using select count based on partial data - sql

I'm currently making a call to an SQL database that counts all entries where the cell starts with NOI, but ends with anything else.
I thought using the below would work, but it doesn't seem to, anyone have any ideas? I know the % sign is the wildcard for foxpro, I don't know if this is the same in SQL

You have to use LIKE if you want to use the wildcard characters:
(also added the parantheses around *)

You are missing parentheses:

It is not the case even in Foxpro. You should use parentheses and "like":


How to reference a column in SQL that has count?

How do I get the column "count(division)" instead of getting the actual number of counts?
select * from num_taught;
gets me this
select count(division) from num_taught;
gets me this, but I actually want the third column "count(division)" from the previous image
I want to know this because I'm doing this right now:
sql> select * from num_taught as a, num_taught as b
...> where a.count(division) = b.count(division);
Error: near "(": syntax error
but as you can see, there's a syntax error and I think it's because the code is not referencing the "count(division)" columns but actually finding the count instead.
My end goal is to output the "Titles" that have the same "Division" and have the same count(division).
So for example, the end table would have the rows "Chief Accountant", "Programmer Trainee", "Scrivener", "Technician", "Wizard". Since these are the rows that have a match in division and count(division)
What does DESC num_taught return? I am curious how the third column is populated - is it some kind of pseudo-column? You may want try wrapping the column name with [], see: How to deal with SQL column names that look like SQL keywords?
i.e. try:
select [count(division)] from num_taught;
You need to escape your column name using quotes (in case it's Sqlite like you mentioned in the comments).
select "count(division)" from num_taught;
select * from num_taught as a, num_taught as b
where a."count(division)" = b."count(division)";
If you don't you are using the count-function provided by your Database-system.
It's very unusual to name a column like this, it might be either a trap by your tutor or an error while initializing the table in your case.
I think you just want a count(distinct):
select count(distinct division)
from num_taught;

Cannot figure out SQL Select statement in Access 2016

I'm having some trouble understanding WHY a select statement isn't working in a query I'm making.
I've got the SELECT and FROM lines functioning. With just those, ALL results from my selected table are displayed - 517 or so
What I want to do is display results based on a pattern using LIKE - What I have so far
FROM Tbl_ServiceRequestMatrix
WHERE Tbl_ServiceRequestMatrix.[Application/Form] LIKE 'P%';
This returns 0 results - despite the fact that the column selected DOES have entries that start with 'P'
I also tried utilising brackets, see if that was the issue - still displays 0 results:
FROM Tbl_ServiceRequestMatrix
WHERE ((Tbl_ServiceRequestMatrix.[Application/Form])='p%');
Can any one help me understand why my WHERE ** LIKE statement is causing 0 results to be displayed?
The wildcard character in MS Access is (by default) * instead of %:
WHERE Tbl_ServiceRequestMatrix.[Application/Form] LIKE "P*"
LIKE Statement has different parameters in different sql languages.
In MS Access you need * Instead of % in LIKE Statement.

SQL Like filtering

I am currently working on some C# and I encountered a rather silly issue. I need to fill ListBox with some data from database obviously. Problem is varchar filtering. I need to filter codes and display only the right ones.
Example of codes are: RRTT, RRTR, RT12, RQ00, R100, R200, R355, TY44, GG77 etc. Four digit codes.
I managed to filter only R-codes with simple select * from table1 where code_field like 'R%' but I get both R000 and RQ10 and I need to get R ones followed by numbers only.
So from example:
RRTT, RRTR, RT12, RQ00, R100, R200, R355
R100, R200, R355
Any ideas what should I add to the like 'R%'?
In SQL Server, you can make use of wildcards. Here is one approach:
where rcode like 'R___' and -- make sure code has four characters
rcode not like 'R%[^0-9]%' -- and nothing after the first one is not a number
where rcode like 'R[0-9][0-9][0-9]'
In other databases, you would normally do this using regular expressions rather than extensions to like.
here solution using like
VALUES ( 'R123'),
( 'R12T' ),
( 'RT12' )
) AS t(test)
where test like 'R[0-9][0-9][0-9]'
like 'S[0-9%]'
Friend came up with the solution, thanks anyway

SIMPLE SQL Select Where Query

Anyone got any idea why this doesn't work. Im at a loss
The following
SELECT * FROM tblCustomerDetails WHERE AccountNo='STO00900'
Returns nothing however if i run the same query with any othe accoutn number it works.
and this account will show when i run
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM tblCustomerDetails ORDER BY ID desc
Picture explains it better.
Try as Notulysses suggested, but I would recommend it a bit differently:
SELECT * FROM tblCustomerDetails WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(AccountNo)) = 'STO00900'
The LIKE operator will likely match more rows than you need (if te AccountNo column is not unique), so I'd go with trimming the whitespaces and then checking for a specific account.
There may be some space in the entry either in the start or at the end ,try to trim both ends of the entry.
SELECT * FROM tblCustomerDetails WHERE AccountNo LIKE '%STO00900%'
As there can be hidden characters.

SQL produced by Entity Framework for string matching

Given this linq query against an EF data context:
var customers = data.Customers.Where(c => c.EmailDomain.StartsWith(term))
You’d expect it to produce SQL like this, right?
SELECT {cols} FROM Customers WHERE EmailDomain LIKE #term+’%’
Well, actually, it does something like this:
SELECT {cols} FROM Customer WHERE ((CAST(CHARINDEX(#term, EmailDomain) AS int)) = 1)
Do you know why?
Also, replacing the Where selector to:
c => c.EmailDomain.Substring(0, term.Length) == term
it runs 10 times faster but still produces some pretty yucky SQL.
NOTE: Linq to SQL correctly translates StartsWith into Like {term}%, and nHibernate has a dedicated LikeExpression.
I don't know about MS SQL server but on SQL server compact LIKE 'foo%' is thousands time faster than CHARINDEX, if you have INDEX on seach column. And now I'm sitting and pulling my hair out how to force it use LIKE.
The reason is that CharIndex is a lot faster and cleaner for SQL to perform than LIKE. The reason is, that you can have some crazy "LIKE" clauses. Example:
SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE EmailDomain LIKE 'abc%de%sss%'
But, the "CHARINDEX" function (which is basically "IndexOf") ONLY handles finding the first instance of a set of characters... no wildcards are allowed.
So, there's your answer :)
EDIT: I just wanted to add that I encourage people to use CHARINDEX in their SQL queries for things that they didn't need "LIKE" for. It is important to note though that in SQL Server 2000... a "Text" field can use the LIKE method, but not CHARINDEX.
Performance seems to be about equal between LIKE and CHARINDEX, so that should not be the reason. See here or here for some discussion. Also the CAST is very weird because CHARINDEX returns an int.
charindex returns the location of the first term within the second term.
sql starts with 1 as the first location (0 = not found)
i don't know why it uses that syntax but that's how it works
I agree that it is no faster, I was retrieving tens of thousands of rows from our database with the letter i the name. I did find however that you need to use > rather than = ... so use
{cols} FROM Customer WHERE ((CAST(CHARINDEX(#term, EmailDomain) AS int)) > 0)
rather than
{cols} FROM Customer WHERE ((CAST(CHARINDEX(#term, EmailDomain) AS int)) = 1)
Here are my two tests ....
select * from members where surname like '%i%' --12 seconds
select * from sc4_persons where ((CAST(CHARINDEX('i', surname) AS int)) > 0) --12 seconds
select * from sc4_persons where ((CAST(CHARINDEX('i', surname) AS int)) = 1) --too few results