Join two tables juxtaposing columns with same name sql - sql

I have two sqlite3 tables with same column names and I want to compare them. To do that, I need to join the tables and juxtapose the columns with same name.
The tables share an identical column which I want to put as the first column.
Let's imagine I have table t1 and table t2
Table t1:
SharedColumn | Height | Weight
A | 2 | 70
B | 10 | 100
Table t2:
SharedColumn | Height | Weight
A | 5 | 25
B | 32 | 30
What I want get as a result of my query is :
SharedColumn | Height_1 | Height_2 | Weight_1 | Weight_2
A | 2 | 5 | 70 | 25
B | 10 | 32 | 100 | 30
In my real case i have a lot of columns so I would like to avoid writing each column name twice to specify the order.
Renaming the columns is not my main concern, what interests me the most is the juxtaposition of columns with same name.

There is no way to do that directly in SQL especially because you also want to rename the columns to identify their source, you'll have to use dynamic SQL and honestly? Don't! .
Simply write the columns names, most SQL tools provide a way to generate the select, just copy them and place them in the correct places :
SELECT t1.sharedColumn,t1.height as height_1,t2.height as height_2 ...
JOIN t2 ON(t1.sharedColumn = t2.sharedColumn)+

Try the following query to get the desired result!!
SELECT t1.Height AS Height_1, t1.Weight AS Weight_1, t1.sharedColumn AS SharedColumn
t2.Height AS Height_2, t2.Weight AS Weight_2
ON t1.sharedColumn = t2.sharedColumn
ORDER By t1.sharedColumn ASC
After that, you can fetch the result by following lines:


Comparing aggregated columns to non aggregated columns to remove matches

I have two separate tables from two different databases that are performing a matching check.
If the values match I want them out of the result set. The first table (A) has multiple entries that contain the same symbol matches for the matching columns in the second table (B).
The entries in table B, if added up will ideally equal the value of one of the matching rows of A.
The tables look like below when queried separately.
Underneath the tables is what my query currently looks like. I thought if I group the columns by the symbols I could use the SUM of B to add up to the value of A which would get rid of the entries. However, I think because I am summing from B and not from A, then the A doesn't count as an aggregated column so must be included in the group by and doesn't allow for the summing to work in the way I'm wanting it to calculate.
How would I be able to run this query so the values in B are all summed up. Then, if matching to the symbol/value from any of the entries in A, don't get included in the result set?
Table A
| Symbol | Value |
| A | 1000 |
| A | 1000 |
| B | 1440 |
| B | 1440 |
| C | 1235 |
Table B
| Symbol | Value |
| A | 750 |
| A | 250 |
| B | 24 |
| B | 1416|
| C | 1874|
FROM DatabaseA DBA
INNER JOIN DatabaseB DBB on DBA.Symbol = DBB.Symbol
and DBA.Value != DBB.Value
group by DBA.Symbol, DBB.Symbol, DBB.Value
having SUM(DBB.Value) != DBA.Value
order by Symbol, Value
Edited to add ideal results
Table C
| SymbolB| ValueB| SymbolA | ValueA |
| C | 1874 | C | 1235 |
Wherever B adds up to A remove both. If they don't add, leave number inside result set
I will use CTE and use this common table expression (CTE) to search in Table A. Then join table A and table B on symbol.
WITH tDBB as (
SELECT DBB.Symbol, SUM(DBB.Value) as total
FROM tableB as DBB
SELECT distinct DBB.Symbol as SymbolB, DBB.Value as ValueB, DBA.Symbol as SymbolA, DBA.Value as ValueA
FROM tableA as DBA
INNER JOIN tableB as DBB on DBA.Symbol = DBB.Symbol
WHERE DBA.Symbol in (Select Symbol from tDBB)
AND NOT DBA.Value in (Select total from tDBB)
|symbolB |valueB |SymbolA |ValueA |
| C | 1874 | C | 1235 |
with t3 as (
select symbol
,sum(value) as value
from t2
group by symbol
select *
from t3 join t on t.symbol = t3.symbol and t.value != t3.value

Display two linked values for two id field pointing the same table

In my PostgreSQL database I have a table like this one:
1 | 34 | 66
2 | 23 | 8
3 | 11 | 99
link1 and link2 fields are both pointing to the same table table2 which has id and descr fields.
I would make an SQL query that returns the same row the id and the descr value for the two field like this:
1 | 34 |66 | bla | sisusj|
2 | 23 | 8 | ghhj | yui |
3 | 11 | 99 | erd | bnbn |
I've try different queries, but everyone returns two rows per id instead of one.
How can I achieve these results in my PostgreSQL 9.04 database?
Normally, this query should work for you. Assume your first table name's table_name.
SELECT, t.link1, t.link2,
l1.descr AS desc_l1,
l2.descr AS desc_l2
FROM table_name t
LEFT JOIN table2 l1
ON t.link1 =
LEFT JOIN table2 l2
ON t.link2 =;
you can use case here Like:
select link1,link2,
when link1='34' and link2='66' then 'bla'
when link1='23' and link2='8' then 'ghs'
when link1='11' and link2='99' then 'erd'
end as desc_li,
when link1='34' and link2='66' then 'sjm'
when link1='23' and link2='8' then 'yur'
when link1='11' and link2='99' then 'bnn'
end as desc_l2
from table1

Counting points/coordinates that lie within a bounding box

I have 2 tables. The first table contains following columns: Start_latitude, start_longitude, end_latitude, end_longitude, sum. The sum column is empty and needs to be filled based on second table.
The second table contains 3 columns: point_latitude, point_longitude
Table 1
|45 | 50 | 46 | 51 | null|
|45 | 54 | 46 | 57 | null|
| 45.5 | 55.2 |
| 45.8 | 50.6 |
| 45.2 | 56 |
The null values in table1-row1 would be 1 while in row2 it would be 2. It is the count of number of points that lie within the bounding box.
I can do it in python by writing functions to read values between dataframes. How can this be done in Postgresql. This is a sample problem statement that I came up with for my situation.
This version was tested on PostgreSql 9.3 using SQL Fiddle
UPDATE table1 a
SET sum = sub.point_count
FROM (SELECT a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon, COUNT(*) as point_count
FROM table1 a, table2 b
WHERE b.point_lat BETWEEN start_lat AND a.end_lat
AND b.point_lon BETWEEN a.start_lon AND a.end_lon
GROUP BY a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon) as sub
WHERE a.start_lat = sub.start_lat
AND a.end_lat = sub.end_lat
AND a.start_lon = sub.start_lon
AND a.end_lon = sub.end_lon;
Original answer
Here is my solution, it is tested on MySQL but there is nothing specific about this code so it should work on PostgreSql as well
UPDATE table1 a,
(SELECT a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon, COUNT(*) as count
FROM table1 a, table2 b
WHERE b.point_lat BETWEEN start_lat AND a.end_lat
AND b.point_lon BETWEEN a.start_lon AND a.end_lon
GROUP BY a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon) as sub
SET sum = count
WHERE a.start_lat = sub.start_lat
AND a.end_lat = sub.end_lat
AND a.start_lon = sub.start_lon
AND a.end_lon = sub.end_lon
Note that this query would be much shorter if table1 contained a PK Id column.

Table Left Join

I'm currently trying to get an output from two tables that I want to join and it seems like I have a block in my mind on how to resolve this.
Table 1 has products with unique IDs.
ID | (other info)
AA |
BB |
CC |
Table 2 has the unique ID of Table 1 as FK as well as a model number and a part-code that I would like to join onto Table 1. Table 2 has a multitude of other information resulting in the following possible constellation:
ID | FK | model number | part-code
01 | AA | model0001 | part923
02 | AA | model0001 |
03 | AA | | part923
04 | BB | model0002 |
05 | BB | | part876
06 | CC | | part551
Information in Table 2 is therefore very scattered and not necessarily complete. I also do not want to assume that for a given FK the model number and the part-code remain the same across all entries (if there are multiple variants for a given FK, I only want one entry, even if it is at random).
The result I am trying to achieve is to get all the information I extract from Table 1, and it is given that there will always be a unique ID (=FK in Table 2), and add the model number and part-code, if existing, to the table without creating any duplicates. The example above should therefore give the following output.
ID | model number | part-code | (other info from table 1)
AA | model0001 | part923 |
BB | model0002 | part876 |
CC | | part551 |
I should also mention that Table 2 is extremely large (millions of entries) and I have no way to match the data except with the IDs from Table 1. This table is also quite big - an efficient way of approaching this is therefore necessary.
Thank you for your time in reading this and helping me understand how to approach this.
You are right, you need an OUTER JOIN to get all the records in table1 with whatever matching records are in table2.
Getting only one record per hit from table2 is tricky. This aggregating subquery will produce your desired output. Note that this solution can produce a permutation of (model_number,part_code) which does not exist in any single record in table2 ; I guess it's okay as that is what your sample result set shows for BB. The performance across "millions of entries" may be slow. But that is a (separate) tuning issue.
, t2.model_number
, t2.part_code
, t1.whatever
, t1.blah
, t1.etc
from table1 t1
left outer join ( select fk
, max (model_number) as model_number
, max (part_code) as part_code
from table2
group by fk ) t2
on =
order by
You can try this SQL
SELECT t1.ID, t2.model_number, t2.part-code FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.ID = t2.FK
Hope that helps!

Join tables with unknown number of rows without repeating column that is joined by

Here's my quandary:
I need to join all columns of two tables based on a primary key, but I don't want to repeat the primary key in the results.
The second table has the primary key and then unknown number and names of columns.
So essentially I want
SELECT * (except for b.PK) FROM
TableA a
JOIN TableB b ON a.PK = b.PK
The obvious solution would be to select all columns explicitly from table a except for a.PK, but let's say that I don't know the number or names of columns in table a either (except I know it has the PK).
So to sum:
How do I join two tables by their PKs, where I don't know the rest of their columns explicitly, and without repeating the PK in the results?
EDIT: (Using T-SQL with SQL Server)
Something like SELECT * except column foo FROM ... doesn't exist. But you can use a natural join, which eliminates redundant columns. You haven't mentioned your RDBMS, so here's an explanation from the MySQL manual. A natural join is standard SQL though.
The columns of a NATURAL join or a USING join may be different from
previously. Specifically, redundant output columns no longer appear,
and the order of columns for SELECT * expansion may be different from
Consider this set of statements:
Previously, the statements produced this output:
| i | j | k | j |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| i | j | k | j |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
In the first SELECT statement, column j appears in both tables and
thus becomes a join column, so, according to standard SQL, it should
appear only once in the output, not twice. Similarly, in the second
SELECT statement, column j is named in the USING clause and should
appear only once in the output, not twice. But in both cases, the
redundant column is not eliminated. Also, the order of the columns is
not correct according to standard SQL.
Now the statements produce this output:
| j | i | k |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| j | i | k |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
The redundant column is eliminated and the column order is correct
according to standard SQL