Hosts in Nagios are disappearing - ssh

This may belong in ServerFault, but I wanted to approach this community first. If this is not correct, please move this thread or close and I will open on the correct thread.
Hosts, along with their associated services, disappear and reappear upon refresh (F5 / Ctrl+F5 / etc).
1. Log into Nagios
2. Click Service Detail
3. See a breakdown of services but you don't see the last one you added.
4. Refresh screen by using F5 / Ctrl+F5 / etc and it doesn't show up still
5. Refresh screen by using F5 / Ctrl+F5 / etc and it doesn't show up still
6. Refresh screen and it will show up.
(!) - Steps 4-6 vary
Restarting Nagios service (service Nagios restart)
Restarting HTTPD service (service httpd restart)
Restarting VPS
Refresh browser including "Clear Cache and Hard Reload"
Tried different browsers
Tried different computers
Tried different networks
The reason we're in this situation now is because we had an intern add this latest host and its associated service. He added it correctly, and I even checked his work. He did the normal preflight but instead of issuing the reset command via SSH he issued the command on the Web interface itself by accessing "Process Info > Restart the Nagios process". Seems like it would work OK, but we've never restarted like this and is the only reason I suspect it's the culprit of the issue we are seeing. Is there something different that this restart does over the normal SSH restart?
EDIT: To add to all of this, we have updated a different file today, unrelated to this host or it's services and Nagios is not updating.
Thanks for helping!
Here is a screenshot of the config file:

This can happen if you have multiple Nagios services running, There could be a secondary instance of the service running which hasn't been updated with the new configuration files as it technically hasn't been restarted. I've had this happen once or twice.
First, shut down Nagios
service nagios stop
Next, kill all remaining instances.
killall -9 nagios
Finally, start Nagios back up
service nagios start
That should fix your problem.


Web HUE is not getting loaded though HUE is workin on the port 8000

I have installed the Hue on the Linux whixh is an instance from Azure. I have made all the required changes in ambari and hue.ini conf file. And when I run the supervisor job, it runs fine
hue 83933 sshuser 3u IPv4 15707246 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
But when I try to access the wb hue, I don't get any page loaded. It shows refused to connect.
Tried deleting caches and reset up was done.
I am using hue 4.7 version and I don't find any issues in error.log file. Yet, I don't see any data in access.log file. Could you please help me?
Do you have
in the hue.ini?
#Ruthikajawar here is a working hue.ini for ambari
I have noticed that sometimes, after initial install, it takes 1 or 2 restarts to get the WEBUI to work. I have also noticed sometimes, after a restart, it takes quite a few moments before the WEBUI starts to respond.
Give it some time after restart and check the WEBUI. If you still are not getting it to answer you need to check /var/log/hue/error.log as it should be very specific with errors causing the WEBUI to fail on startup.

Monit cannot start/stop service

Monit cannot start/stop service,
If i stop the service, just stop monitoring the service in Monit.
Attached the log and config for reference.
#Monitor vsftpd#
check process vsftpd
matching vsftpd
start program = "/usr/sbin/vsftpd start"
stop program = "/usr/sbin/vsftpd stop"
if failed port 21 protocol ftp then restart
The log states: "stop on user request". The process is stopped and monitoring is disabled, since monitoring a stopped (= non existing) process makes no sense.
If you Restart service (by cli or web) it should print info: 'test' restart on user request to the log and call the stop program and continue with the start program (if no dedicated restart program is provided).
In fact one problem can arise: if the stop scripts fails to create the expected state (=NOT(check process matching vsftpd)), the start program is not called. So if there is a task running that matches vsftpd, monit will not call the start program. So it's always better to use a PID file for monitoring where possible.
Finally - and since not knowing what system/versions you are on, an assumption: The vsftpd binary on my system is really only the daemon. It is not supporting any options. All arguments are configuration files as stated in the man page. So supplying start and stop only tries to create new daemons loading start and stop file. -- If this is true, the one problem described above applies, since your vsftpd is never stopped.

Service openfire startup with script

look, always should run this command:
# cd /opt/openfire/bin/
# ./ start
Openfire 3.6.4 [19-may-2009 17:43:25]
Console d'administration en écoute sur:
Index opened.
Index thread started
If I close the putty command line… the service openfire down… and after is neccessary again run… somebody know some way for always this service are permanently up ?
All of the Openfire distributions should come with some kind of daemon or service script. It's hard to tell exactly what operating system you're on, but try typing something like this:
service openfire start
Also, I'm noticing that you're using a very old version of Openfire (it's from 2009!). I urge you to upgrade. Not only were many improvements and new features added, but security has been improved greatly over the years too.

Unable to open debugger port in IntelliJ IDEA

I have a problem that I can not set up my application in debug mode with IntelliJ IDE, but run mode is OK.
My OS is Windows 7, IDE is IntelliJ IDEA, web container is Tomcat 6. I have tried for a long time, changed the HTTP port and the JMX port, but it did not work.
When I set up the app in debug mode with IntelliJ, it failed and the event log is:
16:05:35 Error running tomcat: Unable to open debugger port : "Address already in use: JVM_Bind".
the key to the issue is in debugger port. I was having the same problem, I was killing every process listening on port 8081 (my http port), 1099 (JMX port), tomcat shutdown port, every java.exe, and still nothing.
The thing is this debugger port is different. If you run the application, it will go through the port you have Tomcat configured for, 8080, 8081 or whatever. But if you run it in Debug mode, it goes through a different port.
If you go edit your Tomcat configuration from IntelliJ, the last tab is Startup/Connection. Here go see the configuration for Debug mode, and you'll see its port. Mine was 50473. I changed it to 50472, and everything started working again.
If you're on windows you can bypass the socket issue completely by switching to shared memory debugging.
For me, IntelliJ Event Log (right bottom corner) had below logs:
Error running EntitmentTooling-Debug: Cannot run program "/path-to/apache-tomcat-8.5.15/bin/" (in directory "path-to/apache-tomcat-8.5.15/bin"): error=13, Permission denied
Error running EntitmentTooling-Debug: Unable to open debugger port ( "Socket closed"
The command
$ chmod a+x /path-to/apache-tomcat-8.5.15/bin/
to sufficiently change privileges worked for me.
I have encountered the same error while using IntelliJ. Since I have started multiple instances of IntelliJ. While starting two instance it started properly. However, when starting another one, it was giving below error.
unable to open debugger port ( interrupted function call accept failed
There are basically two places you can check your ports related to debugging in IntelliJ
JMX port - you can find this is
In Startup/Configuration, there is debug option just click this.
What to Check: If IntelliJ is throwing above error, means issue is any of the above listed ports. To verify this open event log (its available in right corner down) and check the exact message. Event log will have message like below
11:19 PM Error running 'Tomcat-tp': Address localhost:1098 is already in use
11:19 PM Error running 'Tomcat-tp': Unable to open debugger port ( "Interrupted function call: accept failed"
Check the JMX port of current intelliJ which is not starting with the working one and verify if JMX ports are not duplicated within IntelliJ instance or any of the software which is running in your machine is not using this port.
If JMX is not duplicated then verify your debug port, check in all IntelliJ instance and do the changes.
Surely either JMX or Debug port is having issue just use unique JMX and Debug port and it will work.
Hope this will help someone.
This works for me consistently (it happens to me from time to time, when I do things such a restart tomcat when I am running the integration tests, for example)
1) Find the process that has the port 1099 open
sudo netstat -anp | grep tcp | grep 1099
cp6 0 0 :::1099 :::* LISTEN 9857/java
2) kill it
kill 9857
3) Start Tomcat.
I had same issue in windows 7 and IntellijIdea 14.
I killed the java processes by going CTRL+ALT+ESc, find java and kill it.
Now Re-Run, the application again it should be fine..
You can also do it with command line or shell(linux), but I found this easier for myself
I solved the issue by this way.
I tried to kill all the java.exe processes but it was useless.
Then I tried deleting the Tomcat server
I re-deployed the project and restarted the project and it worked.
See these links for more information:
Delete Tomcat
Add a new Tomcat
I had this exact message.
The reason was that some IDE (I use Eclipse and Intellij) failed to shutdown the tomcat server. Or maybe crashed before it could do so.
The solution was to navigate to C:\...\apache-tomcat-xxx\bin and run shutdown.
All the other solutions unfortunately did not work.
This is what worked for me . I simply changed the debugger port to some other port number.
Intelij-> preferences->Build, execution, deployment ->Debugger-> Built in server->port(change value )
It happens occasionally that when I restart my computer, everything is OK. Perhaps there is a port conflict.
Restart the computer works because instances of Java or Tomcat are killed during the restart. You can also consider killing the specific processes from Task Manager
This also happens if there is an issue in the context.xml file. In my case, I had accidentally changed the context value.
I have the same issue,because my computer's DNS miss localhost.
When I add localhost to my host file,it become ok.
While debug I got this issue: It worked with
tried changing my Tomcat http port 8082 to 8083(In debug
configurations on IntelliJ and in Tomcat->conf->server.xml also)
tried changing JMX port from 1099 to 1009.
tried changing debug port in Startup/Connection in debug
killed all java processes in TaskManager->Processes.
There are various reasons for this.
- There might be the problem with debugger port---Please change it to resolve( answered by T.M )
- There might be some issue with intellij cache --Invalidate cache and restart will solve it ( answered by feng smith )
- There might be problem with any other Port, like JMX, AJP --- Please change these port numbers as well.
I wanted to add this as comment but not enough rep
My fix was the change debug port from 54444 to 7070
None of above methods worked in my case i.e. changing port number in run configuration, machine restart, invalidate cache in IntelliJ, killing process shown in netstat (nestat -anob | findstr <port-number> and then tskill <pid>). The only thing that finally helped was starting and shutting down tomcat manually via startup.bat and shutdown.bat (you should use correspondig .sh files on linux and macOS).
The only thing that worked for me is to go to Task Manager on Windows, and end all the Java processes that is running by right click -> end Task.
Check "Run" configuration to see which port it is using (8081).
Find all the other processes using that port lsof -t -i :8081
Kill the processes on that port. kill PROCESS_ID
Run Tomcat in Debug mode.
In my case, I wasted so much time on changing debugger port but it was not the issue. Since tomcat was not able to run on the port I chose in Run configuration, I was not able to debug my service.
In Server tab of Tomcat configuration in IntelliJ, change JMX port to another number.
Change debug port of your server configured in the Intelli J.
It will be fixed.
My assumption that this exception usually occurs when Tomcat is improperly closed and still holding the ports.
Usually it is enough to kill any process listening to 1099 port. For Window 10:
netstat -aon | find "1099"
taskkill /F /PID $processId
In my case I had another project open in IntelliJ, and had Tomcat running in debug mode in that project.
Stopping that instance of Tomcat resolved the issue.
In my case, there was a problem in server.xml for Tomcat/conf folder where I had extra comment tags under another comment tag. So I think, since there was some problem in server.xml, it was not able to start Tomcat. And moreover it copies the tomcat folder from your installation directory to C:\Users\username.IntelliJIdea2017.2\system\tomcat\Tomcat_service
This happens when you have application running on the same port number. One way to do this by killing the process forcefully. Open command prompt as an admin. Run command 'taskkill /IM "java.exe" /F'. This worked for me in Windows. Let me know if this works.
Probably you get the same error message if the standalone.xml in your standalone/configuration folder cannot be found. At least I have the same error when using a WildFly 14.0.1:
Just restart the Android studio before try these all. I face same right now and i fix it by this way.
Happy coding :)
For anyone who comes here with the similar message:
Unable to open debugger port ( "Interrupted function call: accept failed"
This may be caused by something completely independent, i.e. it's not a port configuration. If you're running Tomcat, for instance, it may be that you have an invalid web.xml. Check your Event Log for any previous errors:
Cannot load C:\...\conf\web.xml: ParseError at [row,col]:[480,29]
Message: The element type "param-value" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</param-value>".
I came in this scenario and as the above answers I tried to change the port like
Edit Configuration -> Startup/Connection -> debug -> change the Port
but it didn't solve my problem cause I was running my application in debug mode so once try to run the application as normal without debug.
it solved my problem!
This problem is sometimes just because of a misconfiguration.
Please, check if you have, for example, an SSL port number defined at your run configuration. If so, and if you don't have a right configuration for it at tomcat's server.xml, then it won't be possible to start your debug session correctly, and you will unfortunately have the same error. I think this can be shown as a different error. So, this is in my opinion an idea issue also..
The solution is, removing the SSL port number value from the run configuration of the IDE.
This occurred to me, when I was running wildfly on intellij, and I switched the branch. I stopped wildfly, built the jar using maven, tried to re run Wildfly and got the error.
I tried changing port as mentioned in the accepted answer, but didn't work. I tried to find the process running on port, but netstat command didn't find it.
I tried restarting the OS, it also didn't help.
Then I checked the configuration folder of my Wildfly set up, that's when I realised
standalone.xml got replaced by standalone.xml.tmp
renaming it to standalone.xml helped me to resolve the error.
Running IntelliJ as Administrator in Windows did the magic for me:

How to tell supervisor to restart processes when app code changed?

I am new to Tornado and supervisor. I have deployed a tornado app on Debian server and now it is running fine under supervisor/nginx. After that, I made a small change on the app's template file but it does not take effect apparently because the tornado processes need to be restarted. But I don't know to do so. I tried different things like
service supervisor restart
and also in supervisorctl command line I tried restart, reload, update etc.
But the old process are still running and the change in code still not applied. So wondering how to instruct supervisor to restart the app processes and ideally make supervisor sensitive to code change by adding some commands into supervisor.conf
Ok, I figured out. Here is the answer:
supervisor> restart all
and check whether really restarted:
supervisor> status
tornadoes:tornado-8000 RUNNING pid 17697, uptime 0:00:20
tornadoes:tornado-8001 RUNNING pid 17698, uptime 0:00:20
tornadoes:tornado-8002 RUNNING pid 17707, uptime 0:00:19
tornadoes:tornado-8003 RUNNING pid 17712, uptime 0:00:18