I am using pentaho. I want to create a interactive bar-chart. so that I can click on a bar in that chart and the other report contents get changed accordingly. I am not able to do this in User Console. Is it possible to do it using User console? or some other way ?
It honestly depends on if you are using the Enterprise Edition (paid) or the Community Edition (free).
In the Enterprise Edition, there is an included Dashboard Creator and Editor that allows you to do what you are describing - here is a link that explains how to do content linking in Enterprise Edition Dashboards: Enterprise Edition Content Linking
If you are using the Community Edition, I recommend checking out the CTools add-on for creating dashboards: Pentaho CTools
I want to Generate Script in Azure Data Studio by using Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows as it is mentioned in these a,b questions.
However, after installing the Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows, when I right-click on the database, the following items is appeared without generate Script.
Would you please guide me? thanks
Please suggest How to Generate the scripts from Microsoft Parallel Data Warehouse...
I have already tried using SSMS 2016 by using my PDW credentials...
But i failed to Generate the scripts...
The first thing I would try is to go to SSMS 2016 and go to the Tools menu and choose Check for Updates. Install the latest update out in the last month or so supports Azure SQL DW which is a similar MPP surface area. It may support PDW but I'm not sure.
If that doesn't work, go the tried and true route. Search the Microsoft download center for Analytics Platform System Appliance Update and then choose the version that matches your PDW. Download the .chm help file. Then you have to right click on the .chm file and choose Properties then unblock it in order to open it.
Then search for "Install SQL Server database tooling for Visual Studio" and it documents how to install SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio and connect SQL Server Object Explorer. Then you can expand and view a list of tables/sprocs/etc and script them out by right clicking on a table or sproc in SQL Server Object Explorer.
I'm a new user in OLAP. I've installed PENTAHO. I can create new "olap cubes" with pentaho and I'm able to see the cubes, using Saiku trial plugin, installed using pentaho marketplace.
Now I've installed Saiku community edition.
I'd like using Saiku community edition but I'm not able to create a new cube.
How can I create new cube using Saiku commuity edition?
I've read to use Saiku Schema Designer but I don't find the community edition or how can I install saiku community edition inside of pentaho ?
To you create a new cube in Saiku CE standalone mode, you need create a data source in Admin console (http://wiki.meteorite.bi/display/SAIK/Data+Source+Management).
The Schema Designer plugin is for version Enterprise, then you need install Saiku EE get a license for use it. Schema Designer not work in Pentaho, because it use Mondrian 3 and Saiku EE standalone work with Mondrian 4.
See more about Schema Designer here:
You can use pentaho schema workbench create a Schema file.Then create a dataSource file.Finally,put schema file in foodmart folder,put datasource file in saiku-datasources folder.
I'm using Mule Studio to create my integration applications and running them on the Community Edition. I'm having issues because Mule Studio is always changing the schemas. For example, I want to use mule-ftp.xsd, but it will change it to mule-ftp-ee.xsd.
Is there a way to tell Mule Studio to not user Enterprise Edition features?
I found how to do it. You need to install the Community Edition runtime and edit the mule-project.xml file as explained here:
I'm looking for Online backup feature for neo4j Community edition. There is a component available for neo4j Enterprise, but couldn't find for Community edition.
The online backup is only available for the enterprise edition.
You could always write your own ServerExtension or Plugin to export all or a sub-set of your data without shutting down the server or use something like the Geoff-Plugin which exports data in a human readable format and can re-import it again.