Anaconda Spyder Auto Complete DOES work, but it does not show the possible solutions - ide

Sorry for another post like this, I found a LOT of them here asking how to enable auto-completion, but that is not my case.
If I declare a variable and then hit CTRL+Space it works - it will autocomplete it. What I am missing thought is, that is shows a list of the possible solutions while typing - how do I enable that? (They only show after hitting CTRL+Space, is there no feature like in IntelliJ where they show that during typing already?

(Spyder maintainer here) I guess what you are referring to is auto-completion on the fly, i.e. as you write on the Editor or Console.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to enable that right now (August/2018). However, it'll be available (but only for the Editor) in our next major version: Spyder 4, to be released in 2019.


How to keep IntelliSense Complete Word option off?

IntelliSense has a mode where if you hit the spacebar, it will automatically type out the suggested auto-complete word. In order to prevent this from happening, you can hit the Escape key before pressing Space. This will close the autocomplete popup, so that the suggested word is not automatically typed.
I prefer the alternative setting, where I actually have to hit the Enter key to accept the suggested autocompletion. If I just type Space, I want a space to follow the characters that I actually typed.
I know that I can toggle between the undesired mode and the second mode I describe, which I do want. To do this, I click Edit -> IntelliSence -> Toggle Completion Mode.
My problem is that this setting never sticks. It constantly reverts to the wrong mode. I'm not sure exactly when it's changing, but it seems to revert back several times a day. If I change this for one Solution, it won't apply to my other Solutions. Even if I apply it to a solution, close VS, reopen, and start working again, it will have reverted.
Does this happen to everyone else, or is this unique to me? Is there some global setting that forces this feature to stay off always? Do I have a corrupted file somewhere that's causing this?
No, this is normal behavior and this setting behaves like what you described in the previous VS versions.
However, thanks to those members who is reporting this issue and Microsoft has fixed this behavior in the latest VS2019 version.
Since VS2015 is not supported by Microsoft so far, so this behavior cannot be fixed on VS2015 and I suggest you could install the latest VS2019 Community and get what you want.
Once you click the Toggle Completion Mode under Edit-->Intellisense, no matter you close VS, create a new project or a solution, use other c# file editor, it will never revert back.

How to disable lines around text and explanations in Sublime Text

I have these lines around text and explanations popping up annoyingly.
Is there a way to turn these off?
I tried to look in settings and to adjust them but nothing works out.
P.S. ignore the code, it's just for example
White lines surrounding code like that are generally indicative of something like a code linter or other similar tool giving you an indication that there might be something wrong with the code (such as not following a code convention of some sort). The code explanation is a popup showing you the arguments and documentation for whatever function or method you're working on.
Both of these things are something that Sublime doesn't do on its own; you have installed a package of some sort that provides this capability.
If you were looking in the regular Sublime settings (Preferences.sublime-settings) for options that control this, they won't be there. In order to configure these away you would need to determine the package that you installed that's doing this and then configure that package not to do it or, if that's not possible, remove it.
If you use Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings - User from the menu, you can inspect the installed_packages setting to see what third party packages you installed and investigate which one of them is doing this.
Possible packages that do something like this would be Jedi or one of the Anaconda packages; essentially anything that says that it provides code support and assistance for Python is a candidate here.
Once you find the package in question, you can look in it's settings directly to see if you can turn the features you don't want off; failing that only removing the package will stop it from displaying these things.
These lines are called linting. Linting is the process of running a program that will analyse code for potential errors.
In sublime text it occurs usually because of some packages that you have installed...
In your case, it is actually the anaconda package and some other packages. It can be removed easily in a few simple steps.
In the sublime text window press ctrl+shift+P to open a command pallete and then type the name of the package. I typed anaconda because it is the one giving me these lintings so there will be an option Disable linting on this file. Just click on it, as shown in this picture .

Having difficulty getting ZeroBrane to highlight code, autocomplete, etc
Here is an example. For some reason code is simply not being highlighted using the Lua 5.2 interpreter. Autocomplete doesn't appear to be working correctly either. Also whenever I declare a function it doesn't automatically add a space in the middle and the end at the bottom which I've seen. These would all be immensely helpful starting off. I have never coded before.
I don't see any issue with the highlighting, as the Lua code in your snapshot is highlighted. I'm not sure why auto-complete is not working in your case, but if you type "pr" and don't see "print" and "pairs" offered when Lua 5.2 interpreter is selected, you may want to open a ticket and we'll investigate.

Alt+Enter does not work properly IntelliJ [duplicate]

When working with IntelliJ on a JavaProject it shows to use alt + enter to import a class for example, but this isnt working anymore. It worked in the past, but something must have changed, -the shortcut is still set,-other shortcut would work- i cant assign alt+enter manually, although if i reset it to default it gets set to it, any ideas how to fix my problem? btw my keyboard layout is german, but i dont think it is the problem because it worked in the past, my os is win 7. edited: when i am working within the IDE and i e.g. write Arrays.toString(a); and didn't import "java.util.Arrays" yet, the IDE says: " ? java.util.Arrays? Alt+Eingabe"    (Eingabe = Enter in German) so when i assign a different shortcut it works, but with Alt+Enter it doesnt thanks in advance for any help.
"Well, it means IDE doesn't see the shortcut for some reason. Probably it's already used by some other application or the operating system. – CrazyCoder 25 mins ago "
i closed all applications and it turns out that, Facebook GameRoom, running in the background, somehow is the reason the shortcut doesn't work, i have no idea why, but thats the solution
many thanks to CrazyCoder
It was working earlier but it stopped working due to unknown reason,
One workaround is Try fn+Alt+Enter
I had the same problem
and it turned out to be the keyboard language in Windows, It wasn't english,
so just make sure you are on English
On my side, culprit is some VPN software called PulseSecure
fn + Alt+Enter+Shift worked for me (credits #ketankk).
My problem solved. just try :
LEFT Alt + Enter
LEFT Alt+Enter
Looks like some languages override Right Alt behavior, at least in case of Lithuanian Left Alt is working fine with Lithuanian enabled, Right does not, when switch to English, everything is fine again. Was pulling hair to figure out why out of nowhere it stops working, thanks
In my case hint is showing Alt + Shift + Enter, but Ctrl+Shift+Enter works for some reason oO
In my case, I mapped Alt+Enter to a system shortcut (for expanding the current window) and I forgot. So it might not be another program, but your past self-sabotaging you.
I have the same issue. Alt+Insert not working while I was trying to generate getters/setters for my POJO class.
I just added another shortcut for that "Generate" operation.
If you are using Intellij Idea, you can do that by following steps:
Go to File -> Settings -> Keymap.
On the search bar appeared, search for "Generate", you will find an entry to which assigned shortcut will be Alt+Insert.
Right click on this entry and select 'Add Keyboard shorcut'.
Now, type your own shortcut that you want. In my case, I used Ctrl+Shift+G.
It worked fine and now I am using my new shortcut for Generate operation.
I had the same problem while upgrading to a new IDE version. The cause was a plugin error in new IDE version, I resolved disabling/updating that plugin.

Disable IntelliJ Warnings

It really annoys me that IntelliJ highlights certain 'errors' (that don't prevent successful compilation) the same way that real errors are highlighted. For example, a magic number is not really an error, but it will be flagged in exactly the same way as an incompatible type error.
How can I change this?
Go to Settings -> Inspections. Then you need to search through the long list for the offending inspection, which you can get the name of by hovering on the warning marker in the margin. You can change the severity of the inspection, whether it's an error, warning, etc. or just disable it altogether.
Edit: if you search for "magic" in Settings, you get the following, which should be helpful:
Whenever you see an inspection warning/error you can place the caret on it and press Alt+Enter (a light bulb also appears that tells you that). A menu will appear with suggested quick fixes. You may need to open a submenu by pressing Right, and you'll find "Edit inspection settings" there. Having invoked that, you may proceed as in hvgotcodes's answer :), it's just a faster way of getting to those settings.
As Michael Calvin said you can use the SuppressWarnings annotation. For example:
Usually searching the internet for the exact description leads me to this.
Not directly relevant to the OP, but may be of use to future Googlers
I got to this question while trying to figure out how to disable IntelliJ IDEA's warnings about Guava functionalities that have been replaced by Java 8 features. I'm not able to use the Java 8 versions of these features in my case because of a library we're using that was built with Guava (despite being a Java 8 project). So to solve that, I added a SuppressWarnings annotation before any class using Guava:
public final class...