Special characters in BPEL - xslt-1.0

This is regarding the common problem we face in Middleware( Oracle SOA 11g). We have one source value like "SEBẪSTIN" but while reading this value the final output value is appearing as "SEB�STIN"
yes..I know, I can use CDATA for not parsing the value. But it is not working.
I have referred to the following post. But no luck.
How to use <![CDATA[]]> in XSLT?
Could you please let me know the correct syntax using CDATA. My xslt tag looks like this
<xsl:value-of select="imp1:FIRSTNAME"/>
do we have any other option to handle this character.
version details :
Oracle SOA 11g
BPEL: 2.0
XSLT: 1.0
Any help would be appreciated.


Optaplanner: Howto change the sample XML in the nurserostering demo?

I am stucked with the Nurserostering example in Optaplanner. I would like to change the input XML to play around (for example increase the number of nurses from 30 to 100), and I find it's very complicated to manually edit it, so I think there must be some kind of 'generator', or maybe I should make my own 'XML generator'.
For example I see every node in the sample has a unique id, so if I want to increase the number of nurses, it's not as simple as copying the last Employee node and pasting it 70 times; I should check every id inside and increase it accordingly.
<Employee id="358">
<contract reference="36"/>
<dayOffRequestMap id="359">
<ShiftDate reference="183"/>
<DayOffRequest id="360">
<employee reference="358"/>
<shiftDate reference="183"/>
Therefore, I ask, is there any method to generate this (or other) XML?
The best way I could think of is write a small java application where you could load the original dataset, and then add any number of employees you want (using java code of course). At least this is what I do when I need a bigger dataset or when I toy around the model data (because the dataset need to be updated too).
Oh I almost forgot, sometimes I use xml viewer to help me do some manual copy and paste work (it help me a lot since the row is thousand lines).
You looked at the wrong XML file! Instead of taking e.g. data/nurserostering/unsolved/medium01.xml, take data/nurserostering/import/medium01.xml.
<Employee ID="0">
<DayOff weight="1">
This file can then easily be edited and imported in OptaPlanner.

XSLT to read xml in reverse order using for-each

I've below xml and would like to read it reverse order using for-each in xslt 1.0.
I want to read 370021031939726,370021031939745,370021031939717,370021031939737 using for-each. Can someone help.

How to query database using saxon sql:query where db.id='value of xml attribute'

I have a requirement where i need to query database using saxon sql;query by applying where clause, where database_table.ProductID should match with incoming xml input productId
Here is what i tried so far:
<sql:query connection="$sql.conn" table="table_name" column="Product_ID" row-tag="row" column-tag="col" where="Product_ID="<xsl:value-of select="ProductItem/ProductItemId/text()"/>"" />
I am getting following Exception:
SXXP0003: Error reported by XML parser: Element type "sql:query" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
I am finding it difficult to format the where clause in XPath, can any one suggest what would be correct format. Thanks in Advance.
Try to use to use an attribute value template where you put the XPath expression in curly braces {...}, as in
<sql:query connection="$sql.conn" table="table_name" column="Product_ID" row-tag="row" column-tag="col" where="Product_ID="{ProductItem/ProductItemId}""/>

EclipseLink MOXy #XmlPath is returning the incorrect data for contains

I am attempting to unmarshal an XML data stream with EclipseLink MOXy with an XPath using the contains function.
When I apply the sample XPath directly to the sample XML data stream I get the correct value returned (Ref_number_1). However, when I unmarshal this using MOXy, the value that is set for refNumber1 is "Ref_number_2".
Does MOXy not support this type of XPath? It would appear that it at least is understanding it because it's not throwing an error, just setting the wrong value.
Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Know of a better approach?
Thanks for any help.
Marshal code:
String s = //xml stream from restful service (see xml example below);
StringReader sr = new StringReader(s);
ReferenceNumber refNum = (ReferenceNumber)marshaller.unmarshal(
new StreamSource(sr));
Member annotation:
#XmlPath("Header/ReferenceNumbers/ReferenceNumber[contains(ReferenceNumberType, \"REF_NUMBER_TYPE_1\")]/ReferenceNumber/text()")
private String refNumber1;
XML data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Note: I'm the EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) lead and a member of the JAXB (JSR-222) expert group.
Currently MOXy does not support XPaths of that form. Currently a conditional check must be on an attribute contained within the element such as (see: http://blog.bdoughan.com/2011/03/map-to-element-based-on-attribute-value.html).
String firstName;
I have entered the following bug so that we improve the validation that we do on our #XmlPath annotation:
I am also interested in the use case described in your question. Would you mind entering an enhancement requires against the MOXy component for this:

Get an XML Element via XPath when attributes are irrelevant

I'm looking for a way to receive a XML Element (the id of an entry) from a YouTube feed (e.g. http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/USERNAME/uploads).
The feed looks like this:
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns:openSearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" xmlns:yt="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007" gd:etag="W/"DUcFQncyfCp7I2A9WhVUFE4."">
<entry gd:etag="W/"DE8NSX47eCp7I2A9WhVUFE4."">
I want to get the first tag in entry (tag:youtube.com, 2008 ...).
After googling for some hours and looking through the GDataXML wiki, I'm clueless because neither XPath nor GData could deliver the right element.
My first guess is, they can't ignore the attributes in the feed and entry tags.
A solution using XPath would be great, but one in Objective-C is equally welcome.
You might be having an issue trying to get XPath to work because of the default namespace.
If you just want the first tag in entry, you can use this:
If you want the first id specifically, you can use this:
Also if you can use XPath 2.0, you can skip the predicate entirely and use * for the namespace prefix: