Is there an API limit to product rules on a Bigcommerce customer group? - bigcommerce

Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of product rules that can be applied to a customer group using the API?
I am able to set 1474 before it starts to return a status 400.

There isn't a hard limit on the number of rules a customer group can have, but it does start to act up once you get into that range.
If you can provide some context to what functionality you are looking to accomplish, I can try to provide a workaround.


Need help on implementing this Use-Case Scenario in NetSuite Oracle

I am very new to E-Commerce World.
I have a use case scenario that I want to Implement in Oracle NetSuite.
But I am not sure how to move forward with it.
Use-Case Scenario:
A Sales Order has a few Line Items & Among them, a few are out of stock.
The 3PL currently I am dealing with accepts only one Unique Sales Order ID as an Identifier.
I want to fulfill the items that are currently in stock and Later on, when the Inventory gets updated I want to fulfill the remaining Items back-ordered in the Sales Order.
But the fulfillment should happen only after the customer has paid for the Items.
Can anyone let me know? How can I achieve this?
Thank you.
You will probably need some customisation to achieve this. I don't know the full set of processes you're working with, but as a general approach, I would suggest the following:
Set up a payment term that says the customer must prepay.
Set up a script to run on your fulfilments, handle "prepay" customers.
You'll also want to check your settings in Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > Order Management. Look for the option on sales orders and fulfilment. You'll probably want to default your fulfilment to available quantity only. You may want to prevent overage on your fulfilments.
When the script executes on your fulfilment, it should execute "before load". The script will need to check the sales order it's fulfilling. If the term is "prepay", the script should then check if a payment has been made against the sales order. You'll potentially need to consider deposits and paid invoices. If the script finds no payments, then it should block the fulfilment.
I'm working on the assumption that you will create a fulfilment with a "Picked" status to send to your warehouse. When they confirm the "goods-out", you will want some sort of feedback loop from your 3PL to set the fulfilment to "Shipped" and update your tracking numbers.
I hope this helps.

Binance Websocket depth channel too many updates for given ids

I am using the Binance Websocket API and when I subscribe to depth channels (such as via wss://, I occasionally get an update that has too many updates for the given first id ('U') and last id ('u'):
["7369.47000000","0.00000000",[]], --238495725
["7369.46000000","0.00000000",[]], --238495726
["7369.45000000","0.00000000",[]], --238495727
["7369.19000000","0.90770800",[]], --238495728
["7365.20000000","0.20000000",[]], --238495729
["7363.71000000","0.54130000",[]], --238495730
["7362.94000000","0.00000000",[]], --238495731
["7358.00000000","0.00000000",[]]] --238495732
["7369.47000000","0.02302600",[]], --238495733
["7369.70000000","0.00000000",[]], --238495734
["7408.90000000","3.93000000",[]]] --238495735 WHICH IS NOT OKAY (>u)
I have also noticed that occasionally I will get more ids than updates such as in the following:
["7366.54000000","0.00000000",[]], --238514909
["7367.09000000","0.00000000",[]]] --238514910
I am trying to add these updates to a database so having too many ids is less of a problem for me than having too few. If anyone could explain why this happens or how I might be misunderstanding update ids it would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
So it turns out that "update IDs" do not correspond to order IDs and multiple order book entries can be changed in a single update.
Furthermore, the order of the given bids and asks isn't the actual order that they were received but rather they are descending order for bids and ascending for asks and the state of the order book can not be deterministically gotten from the websocket API :/

Linkedin REST API - likes and comments

We are using Linkedin REST API and we need to get the number of likes and comments from owned companies updates. The method get-updates always returns the last 3 likes/comments and also the total is 3, even if you have more than 3. So in order to get all the likes/comments of the updates we have to make a query to each update because that way we get all the likes/comments. But this is not a good method because if I have 100 updates then I have to do 101 api calls and a user has a limit of 700 per day, so they are very easily get depleted. We really find it hard to believe there is no way your API doesn't solve the n+1 problem. So how can it be done?
Thank you!
if you hit this URL -> "{id}/company-statistics", provided if you have the id of the company page.
you can get the likes,clicks,impressions,engagement,shares,comments in month break up wise.
For more info
LinkedIn API Company statistics data

How to get /admin/products.json in a chronological order?

I need to be able to poll more than 250 products from the Shopify API. In order to do so, I need to retrieve the products from the API in a chronological order, with the oldest products first. Once I have the first 250 items, I retrieve another 250 items filtered by max_created_at.
I noticed that: GET /admin/products.json returns the products in a random order, but GET /admin/products.json?since_id=0 returns the products in a chronological order. Is this the intended behaviour? Or is there a flag that I can send with GET /admin/products.json to specify the sorting order?
Edit: I guess my question boils down to this: Is there a field that I can set that the results returned by the Shopify API will be ordered by?
Maybe the API has been updated since the last post but now you can do that like that :,images,title&order=created_at+desc
Just add the query string parameter order=created_at+asc
This is an undocumented feature but it seems to work for most fields.
This is unintended behaviour, reliable sort orders for Product are limited to title and total, and then filtering options are as listed in the API docs.

ebay getOrders API

I am building a .net service to getOrders from ebay. my service runs fine, however I dont know how should I handle data.
For example I am using CreateTimeTo and CreateTimeFrom Filter to return orders from past 24 hours. I save them into my database, now some orders return no Address info.
My question is, Whats the best way to hadnle/update already imported orders into my database. Say for example order imported into my system wa without shiping info, and customer completed shipping info after a week, how would I update that order in my system?
I would definitely use modtimefrom modtimeto filter. Ih this way you can get all order that have been modiefied in last "x interval". This way you will get either new orders and modified (checkout complete - paid - shipped) and so on. My favourite filter anyway is NumberOfDays. This one acts as ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo but is way more simple and you don't have to deal with dates.
An order without address means buyer has not completed checkout (no payment selected so no shipping address as well yet).
Once buyer completes checkout or order is mark as paid the entire address will be avaible.
You can get buyer default address shipping by using call GetSellerTransaction
I hope i understood your question and to be helpful.