Excel 2007 Pivot Table, Different Formulas in Different Columns - excel-2007

Created a Pivot Table in Excel 2007, and it seems I can only make it do one type of calculation at a time.
Is it possible to provide an average in one column, and a sum in the next?
When I click on "Value Field Settings", choosing any of the options applies it to every column in the Pivot Table, can't figure out how to apply it to only one column.

You can have a different calculation.
When you drop a field into the data section of the pivot change the calculation to sum.
Then drag the same field across again this time change it to average


Excel 2010 Macro Pivot Label Filter

I am having an issue running a label filter on a column (classic view) within my pivot table. I am trying to weed out the items in the data that are less than 180 days old. I can't adjust the data because it is used to feed multiple worksheets and I don't wish to copy the data and manipulate it for just this worksheet. Below is the line that I am running.
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable5").PivotFields("Ageing").PivotFilters.Add _
Type:=xlCaptionIsBetween, Value1:="180", Value2:="9999"
This is a "between" filter. I have tried greater than and greater than or equal to but the same result occurs. After this line is run, I can click into the pivot table soft/filter down arrow and see that the filter is there as a between and even the days are inputted but the data does not reflect this. If I hit "OK" on the filter it then applies itself but I do not wish to have to do this manually.
Yes, "PivotTable5" is the pivot table in question. Can anyone help me automate this process?

MDX calculated column based on user defined value

I am trying to produce an Excel PivotTable which displays and compares Sales Rep revenue figures based on values specified by the user, for example, the InvoiceYear.
This data is coming from an SSAS cube and I have connected to it using PowerPivot. I have columns from the cube in the data model and I am attempting to edit the MDX code in the Table Properties window to create some new columns.
This works so far, but the InvoiceYear value is hardcoded to '2010' at the moment. I need a way for this code to accept a value entered into a cell by the user in the excel worksheet itself.
I am just a beginner at this, so I am not aware if this is even possible.
If this approach is NOT possible, I really need to find another way to do it. Come at it from the other side and refresh the column whenever the cell changes via a macro or vba? Some other solution?
Here is what I have in the Edit Table Properties window. This works correctly, but I can't have the Year value hardcoded like that or users will not be able to specify a custom Year value, obviously. I have tried everything I can think of to reference a cell in a Sheet, but the column usually just appears empty with no errors.
CASE when [SalesRep_Dim].[InvoiceYear].currentmember.membervalue = '2010' then [Measures].[LineAmountMST] else 0 end
SELECT NON EMPTY { Measures.RentalSales, [Measures].[LineAmountMST] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { ([SalesRep_Dim].[InvoiceMonth].[InvoiceMonth].ALLMEMBERS * [SalesRep_Dim].[InvoiceYear].[InvoiceYear].ALLMEMBERS * [SalesRep_Dim].[SaleRep].[SaleRep].ALLMEMBERS * [SalesRep_Dim].[ItemGroup].[ItemGroup].ALLMEMBERS * [SalesRep_Dim].[Site].[Site].ALLMEMBERS * [SalesRep_Dim].[Source].[Source].ALLMEMBERS * [SalesRep_Dim].[Type].[Type].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS
I don't believe it is possible with your current approach. However if you switch to using Power Query to get data from SSAS and load to Power Pivot it should be possible.
Power Query can query SSAS as described here. The you read a cell in the Excel workbook that the user has entered and filter the data coming from SSAS in the Power Query.
You should look into slicers, they are more appealing visually and you can use them to filter multiple pivot table with one selection.
Setup a report filter and setup your slicer to the same attribute, you can use the Cell for your formula references and use the slicer for user input.
This should be as easy as selecting your pivot table, going to the Insert excel Tab, under Filter there show be the "Slicer".
Select the attribute you are trying to filter by, and your slicer is done.
There is an option to create a write-back measure. You may convert its value to calculated member which takes place in your pivot table. However it's not a best practise. I'd recommend to avoid this method.
Create a view (one column int, for example).
Crate a measure group from this view.
Add a partition with writeback settings, see: http://bidn.com/blogs/DevinKnight/ssis/1768/ssas-creating-and-using-a-writeback-measure-group
Create a calculated measure, for example:
(StrToMember('[SalesRep_Dim].[InvoiceYear].&[' + Cstr([Measures].[WriteBackMeasure]) + ']'), [Measures].[LineAmountMST])
where [Measures].[WriteBackMeasure] is your writeback measure and if [Measures].[WriteBackMeasure] = 2010 then you'll get the following:
([SalesRep_Dim].[InvoiceYear].&[2010], [Measures].[LineAmountMST])
Open two pivot tables: one with [Measures].[WriteBackMeasure] only, another is your report with the calculated member.

Excel add up values in one cell based on mutliple results from one look up value

hope you are all doing well today! I've been working on a spreadsheet that tracks invoices and the hours recorded for each one. Each invoice has multiple entries with different numbers of hours for each entry, all with the same reference number which combines the project number and the invoice number. For example, for Invoice #1 of project CZ23, the reference number would be CZ23-1. Invoice 2 would be CZ23-2, and so on. This is located in Column I, while the hours are located in Column H in a sheet named "Document Data".
Now I have another sheet that tracks the hours called "Summary". What I want to do is have cell B28 of "Summary" add up all the hours from CZ23-1 from "Document Data". Since I barely know any VBA, I don't have code but I'll display the situation here:
In this case, cell B28 on "Summary" would be 15 (all the CZ23-1 hours added up: 2+5+1+7), while B29 would be 7 (all the CZ23-2 hours added up: 4+3) and so on. It doesn't necessarily have to be B28/B29, but just as a reference I've used those cells. Thank you so much for your time - hope I was able to explain everything well.
Best way to do this would be to create a pivot table.
1. Select a cell inside your data and then on the insert tab select pivotTable.
2. A "Create PivotTable" box will pop-up. Verify that your data is captured in the Table/Range. Also, you can choose if you want to have the table appear on a new sheet or the existing sheet.
3A. In the "PivotTable Fields" box, you can drag "Reference" to the Rows box and then drag "Hours" to the Values box. This should default to Sum and should add up all the Hours by Reference.
3B. Occasionally the Values box will default to Count. To change this to SUM, you can select cell B4 or B5 (See Below). Right click and select Value Field Settings. When the "Value Field Settings" box pops-up, you can select Sum on the "Summarize Values By" tab.
It sounds like you want the sql concept of 'group by' on column 'Reference'
In excel you can do this by using pivot tables
You will find pivot tables in the toolbar at Insert-->Tables-->PivotTable

Transpose Large Data Set with Headers in Excel VBA

The image above shows the current structure of the time series data that I am working with. It has many columns of time series data which are identified by the customer id in the header row. In order to use this data in a pivot table for analysis, I'd like to convert it to a format like the image below:
Here the customer id becomes a dimension that describes the time series data.
Since this is a large data set, it would be a huge time sink to manually transform the data into the desired format. Also, I do not have fancy add-ins like Power Pivot or Power Query...
Using Excel VBA, how can I write a macro to handle this task?
Solution to problem can be found here: http://www.excel.solutions/2014/03/unpivot-excel-data
Start off by pressing keys ALT > D > P to open the Pivot Table Wizard dialog box:
Choose the ‘Multiple consolidation ranges’ option, then click ‘Next’
In step 2a of the wizard, choose the ‘I will create the page fields’ option, and click ‘Next’
Now we need to add our crosstab data range as a data source for this pivot table. Enter / select the appropriate range, then click ‘Add’. Then click ‘Next’.
Choose a location for the intermediate pivot table (it’s a good idea to use a new worksheet, as we can simply delete the entire worksheet when we’re finished). Then click ‘Finish’.
We now have an ‘intermediate’ pivot table, which looks very similar to our raw data, but has some grand totals. Now we want to drill into the source data for this pivot table, by double clicking on the overall Grand Total value – the cell intersection of the Grand Total column, and Grand Total row:
By double clicking to drill into the grand total data source, another worksheet is created, containing a table with our unpivotted data:

Setup an Excel template so calculations are not dependant on a specific number of columns / rows

Problem Statement:
I'm creating a template for multi tiered complicated calculations in MS Excel that depend on a few input "n x 3" matrices.
It is really difficult to redesign the 15 sheets or so (200 ~ 300 lines each) every time I have a different "n" where "n" ranges from 3 to 900.
I'd like to input the number of "n" in a cell subsquently changing all the other sheets in the workbook accordingly.
Avoid VBA as much as possible
How can I achieve these goals?
Note: I'm willing to answer any questions or comments concerning my issue
"n" represents the number of columns / rows, if n = 3, all calculations will be for a 3 x 3 matrix. If n = 500, all calculations will be for a 500 x 3 matrix.
I want Excel to do the expansions / contractions of the rows automatically, so i do't have to do them myself accross hundreds of tables
In Excel 2007 turn your data matrices into tables.
This can be done by clicking on a matrix and then on the Insert tab select Table. The keyboard shortcut for this functionality is Ctrl-L or Ctrl-T. Multiple tables can exist on the same worksheet.
Once your data is marked as a table, the table will dynamically expand when new data is added.
Each table is automatically given a name, starting with Table1. The name can be change via the Table tools - Design tab.
In formulas each table can be referenced by it's name.
Each column heading in the table is also usable in formulas.
In versions of Excel prior to 2007, 'Dynamic named ranges' can be used.
These can be created via the Insert - Name - Define menu.
Give the 'Dynamic named range' a name (e.g. Table1) and enter a formula similar to the following assuming your matirx starts in cell A1:
If your matrix starts in cell D10 the formula would look like this
This formula excludes any column heading in the matrix. It selects data on a 'n x 3' basis.
In formulas each 'Dynamic named range' can be referenced by it's name.
You will need to review the layout of your worksheet as the dynamic named range works out it's number of rows by counting all items that appear in the first column of data.
If you have cells populated above and/or below your matrix they will be included in the calculation and the 'Dynamic named range' will include rows below your data matrix.
To see which cells are included in a 'Dynamic named range' or table press F5 and type in it's name, then click on OK.
Create defined names (Insert - Name - Define) that use OFFSET and COUNTA to make dynamic ranges. Instead of
where MyRange is
See also
Instead of calculating against A1:A300, you can calculate against A:A, which is the entire column.
You may have to bear in mind that you don't want other stuff in that column when you design your layout.
In more recent version of Excel, you can select sets of data and format them as a table, in which case you can use the table column, for example Table1[Column2].