Poltergeist/PhantomJS not honoring client-side redirect - phantomjs

Most of my automated integration test suite relies on a third-party authentication system that uses a client-side redirect, over which I have no control:
if (this.SfdcApp && this.SfdcApp.projectOneNavigator) { SfdcApp.projectOneNavigator.handleRedirect('https://example.com/?authtoken=MYTOKEN&more_stuff=etc'); }
else if (window.location.replace){
} else {;
window.location.href ='https://example.com/?authtoken=MYTOKEN&more_stuff=etc';
For some reason, Poltergeist/PhantomJS is stopping here and not honoring the redirect code. Is this because it's trying to use window.location.replace or window.location.href instead of window.location directly?
Here's my Poltergeist configuration in RSpec:
Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist_tls do |app|
poltergeist_options = {
js_errors: true,
phantomjs_options: ['--ssl-protocol=TLSv1.2']
Capybara::Poltergeist::Driver.new(app, poltergeist_options)
Here's a simplified version of my spec:
it 'logs the user in', js: true do
visit login_url
fill_in 'Email', with: email
fill_in 'Password', with: password
find('input[value="LOG IN"]').click()
expect(page).to have_selector '#logout-btn'
I'm using Capybara 2.7.1, Poltergeist 1.10.0, and PhantomJS 2.1.1.
Edit: I know that window.location was broken in PhantomJS once upon a time but that appears to have been fixed years ago.
However, when I add this to my spec:
#hackishly get the redirect URL
matches = page.body.match(%r{window.location.href ='(https?://.*)';})
redirect_url = matches[1]
evaluate_script("window.location = '#{redirect_url}'")
...it's still outputting the old window.location instead of the newly set redirect_url. Huh??


Force Swagger UI To Load https path when hosted on Heroku

I have a rails 4 app with a Grape API and Swagger through the gem grape-swagger and grape-swagger-ui gems.
In dev everything works well, I load http://localhost:3000/api/swagger and the swagger header's text input along the top loads the expected url, http://localhost:3000/api/swagger_doc. This points properly to the file it seeks, swagger_doc.json.
I've pushed this app to heroku, which forces https connections. Unfortunately, when loading https://my-app.herokuapp.com/api/swagger the swagger header's text input along the top loads http://my-app.herokuapp.com/api/swagger_doc instead of loading https://my-app.herokuapp.com/api/swagger_doc (http vs https).
I've tried coming at this from the heroku side with things like:
unless Rails.env.development?
get "*path" => redirect("https://my-app.herokuapp.com%{path}"), :constraints => { :protocol => "http://" }
post "*path" => redirect("https://my-app.herokuapp.com%{path}"), :constraints => { :protocol => "http://" }
config.force_ssl = false
#config.force_ssl = false
And I've come at it with trying to set or manipulate the base_path attribute of add_swagger_documentation.
base_path: "my-app.herokuapp.com",
base_path: "http://my-app.herokuapp.com",
base_path: = lambda do |request|
return "http://my-app.herokuapp.com"
base_path: lambda { |request| "http://#{request.host}:#{request.port}" }
I recently clicked "view raw" on one of my resources and noticed that it was picking up my changes to base_path but that base_path isn't even used to populate the url in the text input in the swagger header. It seems to be generated from a js file. I'm unable to edit it and would happily accept a hack to do so as a solution. Here's that raw output:
The line of interest is:
Which would break the app if it was being populated and used, but it is not. I don't see an option in the grape-swagger gem that I can use to pass in this variable and change the path to https.
In conclusion:
I'd like the swagger text input box to load https://my-app.herokuapp.com/api/swagger_doc when I visit https://my-app.herokuapp.com/api/swagger.
Anyone know a hack to accomplish this on heroku?
I was able to work around this. I suggest:
Do not use + uninstall #gem 'grape-swagger-ui'
Use and install gem 'grape-swagger-rails' and follow the docs here: https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-swagger-rails

Rack middleware fails to redirect on authentication in Sinatra

Why does the Rack middleware fail to redirect when coupled with default GET and POST login routes and 401 handling in the Sinatra app?
Relevant Shield middleware extract :
module Shield
class Middleware
attr :url
def initialize(app, url = "/login")
#app = app
#url = url
def call(env)
tuple = #app.call(env)
if tuple[0] == 401
[302, headers(env["SCRIPT_NAME"] + env["PATH_INFO"]), []]
def headers(path)
{ "Location" => "%s?return=%s" % [url, encode(path)],
"Content-Type" => "text/html",
"Content-Length" => "0"
def encode(str)
View full source code (104 lines/2.8kb).
Here a relevant extract of the Sinatra app:
# application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < Sinatra::Base
helpers Shield::Helpers
use Shield::Middleware, "/login"
get '/noway' do
error(401) unless authenticated(User)
erb :app_noway
get '/login' do
erb :login
post "/login" do
if login(User, params[:login], params[:password])
remember(authenticated(User)) if params[:remember_me]
redirect(params[:return] || "/")
redirect "/login"
Full source code (basic app displaying the problem behavior), for easy and immediate perusal: https://github.com/shieldtest/shieldtest
The repository is ready for a "clone and rackup" with database, env and all. Login credentials; email: shield#example.org, password: shield.
Problem When accessing a protected route (/noway), the middleware injects a authentication process, as intended. But after the successful autentication, the subsequent redirect always defaults to root, instead of the return URL for the protected page (/noway).
Solution needed The protected page (/noway) should be redirected to automatically after authenticating successfully via Shield.
Visual walk-through
Step 1 (below): At the Sinatra main page. Click link to protected page (/noway)
Step 2 (below): Redirected to /login correctly, as no user is authenticated. Enter correct login credentials correctly.
PROBLEM BEHAVIOR - redirected to main instead of the protected pageStep 3A (below): After entering correct login credentials: sent back to main page (again)
TESTING LOGIN - protected page is accessible now (manually, by clicking page again)Step 4 (below): At the main page. Click the protected page (/noway) again => Access granted
The params[:return] was never forwarded to the POST request, it seems.
So, a 'dirty fix' would be to grab the return params and pass it via the login form to the POST request. This yields the desired behavior:
<% if params[:return] %>
<input type='hidden' name='redirect' value="<%= params[:return] %>">
<% end %>
And then redirecting to the redirect params from the login form:
post "/login" do
if login(User, params[:login], params[:password])
redirect to params[:redirect] || "/"
Still, I would have preferred to understand why the middleware didn't perform as expected and how to fix/store this return params via the Rack middleware.

iOS app - Rails 4 and Devise as backend

I would like to know how to use rails as backend for my iOS app.
All I need is a User with email and password to authenticate using devise.
I already have a User created with devise and rails 4.
I did find this post http://jessewolgamott.com/blog/2012/01/19/the-one-with-a-json-api-login-using-devise/ explaining what I need, but some things are still missing.
When I try to do a POST via my iOS app, I get the message "Can't verify CSRF token authenticity". How do I solve that without skipping the filter verify_authenticity_token ?
How would the request code for the iOS look like? Right now I'm doing a POST to http://localhost:3000/api/users/sign_in.json and setting the HTTPBody = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:jsonDictionary options:0 error:&jsonError], but the rails server is receiving only a string as key with the entire json dictionary, not an actual json dictionary.
params = {"{\"user\":{\"email\":\"qwe\",\"password\":\"123\"}}"=>nil, "action"=>"create", "controller"=>"api/sessions", "format"=>"json"}
How would I do an https request instead of http, so I can hide the password and email fields in case someone else tries to watch my internet traffic?
Thank you very much.
To use Rails Applications Mobile and Android and IOS, necessarily you have to use JSONP: example:
JS sample:
url: '/api_mobile',
jsonp: "callback",
dataType: "jsonp",
cache: true,
data: {method: 'login', other_data ...},
success: function(res) {
// response object
error: function(request, status, error) {
alert("Error server: " + request.status);
protect_from_forgery with: :exception, only: :api_mobile
# route /api_mobile
def api_mobile
json = {error: 'Not found Method'}
case params[:method]
when: 'login'
if User.login(params[:username], params[:password])
json = {notice: 'Login success'}
json = {error: 'Error Username or Password'}
render json: json, :callback => params[:callback]
All functions must be personalized and parameterized

Ember-auth signin test fails with json

I am having some issues with testing my signin/signout and related features of my app. The app works, but the test fail.
For testing, I use a QUnit with testem (I also tried teaspoon)
test "after signin, should redirect user back to previous page", ->
visit '/library'
fillIn '.signin-email', 'example#example.com'
fillIn '.signin-password', 'examplepass'
click '.signin-btn'
andThen ->
equal(testing().path(), 'library', "Should redirect back to library (was #{testing().path()})")
After running the test, I get a failure:
(screenshot here )
Authentication: visiting restricted page as non authenticated user: after signin, should redirect user back to previous page (2, 0, 2)Rerun544 ms
{user_id: 2, auth_token: wVveiyDLuXBXu69pQ2XQwg}
at Test.QUnitAdapter.Test.Adapter.extend.exception (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:50149:5)
at superWrapper [as exception] (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:13374:16)
at Object.onerror (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:50009:22)
at onerror (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:20453:16)
at EventTarget.trigger (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:20286:22)
at null.<anonymous> (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:20439:14)
at EventTarget.trigger (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:20286:22)
at http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:20588:17
Should redirect back to library (was signin)
"library" "signin"
at http://localhost:7357/public/assets/spec/javascripts/integration/authentication_pages_spec.js.js:22:14
at andThen (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:50258:20)
at http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:49817:21
at isolate (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:49989:14)
at http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:49972:12
at invokeCallback (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:20463:19)
at null.<anonymous> (http://localhost:7357/public/assets/application-aad0a1b2c887cc25124c361787446e83.js:20513:11)
Also, auth.coffee:
App.Auth = Em.Auth.extend
request: 'jquery'
response: 'json'
strategy: 'token'
session: 'cookie'
modules: [
signInEndPoint: '/signin'
signOutEndPoint: '/signout'
tokenKey: 'auth_token'
tokenIdKey: 'user_id'
tokenLocation: 'param'
userModel: 'user' # create user model on login
route: 'signin'
signInRoute: 'library'
# signInSmart: true
# signInBlacklist: ['signin']
signOutRoute: 'index'
I am unable to find the source of the error, so maybe it is something to do with ember-auth. Any ideas would be very appreciated.
Update 1 [Jan 4th]:
I've written an additional test, which passes only halfway. The test is simpler than the previous in that it does not check a redirect, but only checks that the user name appears in the UI after signin.
test "after signin, TEST", ->
visit '/library'
fillIn '.signin-email', 'user#example.com'
fillIn '.signin-password', 'foobargaz'
click '.signin-btn'
andThen ->
ok exists('.menu-signout'), "signout button exists"
The assertions passes, but I get an additional error reporting the returned JSON as seen in this screenshot. The screenshot basically shows:
[Fail] {user_id: 2, auth_token: wVveiyDLuXBXu69pQ2XQwg}
[Pass] signout button exists
Additionally, I've also run the tests by mocking the ajax requests with mockjax, but with the same failure.
Third, I should note that I had to patch "ember-auth-request-jquery.js" to make it work with ember testing as suggested here
I'm pretty sure you're failing to wait on the first visit to happen, so here's how I read it (I'm no CS person)
You're telling Ember to go to library
Before being sure it's finished navigating you're trying to fill in 2 fields and click a button (all of which probably doesn't exist)
then you check to see if it's library, but while waiting after you thought you clicked, really the page finishes rendering the login page from the visit
Here's what js2coffe says it'd kind of look like (my main point is the then after the visit).
test "after signin, should redirect user back to previous page", ->
visit("/library").then ->
fillIn ".signin-email", "example#example.com"
fillIn ".signin-password", "examplepass"
click(".signin-btn").then ->
equal testing().path(), "library", "Should redirect back to library (was " + (testing().path()) + ")"
Update 1/4: Documentation changed on me
Now we move to educated guess time. Looking through the Ember-auth code it might not be creating any timers/promises that Ember is aware of, in affect Ember thinks it's finished the signin process immediately. So the click promise is resolved immediately and you run your test immediately (andThen waits on the global testing promise to resolve). To test the theory you can do some terrible timeout and see if it does indeed redirect after some time
test "after signin, should redirect user back to previous page", ->
visit "/library"
fillIn ".signin-email", "example#example.com"
fillIn ".signin-password", "examplepass"
click ".signin-btn"
Ember.run.later this, (->
equal testing().path(), "library", "Should redirect back to library (was " + (testing().path()) + ")"
), 5000
It turns out my coffeescript was not the best in the world.
The module function in QUnit should NOT compile to:
module('Authentication: visiting restricted page as non authenticated user', function() {
return setup(function() {
return Em.run(App, App.advanceReadiness);
but to:
module('Authentication: visiting restricted page as non authenticated user', {
setup: function() {
Ember.run(App, App.advanceReadiness);
// This is also new
teardown: function() {
Additionally, in my spec_helper.coffee file I had something like this:
QUnit.testStart(function() {
// FIXME: this below made it fail every time
// Ember.run(function() {
// return App.reset();
// });
Ember.testing = true;
QUnit.testDone(function() {
Ember.testing = false;
QUnit.done(function() {
return Ember.run(function() {
return App.reset();
which seems to have caused some issues, so I just deleted it and the tests now pass.

Rails integration test against page modification hack?

I'm using Capybara 1.1.2, Rails 3.1.3, rspec-rails 2.9.0, and Ruby 1.9.3p0.
Assume an app with standard and account_admin users. A standard user can create another standard user, but a standard user cannot create an account_admin user.
Of course the UI does not give the standard user the option of creating an account admin. But 30 seconds with Firebug and the user can re-write the HTML so it submits a POST request to create an account_admin.
How do I test that my app prevents this kind of simple hack?
The normal standard user test looks like this:
context "when standard user is signed in" do
before do
login_as standard_user
visit users_path # go to index
click_link('Add user') # click link like user would
describe "when fields are filled in" do
let(:new_email) { "new_user#example.com" }
before do
fill_in "Email", with: new_email
fill_in "Password", with: "password"
fill_in "Password confirmation", with: "password"
choose "Standard user" # radio button for Role
it "should create a user" do
expect { click_button submit }.to change(User, :count).by(1)
Is there a way to "fool" the test into taking a value not allowed on the form? I tried treating the radio button like a text field, but Capybara rejects it as a non-existent field:
fill_in "Role", with: "account_admin" # doesn't work
Direct modification of the params hash doesn't work either:
params[:role] = "account_admin" # doesn't work
Do I have to write this more like a controller test, with a direct call to post :create?
Capybara author jnicklas confirmed here that Capybara cannot make an app do things that are not available from the UI. He recommends controller tests for authorization.
However request specs written in RSpec without using Capybara syntax do allow direct use of HTML verbs (and some additional helpers) as outlined in the RSpec and Rails docs. So rather than Capybara's fill_in and click_link directives and the page object, you can use an attribute hash, verbs like get, post, post_via_redirect, and the response.body object. It's similar to a controller test, but you're using Rails' routing to choose the appropriate controller action based on the path provided. Here is an example of the latter technique:
describe "when standard user attempts to create account_admin user" do
let(:standard_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:standard_user) }
let(:attr) { { email: "account_admin#example.com",
password: "password",
password_confirmation: "password",
role: "account_admin" }
before do
login_as standard_user
get new_user_path
it "should not create a account_admin user" do
lambda do
post users_path, user: attr
end.should_not change(User, :count)
describe "after user posts invalid create" do
before { post_via_redirect users_path, user: attr }
# redirect to user's profile page
it { response.body.should have_selector('title', text: 'User Profile') }
it { response.body.should have_selector('div.alert.alert-error', text: 'not authorized') }