I am trying to achieve the following in SSRS:
Basically, to calculate aging column whenever my Date Field in Status B grouping is NULL.
Would anyone be able to help please? or point to a question that is similar?
(I've tried searching but I can't seem to get something that I can grasp)
edit #1 (20160712) - The data I have is row based :
Do this in the SQL that is called by your report:
Make the Aging column a CASE Expression that returns NULL if StatusB is not null, or returns the DATEDIFF() between GETDATE() and StatusA if StatusB is null.
The same functionality is available in an SSRS expression if you prefer. You would use an IIF() instead of a CASE, and use TODAY instead of GETDATE() in the DATEDIFF().
I am working on a report where i have receiveddt field, finalreportdt field, and a calculated turnaround time(TAT) column at the end.
I am trying to write an IIF expression in the TAT column that calcs datediff between the receiveddt & finalreportdt in hours if there is a finalreportdt value generated. If the finalreportdt is blank, datediff must be between the receiveddt and the current date and time.
I've got the receiveddt to current dt expression figured out
DateDiff(DateInterval.Hour,min(Fields!u_receiveddt.Value), Now())
and the datediff for the finalreportdt-receiveddt is straightforward. I'm hitting a wall with combining the two statements.
Here's my most recent try:
, Now()))
When i try to run the report, i get an error. Anyone know a better way or see my mistake?
I'm working on a query that pulls a date from another query, I have my reasons for the nesting. The problem I'm facing is that there is a field that is called DueDate.
My SQL is
FROM qryDueDates
WHERE DueDates <= DateAdd("d",60,Date())
The data causing the issue is when it equals something like "1/25/2019", "11/19/2019" or any date in 2019.
I need to limit the results to show dates that are expired or expiring within 60 days or less.
I'm trying to prepare the dataset for the conditional formatting.
if you can put your nested sub-query in your post that may give better picture, and if you can mention what is the error you are getting that may also help. Since you mentioned that you are getting error only when sub-query returns certain dates, I would suggest that cast your sub-query result to DATE if you have not already done.
Below is my attempt to help you with limited information I could extract from your post. I have used some of MS-SQL function below, please replace with your DB specific function.
SELECT myDates.* FROM (select COLUMN_NAME DueDates from TABLE_NAME) as myDates WHERE myDates.DueDates <= DateAdd("d",60, GETDATE())
Turns out that the original query was screwing it up. I moved the query into the main one and it worked.
I'm wondering if it it possible to SELECT records in which [RRRmonth] field is the current month? I've written this SQL in many ways and can't seen to get it to work.
WHERE (((CFRRR.[workername]) Is Null) AND ((CFRRR.RRRmonth)=Month([RRRmonth])));
The month function will give you the month of a date/time field. The date function will give you the current date. Use the two together will give you the answer you're looking for
WHERE CFRRR.[workername] Is Null AND month(CFRRR.[RRRmonth])=month(Date());
You also don't need all those parenthesis and makes for a messy query.
How does Min function work on dates ? If 2 records have the same date and time stamp , the min function returns 1. Does it pull records based on when it was put into the table ?
MIN is an aggregate function so it will return 1 record in your question's case. Since the two records have the same date and timestamp it doesn't matter which date and timestamp are returned (they're the same). Finally, the time the records were inserted is not considered.
MIN() returns the smallest of all selected values of a column. It seems to me that your statement may simply be asking if a minimum exists.
Please post your sql statement.
possibly this is what you need:
SELECT MIN (date) AS "Min Date"
FROM tablename;
Elliot already expained it.
Just a sidenode, if you are using MySQL: MySQL allows to aggregate on a certain column, while fetching other columns without aggregation. (SQL Server does NOT allow that!)
date | name
2015-03-06 | A
2015-03-06 | B
Using SELECT Min(date), name FROM table on MySQL will return various results.
Sometimes it will be
2015-03-06 | A
2015-03-06 | B
When using this feature, all rows in each group should have the same
values for the columns that are omitted from the GROUP BY part. The
server is free to return any value from the group, so the results are
indeterminate unless all values are the same.
SQL Server will throw an error, that no aggregation has been performed on column name. See also http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-handling.html
MySQL works this way, cause sometimes grouping on the second column is not really required, for example:
SELECT MAX(id), user_id FROM posts WHERE user_id = 6
(There could be NO other user_id than 6, so aggregation is not required in MySQL - However not paying attention on THIS will lead to wrong results as example one shows.)
I want to calculate the percentages using date fields in my SSRS report.
I have two date fields :
eg I have 3 columns in my matrix
monthly target,
monthly completed and
Due date field count 10
completed date count 5
percentage 50%
for example
however, this will not work for date fields.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance
The most straight-forward way to do this would be to add this field to your stored procedure (since it represents a column in your matrix) instead of trying to calculate it in SSRS.
Your SQL statement may look like this:
SELECT #CompletedDate, #DueDate, CAST(DateDiff(day, GetDate(), #CompletedDate) AS FLOAT)/CAST(DateDiff(day, GetDate(), #DueDate) AS FLOAT) * 100 AS INT) AS [Percentage]
The exact implementation will depend on how exactly you're using this value, but the point is that you can use the DateDiff() function to determine how many days apart two dates are, and with that information, you can find a percent difference. Once you've calculated this, you can assign it to a matrix column like you would any other value.