Connect to WiFi from QML - qml

Is it possible to connect to WiFi from QML (without writing some C++ code)?
According to this article it is possible. And this article starts right away with import B2Qt.Wifi 1.0, implying that such module is available, but I get an error module "B2Qt.Wifi" is not installed.
I have a commercial Qt 5.7 and I installed all the components, so it should be there. However, there is no module with such name in the entire installation directory.
I tried to do it on Windows and Linux with the same result.
Maybe I need to download this module from somewhere else? That would be weird though.

B2Qt means 'Boot to Qt'. It's for the devices where you prepare an image and then flash it onto the device.
So, it uses a specific network manager that is built into that image. And there is a B2Qt.Wifi module to configure that specific network manager.
I think it won't work with the network managers on desktop Linux, Mac or Windows.


Vulkan support on Windows Sandbox / Hyper-V Windows 11

The latest Windows 11 has Vulkan support to Windows Sandbox and maybe Hyper-V so when the sandbox loads Windows, it has vulkaninfo available and running. and in device manager there is the actual GPU not just an emulated one.
So I tried running Vulkan application such as vkcube, and my own application. But it is missing VK_KHR_swapchain extention. Is there a way to make it work? If I try vkcube I get that VK_KHR_swapchain is missing vkCreateInstance:
failure vkEnumatedDeviceExtensionProperties failed to find the VK_KHR_swapchain extention
Do you have a compatible Vulkan installable client driver (ICD) installed?
So why does vulkaninfo show long list of available information but missing this? What is the meaning of Vulkan support if this basic part is missing?
Is there a workaround?
Tried configuring sandbox with vGpu enabled but this removed the vulkaninfo. Any suggestions?
link to vulkan info output on the sandbox virtual machine

Can I use the Remote Platform option in Netbeans from Windows 10?

I am trying to use my computer with windows 10 installed so that I can build and compile jar files but test them remotely on my raspberry pi4 down the hall. This method worked fine when I was using a linux (Ubuntu) laptop, but unfortunately...the laptop broke, and now I'm installing linux on another computer...and in the meantime, I would like to continue working. I have Apache Netbeans 12.3, java version 16, and here are the specifics of what is happening: I can go into manage platforms, I can set up a remote platform, and can test it...and the connection tests out successfully. However, when I go to File->ProjectProperties and select Categories->Run, in the drop-down box where you can usually select the platforms you have established....there are no options--it just offers Project Platform. Maybe it's a windows thing? A priviledge thing? I can't find the answer...thanks in advance.
This is the screen where the problem exists. The arrow points towards the drop down menu that won't drop down and acts like no other Platform has been defined.
By downgrading the JDK to JDK11, I was able to select newly existing Remote Platforms in Netbeans in the File->ProjectProperties window, under the Run category, as detailed in the picture above.

STLINK cannot detect my STM32VL discovery

I'm working on a debian 6.0 installed on virtualbox 4 hosted by Windows7, and I'm trying to get my STM32VL work using STLINK project that allows programming and debugging STM32 on Linux.
I followed their tutorial and installed all needed dependancies.
But when I run the program ./​​st-util -1, I get the following error:
tbarry#darkstar:~/stlink$ ./st-util -1
2014-03-20T10:18:48 WARN src/stlink-sg.c: Failed to find an stlink v1 by VID:PID
Error: could not open stlink device
Error: could not open stlink device
I underline that I have already installed Virtualbox extensions, and usb 2.0 is well handled.
Does anyone have an idea of ​​what is blocking me?
I'd same problem. It was driver problem. Windows detected my st-link as mass storage device, so st-util didn't see it. I've used zadig utility in order to change the driver.
Not having found a solution to my problem, I tried with VMware player and it worked nice.
Conclusion: Whatever the problem I had, it was coming from VirtualBox.

Uninstalling OpenKinect Driver?

I've tried to uninstall the OpenKinect drivers but was unable to do so. What is the proper way to uninstall the drivers?
You should be able to remove them through the Uninstall Programs window in the Control Panel. If not, you could try going through the device manager and uninstalling anything related to the Kinect. If you're switching over to the official SDK, be aware that there are some limitations on using multiple Kinects at the same time which may not have been present with the OpenKinect stuff.
Normally deleting the driver in the device manager should work and it shouldn't matter if the Kinect is plugged in or not. You can also look up the driver name in the device manager and remove it manually from the system32 folder.

How to use WM2003 binary (dll) on Windows Mobile 6.1 (WM6.1) device ? (PE-loader can't accept old binaries)

I have an old plugin (as binary, dll), used by my application. It was build for WM2003. And now it crashes the app, if loaded on Windows Mobile 6.1 (WM5 works fine, WM6 too).
The source code is not available and it's no more supported by developer. So I can't rebuild it for WM6.1.
Is it possible to patch or convert the binary to allow it to work on WM6.1 ? If so, how can I do this ?
Thank you.
Edit: I've found, that the problem is in PE loader, which acts not the same on WM6.1 (comparing with WM6 and earlier).
Does this plug-in use MFC or ATL? Earlier versions of WinMo had a different ATL/MFC version baked in, so MFC or ATL apps written in Studio will not work unless you deploy the newer ATL/MFC libraries along with the app, just as the old apps will not work on new devices unless you deploy the old MFC/ATL libraries.
This problem is rare, but some information can be found.
The common solution is to rebuild a binary in VS2008 (TCPMP new VS2008 builds for WM6.1), but this will not help, if you don't have the source code.
I've found the problem explanation and another solution in cegcc mailing list (arm-wince-cegcc on Windows Mobile 6.1). In Windows Mobile 6.1 Memory Management scheme was changes.
This slot arrangement remained pretty constant from Windows Mobile 2003 to Windows Mobile 6.0. However, with the release of Windows Mobile 6.1, things were changed to reduce the DLL pressure and to help out in the Device Manager process space.
In Windows Mobile 6.1, the stacks for the device manager are no longer allocated in the processes’ slot. Instead, the operating system uses slot 59, at the top of the Large Memory Area, for the device manager thread stacks. ...
And the workaround for this issue is to declare the DLL in registry (to tell the OS not to load it in high memory).
I don't like this workaround, so I try to find some binary patcher. And found it :)
It's not really a patcher, it's UPX - the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables. But it solves the problem perfectly. The DLL, packed with UPX don't crashes the application and runs fine.