SQL Query to return a distinct count of one column while allowing a full summation of a second column, grouped by a third - sql

I'm writing a query in access 2010 and i can't use count(distinct... so I'm running into a bit of trouble with what can be found below:
An example of my table is as follows
Provider | Member ID | Dollars | Status
FacilityA | 1001 | 50 | Pended
FacilityA | 1001 | 100 | Paid
FacilityA | 1002 | 200 | Paid
FacilityB | 1005 | 30 | Pended
FacilityB | 1009 | 90 | Pended
FacilityC | 1001 | 100 | Paid
FacilityC | 1008 | 500 | Paid
I want to return the total # of unique members that have visited each facility, but I also want to get the total dollar amount that is Pended, so for this example the ideal output would be
Provider | # members | Total Pended charges
FacilityA | 2 | 50
FacilityB | 2 | 120
FacilityC | 2 | 0
I tried using some code I found here: Count Distinct in a Group By aggregate function in Access 2007 SQL
and here:
SQL: Count distinct values from one column based on multiple criteria in other columns
Copying the code from the first link provided by gzaxx:
SELECT cd.DiagCode, Count(cd.CustomerID)
FROM (select distinct DiagCode, CustomerID from CustomerTable) as cd
Group By cd.DiagCode;
I can make this work for counting the members:
SELECT cd.Provider_Number, Count(cd.Member_ID)
FROM (select distinct Provider_Number, Member_ID from Claims_Table) as cd
ON claims_table.Provider_Number=cd.Provider_Number
Group By cd.Provider_Number;
However, no matter what I try I can't get a second portion dealing with the dollars to work without causing an error or messing up the calculation on the member count.

SELECT cd.Provider_Number,
-- claims_table.Member_ID, claims_table.Dollars
SUM(IIF ( Claims_Table.Status = 'Pended' , Claims_Table.Dollars , 0 )) as Dollars_Pending,
Count(cd.Member_ID) as Uniq_Members,
Sum(Dollars) as Dollar_Wrong
FROM (select distinct Provider_Number, Member_ID from Claims_Table) as cd inner join #claims_table
ON claims_table.Provider_Number=cd.Provider_Number and claims_table.Member_ID = cd.Member_ID
Group By cd.Provider_Number;

This should work fine based only on the table you described (named Tabelle1):
SELECT Provider, count(MemberID) as [# Members],
NZ(SUM(SWITCH([Status]='Pended', Dollars)),0) as [Total pending charges]
FROM Tabelle1
GROUP BY Provider;
I think the first and second column are self-explanatory.
The third column is where most things are done. The SWITCH([Status]='Pended', Dollars) returns the Dollars only if the status is pending. This then gets summed up by SUM. The NZ(..,0) will set the column to 0 if the SUM returns a NULL.
EDIT: This was tested on Access 2016


Stop SQL Select After Sum Reached

My database is Db2 for IBM i.
I have read-only access, so my query must use only basic SQL select commands.
I want to select every record in the table until the sum of the amount column exceeds the predetermined limit.
I want to match every item down the table until the sum of matched values in the "price" column >= $9.00.
The desired result:
Is this possible?
You may use sum analytic function to calculate running total of price and then filter by its value:
with a as (
sum(price) over(order by salesid asc) as price_rsum
from t
select *
from a
where price_rsum <= 9
------: | ----: | ---------:
1001 | 5 | 5
1002 | 3 | 8
1003 | 1 | 9
db<>fiddle here

Dividing sum results

I'm really sorry as this was probably answered before, but I couldn't find something that solved the problem.
In this case, I'm trying to get the result of dividing two sums in the same column.
| Id | month | budget | sales |
| -- | ----- | ------ | ----- |
| 1 | jan | 1000 | 800 |
| 2 | jan | 1000 | 850 |
| 1 | feb | 1200 | 800 |
| 2 | feb | 1100 | 850 |
What i want is to get the % of completition for each id and month (example: get 0,8 or 80% in a fifth column for id 1 in jan)
I have something like
sum (daily_budget) as budget,
sum (daily_sales) as sales,
budget/sales over (partition by 1,2) as efectivenes
from sales
group by 1,2
I know im doing this wrong but I'm kinda new with sql and cant find the way :|
This should do it
CAST(ROUND(SUM(daily_sales) * 100.00 / SUM(daily_budget), 1) AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS Effectiveness
I'm new at SQL too but maybe I can help. Try this?
sum (daily_budget) as budget,
sum (daily_sales) as sales,
(sum(daily_budget)/sum(daily_sales)) over (partition by id) as efectivenes
from sales
group by id
If you want to ALTER your table so that it contains a fifth column where the result of budget/sales is automatically calculated, all you need to do this add the formula to this auto-generated column. The example I am about to show is based on MySQL.
Open MySQL
Find the table you wish to modify in the Navigator Pane, right-click on it and select "Alter Table"
Add a new row to your table. Make sure you select NN (Not Null) and G (Generated Column) check boxes
In the Default/Expression column, simply enter the expression budget / sales.
Once you run your next query, you should see your column generated and populated with the calculated results. If you simply want the SQL statement to do the same from the console, it will be something like this: ALTER table YOUR_TABLE_NAME add result FLOAT as (budget / sales);

Is there a way to calculate a SUM of a Count Alias in SQL?

I am trying to create a custom SQL report that will give me a percentage of DispositionCodes that are clicked after a customer service rep ends a call with a customer.
I am currently using a COUNT Alias to count how many times a Disposition code is assigned to a customer call. I would then like to summarize that DispositionCount alias into another column called "Total". Then I would like to see the percentage of times that a disposition code is selected by calculating DispositionCount / Total. Is it possible to SUM an alias to give me a Total count, and then calculate a percentage based off of two Alias columns?
ISNULL(WrapupData, 'No Dispos Code Entered') as DispositionCode,
COUNT(CASE WHEN WrapupData IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS DispositionCount
FROM Termination_Call_Detail tcd
LEFT JOIN dbo.t_Call_Type ct ON ct.CallTypeID = tcd.CallTypeID
| | | |
| WrapupData | DispositionCode | DispositionCount |
| NULL | No Dispos Code Entered | 8 |
| Appointment Request | Appointment Request | 3 |
| WrapupData | DispositionCode | DispositionCount |Total | Percentage|
| NULL | No Dispos Code Entered | 8 | 11 | 72.72 |
| Appointment Request | Appointment Request | 3 | 11 | 27.27 |
I have tried count(sum(WrapupData))
but WrapupData is varchar and invalid for sum operator.
I have also tried count(sum(DispositionCount))
but DispositionCount comes back as an Invalid column name (I'm assuming because it's an Alias and is only temporary)
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You could use analytic functions here:
ISNULL(WrapupData, 'No Dispos Code Entered') AS DispositionCode,
COUNT(WrapupData) AS DispositionCount,
SUM(COUNT(WrapupData)) OVER () AS Total,
100.0 * COUNT(WrapupData) / SUM(COUNT(WrapupDatalse)) OVER () AS Percentage
FROM Termination_Call_Detail tcd
LEFT JOIN dbo.t_Call_Type ct
ON ct.CallTypeID = tcd.CallTypeID
The here is to use SUM() with a window over the entire table, post aggregation, to find the total. We can also find the percentage by normalizing the count using this sum.

Counting distinct stores SQL

I am fairly new to SQL and was wondering if anyone could help with my code.
I am trying to count the distinct number of stores that are tied to a certain Warehouse which is tied to a purchase order.
Example: If there are 100 stores with this PO that came from Warehouse #2 or #5 or etc... then I would like:
1 | 100 | 2 |
2 | 25 | 5 |
3 | 56 | 1 |
My Code:
select count(distinct Store_ID) as Count_Store, WH_Location
from alc_Loc
where alloc_PO = 11345
group by Store_ID, WH_Location
When I run this I get a 1 for "count_store" and it shows me the WH_Location multiple times. I feel as if something is not tying in correctly.
Any help is appreciated!
Just remove store_id from the group by:
select count(distinct Store_ID) as Count_Store, WH_Location
from alc_Loc
where alloc_PO = 11345
group by WH_Location;
When you include Store_ID in the group by, you are getting a separate row for each Store_ID. The distinct count is then obviously 1 (or 0 if the store id is NULL).

Adding another column based on different criteria (SQL-server)

I do quite a bit of data analysis and use SQL on a daily basis but my queries are rather simple, usually pulling a lot of data which I thereafter manipulate in excel, where I'm a lot more experienced.
This time though I'm trying to generate some Live Charts which have as input a single SQL query. I will now have to create complex tables without the aid of the excel tools I'm so familiar with.
The problem is the following:
We have telesales agents that book appointments by answering to inbound calls and making outbound cals. These will generate leads that might potentially result in a sale. The relevant tables and fields for this problem are these:
Contact Table
Sales Table
I want to know for each telesales agent their respective Total Sales amount in one column, and their outbound sales value in another.
The end result should look something like this:
| Agent | TotalSales | OutboundSales |
| Tom | 30145 | 0 |
| Sally | 16449 | 1000 |
| John | 10500 | 300 |
| Joe | 50710 | 0 |
With the below SQL I get the following result:
SELECT contact.agent, SUM(sales.price)
FROM contact, sales
WHERE contact.id = sales.id
GROUP BY contact.agent
| Agent | TotalSales |
| Tom | 30145 |
| Sally | 16449 |
| John | 10500 |
| Joe | 50710 |
I want to add the third column to this query result, in which the price is summed only for records where the OutboundCallDate field contains data. Something a bit like (where sales.OutboundCallDate is Not Null)
I hope this is clear enough. Let me know if that's not the case.
SELECT c.Agent,
SUM(s.price) AS TotalSales,
WHEN s.OutboundCallDate IS NOT NULL THEN s.price
END) AS OutboundSales
FROM contact c, sales s
WHERE c.id = s.id
GROUP BY c.agent
I think the code would look
SELECT contact.agent, SUM(sales.price)
FROM contact, sales
WHERE contact.id = sales.id AND SUM(WHERE sales.OutboundCallDate)
GROUP BY contact.agent
notI'm assuming your Sales table contains something like Units and Price. If it's just a sales amount, then replace the calculation with the sales amount field name.
The key thing here is that the value summed should only be the sales amount if the OutboundCallDate exists. If the OutboundCallDate is not NULL, then we're using a value of 0 for that row.
select Agent.Agent, TotalSales = sum (sales.Price*Units)
, OutboundSales = sum (
case when Outboundcalldate is not null then price*Units
else 0
From Sales inner join Agent on Sales.Agent = Agent.Agent
Group by Agent.Agent