My client added me as ITC user but when I'm trying to go to I got error in safari. So I can't create bundle id for new app as well as manage certs and profiles.
So is it something wrong with my mac or id or it should work like that?
If so, how can I create bundle id and release app to review in this case?
May be you don't have enough rights for that. Say your client to make your role as Technical, so you can create Bundle ID in iTC. For more information about iTC roles, read here.
We are working in RingCentral application and APIs with SMS and fax permissions.
The application recently moved to production from Sandbox environment.
We have now a requirement to add 2 additional permission ReadAccount, ReadContact in the app which was not added during sandbox testing.
How can we do that? I don't see any option to modify the app. Is there any way we can modify the existing app?
As per I know once your app is in production, you cannot change anything.
You need to ask for any help. Once they added the permission with your request (not sure if they do.. most probably they don't) you need to test again for that permission you acquired.
The official recommendation is to create a new app, add proper permissions and graduate it. So in that case you need to go through again.
As per the reference here
"You can clone the app, give it a new name or add a version to the new app name. Add the missing permissions and run test in the sandbox the same way as you did for the first app. Graduate your app and finally replace the client Id and secrete to use the new app. You can suspend the old app after that."
Similar question here:
I want to upload my apps using Expo to app store connect. Unfortunately, it failed and return this message
ERROR ITMS-90163: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provisioning profile. The bundle contains a key that is not included in the provisioning profile: '' in 'Payload/'."
I already tried couple ways to build the apps by:
let expo handle the certificate
Manually generate the provisioning profile and certificate itself
Any thoughts to solve this problem?
notes: I already defined a unique bundle identifier name as well and already detected on bundle id in My App on appstore connect
Thanks :)
For anyone who finds this now. If you are having this problem in the expo managed workflow, you need to do 2 things.
First, in your apple developer account dashboard you must navigate to Certificates, Identfiers and Profiles.
In Identifiers, you must edit the identifier and check the box next to ICloud (or any other of the features listed there that you want, e.g. Associated Domains for Universal Links)
Second, you must build with a new provisioning profile using:
expo build:ios -t archive --clear-provisioning-profile
You may manually provide a new provisioning profile or let expo handle it. If you choose not to revoke the previous provisioning profile, you should choose to use a new one when asked.
Recently i have uploaded application on iTunes successfully. Now my application is in Ready for Sale status.
However I made a mistake in Bundle ID. My client has requested that he wants to change the bundle id.
So I plan to create another app with new bundle id and unpublish the old one.
Couple of questions:
iTunes does not allow me to create another app with same name. (would it allow me if I unpublish the old app?)
Would there be any issue in apple review when I submit the new app for review? (as i had an old app which i unpublished)
Note: It has been only 2 days since the app has gone “ready for sale”
Questions of answer:
iTunes does not allow me to create another app with same name. (would it allow me if I unpublish the old app?)
Ans. Yes, first unpublish app then create another app with the same name OR First old app new version create and change app name then create the new app with the same name.
Would there be any issue in apple review when I submit the new app for review? (as i had an old app which i unpublished)
Ans. No, there be no issue in apple review.
The first time i uploaded an app to the app store i followed a youtube tutorial. Now i want to upload my second app. I have a lot of trouble understanding the process to upload an app. I've create a Provisioning profile, A certificate and a Distribution profile for my first app, am i supposed to use those again? Do i need to create a new provisioning profile, a new certificate and a new distribution profile? It's really confusing since i've been coding for less then 2 months.
Some step-by-step information would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
The process is not as complicated as it seems
You need one developer certificate for testing and one distribution certificate for deployment (ad hoc or AppStore). If you have a valid certificate (given that you submitted an app already), then make sure you have it in your keychain (with the private key).
For a new app, you need to create a new appID. Remember that it should match the bundle identifier in your Xcode project.
With the distribution certificate and the appID, you can create a new distribution provisioning profile that needs to be downloaded to your machine. And should be used for the code signing in Xcode.
So, short answer. Use you current (valid) distribution certificate, add a new appID (matching your bundle identifier) to create a new Distribution Provisioning Profile. Use the profile to code signe your project.
Good luck... enrique
Definitely you need another provisioning profile connected to new APP ID for your second app
You dont need a new certificate though you need separate Appstore distribution provision profile.
Before creation of provision profile, you need to create APP ID.
After new APP ID you need to create new provision profile, you would be asked for select distribution certificate and you can select previous one there and also would be asked for APP ID and there you need to select your second app id (not older one).
Please check Apple Distribution Guide. It has clear instruction to do so.
And you can also checkout this tutorial. It may help you.
I have a question regarding app submission.
Situation: We have an iPhone Developer account and our customer has an iTunes Connect account. Is it possible that we hand them the signed, zipped application (that is signed with a provisioning profile from OUR account) and they upload it on their account?
Or is it REQUIRED that they give us acces with the "technician" role?
From my first impression, i think it should be possible that both accounts are not in any way connected, but i am not sure.
Any help is appreciated. If it is possible, please post references, Thanks =)
I think the short answer to the question in the title is "No".
See the iTunesConnect > FAQs > Manage your applications
I sold my app to another developer and
can no longer distribute on the App
Store. Can I transfer the app to the
new developer's iTunes Connect
account? At this time, applications
cannot be transferred to another
developer account. If you would like
the application to be sold through
another developer account, you will
need to remove the app from sale in
the current iTunes Connect account and
upload the app under the new iTunes
Connect account.
Not exactly your question, but sounds similar enough.
We had a need to resign a 3rd party developer supplied app with our signing keys - which sounds similar to what you want to do:
1) Use Xcode's Build > Build and Archive feature to create the version of the app to had off to your customer.
2) Select that build in the Archived Applications source in the Organizer
3) Choose Reveal Archived Application in Finder from the contextual menu
4) Select and compress the enclosing folder
5) Send that zip archive to your customer.
Your customer would then unzip and expand that archive in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Archived Applications. That will make it available in the Xcode Organizer. Your customer can then use the Share Application… and/or Submit to iTunes Connect… buttons to re-sign and distribute the app using your customer's distribution provisioning profile.
EDIT: A follow up that may not be clear from the info above.
To be able to do this, the 3rd party developer needs to build the app with your development profile; e.g. they need to be a "Team Member" of your account. They can do nothing more than build the app and sign it with development keys. Then they can deliver a build that has been compiled with your development keys at which point you can re-sign this with your distribution keys and submit.
If you need to, you can remove them and revoke their information from the iOS Provisioning Portal after successful app deployment.
EDIT2: With the Xcode 4 .xarchive bundles, you can just copy the .xarchive bundle into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/[date]/ folder. Then it will show up in the Organizer under the Archives section - validate, share and submit from there.