Create a NW.js without a window - node-webkit

Is it possible to create a NW.js app (node), that don't have a window entry point?
I want to use NW.js, because I want to create windows, but not at the entry point. The app should work in the background, and open a window, at specific time.

Just set show:false in the manifest file, later on you can open new windows and close them.
As for window entry point you can always set a blank page or a single javascript file to be executed at start

There's some ways to startup your app in NW.js.
You could use a javascript file and control when your page will show in it. Your package will be like this:
{ "main": "src/index.js" }
Or you could set window to not show initially, and control the application flow on other file.
"main": "src/index.html",
I use the first way.
See the NW.js doc for more information about package.json.


is there some event like onEditorOpen?

what i want to do
i want to write a plugin which could open file(which code could not) use user configed cmd.
user config like
'mp3':'c:/mp3player/mp3.exe {file_path}'
when i use code to open a mp3 the plugin will run this cmd
what the problem
i could not fould a event triger me on each file open
what i have know/try
vscode has some event like
but all of this are hardcode in package.json and could not triger on all file type
help me
it there some advise? maybe this is not a vscode plugin should do?
The normal approach for that is to listen to the didOpen workspace event:
workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument((doc: TextDocument) => {
if (doc.languageId == "mp3" && doc.uri.scheme === "file") {
// do something
But note: vscode will not allow to open big or binary files. It will hence not activate your extension for that.
You can create such an application by using VS Code's Custom Editor API.
It seems that there is already an extension to play audio files.

Load Dojo class from string content instead of file

For a very special situation I want to store Dojo classes (i.e. the sources) that I load from remote in the localStorage to have access to them in offline situations (we are talking about a hybrid mobile app). I got everything running but dojo.eval won't let me create the class from a string like this
var data = 'define(["dojo/_base/kernel",...'; // class definition as string
Any idea how to accomplish this?
If you need to have your app run offline, store the resources (css, images, js) in the app manifest. The manifest file looks like the following.
"name": "My App",
"description": "My elevator pitch goes here",
"launch_path": "/",
"icons": {
"128": "/img/icon-128.png"
"developer": {
"name": "Your name or organization",
"url": ""
"default_locale": "en"
Your app could require hundreds of modules so for performance and manageability of the manifest, you'll want to create a Dojo build which will reduce the number of js files to one or maybe a couple depending on how you create the build.
I finally managed what I was trying to accomplish. However, I found no way to use the localStorage and to load the classes from a string.
The trick is to load the Dojo class source file from remote using XHR, store it using the Cordova File APIs, getting an URL to the stored file and using this URL in the require().
Does what I want and gives me full control over the cached files.

Worklight Studio Rich Page Editor fails of WL.* call in page load

I'm using Worklight Studio in 64 bit Eclipse Juno on OSX Lion.
I'm finding that if I put a call to WL.Client.invokeProcedure(), or even WL.Logger.debug() in a jQueryMobile (1.3.1) pagebeforeshow handler, it causes the design portion of the rich page editor to hang when I try to switch to that page.
$("#myPage").on("pagebeforeshow", function(){WL.Logger.debug("loading myPage...");});
If I double click on myPage in the Mobile Navigation view, the page doesn't display, and I am unable to switch to any other page in the app, or do anything with he design pane. The refresh button doesn't fix it (it just tries to load the same page and I am right back where I started) The only thing I can do is to close the html file and re-open it.
This seems to be caused by a missing definition for WL.StaticAppProperites in the code that is run in the RPE. If I look at the html source of the common resources for the app under chrome I see a definition:
// Define WL namespace.
var WL = WL ? WL : {};
* WLClient configuration variables.
* Values are injected by the deployer that packs the gadget.
WL.StaticAppProps = {
"APP_ID": "MyApp",
"APP_SERVICES_URL": "\/MyApp\/apps\/services\/",
"APP_VERSION": "1.0",
"ENVIRONMENT": "preview",
"WORKLIGHT_ROOT_URL": "\/MyApp\/apps\/services\/api\/MyApp\/common\/"
There are similar definitions in the generated HTML for the various environments. But looking in weinre, I see that there is no corresponding script injected into the html that is displayed in the RPE. The lack of a definition for WL.StaticAppProperties is causing the code in worklight.js to fail just before the definition of WL.Utils.
Is there any way for me to add WL.StaticAppProps = {} so that this would come before the code that gets injected to load worklight.js?
Is there any other workaround for this problem?
The editor is defining that WL.StaticAppProps property under-the-covers but it is in an additional injected .js file, not in an inline script block like in the running page. It's possible that the location of that script in the editor's markup is incorrect and we will investigate that.
However there's a larger issue here, which is that a page in the editor is not able to make calls to the Worklight server. Because the editor always needs to operate independently of whether a preview server has been published and started, it uses its own mechanism to load web resources into the Design pane. Therefore the origin server is not the Worklight development server and attempted calls to server-side logic will go unanswered. I believe this is more likely the reason for the hang scenarios you see.
A general recommendation is to use the editor to construct the page's UI markup and then start to wire in service calls after the UI is generally complete. At that point previewing the application should likely shift over to the Mobile Browser Simulator and/or native device testing. In order to continue to do incremental UI work in the editor you can also add some temporary conditional logic to avoid (or mock-up) server calls while doing design work, such as:
var designMode = true; // switch to false for real server preview
if(!designMode) {
// your service invocations here

Safari Extension: "on install" event?

I am developing an extension for Safari 6 and I want to set some default values for my settings. These default values depend on window.navigator.language, so setting them in Settings.plist does not the trick – I need to run some JS code to set them.
Obviously, this code should only run once right after install. And it shouldn't run after simply reenabling the extension.
Is there an "official" event that I can attach a function with addEventlistener to? Or do I really need the trick with setting a helper variable?
There is no official event that I know of. But it's pretty easy to do something like this in your global page:
if (!safari.extension.settings.hasRun) {
safari.extension.settings.hasRun = true;
safari.extension.settings.lang = window.navigator.language;

App works as desired in debug mode but crashes in Rally environment

I have created an app that creates a grid dynamically, as well as lets the user make changes to one of the grid columns via a 'numberfield' editor. Everything is working great in the debug environment but when I try to edit one of the fields in the Rally environment it crashes the app. From the looks of it, the iframe containing the app is just reloading altogether.
Now, here's the weird part that may be a clue to what's going on. The app crashes after I click elsewhere on the app (committing the change) but if I scroll the mouse wheel somewhere on the app, the spinner loses focus (no up/down arrows) and then if I click somewhere the edits are applied and the app doesn't crash. Once again in the debug mode I don't need to go through this, I can just click elsewhere and the changes are applied.
This is a known issue with 2.0p5 that will be fixed with the next release of the SDK. Basically it's using a sledgehammer to respond to the fact that something was edited and refreshing it. Since the new SDK can communicate with the message bus this is totally unnecessary...
In the meantime you should be able to patch your app by defining a global Rally.getApp function that returns your app instance to prevent the hard refresh:
//In your app definition give it an xtype:
Ext.define('My.App', {
extend: '',
alias: 'widget.myapp'
//Find the app instance by its xtype and return it
Rally.getApp = function() {
return Ext.ComponentQuery.query('myapp')[0];
You can then delete that code once 2.0p6 is released and you upgrade.