere. Let that data have been set in a way that we know it is finalized and it is locked so it may not be changed later and report off of that. Don't report off of production data hot and make it a point to tell everyone to do that. That is bad practice in and of itself to tell people to report off of live data performing inserts and updates in real time.
Will it hurt if you are a small mom and pop store with only 5 or 10 people using the database, probably not. Will it hurt if you are little bigger and have 50 people accessing the same database but it is about 100 gigs and semi transactional in that you get trickle's of data during the day. Still probably not. Will it hurt if you have 200 people and multiple servers and databases and a main transactional database brain storing the composite of all the data. ABSOLUTELY, don't read from a main production database with intense operations if it's main purpose is to get data to store.
EDIT to further point from real world example:
That is why usually at the top of most operations where I am not using table variables (declare #Table table) I set this: "set transaction isolation level read uncommitted". Will I be using this intensely every time I query? LOL, I hope not. In fact Full disclosure it may NEVER EVER help me from this point on because I isolate my data a lot with temp tables for huge transaction reporting. But I will not be getting yelled at by others I have a long running transaction blocking their inserts. You will also see a lot of people do this: "select * from table (nolock)" I Generally give code like this to lesser query designers as it embeds the nolock hint with the query. If I tell everyone to do this they will make it policy.
You do not have to do this and in fact some people will maybe follow me and claim this is wrong and post their side. I do it MOSTLY FOR PRODUCTION PROTECTION and anyone that tells me that is wrong I would like to hear why they like to lock tables and report off of them in production versus getting their data in or updated in real time first. I would have a hard time going to a manager and saying: "You know that huge account you were waiting to post 2 million records on and know the instance it was done. Well John down the hall really wanted to run this query that takes an hour to run because it was sloppily designed. He chose to use committed and is hitting some of the tables doing inserts so we are getting occasional locks. Well I think it is more important he get his report than we get business." I wonder what the manager would tell me back?

Are single statement UPDATES atomic, regardless of the isolation level? (SQL Server 2005)

In an app, Users and Cases have a many-to-many relationship. Users pull their list of Cases often, Users can update a single case at a time (a 1-10 second operation, requiring more than one UPDATE). Under READCOMMITTED, any in-use Case would block all associated Users from pulling their list of Cases. Also, the most recent data is a hotspot for both reads and writes to the Cases table.
I think I want to employ dirty reads to keep the experience snappy. READPAST on Cases won't work for this purpose. NOLOCK will work, but I'd like to be able to show which records are dirty when they are listed.
I don't know of any native way to show which records are dirty, so I'm thinking that for each update or insert to Cases, an INUSE flag will be set. This flag must be cleared by the end of the updating transaction such that under READCOMMITTED, this flag will never appear to be set. Note that this is NOT to replace concurrency management, only to show which records are potentially dirty to the User.
My question is whether this is reliable - if we UPDATE two or more fields (INUSE plus the other fields) in a single statement, is it possible that a concurrent NOLOCK query would read some of the new values but not others? If so, is it possible to guarantee that INUSE be set first?
And if I'm thinking about this all wrong, please enlighten me. My ideal situation would be to, in a manageable way, be able to show the values as they were PRIOR to any related transaction so the data is immediately available and always consistent (but partially out-dated). But I don't think this is available - especially in the more complex actual database.
Restating the problem just to be sure: User A on connection A updates two columns (col1, col2) in MyTable. While this is going on, user B on connection B issues a dirty read, selecting data from that row. You are wondering if user B could get, say, the updated value in col1 AND the old/not updated value in col2. Correct?
I have to say: no way could this happen. As I understand it, updates are indeed an atomic transaction, and if you're writing data to the page (in memory), then the entire row update would have to finish on that set of bytes before anything else (another thread) could get access to them.
But I don't know for sure, and I can't imagine how to set up a test to confirm or deny this. The only answer I'd rely on would have to come from someone who actually had a hand in writing the code, or perhaps a Microsoft technician who has similar access. If you don't get any good answers here, posting the question on the appropriate MSDN forum (link) might get a good answer.
Have you considered using SNAPSHOT isolation level? When used for a query, it requires no locks whatsoever, and it gives precisely the semantics that you're asking for:
show the values as they were PRIOR to any related transaction so the data is immediately available and always consistent (but partially out-dated)

How can I get dead lock in this situation?

In my client application I have a method like this (in practice it's more complex, but I've left the main part):
public void btnUpdate_Click(...)
dataAdapter.Fill(...); // here I got exception one time
The exception I found in logs says "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction". I met this exception only time, so it wasn't repeated.
As I understand, DataAdapter.Fill() method executes only select query. I don't make an explicit transaction and I have autocommit enabled.
So how can I get dead lock on a simple select query which is not a part of bigger transaction?
As I understand, to get a dead lock, two transactions should wait for each other. How is that possible with a single select not inside a transaction? Maybe it's a bug in MySql?
Thank you in advance.
You are right it takes two transactions to make a deadlock. That is to say, No statement or statements within a single transaction can deadlock with other statements within the same transaction.
But it only take one transaction to notice a report of a deadlock. How do you know that the transaction you are seeing the deadlock reported in is the only transaction being executed in the database? Isn't there other activity going on in this database?
Also. your statement "I don't make an explicit transaction", and "... which is not a part of bigger transaction" implies that you do not understand that every SQL statement executed is always in an implicit transaction, even if you do not explicitly start one.
Most databases have reporting mechanisms specifically designed to track, report and/or log instances of deadlocks for diagnostic purposes. In SQL server there is a trace flag that causes a log entry with much detail about each deadlock that occurs, including details about each of the two transactions involved, like what sql statements were being executed, what objects in the database were being locked, and why the lock could not be obtained. I'd guess mySQL has similar disgnostic tool. Find out what it is and turn it on so that the next time this occurs you can look and find out exactly what happened.
You can deadlock a simple SELECT against other statements, like an UPDATE. On my blog I have an example explaining a deadlock between two well tunned statements: Read/Write deadlock. While the example is SQL Server specific, the principle is generic. I don't have enough knowledge of MySQL to claim this is necessarily the case or not, specially in the light of various engines MySQL can deploy, but none the less a simple SELECT can be the victim of a deadlock.
I haven't looked into how MySQL transaction works, but this is based on how MSSQL transactions work:
If you are not using a transaction, each query has a transaction by itself. Otherwise you would get a mess every time an update failed in the middle.
The reason for the deadlock might be lock escalation. The database tries to lock as little as possible for each query, so it starts out by locking only the single rows affected. When most of the rows in a page is locked by the query it might decide that escalating the lock into locking the entire page would be better, which may have the side effect of locking some rows not otherwise affected by the query.
If a select query and an update query are trying to escalate locks on the same table, they may cause a deadlock eventhough only a single table is involved.
I agree that in this particular issue this is unlikely to be the issue but this is supplemental to the other answers in terms of limiting their scope, recorded for posterity in case someone finds it useful.
MySQL can in rare cases have single statements periodically deadlock against themselves. This seems to happen particularly on bulk inserts and the issues are almost certainly a deadlock between different threads relating to the operation. I would expect bulk updates to have the same problem. In the past when faced with this sort of issue I have generally just cut down on the number of rows being inserted (or updated) in a single statement. You won't usually get a deadlock when trying to obtain the lock in this case but other messages.
A colleague of mine and I were discussing similar problems in MS SQL Server (so this is not unique to MySQL!) and he pointed out that the solution there is to tell the server not to parallelize the insert or update. The problems here are spinlock-related deadlocks, not logical lock deadlocks in the RDBMS.

Database safety: Intermediary "to_be_deleted" column/table?

Everyone has accidentally forgotten the WHERE clause on a DELETE query and blasted some un-backed up data once or twice. I was pondering that problem, and I was wondering if the solution I came up with is practical.
What if, in place of actual DELETE queries, the application and maintenance scripts did something like:
UPDATE foo SET to_be_deleted=1 WHERE blah = 50;
And then a cron job was set to go through and actually delete everything with the flag? The downside would be that pretty much every other query would need to have WHERE to_be_deleted != 1 appended to it, but the upside would be that you'd never mistakenly lose data again. You could see "2,349,325 rows affected" and say, "Hmm, looks like I forgot the WHERE clause," and reset the flags. You could even make the to_be_deleted field a DATE column, so the cron job would check to see if a row's time had come yet.
Also, you could remove DELETE permission from the production database user, so even if someone managed to inject some SQL into your site, they wouldn't be able to remove anything.
So, my question is: Is this a good idea, or are there pitfalls I'm not seeing?
That is fine if you want to do that, but it seems like a lot of work. How many people are manually changing the database? It should be very few, especially if your users have an app to work with.
When I work on the production db I put EVERYTHING I do in a transaction so if I mess up I can rollback. Just having a standard practice like that for me has helped me.
I don't see anything really wrong with that though other than ever single point of data manipulation in each applicaiton will have to be aware of this functionality and not just the data it wants.
This would be fine as long as your appliction does not require that the data is immediately deleted since you have to wait for the next interval of the cron job.
I think a better solution and the more common practice is to use a development server and a production server. If your development database gets blown out, simply reload it. No harm done. If you're testing code on your production database, you deserve anything bad that happens.
A lot of people have a delete flag or a row status flag. But if someone is doing a change through the back end (and they will be doing it since often people need batch changes done that can't be accomplished through the front end) and they make a mistake they will still often go for delete. Ultimately this is no substitute for testing the script before applying it to a production environment.
Also...what happens if the following query gets executed "UPDATE foo SET to_be_deleted=1" because they left off the where clause. Unless you have auditing columns with a time stamp how do you know which columns were deleted and which ones were done in error? But even if you have auditing columns with a time stamp, if the auditing is done via a stored procedure or programmer convention then these back end queries may not supply information letting you know that they were just applied.
Too complicated. The standard approach to this is to do all your work inside a transaction, so if you screw up and forget a WHERE clause, then you simply roll back when you see the "2,349,325 rows affected" result.
It may be easier to create a parallel table for deleted rows. A DELETE trigger (and UPDATE too if you want to undo changes as well) on the original table could copy the affected rows to the parallel table. Adding a datetime column to the parallel table to record the date & time of the change would let you permanently remove rows past a certain age using your cron job.
That way, you'd use normal DELETE statements on the original table, so there's no chance you'll forget to run your special "DELETE" statement. You also sidestep the to_be_deleted != 1 expression, which is just a bug waiting to happen when someone inevitably forgets.
It looks like you're describing three cases here.
Case 1 - maintenance scripts. Risk can be minimized by developing them and testing them in an environment other than your production box. For quick maintenance, do the maintenance in a single transaction, and check everything before committing. If you made a mistake, issue the rollback command. For more serious maintenance that you can't necessarily wait around for, or do in a single transaction, consider taking a backup directly before running the maintenance job, so that you can always restore back to the point before you ran your script if you encounter serious problems.
Case 2 - SQL Injection. This is an architecture issue. Your application shouldn't pass SQL into the database, access should be controlled through packages / stored procedures / functions, and values that are going to come from the UI and be used in a DDL statement should be applied using bind variables, rather than by creating dynamic SQL by appending strings together.
Case 3 - Regular batch jobs. These should have been tested before being deployed to production. If you delete too much, you have a bug, and are going to have to rely on your backup strategy.
Everyone has accidentally forgotten
the WHERE clause on a DELETE query and
blasted some un-backed up data once or
No. I always prototype my DELETEs as SELECTs and only if the latter gives the results I want to delete change the statement before WHERE to a DELETE. This let's me inspect in any needed detail the rows I want to affect before doing anything.
You could set up a view on that table that selects WHERE to_be_deleted != 1, and all of your normal selects are done on that view - that avoids having to put the WHERE on all of your queries.
The pitfall is that it's unnecessarily complicated and someone will inadvertently forget too check the flag in their query. There's also the issue of potentially needing to delete something immediately instead of wait for the scheduled job to run.
To avoid the to_be_deleted WHERE clause you could create a trigger before the delete command fires off to insert the deleted rows into a separate table. This table could be cleared out when you're sure everything in it really needs to be deleted, or you could keep it around for archive purposes.
You also get a "soft delete" feature so you can give the(certain) end-users the power of "undo" - there would have to be a pretty strong downside in the mix to cancel the benefits of soft deleting.
The "WHERE to_be_deleted <> 1" on every other query is a huge one. Another is once you've ran your accidentally rogue query, how will you determine which of the 2,349,325 were previously marked as deleted?
I think the practical solution is regular backups, and failing that, perhaps a delete trigger that captures the tuples to be axed.
The other option would be to create a delete trigger on each table. When anything is deleted, it would insert that "to be deleted" record into another table, ideally named TABLENAME_deleted.
The downside would be that the db would have twice as many tables.
I don't recommend triggers in general, but it might be what you are looking for.
This is why, whenever you are editing data by hand, you should BEGIN TRAN, edit your data, check that it looks good (for instance that you didn't delete more data than you were expecting) and then END TRAN. If you're using Postgres then you want to create lots of savepoints as well so that a typo doesn't wipe out your intermediate work.
But that said, in many applications it does make sense to have software mark records as invalid rather than deleting them. Add a last_modified date that is automatically updated, and you are all prepared to set up incremental updates into a data warehouse. Even if you don't have a data warehouse now, it never hurts to prepare for the future when preparing is cheap. Plus in the event of manual mistakes you still have the data, and can just find all of the records that got "deleted" when you made your mistake and fix them. (You should still use transactions though.)