Why can't my Redis Lua script atomically update keys on different Redis Cluster nodes? - redis

I have a Redis Cluster consisting of multiple nodes. I want to update 3 different keys in a single atomic operation. My Lua script is like:
local u1 = redis.call('incrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])
local u2 = redis.call('incrby', KEYS[2], ARGV[1])
local u3 = redis.call('incrby', KEYS[3], ARGV[1])
And I fired it with:
EVAL script 3 key1 key2 key3 arg
But I got the error message:
WARN Resp(AppErr CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot)
The above operations cannot be done, and the updates will fail. It seems I cannot modify the keys in different nodes with a single Lua script. But according to the doc:
All Redis commands must be analyzed before execution to determine
which keys the command will operate on. In order for this to be true
for EVAL, keys must be passed explicitly. This is useful in many ways,
but especially to make sure Redis Cluster can forward your request to
the appropriate cluster node.
Note this rule is not enforced in order
to provide the user with opportunities to abuse the Redis single
instance configuration, at the cost of writing scripts not compatible
with Redis Cluster.
So I think as long as I follow the key passing rule, the script should be compatible with Redis Cluster. I wonder what's the problem here and what should I do to update all keys in a single script.

I'm afraid you've misunderstood the documentation. (And I agree that it's not very clear.)
Redis operations, whether commands or Lua scripts, can only work when all the keys are on the same server. The purpose of the key passing rule is to allow Cluster servers to figure out where to send the script and to fail fast if all the keys don't come from the same server (which is what happened in your case).
So it's your responsibility to make sure that all the keys you want to operate on are located on the same server. The way to do that is to use hash tags to force keys to hash to the same slot. See the documentation for more details on that.


Efficiently delete RedisKeys in bulk via wildcard pattern

I need to efficiently delete keys from my Redis Cache using a wildcard pattern. I don't need atomicity; eventual consistency is acceptable.
Tech stack:
.NET 6 (async all the way through)
StackExchange.Redis 2.6.66
Redis Server 6.2.6
I currently have ~500k keys in Redis.
I'm not able to use RedisJSON for various reasons
I store the following 3 STRING types with keys:
where each STRING stores JSON like so:
> dump dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:fl:user:123
The original solution used the KeysAsync method to retrieve the list of keys to delete via a wildcard pattern. Since the Redis Server is 6.x, the SCAN feature is being used by KeysAsync internally by the StackExchange.Redis nuget.
Original implementation used a wildcard pattern dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:*. As one would expect, this solution didn't scale well and we started seeing RedisTimeoutExceptions.
I'm aware of the "avoid this in PROD if you can" and have seen Marc Gravell respond to a couple other questions/issues on SO and StackExchange.Redis GitHub. The only potential alternative I could think of is to use a Redis SET to "track" each RedisKey and then retrieve the list of values from the SET (which are the keys I need to remove). Then delete the SET as well as the returned keys.
Potential Solution?:
Create a Redis SET with a key of dailynote:getitemsforuser with a value which is the key of the form dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:XX...
The SET would look like:
dailynote:getitemsforuser (KEY)
dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:sw:user:123 (VALUE)
dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:fl:user:123 (VALUE)
dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:sw:user:456 (VALUE)
I would still have each individual STRING type as well:
when it is time to do the "wildcard" remove, I get the members of the dailynote:getitemsforuser SET, then call RemoveAsync passing the members of the set as the RedisKey[]. Then call RemoveAsync with the key of the SET (dailynote:getitemsforuser)
I'm looking for feedback on how viable of a solution this is, alternative ideas, gotchas, and suggestions for improvement. TIA
Added my solution I went with below...
The big problem with both KEYS and SCAN with Redis is that they require a complete scan of the massive hash table that stores every Redis key. Even if you use a pattern, it still needs to check each entry in that hash table to see if it matches.
Assuming you are calling SADD when you are also setting the value in your key—and thus avoiding the call to SCAN—this should work. It is worth noting that calls to SMEMBERS to get all the members of a Set can also cause issues if the Set is big. Redis—being single-threaded—will block while all the members are returned. You can mitigate this by using SSCAN instead. StackExchange.Redis might do this already. I'm not sure.
You might also be able to write a Lua script that reads the Set and UNLINKs all the keys atomically. This would reduce network but could tie Redis up if this takes too long.
I ended up using the solution I suggested above where I use a Redis SET with a known/fixed key to "track" each of the necessary keys.
When a key that needs to be tracked is added, I call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.SetAddAsync (SADD) while calling StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.HashSetAsync (HSET) for adding the "tracked" key (along with its TTL).
When it is time to remove the "tracked" key, I first call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.SetScanAsync (SSCAN) (with a page size of 250) iterating on the IAsyncEnumerable and call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.KeyDeleteAsync (HDEL) on chunks of the members of the SET. I then call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.KeyDeleteAsync on the actual key of the SET itself.
Hope this helps someone else.

Option to set multiple keys in redis for nonexistent keys?

From documentation of MSETNX:
Sets the given keys to their respective values. MSETNX will not perform any operation at all even if just a single key already exists.
I would like to perform an operation that would add keys which are not present in redis and skip those that are already present.
Is there any command that perform such action?
Sorry if stating the obvious here, but EVAL / EVALSHA + a simple Lua script could easily and efficiently do the job.

Get all hashes exists in redis

I'm have hashes in redis cache like:
Hash Key Value
hashme:1 Hello World
hashme:2 Here Iam
myhash:1 Next One
My goal is to get the Hashes as output in the CLI like:
If there's no such option, this is ok too:
I didn't find any relevant command for it in Redis API.
Any suggestions ?
You can use the SCAN command to get all keys from Redis. Then for each key, use the TYPE command to check if it's a hash.
With Redis 6.0, the SCAN command supports TYPE subcommand, and you can use this subcommand to scan all keys of a specified type:
SCAN 0 TYPE hash
Also never use KEYS command in production environment!!! It's a dangerous command which might block Redis for a long time.
keys *
is work for me. you Can try it.
The idea of redis (and others K/v stores) is for you to build an index. The database won't do it for you. It's a major difference with relational databases, which conributes to better performances.
So when your app creates a hash, put its key into a SET. When your app deletes a hash, remove its key from the SET. And then to get the list of hash IDs, just use SMEMBERS to get the content of the SET.
connection.keys('*') this will bring all the keys irrespective of the data type as everything in redis is stored as key value format
for redis in python, you can use below command to retrieve keys from redis db
def standardize_list(bytelist):
return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in bytelist]
>>> standardize_list(r.keys())
['hat:1236154736', 'hat:56854717', 'hat:1326692461']
here r variable is redis connection object

compare redis command: multi and mget

there are two systems sharing a redis database, one system just read the redis, the other update it.
the read system is so busy that the redis can't handle it, to reduce the count of requests to redis, I find "mget", but I also find "multi".
I'm sure mget will reduce the number of requests, but will "multi" do the same? I think "multi" will force the redis server to keep some info about this transaction and collect requests in this transaction from the client one by one, so the total number of requests sent stays the same, but the results returned will be combined together, right?
So If I just read KeyA, keyB, keyC in "multi" when the other write system changed KeyB's value, what will happen?
Short Answer: You should use MGET
MULTI is used for transaction, and it won't reduces the number of requests. Also, the MULTI command MIGHT be deprecated in the future, since there's a better choice: lua scripting.
So If I just read KeyA, keyB, keyC in "multi" when the other write system changed KeyB's value, what will happen?
Since MULTI (with EXEC) command ensures transaction, all of the three GET commands (read operations) executes atomically. If the update happens before the read operation, you'll get the old value. Otherwise, you'll get the new value.
By the way, there's another option to reduce RTT: PIPELINE. However, in your case, MGET should be the best option.

Redis Cross Slot error

I am trying to insert multiple key/values at once on Redis (some values are sets, some are hashes) and I get this error: ERR CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot.
I'm not doing this from redis-cli but from some Go code that needs to write multiple key/values to a redis cluster. I see other places in the code where multiple key values are done this way and I don't understand why mine don't work. What are the hash requirements to not have this error?
In a cluster topology, the keyspace is divided into hash slots. Different nodes will hold a subset of hash slots.
Multiple keys operations, transactions, or Lua scripts involving multiple keys are allowed only if all the keys involved are in hash slots belonging to the same node.
Redis Cluster implements all the single key commands available in the
non-distributed version of Redis. Commands performing complex
multi-key operations like Set type unions or intersections are
implemented as well as long as the keys all belong to the same node.
You can force the keys to belong to the same node by using Hash Tags
ERR CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot
As the error message suggests, only if all of the keys belong to same slot will the operation succeed. Otherwise, you will see this failure message. This error would be seen even though both/all slots belongs to the same node. The check is very strict and, as per the code, all keys should hash to same slot.