No way to get per-transaction commission fee in new Yodlee API? (/ysl/restserver/v1) - yodlee

I was trying to extract commission cost at a per-transaction basis, this field does exist in old Aggregation style api but not in new API data model.
Any suggestions / alternative solutions?

Can you please explain in detail-
-End-point url which you are using in the old API.
-The field details in the response , which returns the required commission cost.
So this will help us to give you suggestions accordingly.


Workday Incremental Extract

I am using Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) to retrieve Contracts Information(Get_Customer_Contracts). Is it possible to incrementally extract data from Workday using API. Example : Contracts which have been created or updated in the last one day.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
As per what I see in the API documentation there is only a way to get contracts between 2 effective dates and no way to extract based on Creation date.
API Documentation :
Unfortunately if you must extract based on creation date, you need to use a RAAS report.

How to design API for reports

Hi and thanks in advance for ideas.
I have an api endpoint to design which is a report of tickets.
The report itself needs to accept up to 8-10 parameters like start / end date
or start / end product group.
The report then is fairly simple ( Van number, product, quantity ) group by van & product
The API endpoint should represent a resource ( so it would be tickets ) however that would force the API consumer ( a webpage in this scenario ) to calculate the total quantity on frontend.
So I wonder what is the correct pattern here?
Is creating an endpoint for such report wrong way of doing it?
Should I create /tickets/vanloading?startDate=2021-06-28&endDate=.........
What is general approach for different kind of reports when implementing API when there is plenty of data to aggregate ?
Thank you.

SoftLayer API: how to create a ticket

I am trying to create a SoftLayer ticket on behalf of customers, want to set assignedUserId and assignedEmployeeId, make the first update by employee id.
I tried to use client['Ticket'].createStandardTicket, but assignedEmployeeId was not set properly. Do you know how to get this implemented? Thank you so much in advance.
Unfortunately you won’t be able to assign an employee id since this parameter isn’t available in:
This kind of tasks are managed by employees and it is an internal subject.

Linkedin REST API - likes and comments

We are using Linkedin REST API and we need to get the number of likes and comments from owned companies updates. The method get-updates always returns the last 3 likes/comments and also the total is 3, even if you have more than 3. So in order to get all the likes/comments of the updates we have to make a query to each update because that way we get all the likes/comments. But this is not a good method because if I have 100 updates then I have to do 101 api calls and a user has a limit of 700 per day, so they are very easily get depleted. We really find it hard to believe there is no way your API doesn't solve the n+1 problem. So how can it be done?
Thank you!
if you hit this URL -> "{id}/company-statistics", provided if you have the id of the company page.
you can get the likes,clicks,impressions,engagement,shares,comments in month break up wise.
For more info
LinkedIn API Company statistics data

Is there an API limit to product rules on a Bigcommerce customer group?

Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of product rules that can be applied to a customer group using the API?
I am able to set 1474 before it starts to return a status 400.
There isn't a hard limit on the number of rules a customer group can have, but it does start to act up once you get into that range.
If you can provide some context to what functionality you are looking to accomplish, I can try to provide a workaround.