How can I get dead lock in this situation? - sql

In my client application I have a method like this (in practice it's more complex, but I've left the main part):
public void btnUpdate_Click(...)
dataAdapter.Fill(...); // here I got exception one time
The exception I found in logs says "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction". I met this exception only time, so it wasn't repeated.
As I understand, DataAdapter.Fill() method executes only select query. I don't make an explicit transaction and I have autocommit enabled.
So how can I get dead lock on a simple select query which is not a part of bigger transaction?
As I understand, to get a dead lock, two transactions should wait for each other. How is that possible with a single select not inside a transaction? Maybe it's a bug in MySql?
Thank you in advance.

You are right it takes two transactions to make a deadlock. That is to say, No statement or statements within a single transaction can deadlock with other statements within the same transaction.
But it only take one transaction to notice a report of a deadlock. How do you know that the transaction you are seeing the deadlock reported in is the only transaction being executed in the database? Isn't there other activity going on in this database?
Also. your statement "I don't make an explicit transaction", and "... which is not a part of bigger transaction" implies that you do not understand that every SQL statement executed is always in an implicit transaction, even if you do not explicitly start one.
Most databases have reporting mechanisms specifically designed to track, report and/or log instances of deadlocks for diagnostic purposes. In SQL server there is a trace flag that causes a log entry with much detail about each deadlock that occurs, including details about each of the two transactions involved, like what sql statements were being executed, what objects in the database were being locked, and why the lock could not be obtained. I'd guess mySQL has similar disgnostic tool. Find out what it is and turn it on so that the next time this occurs you can look and find out exactly what happened.

You can deadlock a simple SELECT against other statements, like an UPDATE. On my blog I have an example explaining a deadlock between two well tunned statements: Read/Write deadlock. While the example is SQL Server specific, the principle is generic. I don't have enough knowledge of MySQL to claim this is necessarily the case or not, specially in the light of various engines MySQL can deploy, but none the less a simple SELECT can be the victim of a deadlock.

I haven't looked into how MySQL transaction works, but this is based on how MSSQL transactions work:
If you are not using a transaction, each query has a transaction by itself. Otherwise you would get a mess every time an update failed in the middle.
The reason for the deadlock might be lock escalation. The database tries to lock as little as possible for each query, so it starts out by locking only the single rows affected. When most of the rows in a page is locked by the query it might decide that escalating the lock into locking the entire page would be better, which may have the side effect of locking some rows not otherwise affected by the query.
If a select query and an update query are trying to escalate locks on the same table, they may cause a deadlock eventhough only a single table is involved.

I agree that in this particular issue this is unlikely to be the issue but this is supplemental to the other answers in terms of limiting their scope, recorded for posterity in case someone finds it useful.
MySQL can in rare cases have single statements periodically deadlock against themselves. This seems to happen particularly on bulk inserts and the issues are almost certainly a deadlock between different threads relating to the operation. I would expect bulk updates to have the same problem. In the past when faced with this sort of issue I have generally just cut down on the number of rows being inserted (or updated) in a single statement. You won't usually get a deadlock when trying to obtain the lock in this case but other messages.
A colleague of mine and I were discussing similar problems in MS SQL Server (so this is not unique to MySQL!) and he pointed out that the solution there is to tell the server not to parallelize the insert or update. The problems here are spinlock-related deadlocks, not logical lock deadlocks in the RDBMS.


Reason for MSDTC promotion

Reason for System.Transactions.TransactionInDoubtException mentions three reasons for transactions being promoted to MSDTC. The first two are fairly well known, however the third reason is the following:
3.If you have "try/catch{retry if timeout/deadlock}" logic that is running within your code, then this can cause issues when the transaction is within a System.Transactions.TransactionScope, because of the way that SQL Server automatically rolls back transaction when a timeout or deadlock occurs.
I am seeing this behavior in one of my server apps when it is under severe load (SQL 2012). I've tried Googling extensively, but I'm not finding any more info. Does anyone have any references to additional information on this topic?
I guess we're really running one transaction over one connection with a ref count of two. Which I agree is bogus and should be re-coded.
This is not a problem by itself.
However, there times when the inner transaction rolls back and retries
The problem is that a rollback rolls back everything. You can't retry the "inner" work in isolation. (Yes, this would be super useful but SQL Server does not support it.)
This looks to fire up a second connection for the inner transaction. Which would cause MSDTC to be invoked to try to coordinate.
This is moot because at this point the "outer" work has been destroyed.
There is no great solution for this problem. The best strategy is likely to have only one transaction and retry outer and inner work as one unit. Retries always must retry the entire transaction. You can use transaction "ref counting" if you want but you can't use it to rollback.
A particular nasty feature of SQL Server is that it is unpredictable whether any particular error causes the transaction to roll back. Therefore it is the cleanest way to never handle errors with SQL Server and always declare the transaction to be lost. (There is no technical reason SQL Server has to do this. It's just a stupid design choice.)

Are there side effects running a sql query within a transaction?

Are there side effects running a sql select query within a transaction?
I am executing a service method which queries and inserts/updates data in one transaction block.
The query is included in the transaction. Should I expect any negative behavior from this?
Negative or possitive behavior is not an absolute concept.
You should design isolation and transactions according to your application needs. More isolation also longs transactions means more locks.
I wouldn't say there are any negative behaviors, but I know in SQL Server by default transactions lock rows. So if you have queries hitting the table you are updating/inserting into and it takes a while the queries could lock and/or timeout. You can find and example of this here.
About the select statement that is not necessarily bad if you are using it as a condition for a successful insert/update. The point of a transaction is to be able to rollback any issues if something fails. So if the query does not accomplish this goal I would leave it out of the transaction. Here's a cool article that you might want to leaf through to help you get the concept of how to use transactions effectively.
You will lock while the transaction is open. If you'd doing this from .NET and not careful, you will leave the lock on the table. Also, if you roll back your transaction on a table that has an identity column and insert while the first transaction is still open, you'll end up with non-contiguous identities.
However, the benefits for running things in transactions can out weigh these problems.
You should try to keep your transactions as small as possible.

Deadlock error in INSERT statement

We've got a web-based application. There are time-bound database operations (INSERTs and UPDATEs) in the application which take more time to complete, hence this particular flow has been changed into a Java Thread so it will not wait (block) for the complete database operation to be completed.
My problem is, if more than 1 user comes across this particular flow, I'm facing the following error thrown by PostgreSQL:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: deadlock detected
Detail: Process 13560 waits for ShareLock on transaction 3147316424; blocked by process 13566.
Process 13566 waits for ShareLock on transaction 3147316408; blocked by process 13560.
The above error is consistently thrown in INSERT statements.
Additional Information:
1) I have PRIMARY KEY defined in this table.
2) There are FOREIGN KEY references in this table.
3) Separate database connection is passed to each Java Thread.
Web Server: Tomcat v6.0.10
Java v1.6.0
Database: PostgreSQL v8.2.3
Connection Management: pgpool II
One way to cope with deadlocks is to have a retry mechanism that waits for a random interval and tries to run the transaction again. The random interval is necessary so that the colliding transactions don't continuously keep bumping into each other, causing what is called a live lock - something even nastier to debug. Actually most complex applications will need such a retry mechanism sooner or later when they need to handle transaction serialization failures.
Of course if you are able to determine the cause of the deadlock it's usually much better to eliminate it or it will come back to bite you. For almost all cases, even when the deadlock condition is rare, the little bit of throughput and coding overhead to get the locks in deterministic order or get more coarse-grained locks is worth it to avoid the occasional large latency hit and the sudden performance cliff when scaling concurrency.
When you are consistently getting two INSERT statements deadlocking it's most likely an unique index insert order issue. Try for example the following in two psql command windows:
Thread A | Thread B
| INSERT uniq=1;
INSERT uniq=2; |
| INSERT uniq=2;
| block waiting for thread A to commit or rollback, to
| see if this is an unique key error.
INSERT uniq=1; |
blocks waiting |
for thread B, |
Usually the best course of action to resolve this is to figure out the parent objects that guard all such transactions. Most applications have one or two of primary entities, such as users or accounts, that are good candidates for this. Then all you need is for every transaction to get the locks on the primary entity it touches via SELECT ... FOR UPDATE. Or if touches several, get locks on all of them but in the same order every time (order by primary key is a good choice).
What PostgreSQL does here is covered in the documentation on Explicit Locking. The example in the "Deadlocks" section shows what you're probably doing. The part you may not have expected is that when you UPDATE something, that acquires a lock on that row that continues until the transaction involved ends. If you have multiple clients all doing updates of more than one thing at once, you'll inevitably end up with deadlocks unless you go out of your way to prevent them.
If you have multiple things that take out implicit locks like UPDATE, you should wrap the whole sequence in BEGIN/COMMIT transaction blocks, and make sure you're consistent about the order they acquire locks (even the implicit ones like what UPDATE grabs) at everywhere. If you need to update something in table A then table B, and one part of the app does A then B while the other does B then A, you're going to deadlock one day. Two UPDATEs against the same table are similarly destined to fail unless you can enforce some ordering of the two that's repeatable among clients. Sorting by primary key once you have the set of records to update and always grabbing the "lower" one first is a common strategy.
It's less likely your INSERTs are to blame here, those are much harder to get into a deadlocked situation, unless you violate a primary key as Ants already described.
What you don't want to do is try and duplicate locking in your app, which is going to turn into a giant scalability and reliability mess (and will likely still result in database deadlocks). If you can't work around this within the confines of the standard database locking methods, consider using either the advisory lock facility or explicit LOCK TABLE to enforce what you need instead. That will save you a world of painful coding over trying to push all the locks onto the client side. If you have multiple updates against a table and can't enforce the order they happen in, you have no choice but to lock the whole table while you execute them; that's the only route that doesn't introduce a potential for deadlock.
Deadlock explained:
In a nutshell, what is happening is that a particular SQL statement (INSERT or other) is waiting on another statement to release a lock on a particular part of the database, before it can proceed. Until this lock is released, the first SQL statement, call it "statement A" will not allow itself to access this part of the database to do its job (= regular lock situation). But... statement A has also put a lock on another part of the database to ensure that no other users of the database access (for reading, or modifiying/deleting, depending on the type of lock). Now... the second SQL statement, is itself in need of accessing the data section marked by the lock of Statement A. That is a DEAD LOCK : both Statement will wait, ad infinitum, on one another.
The remedy...
This would require to know the specific SQL statement these various threads are running, and looking in there if there is a way to either:
a) removing some of the locks, or changing their types.
For example, maybe the whole table is locked, whereby only a given row, or
a page thereof would be necessary.
b) preventing multiple of these queries to be submitted at a given time.
This would be done by way of semaphores/locks (aka MUTEX) at the level of the
multi-threading logic.
Beware that the "b)" approach, if not correctly implemented may just move the deadlock situation from within SQL to within the program/threads logic. The key would be to only create one mutex to be obtained first by any thread which is about to run one of these deadlock-prone queries.
Your problem, probably, is the insert command is trying to lock one or both index and the indexes is locked for the other tread.
One common mistake is lock resources in different order on each thread. Check the orders and try to lock the resources in the same order in all threads.

ORM Support for Handling Deadlocks

Do you know of any ORM tool that offers deadlock recovery? I know deadlocks are a bad thing but sometimes any system will suffer from it given the right amount of load. In Sql Server, the deadlock message says "Rerun the transaction" so I would suspect that rerunning a deadlock statement is a desirable feature on ORM's.
I don't know of any special ORM tool support for automatically rerunning transactions that failed because of deadlocks. However I don't think that a ORM makes dealing with locking/deadlocking issues very different. Firstly, you should analyze the root cause for your deadlocks, then redesign your transactions and queries in a way that deadlocks are avoided or at least reduced. There are lots of options for improvement, like choosing the right isolation level for (parts) of your transactions, using lock hints etc. This depends much more on your database system then on your ORM. Of course it helps if your ORM allows you to use stored procedures for some fine-tuned command etc.
If this doesn't help to avoid deadlocks completely, or you don't have the time to implement and test the real fix now, of course you could simply place a try/catch around your save/commit/persist or whatever call, check catched exceptions if they indicate that the failed transaction is a "deadlock victim", and then simply recall save/commit/persist after a few seconds sleeping. Waiting a few seconds is a good idea since deadlocks are often an indication that there is a temporary peak of transactions competing for the same resources, and rerunning the same transaction quickly again and again would probably make things even worse.
For the same reason you probably would wont to make sure that you only try once to rerun the same transaction.
In a real world scenario we once implemented this kind of workaround, and about 80% of the "deadlock victims" succeeded on the second go. But I strongly recommend to digg deeper to fix the actual reason for the deadlocking, because these problems usually increase exponentially with the number of users. Hope that helps.
Deadlocks are to be expected, and SQL Server seems to be worse off in this front than other database servers. First, you should try to minimize your deadlocks. Try using the SQL Server Profiler to figure out why its happening and what you can do about it. Next, configure your ORM to not read after making an update in the same transaction, if possible. Finally, after you've done that, if you happen to use Spring and Hibernate together, you can put in an interceptor to watch for this situation. Extend MethodInterceptor and place it in your Spring bean under interceptorNames. When the interceptor is run, use invocation.proceed() to execute the transaction. Catch any exceptions, and define a number of times you want to retry.
An o/r mapper can't detect this, as the deadlock is always occuring inside the DBMS, which could be caused by locks set by other threads or other apps even.
To be sure a piece of code doesn't create a deadlock, always use these rules:
- do fetching outside the transaction. So first fetch, then perform processing then perform DML statements like insert, delete and update
- every action inside a method or series of methods which contain / work with a transaction have to use the same connection to the database. This is required because for example write locks are ignored by statements executed over the same connection (as that same connection set the locks ;)).
Often, deadlocks occur because either code fetches data inside a transaction which causes a NEW connection to be opened (which has to wait for locks) or uses different connections for the statements in a transaction.
I had a quick look (no doubt you have too) and couldn't find anything suggesting that hibernate at least offers this. This is probably because ORMs consider this outside of the scope of the problem they are trying to solve.
If you are having issues with deadlocks certainly follow some of the suggestions posted here to try and resolve them. After that you just need to make sure all your database access code gets wrapped with something which can detect a deadlock and retry the transaction.
One system I worked on was based on “commands” that were then committed to the database when the user pressed save, it worked like this:
start a database transaction
Foreach command to process
read data the command need into objects
update the object by calling the method
Save the objects to the database
If not deadlock
commit the database transaction
we are done
abort the database transaction
log deadlock and try again
You may be able to do something like with any ORM; we used an in house data access system, as ORM were too new at the time.
We run the commands outside of a transaction while the user was interacting with the system. Then rerun them as above (when you use did a "save") to cope with changes other people have made. As we already had a good ideal of the rows the command would change, we could even use locking hints or “select for update” to take out all the write locks we needed at the start of the transaction. (We shorted the set of rows to be updated to reduce the number of deadlocks even more)

What are the problems of using transactions in a database?

From this post. One obvious problem is scalability/performance. What are the other problems that transactions use will provoke?
Could you say there are two sets of problems, one for long running transactions and one for short running ones? If yes, how would you define them?
EDIT: Deadlock is another problem, but data inconsistency might be worse, depending on the application domain. Assuming a transaction-worthy domain (banking, to use the canonical example), deadlock possibility is more like a cost to pay for ensuring data consistency, rather than a problem with transactions use, or you would disagree? If so, what other solutions would you use to ensure data consistency which are deadlock free?
It depends a lot on the transactional implementation inside your database and may also depend on the transaction isolation level you use. I'm assuming "repeatable read" or higher here. Holding transactions open for a long time (even ones which haven't modified anything) forces the database to hold on to deleted or updated rows of frequently-changing tables (just in case you decide to read them) which could otherwise be thrown away.
Also, rolling back transactions can be really expensive. I know that in MySQL's InnoDB engine, rolling back a big transaction can take FAR longer than committing it (we've seen a rollback take 30 minutes).
Another problem is to do with database connection state. In a distributed, fault-tolerant application, you can't ever really know what state a database connection is in. Stateful database connections can't be maintained easily as they could fail at any moment (the application needs to remember what it was in the middle of doing it and redo it). Stateless ones can just be reconnected and have the (atomic) command re-issued without (in most cases) breaking state.
You can get deadlocks even without using explicit transactions. For one thing, most relational databases will apply an implicit transaction to each statement you execute.
Deadlocks are fundamentally caused by acquiring multiple locks, and any activity that involves acquiring more than one lock can deadlock with any other activity that involves acquiring at least two of the same locks as the first activity. In a database transaction, some of the acquired locks may be held longer than they would otherwise be held -- to the end of the transaction, in fact. The longer locks are held, the greater the chance for a deadlock. This is why a longer-running transaction has a greater chance of deadlock than a shorter one.
One issue with transactions is that it's possible (unlikely, but possible) to get deadlocks in the DB. You do have to understand how your database works, locks, transacts, etc in order to debug these interesting/frustrating problems.
I think the major issue is at the design level. At what level or levels within my application do I utilise transactions.
For example I could:
Create transactions within stored procedures,
Use the data access API (ADO.NET) to control transactions
Use some form of implicit rollback higher in the application
A distributed transaction in (via DTC / COM+).
Using more then one of these levels in the same application often seems to create performance and/or data integrity issues.