how to set same assign commandbutton in each worksheet - vba

I want to make commandButon every time I insert newsheet with the same name(TestButton). In the hope that if CommandButton click will call the procedure Tester. This applies to the CommandButton in all sheet. My code is as following:
Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim Obj As Object
Dim Code As String
Dim LF As String 'Line feed or carriage return
LF = Chr(13)
Set Obj = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", _
Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=880, Top:=20, Width:=100, Height:=50)
Obj.Name = "TestButton"
'buttonn text
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(1).Object.Caption = "Send"
'macro text
Code = "Sub TestButton_Click()" & LF
Code = Code & "Call Tester" & LF
Code = Code & "End Sub"
'add macro at the end of the sheet module
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(ActiveSheet.Name).CodeModule
.insertlines .CountOfLines + 1, Code
End With
End Sub
Sub Tester()
MsgBox "You have click on the test button"
End Sub
but I get an error message "Run-time error 1004 Programmatic access to Visual Basic is not trusted". how to solve it?

You should setup a worksheet how you want it and hide it. Use that worksheet as a template. Whenever you add a worksheet, replace it with a copy of the template.
Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim WorkSheetName As String
Dim i As Integer
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.DisplayAlerts = fasle
i = Sh.Index
Worksheets("HiddenTempalte").Copy After:=Worksheets(i)
WorkSheetName = Sh.Name
Worksheets(i).Name = WorkSheetName
.DisplayAlerts = True
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub

"Trust Access to VBA Project":
How to check from .net code whether "Trust access to the VBA project object model" is enabled or not for an Excel application?
Consider using a Forms button instead:
Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
With Sh.Buttons.Add(Left:=880, Top:=20, Width:=100, Height:=50)
.Caption = "Send"
.OnAction = "Tester"
End With
End Sub
Public Sub Tester()
MsgBox "You have click on the test button"
End Sub


VBA Excel assistance in userform refedit control

I have setup my userform perfectly so that when the user enters the date it shows in a label box in the userform it self.
All I'm struggling with is using my output frame as shown, which contains a refEdit control and a button. I am trying to have the date to be placed on any worksheet cell.
Image of my userform:
So far the code that I have come up with is the following:
Private Sub avgBtn_Click()
Dim range1 As String
Dim newdate As String
range1 = TextBox3.Value + "," + TextBox1.Value + " " + TextBox2.Value + "," + TextBox4.Value
newdate = range1
Label7.Caption = newdate
End Sub
Private Sub cancelBtn_Click()
Unload Task2
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
TextBox1.Value = ""
TextBox2.Value = ""
TextBox3.Value = ""
TextBox4.Value = ""
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
For the refedit control and command button I have come up with this code but it is giving me errors:
Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim myCell As Range
Set myCell = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set myCell = Range(Me.RefEdit1.Value).Areas(1).Cells(1)
myCell.value = Label7.Caption
End Sub
Would appreciate any feedback in regards to this code.

Passing an user form result to vba code variable

I have a code that counts the files in a folder if they contain a specific string on their name.
For example: If I want it to count the files with close on their name (Close_26_03_2003.csv).
Currently the code reads the value of a cell in the sheet and searches for that string in the file name with the (InStr function). Problem is I have to write the type of file in the cell.
What I am trying to do is create an user form, with three option buttons (open, close and cancel). For open it sets the string equal to open, and search for files that have it on their name (same as for close). Cancel ends the sub.
Problem is I don't know which code I have to use in the user form for this and don't know how to pass it to the code that counts files (I though about assigning it to a variable).
Code as is:
Sub CountFiles3()
Dim path As String, count As Integer, i As Long, var As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Filename As String
Dim FileTypeUserForm As UserForm1
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
path = ThisWorkbook.path & "\*.*"
Filename = Dir(path)
'the problem is here:
'x = user form result***************
'if cancel = true, end sub
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("FILES")
i = 0
Do While Filename <> ""
'var = InStr(Filename, ws.Cells(2, 7).Value) 'this is current code, it checks if the cell has open or close
var = InStr(Filename, x)
If var <> 0 Then
i = i + 1
ws.Cells(i + 1, 1) = Filename
Filename = Dir()
Else: Filename = Dir()
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
ws.Cells(1, 2) = i
MsgBox i & " : files found in folder"
End Sub
And this is my current user form code:
Private Sub Cancel_Click()
Me.Tag = 3 ' EndProcess
End Sub
Private Sub ClosingType_Click()
Me.Tag = 2 ' "CLOSING"
End Sub
Private Sub OpeningType_Click()
Me.Tag = 1 ' "OPENING"
End Sub
Any ideas?
add following code to your CountFiles3() sub in the "'the problem is here:" section:
Dim x As String
x = GetValue
If x = "end" Then Exit Sub
then add following code in any module:
Function GetValue()
With MyUserForm '<--| change "MyUserForm " to your actual UserForm name
GetValue = .Tag
End With
Unload MyUserForm '<--| change "MyUserForm " to your actual UserForm name
End Function
and change your Userform code as follwos
Private Sub Cancel_Click()
Me.Tag = "end" ' EndProcess
End Sub
Private Sub ClosingType_Click()
Me.Tag = "close" ' "CLOSING"
End Sub
Private Sub OpeningType_Click()
Me.Tag = "open" ' "OPENING"
End Sub

VBA issue with running Workbook_Open upon opening

When a user opens my VBA program it hides all Excel's command bar's and whatnot so it looks as if my program is not running in Excel at all. Since this action will take place across all instances of Excel I found some code that will check if other programs are open, and if so save my program as a temp file and reopen it in a new instance of Excel.
The problem though is when it opens it doesn't fire off the Workbook_Open event. As a temporary fix I've put a button on a spreadsheet that runs the macro to launch the program but I need to do better than this. Can you take a look at the code at this site and let me know why the Workbook_Open event is not firing? (as you can see I've already asked the forum twice for help on it with no response).
Updated with code
The code that duplicates the program and opens the new instance is in the UserForm section of code at the bottom.
Placed in ThisWorkbook:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set clsAPP.XLAPP_ORIG = Application
If Application.UserControl Then
If Application.Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
Application.Visible = False
frmCreateReplicant.Show vbModal
End If
End If
Call ThisWorkbook_CompleteOpening
End Sub
Placed in standard module:
Option Explicit
Public XLAPP_Copy As New Excel.Application, _
clsAPP As New clsXLApp
Public Sub ThisWorkbook_Open()
Dim intMaxRow As Integer
If Application.Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
Application.Visible = False
frmCreateReplicant.Show vbModal
'Call ThisWorkbook_CompleteOpening
End If
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Sub ThisWorkbook_CompleteOpening(Optional Fake)
'MsgBox "...Any other OnOpen code here..."
End Sub
Function Delay(Optional SecondFraction As Single = 0.2)
Dim sngTimeHack As Single, dtmDate As Date
sngTimeHack = Timer: dtmDate = Date
If sngTimeHack + SecondFraction < 86400 Then
Loop While Timer < (sngTimeHack + SecondFraction)
If dtmDate = Date Then
Loop While dtmDate = Date
End If
sngTimeHack = (sngTimeHack + SecondFraction) - 86400
If DateAdd("d", 1, dtmDate) = Date Then
Loop While Timer < sngTimeHack
End If
End If
End Function
Function KillMeBasic()
With ThisWorkbook
.Saved = True
.ChangeFileAccess Mode:=xlReadOnly
Kill .FullName
.Close False
End With
End Function
Placed in class module:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents XLAPP_ORIG As Application
Private Sub XLAPP_ORIG_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
Wb.Close False
MsgBox MsgTxt(1), 64, vbNullString
End Sub
Private Sub XLAPP_ORIG_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
If Not Wb.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Wb.Close False
MsgBox MsgTxt(2), 64, vbNullString
End If
End Sub
Private Function MsgTxt(Opt As Long) As String
Select Case Opt
Case 1
MsgTxt = _
"Sorry, you cannot create a new workbook here." & vbCrLf & _
"You can start a new instance of Excel by..."
Case 2
MsgTxt = _
"You cannot open another workbook here. You" & vbCrLf & _
"can open another workbook by first..."
End Select
End Function
Placed in UserForm:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim strThisWorkbookFullname As String
Dim wbMeCopy As Workbook
Delay 0.05
Set XLAPP_Copy = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
strThisWorkbookFullname = ThisWorkbook.FullName
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\00000000001.xls", _
Password:="NeedKilled", AddToMru:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Do While ThisWorkbook.Saved = False
Delay 0.2
XLAPP_Copy.Workbooks.Open Filename:=strThisWorkbookFullname, AddToMru:=False
On Error Resume Next
Set wbMeCopy = XLAPP_Copy.Workbooks(1)
On Error GoTo 0
Loop While wbMeCopy Is Nothing
Set wbMeCopy = Nothing
Delay 0.1
Application.Visible = True
XLAPP_Copy.Visible = True
Unload Me
Call KillMeBasic
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me
.BackColor = &H0&
.Caption = ""
.ForeColor = &H0&
.Height = 123
.Width = 240
With .lblMsg
.BackColor = &H0&
.Caption = String(2, vbCrLf) & _
"Please wait, I am protecting the program..."
With .Font
.Name = "Century Gothic"
.Size = 10
End With
.ForeColor = &HC000C0
.Height = 90
.Left = 6
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
.Top = 6
.Width = 222
End With
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu _
Then Cancel = True
End Sub
This works to hide the Ribbon/command bars (although the File or Backstage menu is still present, thought I think you may be able to disable this I have not tried yet), if you are hiding other stuff like the StatusBar, etc., it may not be enough to solve your problem, but here it is anyways.
Using the CustomUI editor, open the XLSM file.
Note: The XLSM file should not be open in any instance of Excel when you are opening it through the Custom UI Editor. If it is open in Excel, the modifications to the XML will not be saved properly.
Once you have the file open in the CustomUI Editor, you'll see this:
From the menu, Insert Office 2010 Custom UI Part:
Then copy and paste this XML:
<customUI xmlns="">
<ribbon startFromScratch="true" />
Finally, save & close the file through the CustomUI Editor, then re-open in Excel. You should see that the while this file/workbook is active, the ribbon does not exist.
But, if you switch to another Workbook file, the ribbon will re-appear while that file is active.
The startFromScratch property makes it so that when this Workbook has focus, the only ribbon elements which are displayed to the user, within the Application's window, are those which are defined within the XML, which as you can probably gather in the snippet above, are none.
This also entirely avoids the need to try and open copies of the file in a new instance of Excel Application, which (unless you have some other quirky requirements) seems unnecessarily cumbersome and problematic.

Repeat macro after UserForm Input

The macro ,upon opening the workbook, will look to see if cell "C27" contains any of the following Text: Location1, Location2, Location3, or Location4. If they do then it will continue to save 2 copy files of the template by those locations. If not then it will open a UserForm To select the correct location from a ComboBox.
How could i reset the check after the UserForm is closed, I tried Call Auto_Open after the Unload me but it didnt work.
Sub Auto_Open()
With Range("B30")
.Value = Time
.NumberFormat = "h-mm-ss AM/PM"
End With
Dim FileName As String
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileDate As String
Select Case Range("C27").Value
Case "Location1", "Location2", "Location3", "Location4"
FilePath = "C:\Users\aholiday\Desktop\FRF_Data_Macro_Insert_Test"
FileName = Sheets("Data").Range("C27").Text
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FilePath & "\" & FileName
Dim FileCopyName As String
Dim FileCopyPath As String
Dim FileTime As String
FilePath = "C:\Users\aholiday\Desktop\Backup"
FileName = Sheets("Data").Range("C27").Text
FileTime = Sheets("Data").Range("B30").Text
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FilePath & "\" & FileName & Space(1) & FileTime & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
MsgBox "File was saved! Ready for Next Test, Please Exit."
Case Else
MsgBox "File was not saved, Please Insert The Correct Testing Location"
Exit Sub
End Select
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Empty TestLocation Box
'Fill TestLocation Box
With TestLocation
.AddItem "Location1"
.AddItem "Location2"
.AddItem "Location3"
.AddItem "Location4"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Insert_Click()
Range("C27").Value = TestLocation.Value
End Sub
Private Sub CloseBox_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
By using the following code for the insert button:
Private Sub Insert_Click()
Sheets("Data").Range("C27").Value = TestLocation.Value
End Sub
The code will work (tested it), as long as you have the Auto_Open code in a module.
If you put the Auto_Open sub in the ThisWorkbook then move it to the module.
Then use the following code in ThisWorkbook:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Case "Location1", "Location2", "Location1", "Location4"
Should be:
Case "Location1", "Location2", "Location3", "Location4"

Why does Userform freezes after hiding and showing it multiple times

Ok, i have question on hiding and showing userforms.
This link already answered it for me.
Problem is I encounter another problem.
When I go back to Userform1 it freezes and I can't do anything at all.
Why? Do i need to add something in the code?
Heres the summay of the code i used:
This code prompts user to enter username and password
Option Explicit
Private Sub CBu_Login_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, lrow As Long, find_value As String
Dim cel As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("UserName")
lrow = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & lrow)
find_value = Me.TB_Username.Value
Set cel = rng.Find(What:=find_value, After:=ws.Range("A2"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not cel Is Nothing Then
If Me.TB_Password.Value = cel.Offset(0, 1).Value Then
UF_Encoding.L_User.Caption = "Welcome " & cel.Offset(0, 2).Value & "!" & " You are logged in."
UF_Encoding.TB_Operator.Text = cel.Offset(0, 2).Value
UF_Encoding.TB_ESN_IMEI.Value = ""
UF_Encoding.CB_PrimaryCode.Value = ""
UF_Encoding.CB_SecondaryCode.Value = ""
UF_Encoding.TB_Remarks.Value = ""
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
End Sub
This code is for logging out:
I used Listbox here so the user can select which action to take.
Private Sub LB_Options_AfterUpdate()
If Me.LB_Options.Value = "Log out" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Login.TB_Username.Value = ""
UF_Login.TB_Password.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Change Password" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Changepass.TB_User.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Newpass.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Oldpass.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Exit" Then
Unload UF_Login
Unload UF_Changepass
Unload Me
End If
Well this does what i wan't. Log in, log out, change pass and exit.
But as I've, said the Forms freezes after 1st execution.
1. I initialize UF_Login and then UF_Encoding appears.
2. It works, all commandbuttons and text boxes works.
3. Then I log out using the list box.
4. When i log in again, it will show UF_Encoding but when i try to use the commanb buttons and text boxes, it doesn't work.
5. Strange thing is that the list box with log out, change pass and exit works.
I'm really having a hard time figuring out why.
Any help is appreciated.
Give this a try. It's "rough" code, and certainly needs refining, but it works, and should give you some ideas.
This goes in UF_Encoding
Option Explicit
'UF_Encoding form
Private msLBox As String
Private msUser As String
Public Property Let psUser(s As String)
msUser = s
End Property
Public Property Get psLBox() As String
psLBox = msLBox
End Property
Private Sub LB_Options_AfterUpdate()
msLBox = Me.LB_Options.Value
If Me.LB_Options.Value = "Log out" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Login.TB_Username.Value = ""
UF_Login.TB_Password.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Change Password" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Changepass.TB_User.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Newpass.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Oldpass.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Exit" Then
' wbDbase.Save
' wbDbase.Close
' wbEncoding.Save
' wbEncoding.Close
' Unload UF_Login
' Unload UF_Changepass
' Unload Me
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.L_User.Caption = "Welcome " & msUser & "!" & " You are logged in."
Me.TB_Operator.Text = msUser
msLBox = "" 'reset each time form re-entered
Me.LB_Options.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.LB_Options.AddItem "Log out"
Me.LB_Options.AddItem "Change Password"
Me.LB_Options.AddItem "Exit"
Me.TB_ESN_IMEI.Value = ""
Me.CB_PrimaryCode.Value = ""
Me.CB_SecondaryCode.Value = ""
Me.TB_Remarks.Value = ""
End Sub
This goes in UF_Login
Option Explicit
'UF_Login form
Private msUser As String
Public Property Get psUser() As String
psUser = msUser
End Property
Private Sub CBu_Login_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, lrow As Long, find_value As String
Dim cel As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("UserName")
lrow = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & lrow)
find_value = Me.TB_Username.Value
Set cel = rng.Find(What:=find_value, After:=ws.Range("A2"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not cel Is Nothing Then
If Me.TB_Password.Value = cel.Offset(0, 1).Value Then
msUser = cel.Offset(0, 2).Value 'save user name
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
End Sub
This goes in UF_Changepass
Option Explicit
'UF_Changepass form
Private Sub CMDok_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("UserName")
ws.Columns("B:B").Find(Me.TB_Oldpass, , xlValues, xlWhole, , , False).Value = Me.TB_Newpass
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
This code goes in a regular module
Option Explicit
Dim fLogin As UF_Login
Dim fEnc As UF_Encoding
Dim fChg As UF_Changepass
Sub main()
Dim s As String
' initialize all 3 forms
Set fLogin = New UF_Login
Set fEnc = New UF_Encoding
Set fChg = New UF_Changepass
fLogin.Show '1st time
' re-display main form until done
fEnc.psUser = fLogin.psUser 'pass user name to main form
s = fEnc.psLBox 'get listbox value
If s <> "Exit" Then showAuxForms s
Loop Until s = "Exit"
' done with forms
Unload fLogin
Unload fEnc
Unload fChg
Set fLogin = Nothing
Set fEnc = Nothing
Set fChg = Nothing
End Sub
Sub showAuxForms(s As String)
If s = "Log out" Then
ElseIf s = "Change Password" Then
End If
End Sub
To allow multiple switches between UserForms, it is better to unload the forms you're not using and then just reload it when it's time to use it again. Something like:
Me.Hide '/* hide the initiating form first */
Load UF_Login '/* loads the form, but not shown */
With UF_Login
.TB_Username.Value = ""
.TB_Password.Value = ""
End With
Unload Me '/* unload the initiating form */
In the UF_Login, a code to view the UF_Encoding will be added to make it look like you're actually logging in and out of the form.
Private Sub CB_Login_Click()
'/* code to check log-in credentials goes here */
Load UF_Encoding
Unload Me
End Sub