Configure Data Power MFP 8.0 - ibm-mobilefirst

I'm trying to configure a Data Power on Mobile First Platform 8.0 installed in a WAS ND 8.5.x. with a cluster with 2 servers.
As I did on Mobile First Platform 7.1, I would like to change the access port with the property 'publicWorkLightPort' but this property has changed in MFP 8.0 and I don't know how is it called now or how is supposed to be in MFP 8.0

That property as well as the file that contains it ( is no longer used in MobileFirst Foundation 8.0. The port used by MobileFirst Server is defined in the application server's server.xml file.


MobileFirst 8.0 view browser version of app on a remote server?

I have my mobile app and a webversion in the console. In 7.1 you could just click a url and see the web version of the app. IBM removed this link in 8.0. So how do I see my browser version on a remote server now?
The IBM docs have you using node.js to do it by modding the server.xml file but that is just silly for non-devs to use. How would a tester access this from a url? So I am looking for[my app name and index page maybe?]
You can add the browser platform to your Cordova project and host it in the same server as MobileFirst. See

Can't find the download center at the mobilefirst operation console

When I run the MobileFirst Operation by right clicking the MF project on Eclipse and then selecting the , like so:
I get a Operation Console site but different from the ones I find on the internet. In this site I can't find the download center.
Does anybody know what I did wrong?
The Download Center in the MobileFirst Operations Console that you are talking about is part of MobileFirst Foundation 8.0, whereas what you are using is MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.x.
What you are using in the screen shot is MobileFirst Studio for MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1. In MobileFirst Foundation 8.0 there is no longer a studio component as you may be accustomed to.
Instead, in v8.0 what you need to do is to either download the Developer Kit which will extract a pre-configured Liberty server with MobileFirst Server deployed to it, in which case after starting it and visiting the console, you will then see the downloads center you are looking for.
Or, instead of downloading the DevKit, you can start a server instance on IBM Bluemix.
To download the DevKit, visit here:
Then follow the instructions on how to start the server, etc. You are more then encouraged to read the docs, here:
To start a server instance on Bluemix, first create an account on and then read this doc on how to start a server instance:

Worklight 6.2 iOS binary issue with MobileFirst 7.1

I have MFP Server version:
I'm trying to accomplish the following:
MyApp runtime (WAR file) is built using MFP 7.1
My WLAPP's, Adapters and device binaries are built using WL 6.2
Where I need to run 6.2 app inside MFP 7.1 container to mimic my production environment as I can't have two stand alone live server in PROD, one for WL 6.2 and the other for MFP7.1.
My concern is the following for iOS (9+):
The iOS app that is live is built with ATS not configured and bit code disabled using xCode (Version 6.3.1).
What is the configuration on MFP 7.1 that needs to be done to allow the connection from my live application.
WAS security level:
My IHS which is in front of my MFP server has the SSLCipherSpec as:
When I compile the xCode project I'm getting :
[https://IP:PORT/MobileBanking/apps/services/api/MobileBanking/iphone/query] Host is not responsive.
How can I make my 6.2 app works on MFP 7.1.?
Is there a missing configuration I need to add/remove?
I can't make any changes on App level as it is already in PROD. Also I can't migrate the 6.2 app yet as we have timeline/outage issues that we can't meet.
Please see this blog post:
7.1 can run wlapp files that were built by 6.2, but those apps (assuming your server is not configured with session independence), but those apps will not benefit of any 7.1 features because you did not re-build them with 7.1 Studio...
Additionally you must have the server configured with TLS 1.2 support and the client application must be configured with TLS. So yes, you must re-build the app even with 6.2 Studio and re-submit to the App Store.

XML Validation Error Mobilefirst App Authenticity

I have a server which has been upgraded from IBM Worklight 6.0 to IBM Mobilefirst 6.3
The server is currently running older versions of my mobile application, which do not have AppAuthenticity enabled.
When I uploaded the newer version of Application, AppAuthenticity option became enabled ONLY for one (windows) environment, while others stayed disabled.
After a restart, Windows Environment version became like others, while iPAD environment started giving option to change the AppAuthenticity.
I listed the application through WLADM CLI, and it gave me below error:
XML validation error, reading from
cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'downloadLink' must appear on element
Please note, the application if ran alone on other server is working fine with same Application-descriptor and WAR file, only when Old and new versions are uploaded on same server, this problem comes.
Are you saying your server has a single .war file with 2 apps on it, one from 6.0 and one from 6.3?
There are very different Application Authenticity Protection implementations in 6.0 and 6.3. These cannot co-exist in the same single .war file.
You need to deploy to your application server 2 .war files - one for handling the 6.0 app and another for handling the 6.3 app.
Relevant user documentation can be read here:
As Idan said, the 6.0 and 6.3 app can not be handled together, since I only wanted to enable the App Authenticity in the newer version, what I did as a workaround was to connect via WLADM tool and disable the App Authenticity for Older Versions via command line.
Below are the commands one needs to use:
\Worklight\shortcuts>wladm --url=https://server.url/wladmin --user=admin
to verify the application's current Authenticity :
app version %CONTEXT% %APP_NAME% %Environment_Name% %versionCode% get authenticitycheckrule
To Disable
app version %CONTEXT% %APP_NAME% %Environment_Name% %versionCode% set authenticitycheckrule DISABLED

Where in my application do I define the worklightServerRootURL element for my Worklight 6.1 Server running on PureApplication System?

I migrated my application from Worklight 5.0.6 to 6.1. I tested the application in Worklight Studio 6.1 in the local Liberty Test server and Mobile Browser Simulator and the application works fine. I have now deployed my Worklight Server 6.1 on PureApplication System using Mobile Application Platform Pattern 6.1.
In Worklight 6.1 the worklightServerRootURL element that existed in application-descriptor.xml has been removed. In Worklight 5.0.6 I defined the IP address of my Worklight Server running on PureApplication System in the worklightServerRootURL element. With this element removed in 6.1 where do I define the IP address of my worklight server runing on PureApplication System in my application so my application can talk to the Worklight server on PureApplication System ?
Run As -> Build Settings and Deploy Target; Then add a new server other than the localhost.