date during your collection period saw the greatest number of matching tweets - sql

hello i want to write a query which tells me the great number of tweets collect on a particular day like my question is
"date during your collection period saw the greatest number of matching tweets"
i have collected data from tweetcatcher but didnt know which query i use

Not much to go on, but based on your comment
SELECT date, Tweets=count(*) FROM Course GROUP BY date Order by 2 Desc
You could also add Select Top 1 ... if you want only one record.


Use SQL to ensure I have data for each day of a certain time period

I'm looking to only select one data point from each date in my report. I want to ensure each day is accounted for and has at least one row of information, as we had to do a few different things to move a large data file into our data warehouse (import one large Google Sheet for some data, use Python for daily pulls of some of the other data - want to make sure no date was left out), and this data goes from now through last summer. I could do a COUNT DISTINCT clause to just make sure the number of days between the first data point and yesterday (the latest data point), but I want to verify each day is accounted for. Should mention I am in BigQuery. Also, an example of the created_at style is: 2021-02-09 17:05:44.583 UTC
This is what I have so far:
SELECT FIRST(created_at)
FROM 'large_table'
ORDER BY created_at
**I know FIRST is probably not the best clause for this case, and it's currently acting to grab the very first data point in created_at, but just as a jumping-off point.
You can use aggregation:
select any_value(lt).*
from large_table lt
group by created_at
order by min(created_at);
Note: This assumes that created_at is a date -- or at least only has one value per date. You might need to convert it to a date:
select any_value(lt).*
from large_table lt
group by date(created_at)
order by min(created_at);
BigQuery equivalent of the query in your question
SELECT created_at
FROM 'large_table'
ORDER BY created_at

SQL: Find nth order for nth customer

I am quite new to SQL, have been learning for ~3 weeks, and have taken a liking to it. Hoping to polish up my skills before beginning to apply to Data Analyst roles.
I've been working with a dummy dvd-rental database and have found myself unable to solve a challenge given to me by a peer. The question was: "what is the most expensive rental for the 4th customer?"
We can see in picture, that based on the nth_customer column, Terrance Roush is the 4th ever customer (he's the 4th ever person to pay). But the issue is that the nth_customer column is actually reporting back the nth order and continues counting to infinity. So the next time Terrance shows up, the nth_customer column will not show '4' (which is what I was hoping to achieve).
Would appreciate any feedback on how to solve this. Thank you in advance.
If "the fourth customer" means the customer who did the fourth rental, you can break the problem down into two - finding that fourth customer, and finding their most expensive rental. Something like this:
FROM payment
WHERE customer_id = (
SELECT customer_id
FROM payment
ORDER BY payment_date
Here I'm finding the ID of the fourth customer in the subquery, using a LIMIT & OFFSET to get just the one record I want. Then in the outer query I'm simply ordering all of that customer's records and taking the one with the biggest amount.

Aggregating 15-minute data into weekly values

I'm currently working on a project in which I want to aggregate data (resolution = 15 minutes) to weekly values.
I have 4 weeks and the view should include a value for each week AND every station.
My dataset includes more than 50 station.
What I have is this:
select name, avg(parameter1), avg(parameter2)
from data
where week in ('29','30','31','32')
group by name
order by name
But it only displays the avg value of all weeks. What I need is avg values for each week and each station.
Thanks for your help!
The problem is that when you do a 'GROUP BY' on just name you then flatten the weeks and you can only perform aggregate functions on them.
Your best option is to do a GROUP BY on both name and week so something like:
select name, week, avg(parameter1), avg(parameter2)
from data
where week in ('29','30','31','32')
group by name, week
order by name
PS - It' not entirely clear whether you're suggesting that you need one set of results for stations and one for weeks, or whether you need a set of results for every week at every station (which this answer provides the solution for). If you require the former then separate queries are the way to go.

Is there a way to handle immutability that's robust and scalable?

Since bigquery is append-only, I was thinking about stamping each record I upload to it with an 'effective date' similar to how peoplesoft works, if anybody is familiar with that pattern.
Then, I could issue a select statement and join on the max effective date
select UTC_USEC_TO_MONTH(timestamp) as month, sum(amt)/100 as sales
from foo.orders as all
join (select id, max(effdt) as max_effdt from foo.orders group by id) as latest
on all.effdt = latest.max_effdt and =
group by month
order by month;
Unfortunately, I believe this won't scale because of the big query 'small joins' restriction, so I wanted to see if anyone else had thought around this use case.
Yes, adding a timestamp for each record (or in some cases, a flag that captures the state of a particular record) is the right approach. The small side of a BigQuery "Small Join" can actually return at least 8MB (this value is compressed on our end, so is usually 2 to 10 times larger), so for "lookup" table type subqueries, this can actually provide a lot of records.
In your case, it's not clear to me what the exact query you are trying to run is.. it looks like you are trying to return the most recent sales times of every individual item - and then JOIN this information with the SUM of sales amt per month of each item? Can you provide more info about the query?
It might be possible to do this all in one query. For example, in our wikipedia dataset, an example might look something like...
SELECT contributor_username, UTC_USEC_TO_MONTH(timestamp * 1000000) as month,
SUM(num_characters) as total_characters_used FROM
[publicdata:samples.wikipedia] WHERE (contributor_username != '' or
contributor_username IS NOT NULL) AND timestamp > 1133395200
AND timestamp < 1157068800 GROUP BY contributor_username, month
ORDER BY contributor_username DESC, month DESC; provide wikipedia contributions per user per month (like sales per month per item). This result is actually really large, so you would have to limit by date range.
UPDATE (based on comments below) a similar query that finds "num_characters" for the latest wikipedia revisions by contributors after a particular time...
SELECT current.contributor_username, current.num_characters
(SELECT contributor_username, num_characters, timestamp as time FROM [publicdata:samples.wikipedia] WHERE contributor_username != '' AND contributor_username IS NOT NULL)
AS current
(SELECT contributor_username, MAX(timestamp) as time FROM [publicdata:samples.wikipedia] WHERE contributor_username != '' AND contributor_username IS NOT NULL AND timestamp > 1265073722 GROUP BY contributor_username) AS latest
current.contributor_username = latest.contributor_username
current.time = latest.time;
If your query requires you to use first build a large aggregate (for example, you need to run essentially an accurate COUNT DISTINCT) another option is to break this query up into two queries. The first query could provide the max effective date by month along with a count and save this result as a new table. Then, could run a sum query on the resulting table.
You could also store monthly sales records in separate tables, and only query the particular table for the months you are interested in, simplifying your monthly sales summaries (this could also be a more economical use of BigQuery). When you need to find aggregates across all tables, you could run your queries with multiple tables listed after the FROM clause.

Sql Queries for finding the sales trend

Suppose ,I have a table which has all the billing records. Now I want to see the sales trend for a user given time duration group by each 3 days ...what should be the sql query regarding this?
please help,Otherwise I am gone ...
I can only give a vague suggestion as per the question, however you may want to have a derived column with a standardised date (as per MS date format, just a number per day) that you could then use a modulus (3) on so that days are equal per 3 day period. You can then group and aggregate over this column to get the values for a 3 day period. Obviously to display the date nicely you would have to multiply back and convert your column as well.
Again I'm not sure of the specifics, but I think this general idea could be achieved to get a result (may well not be the best way so it would help to add more to the question...)