IntelliJ - working with features - intellij-idea

I have 2 simple questions that I cannot find answer to.
First is in NetBeans when I type . operator behind a variable or method or whatever, small window with documentation will show up like on the picture. On the other hand I can't achieve the same result in IntelliJ. I followed steps on official website and this is what I get in IntelliJ after I press CTRL+Q. All I want is full documentation so for a begginer like me it would be easier to use and learn stuff.
[EDIT]: I tried it once again and I saw little yellow message "download missing driver" and it is working just fine.. this one is solved.
Second question is about MySQL database driver (or connector). In NetBeans, I just press right click on project and add the library I want. But I can't find solution for this in IntelliJ.
Thanks for every advice!

For the first question, I'm thinking what you mean is the suggestions after you type a '.'. In IntelliJ, the suggestions show only if you have config a right dependency in the File > Project Structure, and the Libraries tab.
And for the second question, also you should find File > Project Structure, in the Modules tab, Add new Database support(Hibernate such as) for you project.
Hope it helps you.

Ok, so I finally found the solution.
I went to Project Structure -> SDKs -> Documentation Paths and I added in there so now when I press CTRL+Q for quick documentation it shows exactly what I needed.


Missing toolbar in IntelliJ

This sounds like a duplicate post but I tried to find answers to this question online and can't seem to find any helpful information...
I opened several downloaded class files that form one project, and can't seem to run the code. There is no toolbar with the run and debug button and the shortcut (^R) is not working. Right-clicking on the files neither gives the option to execute the code.
Looking at your screenshots (especially #2, the one that show the File menu) it seems to me that you are in the Light Edit mode where the whole IDE pretty much is just an editor.
Switch to the full IDE mode (where you open the actual project) and you will have the full functionality.

How to make my own Code abbreviation in intellij idea

in IDEA ,I can type soutto represent System.out.println();and I want to know how to make my own code abbreviation.For example, alias System.out.print(); to sounor any other names
This is called a Live Template in IntelliJ.
Go to File > Settings > Editor > Live Templates. From there, select Java and on the right, you'll see a plus sign. By clicking it, you'll get a 1. Live Template and that will get you a new abbreviation.
Name it soun and the text should be
Once you're done, make sure you've enabled that abbreviation by clicking the check box next to it.
The docs of IntelliJ cover in detail what the syntax is for these templates.
The $END$ syntax indicates the position of the cursor when the code snippet is complete, and you can no longer press Tab to jump to the next variable.
There are more variables to look at as well and other configurations to do!
Edit: there is an answer here for this question, but it looks like it doesn't necessarily answer the question asked on that post, so that's why I've decided to post a dedicated answer (tackling the issue at hand).

How do I get the new Codename One GUI builder? I cannot find a download link anywhere

I have been learning Codename One from the IntelliJ IDE. I have the plugin for CN1 version 6.0.2. It uses the OLD GUI designer. I have been reading about their NEW GUI Builder and want to try it out, but I cannot for the life of me find anywhere to get the thing. Does anyone out there know how to install this "Invisible" GUI Builder?
It's builtin to the IDE. You can right click one of your packages and select to create a GUI builder form. Then select it in the right click and select Codename One -> GUI Builder.
Nevermind folks. Shai Almog answered my question. I actually figured it out eventually as the answer was right in front of my face.

Anaconda Spyder Auto Complete DOES work, but it does not show the possible solutions

Sorry for another post like this, I found a LOT of them here asking how to enable auto-completion, but that is not my case.
If I declare a variable and then hit CTRL+Space it works - it will autocomplete it. What I am missing thought is, that is shows a list of the possible solutions while typing - how do I enable that? (They only show after hitting CTRL+Space, is there no feature like in IntelliJ where they show that during typing already?
(Spyder maintainer here) I guess what you are referring to is auto-completion on the fly, i.e. as you write on the Editor or Console.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to enable that right now (August/2018). However, it'll be available (but only for the Editor) in our next major version: Spyder 4, to be released in 2019.

Where are the project settings for Codenameone in IntelliJ IDEA

I am new to codenameone and I am thinking about moving a large project from our current environment to it. So, I wanted to run a few tests but I already failed by setting up a project, since I do not find the place where to set it up :)
So I used Google and found a Video "HOW DO I - CREATE A BASIC HELLO WORLD APPLICATION & SEND IT TO MY DEVICE USING INTELLIJ/IDEA" and thought "Yeah, exactly what I need!". But when you start the video, one of the first sentences is "We are going to use Eclipse....", so I guess someone has published the wrong video.
Nevertheless, can someone tell me, where I can make the proper project settings (like in the mentioned video on 07:50) in IDEA ?
Type CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S to open the Project Settings dialog box.
You can read more about it here.
I guess your answer fits for Windows Systems.
Nevertheless, on OSX you have to go to the preferences and there to "Other Settings" and there you can do all adjustments.
Personally, I hoped that they included the possibility to create multiple apps from one project (like e.g. Adobe AIR) :(