Gemfire spring example - gemfire

The example at shows that if there is a cache miss, we have to fetch the data from a server and store in the cache.
Is this an example of Gemfire running as the Gemfire server or is it a Gemfire client? I thought a client would automatically fetch the data from a Server if there is a cache miss. If that is the case, would there ever be a cache miss for the client?

First, I think you are missing the point of the core Spring Framework's Cache Abstraction. I encourage you to read more about the Cache Abstraction's intended purpose here.
In a nutshell, if one of your application objects makes a call to some "external", "expensive" service to access a resource, then caching maybe applicable, especially if the inputs passed result in the exact same output every single time.
So, for a moment, lets imagine your application makes a call to the Geocoding API in the Google Maps API to translate a addresses and (the inverse,) latitude/longitude coordinates.
You might have a application Spring #Service component like so...
class MyApplicationAddressService {
private GoogleGeocodingApiDao googleGeocodingApiDao;
public Address getAddressFor(Point location) {
return googleGeocodingApiDao.convert(location);
class Address {
private Point location;
private State state;
private String street;
private String city;
private String zipCode;
Clearly, given a latitude/longitude (input), it should produce the same Address (result) everytime. Also, since making a (network) call to an external API like Google's Geocoding service can be very expensive, to both access the resource and perform the conversion, then this type of service call is a perfect candidate for use to cache in our application.
Among many other caching providers (e.g. EhCache, Hazelcaset, Redis, etc), you can, of course, use Pivotal GemFire, or the open source alternative, Apache Geode to back Spring's Caching Abstraction.
In your Pivotal GemFire/Apache Geode setup, you can of course use either the peer-to-peer (P2P) or client/server topology, it doesn't really matter, and GemFire/Geode will do the right thing, once "called upon".
But, the Spring Cache Abstraction documentation states, when you make a call to one of your application components methods (e.g. getAddressFor(:Point)) that support caching (with #Cacheable) the interceptor will first "consult" the cache before making the method call. If the value is present in the cache, then that value is returned and the "expensive" method call (e.g. getAddressFor(:Point)) will not be invoked.
However, if there is a cache miss, then Spring will proceed in invoking the method, and upon successful return from the method invocation, cache the result of the call in the backing cache provider (such as GemFire/Geode) so that the next time the method call is invoked with the same input, the cached value will be returned.
Now, if your application is using the client/sever topology, then of course, the client cache will forward the request onto the server if...
The corresponding client Region is a PROXY, or...
The corresponding client Region is a CACHING_PROXY, and the client's local client-side Region does not contain the requested Point for the Address.
I encourage you to read more about different client Region data management policies here.
To see another working example of Spring's Caching Abstraction backed by Pivotal GemFire in Action, have a look at...
I used this example in my SpringOne-2015 talk to explain caching with GemFire/Geode as the caching provider. This particular example makes a external request to a REST API to get the "Quote of the Day".
Hope this helps!


When to use following Transient, scoped and singleton

I read some articles about this and I get to know how to use Transient, Scoped, and Singleton but I am confused when to use one of these.
What I am understood:
Singleton: In situation when you need to store number of employees then you can create singleton cause every time you create new employee then it will increment the number so in that situation you need singleton.
Scoped: For example you are playing game in which number of life is 5 and then you need to decrease the number when player's game over. And in every new time you need new instance because every new time you need number of life is 5.
Transient: when to use Transient??
Please correct me if I am wrong.
And give the better example of all of them if possible.
As far as I know, the Singleton is normally used for a global single instance. For example, you will have an image store service you could have a service to load images from a given location and keeps them in memory for future use.
A scoped lifetime indicates that services are created once per client request. Normally we will use this for sql connection. It means it will create and dispose the sql connection per request.
A transient lifetime services are created each time they're requested from the service container. For example, during one request you use httpclient service to call other web api request multiple times, but the web api endpoint is different. At that time you will register the httpclient service as transient. That means each time when you call the httpclient service it will create a new httpclient to send the request not used the same one .
Note, Microsoft provides the recommendations here and here.
When designing services for dependency injection:
Avoid stateful, static classes and members. Avoid creating global state by designing apps to use singleton services instead.
Avoid direct instantiation of dependent classes within services. Direct instantiation couples the code to a particular implementation.
Make services small, well-factored, and easily tested.

WebFlux Controllers Returning Flux and Backpressure

In Spring WebFlux I have a controller similar to this:
public class DataController {
#GetMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public Flux<Data> getData() {
return <data from database using reactive driver>
What exactly is subscribing to the publisher?
What (if anything) is providing backpressure?
For context I'm trying to evaluate if there are advantages to using Spring WebFlux in this specific situation over Spring MVC.
Note: I am not a developer of spring framework, so any comments are welcome.
What exactly is subscribing to the publisher?
It is a long living subscription to the port (the server initialisation itself). Therefore, the ReactorHttpServer.class has the method:
protected void startInternal() {
DisposableServer server = this.reactorServer.handle(this.reactorHandler).bind().block();
setPort(((InetSocketAddress) server.address()).getPort());
The Subscriber is the bind method, which (as far as I can see) does request(Long.MAX_VALUE), so no back pressure management here.
The important part for request handling is the method handle(this.reactorHandler). The reactorHandler is an instance of ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter. Further up the stack (within the apply method of ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter) is the DispatcherHandler.class. The java doc of this class starts with " Central dispatcher for HTTP request handlers/controllers. Dispatches to registered handlers for processing a request, providing convenient mapping facilities.". It has the central method:
public Mono<Void> handle(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
if (this.handlerMappings == null) {
return createNotFoundError();
return Flux.fromIterable(this.handlerMappings)
.concatMap(mapping -> mapping.getHandler(exchange))
.flatMap(handler -> invokeHandler(exchange, handler))
.flatMap(result -> handleResult(exchange, result));
Here, the actual request processing happens. The response is written within handleResult. It now depends on the actual server implementation, how the result is written.
For the default server, i.e. Reactor Netty it will be a ReactorServerHttpResponse.class. Here you can see the method writeWithInternal. This one takes the publisher result of the handler method and writes it to the underlying HTTP connection:
protected Mono<Void> writeWithInternal(Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> publisher) {
return this.response.send(toByteBufs(publisher)).then();
One implementation of NettyOutbound.send( ... ) is For your specific case of a Flux return, this implementation manages the NIO within MonoSendMany.class. This class does subscribe( ... ) with a SendManyInner.class, which does back pressure management by implementing Subscriber which onSubscribe does request(128). I guess Netty internally uses TCP ACK to signal successful transmission.
What (if anything) is providing backpressure?
... yes, backpressure is provided, e.g. by SendManyInner.class, however also other implementations exist.
For context I'm trying to evaluate if there are advantages to using Spring WebFlux in this specific situation over Spring MVC.
I think, it is definitely worth evaluating. For performance I however guess, the result will depend on the amount of concurrent requests and maybe also on the type of your Data class. Generally speaking, Webflux is usually the preferred choice for high throughput, low latency situations, and we generally see better hardware utilization in our environments. Assuming you take your data from a database you probably will have the best results with a database driver that too supports reactive. Besides performance, the back pressure management is always a good reason to have a look at Webflux. Since we adopted to Webflux, our data platform never had problems with stability anymore (not to claim, there are no other ways to have a stable system, but here many issues are solved out of the box).
As a side note: I recommend, having a closer look at Schedulers we just recently gained 30% cpu time by choosing the right one for slow DB accesses.
In the reference documentation explicitly says:
ServerRequest and ServerResponse are immutable interfaces that offer JDK 8-friendly access to the HTTP request and response. Both request and response provide Reactive Streams back pressure against the body streams.
What exactly is subscribing to the publisher?
The framework (so Spring, in this case.)
In general, you shouldn't subscribe in your own application - the framework should be subscribing to your publisher when necessary. In the context of spring, that's whenever a relevant request hits that controller.
What (if anything) is providing backpressure?
In this case, it's only restricted by the speed of the connection (I believe Webflux will look at the underlying TCP layer) and then request data as required. Whether your upstream flux listens to that backpressure though is another story - it may do, or it may just flood the consumer with as much data as it can.
For context I'm trying to evaluate if there are advantages to using Spring WebFlux in this specific situation over Spring MVC.
The main advantage is being able to hold huge numbers of connections open with only a few threads - so no overhead of context switching. (That's not the sole advantage, but most of the advantages generally boil down to that point.) Usually, this is only an advantage worth considering if you need to hold in the region of thousands of connections open at once.
The main disadvantage is the fact reactive code looks very different from standard Java code, and is usually necessarily more complex as a result. Debugging is also harder - vanilla stack traces become all but useless for instance (though their are tools & techniques to make this easier.)

Is it OK to flush the EntityManager from within a domain Service?

I have a domain service called OrderService, with a saveOrder() method:
class OrderService
// ...
public function saveOrder(Order $order)
// $this->entityManager->flush();
saveOrder() adds the order to the repository (which internally calls persist() on the EntityManager), then passes the Order to the NotificationService to send appropriate notifications (email, SMS).
The problem is, while NotificationService needs the order ID to include in the notifications, the Order has no ID yet as it's not been persisted to the DB (the ID is auto generated).
The obvious solution seems to pass the EntityManager as a dependency to the OrderService, and flush() right after the repository add() method, as in the example above. But I've always been reluctant to make the domain Services aware of the EntityManager, preferring to let them talk only to repositories, or other services.
What are the drawbacks, if any, of a domain Service having a dependency on the EntityManager?
Is there a better alternative?
Note: I'm using PHP and the Doctrine ORM, but I believe the same principles apply to Java & Hibernate as well.
You may want to consider one of these options (or both)
Make this service an Application layer service instead of a Domain service. It's perfectly OK to call your change tracker in an Application service since it is supposed to know about the application context and progress in the current use case. Typical application services will commit the business transaction/ask the change tracker to save changes when they're done, so why not call it to generate Id's as well ?
If you're concerned about the database being involved in the middle of a use case, maybe you can find an equivalent to NHibernate's Guid.Comb strategy to make your ORM generate an Id without issuing an INSERT to the database right away.
Use a Domain event. Upon creation, an Order could inform the world that it has been newed up. The notification service would handle the event and send appropriate notifications. You'll find an example of that here (it also includes an Application layer service to take care of the business transaction).

Need some advice for a web service API?

My company has a product that will I feel can benefit from a web service API. We are using MSMQ to route messages back and forth through the backend system. Currently we are building an ASP.Net application that communicates with a web service (WCF) that, in turn, talks to MSMQ for us. Later on down the road, we may have other client applications (not necessarily written in .Net). The message going into MSMQ is an object that has a property made up of an array of strings. There is also a property that contains the command (a string) that will be routed through the system. Personally, I am not a huge fan of this, but I was told it is for scalability and every system can use strings.
My thought, regarding the web services was to model some objects based on our data that can be passed into and out of the web services so they are easily consumed by the client. Initially, I was passing the message object, mentioned above, with the array of strings in it. I was finding that I was creating objects on the client to represent that data, making the client responsible for creating those objects. I feel the web service layer should really be handling this. That is how I have always worked with services. I did this so it was easier for me to move data around the client.
It was recommended to our group we should maintain the “single entry point” into the system by offering an object that contains commands and have one web service to take care of everything. So, the web service would have one method in it, Let’s call it MakeRequest and it would return an object (either serialized XML or JSON). The suggestion was to have a base object that may contain some sort of list of commands that other objects can inherit from. Any other object may have its own command structure, but still inherit base commands. What is passed back from the service is not clear right now, but it could be that “message object” with an object attached to it representing the data. I don’t know.
My recommendation was to model our objects after our actual data and create services for the types of data we are working with. We would create a base service interface that would house any common methods used for all services. So for example, GetById, GetByName, GetAll, Save, etc. Anything specific to a given service would be implemented for that specific implementation. So a User service may have a method GetUserByUsernameAndPassword, but since it implements the base interface it would also contain the “base” methods. We would have several methods in a service that would return the type of object expected, based on the service being called. We could house everything in one service, but I still would like to get something back that is more usable. I feel this approach leaves the client out of making decisions about what commands to be passed. When I connect to a User service and call the method GetById(int id) I would expect to get back a User object.
I had the luxury of working with MS when I started developing WCF services. So, I have a good foundation and understanding of the technology, but I am not the one designing it this time.
So, I am not opposed to the “single entry point” idea, but any thoughts about why either approach is more scalable than the other would be appreciated. I have never worked with such a systematic approach to a service layer before. Maybe I need to get over that?
I think there are merits to both approaches.
Typically, if you are writing an API that is going to be consumed by a completely separate group of developers (perhaps in another company), then you want the API to be as self-explanative and discoverable as possible. Having specific web service methods that return specific objects is much easier to work with from the consumer's perspective.
However, many companies use web services as one of many layers to their applications. In this case, it may reduce maintenance to have a generic API. I've seen some clever mechanisms that require no changes whatsoever to the service in order to add another column to a table that is returned from the database.
My personal preference is for the specific API. I think that the specific methods are much easier to work with - and are largely self-documenting. The specific operation needs to be executed at some point, so why not expose it for what it is? You'd get laughed at if you wrote:
public void MyApiMethod(string operationToPerform, params object[] args)
case "InsertCustomer":
case "UpdateCustomer":
case "Juggle5BallsAtOnce":
So why do that with a Web Service? It'd be much better to have:
public void InsertCustomer(Customer customer)
public void UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
public void Juggle5BallsAtOnce(bool useApplesAndEatThemConcurrently)

wcf - transfer context into the headers

I am using wcf 4 and trying to transparently transfer context information between client and server.
I was looking at behaviors and was able to pass things around. My problem is how to flow the context received in the incoming headers to the other services that might be called by a service.
In the service behavior I intercept the the message and read the headers but don't know where to put that data to be accessible to the next service call that the current service might make.
What I am looking for is something like:
public void DoWork()
var someId = MyContext.SomeId;
//do something with it here and call another service
using(var proxy = GetProxy<IAnotherService>())
proxy.CallSomeOtherMethodThatShouldGetAccessTo_ MyContextualObject();
If I store the headers in thread local storage I might have problems due to thread agility(not sure this happens outside ASP.NET, aka custom service hosts). How would you implement the MyContext in the code above.
I chose the MyContext instead of accessing the headers directly because the initiator of the service call might not be a service in which case the MyContext is backed by HttpContext for example for storage.
In the service behavior I intercept
the the message and read the headers
but don't know where to put that data
to be accessible to the next service
Typically, you don't have any state between calls. Each call is totally autonomous, each call gets a brand new instance of your service class created from scratch. That's the recommended best practice.
If you need to pass that piece of information (language, settings, whatever) to a second, third, fourth call, do so by passing it in their headers, too. Do not start to put state into the WCF server side! WCF services should always be totally autonomous and not retain any state, if at ever possible.
UPDATE: ok, after your comments: what might be of interest to you is the new RoutingService base class that will be shipped with WCF 4. It allows scenarios like you describe - getting a message from the outside and forwarding it to another service somewhere in the background. Google for "WCF4 RoutingService" - you should find a number of articles. I couldn't find antyhing in specific about headers, but I guess those would be transparently transported along.
There's also a two-part article series Building a WCF Router Part 1 (and part 2 here) in MSDN Magazine that accomplishes more or less the same in WCF 3.5 - again, not sure about headers, but maybe that could give you an idea.