Excel Macro To Advance Date - vba

I have a ton of excel sheets that each have 3 excel workbook tabs. On the last one there will be a ton of data but one column will be a date column with a bunch of different dates underneath. The date format will be MM/DD/YYYY. I need to advance each date ahead by 4 years.
I imagine that I will need to select the correct workbook, search for the particular column, and then loop to iterate through each value underneath that column to advance it, but the day itself needs to stay the same. For example, if its 10/05/2017, it needs to be 10/05/2021. Any suggestions or help would be great. Thank you in advance.
Thank you for the help, I realize I wasn't very helpful at all with my question. I'm very new to VB script and excel macros in general. I hadn't gotten how to search for the column itself as I would like it find the column no matter what the column value is (possibly search for a cell that says "Date" through the entire sheet?, I was just trying to add the 4 years to start with and couldn't find the function I needed. This is what I had from what I derived and seems like this is very wrong ha.
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
Set ThisCell = ActiveCell
ThisCell = DateAdd("yyyy", 4, ColumnValueHere)
' Step down 1 row from present location.
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

You'll be wanting the DateAdd function
Try something like this:
Sub AddDates()
Dim lastRow as integer
Dim theSheetImWorkingOn as worksheet
Dim theColumnNumberForTheDates as integer
theColumnNumberForTheDates = 5 ' change this to be the column number you want
Set theSheetImWorkingOn = Sheets("Put your sheet name here")
lastRow = theSheetImWorkingOn.Cells(1000000, theColumnNumberForTheDates ).End(xlUp).row
For x = 2 to lastRow ' assuming your data starts on row 2
theSheetImWorkingOn.Cells(x, theColumnNumberForTheDates) = DateAdd("yyyy", 4, theSheetImWorkingOn.Cells(x, theColumnNumberForTheDates))
Next x
End Sub


Excel VBA Code for small scroll while there is a value on the right

I have a Macro that takes data out of 2 reports.
in the second report I have dates that I copy. I need to take a date and subtract from it 14 days
I go to first blank cell in column D, then I want to calculate the formula in column C and scroll down without type how many cells (because it is a macro to a daily basis and the amount of data will change). I want to do this until the end of the data I copied.
In the end I want to copy it as values to column B.
Here is what I have in my code(part of all macro):
'first we go to the buttom of the column
'for NOW - change manually the top of the range you paste to
'Now, paste to OP_wb workbook:
OP_wb.Sheets("Optic Main").Range("D1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
' Calculate Due Date to MFG tools
' it means date we copied from MFG daily minus 14 days
_wb.Sheets("Optic Main").Activate
Range("C1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Activate
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1]-14"enter code here
You need to loop from the first row to the last row. In general, there are plenty of good ways to define the last row of a given column. Once you have done it, replace the value of lngEndRow and run the following code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim lngStartRow As Long: lngStartRow = 1
Dim lngEndRow As Long: lngEndRow = 100
Dim rngMyRange As Range
Dim rngMyCell As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set rngMyRange = .Range(.Cells(lngStartRow, 5), .Cells(lngEndRow, 5))
End With
For Each rngMyCell In rngMyRange
rngMyCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1]-14"
Next rngMyCell
End Sub
Then change the ActiveSheet with the correct sheet and the column hardcoded as 5 with the correct one. Run the code above in an empty Excel, to understand what it does. Then change it a bit, until it matches your needs.

How to select column and display its current format using VBA Macro?

Please find my requirement below for which I am unable to find any solution:
1. Iterate over workSheet from workbook
2. Find all the columns containing date values using current format/type of column (Here is a trick. Worksheet is not static, it can contain any number of columns containing date values. Columns containing date values may have any name. And such worksheets can be more than one in number)
3. Apply macro on date columns for date formatting (below macro) if "Flag" value is "y"
Sub FormatDate()
If wksSecDist.Range("Flag").value = "y" Then
LastRowColA = Range("X" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
' Here I am finding total number of rows in column X
wksSecDist.Range("X2", "X" & LastRowColA).NumberFormat = "dd/mmm/yyyy"
' Here applying specified date format to Range("X2", "X10") [if last row index for column X is 10]
End If
End Sub
I am just a beginner to VBA.
Thanks in advance.
I suspect you didn't find a solution on the internet because you looked simply for a solution and not the parts needed to build your own solution.
You mention you are a VBA beginner, please take the below answer to be of educational use and begin you in getting you where you need your tool to be. Note, if it doesn't answer your question because of information that was not included, it has still answered your question and the missing information should form part of a new question. That said, lets get this function up and running.
From what you have written I have interpreted the requirement to be: -
Look over all worksheets in a workbook ('worksheets can be more than one in number')
Check every column to see if it holds a date value
If it does, set the whole column to a specific format
What is needed to accomplish this is iteration(loops), one to loop through all worksheet, and another to loop through all columns: -
The is pseudo code of the target: -
.For each Worksheet in the Workbook
..For each Column in the Worksheet
...If the Column contains dates then format it as required
..Process next column
.Process next Worksheet
We achieve this using a variable to reference a Worksheet and using a loop (For Each) to change the reference. The same goes for the columns.
Public Sub Sample()
Dim WkSht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim LngCols As Long
Dim LngCol As Long
'This loop will process the code inside it against every worksheet in this Workbook
For Each WkSht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
'Go to the top right of the worksheet and then come in, this finds the last used column
LngCols = WkSht.Range(WkSht.Cells(1, WkSht.Columns.Count).Address).End(xlToLeft).Column
'This loop will process the code inside it against every column in the worksheet
For LngCol = 1 To LngCols
'If the first cell contains a date then we should format the column
If IsDate(WkSht.Cells(2, LngCol)) Then
'Set right to the bottom of the sheet
WkSht.Range(WkSht.Cells(2, LngCol), WkSht.Cells(WkSht.Rows.Count, LngCol)).NumberFormat = "dd/mmm/yyyy"
End If
End Sub
Hopefully that has all made sense, this does work on the premise that the header row is always row 1 and there are no gaps in the columns, but these are separate issues you can approach when you're ready to.

Finding cellindex depending on cell content in excel

Im in a bit of a hard spot at the moment, i've been searching the web for some weeks now whitout any luck. I hope some of you might have the answer however.
I want to search through a row for a cell with a specific numeric value. The row contains weeknumbers. When found i would like to be able to handle the cell like an object, or at least i need to know the coordiantes of the cell for further processing.
Furthermore, can that process be reversed. Meaning, can i get the value from say the next cell in the same row if i have the coordinates of the prior cell?
Example would be:
Search through row for the week number for this week.
Hopefully get the coordinates for the cell that contains the right number.
When i have that column, i want to find the content of the cells monday to friday for that week for every coworker
I doesnt matter if this i done by VBA or formulas.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards Teambit
No need for VBA for this... you should be able to achieve it with formulae easily enough.
So, cell L3 has the formula:=ADDRESS(3,MATCH($B$1,$A$3:$N$3,0)). This will perform a MATCH on the week entered into cell $B$1 and find it in the range of weeks $A$3:$N$3. The ADDRESS function will return the cell address for where the week number is found, so $G$3 in my example.
Then the lower grid/table will display the working week for the current week. The OFFSET function is moving the cell address down 3 rows, then right 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 rows for each day of the week. OFFSET will return a 0 for a blank, so the T function is ensuring we get a text equivalent, or blank instead of 0. I'm using INDIRECT to pass the OFFSET function the starting cell address, so it is using the value of our starting week cell ($G$3), instead of that cell ($L$1).
I've not put anything in to make this dynamic per worker, so it's always using row 3, but you can get a cell reference using ADDRESS from a VLOOKUP for a name and then plug that into the other formulae.
Check if this help u..
Sub SubOne()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim rw As Range
Dim iFoundIt As Range
Dim RowCount As Integer
' var to iterate trough rows
RowCount = 0
Set sh = ActiveSheet
For Each rw In sh.Rows
' iterate over all cells in first row
If sh.Cells(rw.Row, 1).Value = "ThisIsMySpecialValue" Then
' value is found, we save the cell for future options
Set iFoundIt = sh.Cells(rw.Row, 1)
Exit For
End If
RowCount = RowCount + 1
Next rw
Debug.Print (iFoundIt.Row)
Debug.Print (iFoundIt.Column)
End Sub
I know if i understand your question well, but if you have coordinates of cell and you wana e.g. next cell on left you can use something like this
Sub findWeek()
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim l As Long
Dim row As Long
row = 2
Dim myVal As String
myVal = "some name of week you looking for"
Dim resultCell As Range
With targetSheet
Do While .Cells(row, l).Value <> myVal
l = l + 1
resultCell = .Cells(row, l)
End With
End Sub
So i updated answer, try something like this. Just change sheet name, maybe row and even name which are you looking for. And in value resultCell you will have object of cell which you are looking for. And if you look at cell/range api you can get its coordinates etc...
So you can make it a function which will return range, or whatever you want... But always in value resultCell will be cell which you are looking for.
Maybe you will need to take care if week is not found ;) because this will stuck in loop, but its not that hard

Copy all Rows in excel sheet only if specific cell = today's date

I'm knew to vb scripting for excel and cant seem to find code that will help do what i want. maybe its how im wording my search criteria.
Sheet 1 is an input sheet which saves data into sheet 2 every day. There is a cell that holds the current date.
So sheet 2 just collates and saves everything entered.
Each day there are several rows saved into sheet 2.
I need a button on sheet two that only selects the rows that have today's date and copies the content. I just need that data copied so i can then paste this into off clipboard into another application.
Can anyone help? im using office 2016.
Excel VBA, How to select rows based on data in a column?
I believe this is something that would be useful for yourself since you are new to VBA code.
You will most likely need to supplement your code with the parts you ned, IE current date, only coping and not pasting and so forth.
I recommend google for those parts as it is widely avalible, I.E. VBA Excel "then what you are searching for"
Dim TodaysDate As Date
TodaysDate = Now
TodaysDate = Format(TodaysDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
^ For instance will give you the current day in dd/mm/yyyy format
I leave the rest to you, hope this helps
I would loop through the rows in the second sheet and hide the rows not matching the date. So something similar to this:
Dim today As String
Dim Rows As Integer
Dim Sheetname As String
Dim Column As Integer
Sheetname = "Sheet2" 'Name of your second sheet
Column = 1 'Column with your date
today = Now
today = Format(today, "dd/mm/yyyy")
Rows = Sheets(Sheetname).UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Rows Step 1
If Sheets(Sheetname).Cells(i, Column).Value <> today Then
Sheets(Sheetname).Rows(i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next i
Then you can copy the rows of today.
To show all rows again, simply use
Dim Sheetname As String
Sheetname = "Sheet2" 'name of your second sheet
Sheets(Sheetname).Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False

Excel, conditional formatting column base on comparing two columns

I have excel worksheet, with two sheets. First one (Worksheet 1) is big table (about 2000 rows), and in second (Worksheet2) I have only about 20 rows.
I need to check, if string in first column in each row in worksheet 1 is already in Worksheet 2, if so, make it green.
Thanks for solutions, both EXCEL or VBA will be appreciated :)
In worksheet 1 you need to create a new column (say column AA) which uses the formula VLOOKUP to find the same data (if it exists) in the other sheet. If is is not found VLOOKUP will return and error #N/A. So you formula will look soemthing like:
IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A2, 'Sheet2'!$SA$1:$X$9999, 3, false)),"NOT FOUND","FOUND")
You would then add conditional formatting to sheet1 column A that references the value in your new column (AA) and sets the colour accordingly.
If you don't know how to use VLOOKUP or get the conditional formatting to work, there are plenty of resource on the internet to help you learn these. eg youtube channel ExcelisFun, WiseOwl.co.uk.
I hope this helps.
PS You do not need to use VBA to do this! In fact using a foumula can be preferable as if a single value changes it can cause the colours to be changed.
If you want to use VBA, try as follow:
Public Sub findDuplicate()
Dim sh1row, sh2Row As Long
For sh1row = 1 To 20 'loop all row from Sheet2 (if more than 20, modify it)
For sh2Row = 1 To 2000 'loop all row from Sheet1 (if more than 2000, modify it)
'If A cell are equal
If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & sh2Row) = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & sh1row) Then
'Change background color to green.
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & sh2Row).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
End If
Next sh2Row
Next sh1row
End Sub