React Native Android setup details - react-native

With the release of React Native 0.29 the details about how to setup the env for Android were removed for all I can tell. Does anyone know why?
It seems like the steps mentioned in there are still necessary, no?

You can select the previous versions and view their docs easily. Just click on the Version Number found beside the React Native header. It'll list all the versions and the link to documents.
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react-native-external-display library is not supporting in expo

react-native-external-display library not supporting in expo app. facing error null is not an object (evaluating 'RNExternalDisplayEvent.SCREEN_INFO'). I would like to use a expo in the device which has two display screens so I need to display my code based on display screen.
. Please support me with your suggestions If any other library which will support my requirement. Thanks in advance.
I have not found any other library that supports an external display for React Native. Therefore using Expo may not be the best choice.
You could eject expo and then add the react-native-external-display library, which may require you to fix some errors. Alternatively you could start a new project without expo and add the library.

How to prevent screenshot in selected screen in android and ios react native

Previously I used this package to prevent snapshot for selected screen in android and ios.
But it's not maintained by the owner and not compatible with react-native version >0.60. Many example and question in the internet only show how to prevent snapshot for whole application. But I need to prevent snapshot only for selected screen.
I've tried to do with this example
But in android, it prevents whole apps. In ios, it works.
you can use nmp library, react-native-prevent-screenshot
for more confusions and a perfact understanding check this asnwer

Enable Popups in React Native WebView

I have a react native application(using react-native 0.43.3) that uses webview to show a web page used for online banking. That site loads a popup window with the login page.
With the ReactNative WebView this popup window in not shown. In native android to enable popup window showing I found out that I need to make webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(true), but couldn't found a way to set this parameter when using ReactNative WebView.
Is there a way which I can achieve this with the WebView provided with ReactNative?
A while back I needed to fork the react-native framework because there is a bug in the iOS WebView when using javaScript bridge between react-native and native (iOS and Android), after some research I came to the conclusion that I must fork the repo in order to fix it so I did.
A week ago I needed the webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(boolean) method as well, so I went ahead and added it in my fork along with view.getSettings().setSupportZoom(boolean) and view.getSettings().setSupportMultipleWindows(supports).
If you want, here is my fork.
Please keep in mind that it means that you need to build react-native for android from source, more info on the matter can be found here, it's a bit of a hustle to be honest, but in some cases it's worth it.
the fork is from react-native 0.44.0, you should also keep in mind that if you use my fork, in means you probably wont be able to update version when they do come out, so it all depends on your needs in the end, worst case scenario you could always fork my fork and merge it with the newest version.
you can fetch my fork with npm by modifying you package.json file and then running npm update react-native
"dependencies": {
"react-native": "samermurad/react-native#rctWebView-legacy-fix",
I am planning to extract the fixes and build a separate WebView component, but I am currently too busy for that :/
I hope that helps:)

How can I get the connected hotspot BSSID/MAC Address in a React Native app?

I can easily do that using existing packages for Android, but I couldn't find any package that would do the same both on Android and iOS.
Update (Feb-08, 2017):
After waiting over two weeks and placing a bounty on the question which resulted in zero answers, I decided to implement a new package (react-native-gateway-finder) that returns the exact info I was looking for.
It is currently implemented for Android only and an iOS implementation is welcomed.
After I did some search on google, got the result as below:
react-native-network-info works with both Android and iOS. But you might need to upgrade your react-native version to 0.48 or higher.
react-native-android-wifi works with Android platform.
If you only need some basic info, NetInfo provided by react-native is a good choice.

Apptentive and React Native?

I came across Apptentive and it looks very promising. however, it does not appear to integrate (currently) with react native. Is there a project for integrating the two that I am missing?
What other similar products, if any, currently support React Native?
Apptentive does not support React-Native out of the box. There may be a way to integrate the native SDK's, but I have not heard of or seen any projects do it yet.
If you give it a try I would love an update on how it went.
There's are a couple React Native wrappers for Apptentive.
The best that I found is react-native-apptentive-module
As of 10/19/17, it was working with React Native 46+. However, I ran into an issue where it was not working with Cocoapods 1.3 (it seems to have been built for an earlier version of Cocoapods that kept Headers in a different place).
You can see my fork of the library at: