Greensock Animation Platform - is it possible to reverse nested timelines? - gsap

Is it possible to reverse a master timeline within GSAP? I know you can reverse a timeline that is not nested.
Here's the code:
// hide copy content divs
const hideCopyContentDivsTl = new TimelineMax(), 1, {
height: 0,
width: 0,
autoAlpha: 0
// shrink copy wrapper div
const shrinkCopyWrapperTL = new TimelineMax(), 1, {
width: '2%',
height: '4%'
// fade remove bg and change to white
const fadeLargeBgImgTl = new TimelineMax(), 1, {
backgroundColor: "#fff"
// the master timeline to manage the parts
const masterTimeline = new TimelineMax({paused: true})
// assume that there is a mechanism to change the state of playVideo between true and false
if (this.state.playVideo === false) {
console.log("should play: ", masterTimeline)
} else {
console.log("should reverse: ", masterTimeline)
I can get it to play forwards, just not in reverse. Do I need to tell the browser where to start in the timeline so that it can play in reverse?

The problem is with my code and not with GSAP. I have new timelines created on every click. How will it reverse something that it doesn't have a previous reference to? The solution would be to create the timelines outside of the click event and then based on the state, play forward or reverse the animation.


how to get current time from videojs.wavesurfer

I want to get the current time, within the video being played when I click within the audio waveform.
I'm playing a video stream, I want to be able to pause, then add a note to a table about something within the video. So I need to get the currentTime.
I merge an audio stream with the video and play in a div.
let options = {
controls: true,
bigPlayButton: false,
autoplay: false,
loop: false,
fluid: false,
width: 1000,
height: 200,
plugins: {
// enable videojs-wavesurfer plugin
wavesurfer: {
// configure videojs-wavesurfer
backend: 'MediaElement',
displayMilliseconds: true,
debug: true,
waveColor: 'black',
progressColor: 'purple',
cursorColor: 'yellow',
hideScrollbar: true,
// put waveform in separate container
container: '#waveform'
let videoplayer = videojs('myClip', options, function() {
let videofile = $("#mergedVideo").text()
console.log(" Playing "+videofile)
// load wav file from url
videoplayer.src({src: videofile, type: 'video/mp4'});
// Here is the pause... always gives an error..
videoplayer.on('pause', function () {
let currenttime = videoplayer.getCurrentTime();
alert(" PAUSED ")
but i'm getting videoplayer.getCurrentTime is not a function in console. I have this working perfectly for just audio streams.
Any help would be grealty appreciated.
It's currentTime(). There's a getCurrentTime() on the lower level tech abstraction, but you shouldn't (need to) use it directly.

HERE Maps JS API used in VUE - Error for style group 'non-collision' in Firefox

I've build a simple Here Map using Vue 2 and the JS API in version The map works fine in all browsers except Firefox v102.
This is the error message in Firefox:
Tangram [error]: Error for style group 'non-collision' for tile 20/7/68/41/7 CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage: Passed-in canvas is empty: loadTexture#
promise callback*value#
... The error is even bigger
The following method I'm using to init Here Maps inside Vue's mounted:
async initializeHereMap() {
const mapContainer = this.$refs.hereMap;
const H = window.H;
// Initialize the platform object:
this.platform = new H.service.Platform({
apikey: this.apiKey,
await this.geocode(this.platform, this.originAddress)
.then(data => this.routingParameters.origin = data[0]);
await this.geocode(this.platform, this.destinationAddress)
.then(data => this.routingParameters.destination = data[0]);
// Obtain the default map types from the platform object
const defaultLayers = this.platform.createDefaultLayers({
lg: window.navigator.language,
// Instantiate (and display) a map object:
const map = new H.Map(mapContainer,, {
zoom: this.zoom,
padding: {
top: this.padding,
bottom: this.padding,
left: this.padding,
right: this.padding,
// create map pins
const mapPinOrigin = this.addMapPin('A', 40);
const mapPinDestination = this.addMapPin('B', 40);
let linestring = new H.geo.LineString();
// Create a polyline to display the route:
let routeLine = new, {
style: { strokeColor: '#3F80C4', lineWidth: 5 },
// Create a marker for the start point:
let startMarker = new, { icon: mapPinOrigin });
// Create a marker for the end point:
let endMarker = new, { icon: mapPinDestination });
// Add the route polyline and the two markers to the map:
map.addObjects([routeLine, startMarker, endMarker]);
// Set the map's viewport to make the whole route visible:
map.getViewModel().setLookAtData({bounds: routeLine.getBoundingBox()});
// add behavior control
if (this.behaviors) new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map));
// add UI
if (this.controls) H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, defaultLayers);
Is there some one facing the same issue and could solved it?
Did you follow this example on: ?
Tangram error is related to rendering e.g. when render map objects (like icons, markers, polylines etc.) and map vector tiles.
I don't think so that this issue related to HERE JS Map API.
Because all examples on are working well on my FireFox 102.0.1
It could be some map objects like icons or markers etc. are created in some moment but is not finished yet and then try to push onto map? Creating an icon in some asynchron function?
Or in like your code:
await this.geocode(this.platform, this.originAddress)
.then(data => this.routingParameters.origin = data[0]);
You don't know when func geocode will be finished (e.g. due slow internet connectivity)
It could be this command above is not done yet, but your code is already start to run this code:
linestring.pushPoint(this.routingParameters.origin);<-- 'this.routingParameters.origin' could be null
// Create a polyline to display the route:
let routeLine = new, { <-- Could cause Tangram error because 'linestring' is strange due undefined origin yet!
style: { strokeColor: '#3F80C4', lineWidth: 5 },
The polyline options is not correct in:
new, {
style: { strokeColor: '#3F80C4', lineWidth: 5 },
Why in above the 'linestring' is second time in options?
Please follow correct syntax on:

React Native for loop with Array not doing what I expected

I'm trying out some things in React Native for the first time and i'm trying to roll 3 dices (text based for now).
I'm using a for loop to go over an array of the 3 dices. However i'm only seeing one dice text being updated (the 3rd one).
Also when doing some alerts to check what's going on within that for loop, i'm seeing unexpected things? the first alert says 2, the second alert says 1 and then it usually no longer alerts, seldom it also alerts a third time with a 0.
My code so far:
(file: Game.js)
import React from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, Image, Text, View, Button } from 'react-native'
export default class Home extends React.Component {
state = {
dices: [null, null, null],
rollsLeft: 3,
keepDices: [false, false, false],
//When this component is mounted (loaded), do some defaults
componentDidMount() {
//Roll dices
rollDices = () => {
for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){
alert('for loop at ' + i);
//Math random to get random number from rolling the dice
randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
//Check if the user wanted to keep a dice's value before reassigning a new value
if(this.state.keepDices[i] === false){
//User want to roll this dice, assign new random number to it
//this.setState.dices[i] = randomNumber;
let newDices = [ ...this.state.dices ];
newDices[i] = randomNumber;
this.setState({ dices : newDices });
//Deduct 1 roll from total
//TODO: Check if rolls equals 0, then make player2 active!
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text> {this.state.dices[0]} ONE </Text>
<Text> {this.state.dices[1]} TWO</Text>
<Text> {this.state.dices[2]} THREE</Text>
<Text>Turns left: {this.state.rollsLeft} </Text>
title="Roll 🎲"
onPress={this.rollDices} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
In React Native the setState function is asynchronous.
Meaning that this.setState({ dices : newDices }); can end up setting dices to different values depending on which finishes first.
If you want to control what happens after you use setState, you can call a function after the set is done like this
this.setState({dices: newDices}, () => {
// Do something here.
There is some really useful information on calling function after the setState here: Why is setState in reactjs Async instead of Sync?
and some good explanations of how setState in react works and how to get around it here:
Together with DCQ's valuable input for async setStates bundling I also noticed that i'm always resetting the copied dice array within the for loop and thus only saving my last dice correctly.
Next up the for loop was actually counting right from 0 to 2 however the alert boxes don't interrupt the code as i'm used to in the browser therefore it looked a bit off. When doing console.log (which is also cleaner and more correct logging) I noticed things did went right there.

dc.js composite chart toggle legend loses its translucence upon filtering

I have used this solution to get a toggle legend for a composite line chart and it works perfectly fine.
However, after i added a range chart to this composite chart, the deselected legend loses its translucence and becomes normal.
How can i keep the deselected legend object in faded state while filtering?
Here are screenshots for reference:
Before filter:
After filter:
This is the code I'm using for charts:
.margins({top: 30, right: 50, bottom: 40, left: 40})
.yAxisLabel("Data (Scaled)")
.xAxisLabel("Date And Time")
.group(Line1Grp, 'Line1'),
.group(Line2Grp, 'Line2')
.on('pretransition.hideshow', function(chart) {
chart.selectAll('g.dc-legend .dc-legend-item')
.on('click.hideshow', function(d, i) {
var subchart ='g.sub._' + i);
var visible ='visibility') !== 'hidden';'visibility', function() {
return visible ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
});'opacity', visible ? 0.2 : 1);
//.xAxis().tickFormat(d3.time.format("%b %d %H:%M"));
.margins({top: 0, right: 50, bottom: 20, left: 40})
.x(d3.time.scale().domain([startDate, endDate]))
.on("filtered", function (chart) { () {
.xAxis().tickFormat(d3.time.format("%b %d"));
Here is a fiddle for the same.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks for pointing this out - there was a bad practice in my earlier answer, and I went back and corrected it.
It's always better style, and more robust, to separate event handling and drawing, and always draw everything based on the data, not some event that is in flight.
If you follow these practices, then the code looks more like this:
function drawLegendToggles(chart) {
chart.selectAll('g.dc-legend .dc-legend-item')
.style('opacity', function(d, i) {
var subchart ='g.sub._' + i);
var visible ='visibility') !== 'hidden';
return visible ? 1 : 0.2;
function legendToggle(chart) {
chart.selectAll('g.dc-legend .dc-legend-item')
.on('click.hideshow', function(d, i) {
var subchart ='g.sub._' + i);
var visible ='visibility') !== 'hidden';'visibility', function() {
return visible ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
.on('pretransition.hideshow', legendToggle);
Now, whenever we redraw the composite chart and its legend - no matter what the cause - all of the items in the legend will be updated based on whether the corresponding child chart has been hidden.
And the event handler is only concerned with hiding and showing charts, not drawing.
Fork of your fiddle.

"Sticky" center element of horizontal React Native ListView

My complete source code for this issue is posted as an Expo app: as well as on Github
I am building a book view in React Native. Using a ScrollView, I would like to swipe left and right to navigate through the pages of a title that could have several hundred to several thousand.
Since that is the case, my goal is to only the minimal amount of data so that the user is able to swipe between pages, seeing the immediately previous and next pages.
I am loading a 3 element array like so:
[Previous, Current, Next]
That would be updated in the state by Redux (not used here to keep simple) and would re-render and refocus the list.
My goal is that my ScrollView is always "centered" on the "Current" page.
Page scrolls to the previous and next page are handled by a handleScroll method which loads the appropriate precomputed array so that the current page stays in focus, but the previous and next pages (offscreen) are updated appropriately.
handleScroll (event) {
//const x = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x;
const { activeIndex, scrollTimes } = this.state;
const windowWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;
const eventWidth = event.nativeEvent.contentSize.width;
const offset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x;
console.log('event width: ', eventWidth);
console.log('event offset: ', offset);
console.log('scrollTimes: ', scrollTimes);
//if (scrollTimes <= 1 ) return;
if (windowWidth + offset >= eventWidth) {
//ScrollEnd, do sth...
console.log('scrollEnd right (nextPage)', offset);
const nextIndex = activeIndex + 1;
console.log('nextIndex: ', nextIndex);
// Load next page
} else if (windowWidth - offset <= eventWidth) {
//ScrollEnd, do sth...
console.log('scrollEnd left (prevPage)', offset);
// Load prev page
this.setState({ scrollTimes: scrollTimes + 1 });
I have tried to balance the "current" page using a combination of:
contentOffset={{ x: width, y: 0 }} on ScrollView
componentDidMount() {
// Attempt to keep "center" element in array as focused "screen" in the horizontal list view
this.scrollView.scrollTo({ x: width, y: 0, animated: false });
I've also tried to scrollTo in the callback after this.setState, but have not had any luck.
I'm wondering if this "centering" could be accomplished by using Animated.
I gave this a shot but I'm not entirely sure I understood the problem, and I'm not sure how well this would hold up.
Basically I just simplified the handleScroll function significantly. First checking if we were on a scroll completion and if so determining if when we landed on that screen it was the "previous" screen or "next" - do nothing if it's already the middle screen.
I think in your code the issue was that it would fire and load data if it was the middle screen, not just the first or last. Therefore it would fire twice for each transition.
Here's the handleScroll that I think will work for you.
handleScroll (event) {
const offset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x;
const mod = offset % width;
if (mod === 0) { // only transition on scroll complete
if (offset === width * 2) { // last screen
console.log('load more')
this.scrollView.scrollTo({ x: width, y: 0, animated: false });
} else if (offset !== width) { // first screen
console.log('load prev')
this.scrollView.scrollTo({ x: width, y: 0, animated: false });
And a Snack demoing it.