How can I make this query recursive Sql Server? - sql

I have this table structure for Balances table:
And this is the view:
I have also this structure for Amounts table:
This is the view mode for Amounts table:
First of all I need to get the amount value for a specific day in Amounts Table:
with this query I get the amount 300 in date 07/07/2016.
Once achieved this figure, I need to make a recursive query with Balances table.
The end result should be like this:
Name abstractAmount addAmount Balance
----- -------------- --------- -------
Josep 100 400
Maria 50 350
George 60 410
Julianne 25 385
what is this? This result is achieved taking the 300 from the Amounts table, and for each row in Balance table I see:
If the abstracAmount in the first row is not empty, I make this mathematical calculation: balance = (300 - abstractAmount), in case is empty and the addAmount column has values I make this mathematical calculation balance = (300 + addAmount)
In the rest of rows I do the same but the calculation is not on 300, is on the last row balance:
For example:
In the first row the balance is 400 because the addamount has value so I make this calculation : 300 + 100 = 400
In the second row the balance is 350 because the abstractAmount is not empty so I take the balance value for the last row and make this calculation : 400 - 50 = 350.
And the same thing for the rest of rows, only the first row takes the balance value for the amounts table.
1. Always the column abstractAmount subtracts values, and the addAmount column sum values.
Always one of this columns (abstractAmount | addAmount) will be empty .
Only the first row takes the value to make the mathematical calculation for the Amounts table, the rest of rows takes the value for the row before.
How can I get this final result? :
Name abstractAmount addAmount Balance
----- -------------- --------- -------
Josep 100 400
Maria 50 350
George 60 410
Julianne 25 385
I accept suggestions, thanks.

Instead of recursion, you can use window functions. More specifically a sum over rows unbounded preceding to get a running total (+ the start balance):
select *,300 + sum(isnull(addAmount,0) - ISNULL(abstractAmount,0)) over (order by id rows unbounded preceding) Balance
from Balances
The isnull(addAmount,0) - ISNULL(abstractAmount,0) is simply the mutation for every row. The over (order by id rows unbounded preceding) scopes the sum to the current row and all preceding rows according to id.
To get the base from the amounts table, you can have simply have the (select ...where date..) as a value instead of '300' or a bit more nifty: with a cross join to the amounts table:
select b.*, a.dateInsertion,a.amount, a.amount + sum(isnull(addAmount,0) - ISNULL(abstractAmount,0)) over (order by rows unbounded preceding) Balance
from Balances b
cross join Amounts a
where a.dateInsertion = '20160707'
With the cross join without the where, you would get all possible balances


How to Add Specific Column When inserting Value on Postgres

I am trying to insert a value and calculating the value that i inserted into one column.
the example, basically I have one table with 3 column on it, id, amount, total:
id | amount | total
1 | 100 | 100
2 | 200 | 300
3 | -100 | 200
expected result:
every time a new amount value is entered, I want the value in column total to be added with that value
INSERT INTO public.tb_total_amount
(id, amount, total, create_time)
VALUES(1, 100, balance+amount, NOW());
is it ok to accumulate the negative value? and,
anyone can correct my query? thank you
I recommend against doing this, and I instead suggest just using SUM as an analytic function:
SUM(amount) OVER (ORDER BY id) total
FROM yourTable;
The logic behind this answer is that your rolling sum total is derived, and not original, data. Therefore, it is better to just compute it on the fly when you need it, rather than storing it.
If you really want to insert the correct total during a single insert, you may try:
INSERT INTO public.tb_total_amount (amount, total, create_time)
(SELECT COALESCE(amount, 0) FROM public.tb_total_amount
ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) + 100,

Retain values till there is a change in value in Teradata

There is a transaction history table in teradata where balance gets changed only when there is a transaction
Data as below:
Cust_id Balance Txn_dt
123 1000 27MAY2018
123 350 31MAY2018
For eg,For a customer(123) on May 27 we have a balance of 1000 and on May 31 there is a transaction made by the customer so balance becomes 350. There is no record maintained for May 28 to May 30 with same balance as on May 27 . I want these days data also to be there (With same balance retained and the date is incremented ) Its like same record has to be retained for rest of the days till there is a change in a balance done by the transaction . How to do this in teradata?
Expected output:
Cust_id Balance Txn_dt
123 1000 27MAY2018
123 1000 28MAY2018
123 1000 29MAY2018
123 1000 30MAY2018
123 350 31MAY2018
Hi Dnoeth. It seems to work, but can you let me know how to expand till a certain day for eg : till 30JUN2018 ?
There are several ways to get this result, the simplest in Teradata utilizes Time Series Expansion for Periods:
SELECT Cust_id, Balance, Txn_dt,
-- return the next row's date
Over (PARTITION BY Cust_id
ROWS BETWEEN 1 Following AND 1 Following)
,Txn_dt+1) AS next_Txn_dt
FROM tab
SELECT Cust_id, Balance
,Last(pd) -- last day of the period
FROM cte
-- make a period of the current and next row's date
-- and return one row per day
EXPAND ON PERIOD(Txn_dt, next_Txn_dt) AS pd
If you run TD16.10+ you can replace the MIN OVER with a simplified LEAD:
Over (PARTITION BY Cust_id
ORDER BY Txn_dt)

sharing cash with priority to creditors in sql

I have a table in sql 2014 with name "tblPaymentPlan" like this:
Creditors PlanToPay َAmount
A 2017-01-20 2000
A 2017-02-20 1500
A 2017-03-20 3000
B 2017-01-25 3000
B 2017-02-25 1000
and also another table with name "tblPaid" like following:
Creditors Paid َ
A 4500
B 3500
and the result that I expect:
Creditors PlanToPay َRemain
A 2017-01-20 0
A 2017-02-20 0
A 2017-03-20 2000
B 2017-01-25 0
B 2017-02-25 500
I have no idea for doing this job at all! Would you please to help me to perform this job. Please informed that I have a lot of records in my tables.
I need this query for budget planing. (We can use numbers for defining priority instead of dates)
What you want is a running total of what is owing, from that you can subtract what has been paid.
SELECT Creditors, PlanToPay, IIF(ABS(Remain)!=Remain,0,IIF(Remain<Amount,Remain,Amount)) as Remain
FROM (SELECT pp.Creditors, pp.PlanToPay, pp.Amount,
FROM tblPaymentPlan pp
JOIN (SELECT creditors, sum(paid) as paid from tblpaid group by creditors) tp
ON pp.creditors = tp.creditors) ss
ORDER By Creditors, PlanToPay
In the windowing function (SUM OVER) the PARTITION separates the creditors, the ORDER determines how the rows are arranged (by date), and the ROWS clause tells it to use all the rows in the partition before this row and include this row in the running total. We then subtract the sum of everything paid to that creditor from this running total.
This of course gives us alot of negative numbers, so we do it in a subquery. The main query checks if the absolute value of that remaining is equal to the value, true if it's positive, false if it is not, and returns the value remaining if true, or 0 if not.
UPDATE - added handling for multiple rows with value still owing
You can subtract the running total from amount in paid table and if it is less than 0, set remain to 0 else the difference of amount from the running total.
select pp.creditors,pp.plantopay,
case when sum(pp.amount) over(partition by pp.creditors order by pp.plantopay)-coalesce(pd.paid,0) <= 0 then 0
else sum(pp.amount) over(partition by pp.creditors order by pp.plantopay)-coalesce(pd.paid,0) end as remain
from tblpaymentplan pp
left join tblPaid pd on pp.creditors=pd.creditors

sql DB calculation moving summary‏‏‏‏‏

I would like to calculate moving summary‏‏‏‏‏:
Total amount:100
first receipt: 20
second receipt: 10
the first row in calculation column is a difference between total amount and the first receipt: 100-20=80
the second row in calculation column is a difference between the first calculated_row and the first receip: 80-10=70
The presentation is supposed to present receipt_amount, balance:
receipt_amount | balance
20 | 80
10 | 70
I'll be glad to use your help
Thanks :-)
You didn't really give us much information about your tables and how they are structured.
I'm assuming that there is an orders table that contains the total_amount and a receipt_table that contains each receipt (as a positive value):
As you also didn't specify your DBMS, this is ANSI SQL:
select sum(amount) over (order by receipt_nr) as running_sum
from (
select total_amount as amount
from orders
where order_no = 1
union all
select -1 * receipt_amount
from the_receipt_table
where order_no =
) t
First of all- thanks for your response.
I work with Cache DB which can be used both SQL and ORACLE syntax.
Basically, the data is locaed in two different tables, but I have them in one join query.
Couple of rows with different receipt amounts and each row (receipt) has the same total amount.
Foe example:
Receipt_no Receipt_amount Total_amount Balance
1 20 100 80
1 10 100 70
1 30 100 40
2 20 50 30
2 10 50 20
So, the calculation is supposed to be in a way that in the first receipt the difference calculation is made from the total_amount and all other receipts (in the same receipt_no) are being reduced from the balance

Optimizing a Vertica SQL query to do running totals

I have a table S with time series data like this:
key day delta
For a given key, it's possible but unlikely that days will be missing.
I'd like to construct a cumulative column from the delta values (positive INTs), for the purposes of inserting this cumulative data into another table. This is what I've got so far:
SELECT key, day,
In my SQL flavor, default window clause is RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW, but I left that in there to be explicit.
This query is really slow, like order of magnitude slower than the old broken query, which filled in 0s for the cumulative count. Any suggestions for other methods to generate the cumulative numbers?
I did look at the solutions here:
Running total by grouped records in table
The RDBMs I'm using is Vertica. Vertica SQL precludes the first subselect solution there, and its query planner predicts that the 2nd left outer join solution is about 100 times more costly than the analytic form I show above.
I think you're essentially there. You may just need to update the syntax a bit:
SELECT s_qty,
partition BY NULL
ORDER BY s_qty ASC rows UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ) "Cumulative Sum"
FROM sample_sales;
S_QTY | Cumulative Sum
1 | 1000
100 | 11000
150 | 26000
200 | 28000
250 | 53000
300 | 83000
2000 | 103000
(7 rows)
reference link:
Sometimes it's faster to just use a correlated subquery:
, [day]
, delta
, (SELECT SUM(delta) FROM S WHERE [key] < t1.[key]) AS DeltaSum