System.Net.FTPWebRequest Not available for uwp app -

I am trying to get my UWP app to send a small text file to my ftp server but all the code snippets I have looked at don`t seem to work with UWP apps.
Here is the code I have tried using from the following link :
upload file to ftp site using
I am using Visual studio 2015 community and it doesn`t recognise the FTPWebRequest method.
I have also looked at the BackgroundTransfer sample from the following link :
But when I run it and enter my FTP server address in the form
and attach a simple text file it gives me an error at the line :
Dim upload As UploadOperation = uploader.CreateUpload(uri, file)
as The parameter is incorrect.
I can`t seem to find anything else to help with a UWP app as all the sites and forums I have looked at all seem to have similar code to the first link.
I can access the Ftp site through windows explorer on my laptop and drag and drop files that way so I know the site is accessible.
Not sure if there is a reference I am missing, I have the Internet(client) and Internet(client and Server) enabled in the appxmanifest.

From MSDN:
Download operations via FTP are supported. However, for FTP operations, authentication credentials must be provided within the specified URI. For example, ftp://user:password#server/file.txt
BackgroundDownloader class

Thanks for the replies.
I decided to use a package from which is available as a nuget package.
With a few lines of code I was able to upload a file using ftp with no problems.


How to read files from anywhere with vue.js

I am trying to read files from my music directory on my PC.
I have tried doing it with the node.js file system module, but it is not working. How do I get it to work?😢
Just a late follow-up. It is possible to read and write files using HTML5 with the FileReader and saveAs(). The browser will open a file dialogue and let the user choose the file, so the user is aware of the file access. It is not possible to read or write to a file without the user's attention.
As said by #flame in a comment, it's just impossible, because the browser never have access to the visitor's disk (do you imagine the security issue if it was the case ?).
Vue.js is a Front-end framework, so the application it produces only have access to what the browser has access to.

Host Vb .Exe on Sharepoint Site

i want to host a vb project from a sharepoint folder instead of having it locally installed.
I am still new at this, but I only need to host the files in the same folder on sharepoint right? And then whoever can just click the .exe file, correct?
Sorry if this is a dumb question!
Thanks in advance
As already mentioned in the comment SharePoint isn't meant to store or even display applications (.exe). What started as a security measure is now part of the philosophy of MS SharePoint. Here's a list of all filetypes SP13 will block by default.
Back to your question. There is a trick how you still can upload an .exe to SharePoint:
Store the application in a folder
Zip the folder
Upload the zipped folder to a document library
Display the library on the desired site
For the future..
As there is a "Silverlight Webpart" - develop silverlight application if you know from the beginning that you want to display them on SharePoint.
Another trick: Publish your application on a host server. Then use the "Site Viewer WebPart" and point it to your application
Last one, although I wouldn't suggest it.. You can develop a .wpf-application and simply upload it as the file-type isn't blocked. But to embed the resources is just a pain in the ass..
There are for sure many other ways to do this.. Those are just the most practical ones I know if you already developed the application. The best solution is of course to create your own WebPart..

Uploading image file from VBA Excel

I know this question has been asked a lot of times already but unfortunately none of the answers have helped me. I want to upload an image file to my remote Web server (Apache). In my Excel cell, I have the file path of an image and want to use VBA to upload that file to a remote server.
I can't use any 3rd party tool in conjunction (like WinSCP), because that will make my product not very "portable-friendly". I was fine with Windows FTP, but it doesn't seems to be supporting passive mode and hence I also can't use that.
There are some threads which used IE to upload the file, and some which I believe are uploading via POST request by reading file in binary mode.
I want to replicate something similar to uploading files via HTTP POST on a website.

Accessing application's documents from device through USB?

I'm working with a Windows Phone 8 application that writes logs to a file on the device. Is there a way to get access to that file? If not, what are my alternatives to seeing log information outside of using Visual Studio?
Yes you can read the file from isolated storage as long as it's a developer app installed on a developer unlocked phone. I use the Windows Phone Power Tools to do this, and there is a command line tool that comes with the SDK itself as well called IseTool.exe.
For your own access you can just use the advice in Paul's answer. If you want to get the files from other users you can use the Email Task and attach the log file to the email and have it sent to you or use some form of server logging.

Attach file to list in Sandbox Webpart

I am trying to create a custom control for updating a List on a Sharepoint site that only allows Sandbox Solutions to be added.
I've read a few threads on uploading attachments, but they all seem to involve doing it from the server machine (Using a file stream to read a local file).
Is it not possible to use Javascript or something to pass a file through to a Sandbox'd webpart??
The answer, it seems, is no. You cannot.