devops - selenium- jira integration into jenkins - selenium

I am working on one devops project, from selenium I am running test script and a log file is getting generated. How to configure jira to read the log file generated by selenium.. I want to go with API approch but unable to do so. Jenkins I am using as a CI tool here. Any suggestions ?

Hmm. Generally it's a better approach to display your test results in Jenkins instead of creating issues for them automatically. You didn't mention what technology you use (nodejs, java, ...), but typically you let your test runner generate a test results file that jenkins can interprete, so it will display the results nicely. There are various jenkins plugins that can help with that.
If you want to go a step further and still create issues automatically, you can script that in a separate step of your jenkins job, using the JIRA REST API and a scripting language of your choice. It just comes down to parsing the results file and let your script create issues for the failures.


How to display a directory full of junit test result files

As part of testing in the cloud, I plan to copy my test results (I happen to be using gradle) as xml out of a short lived container to an s3 bucket.
I am wondering what is the best approach for making use of the bucket full of test results and if anyone has ideas for how to get the most of these results with the least custom code, etc.
In the past I have handled this with XSLT to make the XML into HTML but that approach feels like more work than I'd like to have to do.
Has anyone solved this issue for their own purposes that can share your approach?
As I side note... I could also copy out to my s3 bucket the HTML reports from gradle if someone has an idea about how to use the HTML instead.
Ideally, I would be able to see a sorted list of results and click on the most recent to see the test run details.
Disclaimer: I'm not a Devops guy, I'll present a "developer's" point of view here
The answer IMO depends on what exactly would like to do with all these reports.
In a nutshell, you can have text/xml reports from the test execution (I can't say for gradle but in maven surefire plugin creates these reports, I believe gradle does the same).
You can also generate a good looking site with the reports information, there are tools for this as well, for example Allure Reports. Bottom line, some stuff to be shown can be generated in the build directory.
Copying the reports is as simple as copying a file, but the question is what would like to do with them when they're in S3?
In my understanding, its a Job for CI tools (like Jenkins) to run the tests during the build, or maybe a suit of automation tests against a deployed environment (in the cloud).
These CI Tools run gradle to build the project, and run tests, then they show test results per build memorizing last N builds. It can also be integrated with tools like aforementioned allure and show the HTML report per build as long as the build is stored in CI tool.
So I'm not sure I understand why would you like to "run tests in the cloud" (from which I assume you're running tests suite when the artifact is being deployed).
As for possible ideas of what can be done with all these results:
You can create a site that will show the results across builds (again, this is
already solved by CI tool like Jenkins)
You can store the results of running the tests in some database and provide some
clever statistics (I personally don't see much benefit if usually the build is
green and you're not in the process of "recuperation" of project from flaky tests or

Can we execute/trigger selenium automation scripts through UFT

Using Webdriver, I have automated web based Application in eclipse and using QTP, I have automated Power Builder application(like desktop App).
Now both become depended module for me, from PB data's are flowing to web base application.
so, how can I achieve this. please someone provide me how to proceed with situation and give me some strategy to proceed
We have exactly the same situation where powerbuilder application is integrating with the web application, below is the solution we have followed
We are using jenkins for executions, but this can be done without jenkins also.
We have one jenkins job which executes a UFT test first and then executes the selenium test if UFT test is successfull.
At the end of test execution UFT test will generate a file with the information required by selenium test and then jenkins will trigger selenium test, selenium test will read this file to gather any required information.
Results are interpreted in the following way
If UFT test fails then jenkins will not trigger the selenium test. If the whole jenkins job is executed successfully then integration is working, if the UFT part failed then Powerbuilder is having issue and if selenium part failed then web application is having issue.

VeriFIX test automation in Jenkins

We are working with a client that uses VeriFIX to test their FIX message flow. Whilst they have built up lots of tests in many suites, it is a manual process to run them and to collate the results.
On the VeriFIX website it says
Incorporate tests into nightly builds using VeriFIX’s command-line script player.
but I cannot find any details on how to to it. Does anyone have any experience in running VeriFIX tests in a continuous integration server (ideally a Jenkins pipeline).
Many thanks.
You can run VeriFIX playlists in batch mode from the command line:
"%VERIFIX_HOME%\verifixbatch\verifixbatch.exe" -version "FIX (x.y)" -playlist "myplaylist" -disablelogging "false"
If you have received the user manual with your installation of veriFIX, the details of how to integrate with CI are in there.
To integrate veriFIX with Jenkins you will create batch files containing tests and run the batch files as jobs in Jenkins.
The placement of your veriFIX installation is important. If your veriFIX is on a users machine, as is often the case, separate from the environment machine Jenkins resides on, there can be difficulties getting the tests to run.
If you have a centralised install of veriFIX things are much easier.

Automation tests using Cucumber, SoapUI and Selenium

I'd like to use Cucumber linked with SoapUI and Selenium in order to create an automation functional test.
I only found one website about it, describing that first I have to create a SoapUI project and save it as a .xml file. Then I should include this file into the test project using Cucumber and Selenium.
My first question is what configuration do I have to do for that ? (in the pom.xml file when using Maven for example or in any configuration file for Jenkins)
My second and last question is : if I launch every night with Jenkins (let's say that as an example) my tests, do I have to launch first the SoapUI project and import it again in the test project to run my tests in a good way ?
Thanks for your answers
I think you can use REST Assured for you API testing.
Use cucumber for your BDD statement, use java for there step definition and REST Assured for all the API request stuff.
Wrap all your automation with well written Gherkin and you'll need no other documentation. Think about that. BDD (specification by example) is a requirements approach, not a testing approach.

Selenium test schedule via Jenkins

I would like to schedule task which is login to a partner site and prolongs a license. I found that it can do Selenium. After I faced issue with scheduler and found article here about Jenkins configuration. Now I cannot understand how to run test from selenium in Jenkins. Is there need good knowledge in python or java ? Also I found that RC standalone selenium server is deprecated and avoided to be using now. Is there need deep diving into using these tools for executing 5-7 action on site ?
I feel that Selenium is great for doing any tasks that you may find yourself doing over and over again. For "prolonging a license" on a partner site I think this is the perfect tool for you. We setup Jenkins to run certain Selenium tests after each commit and other Selenium tests every night. If you need me to go into more detail about how the setup looks I would be glad to show you more details.
Adding Jenkins build information to help show how we did it.
1) The first step is to get a build in Jenkins that will compile any code you have and deploy a war if needed with something similar to the following: mvn -P release clean test package. We set ours to build #midnight shown in the picture below.
2) After this build finishes it triggers the next job to run this command shown in the image below: mvn -Dtest -P smokeTest clean verify