Msbuild with specific version - msbuild

I am using teamcity for creating nuget packages that are being feed to a octopus deploy server. I ran into a problem regarding the dll versions that are installed as a nuget dependency, more precisely they are updated to the latest version instead of the specified version, even though in csproj, it checked the option specific version.
I don't know where it is the problem, on the local machine the build does not upgrade the dll, only on teamcity.
Is it msbuild related, or some set up to the nuget installer step, when I restore the nuget package.
Thanks in advance.


Newer versions of NuGet.exe can't resolve framework match when restoring older packages (net40, netframework40)

having spent the better part of two days on this, time to get some help.
I am reworking our CI build, and have a VS2017 solution which was on .net 4.6.1, using packages.config style nuget refs, and TeamCity was using the NuGet runner v3.4.4 to restore the packages. It was originally build probably using VS2008 or 10, then converted to 2017 in 2018. Someone checked in the packages directory and it's been that way for years.
Time to bring it up to more modern standards. I converted the projects to use packageReference, and now am using msbuild and the restore;build target to restore my packages and build the solution. Works well EXCEPT for this one package.
Even in VisualStudio 2017 15.8.7, the build (which does the restore of course) is failing to restore the smtp-impostor package using a packageReference with the following error:
NU1202: Package smtp-impostor 2.0.8 is not compatible with net461 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.0). Package smtp-impostor 2.0.8 supports: netframework40 (.NetFramework 4.0,Version=v0.0)
I can't get Google to find a single useful post when searching for "netframework40".
If I use nuget3.4.4 CLI, it works fine (it seems to call msbuild 4.0). If I use nuget 5.6 CLI, I get the error message; it's using the msbuild that comes with Visual Studio 2017.
I see a lot of posts on how to get nuget to use a different version of msbuild, but I don't see how to tell msbuild to use an earlier version of nuget!
I have tried:
retargeting the solution to v4.0 - same error occurs - first part of error just changes to net40
setting the ToolsVersion in the csproj file tag to 14.0
Setting the PlatformToolsVersion property in the csproj file to 14.0.
No dice.
I really don't want to stay with packages.config for this project (and an extra CI build step) nor checkin the single DLL for the package into my repo. It's looking more like I'll jsut have to scrap the packageReference upgrade and stick with the old style nuget runner package restore.
Anyone ever seen this? Any ideas where "netframework40" comes from and why newer nuget can't match it with net40?
Thank you in Advance!
Newer versions of NuGet.exe can't resolve framework match when
restoring older packages (net40, netframework40)
The issue is that this nuget package smtp-impostor 2.0.8 is not compatible with the new PackageReference format and has nothing to do with Nuget V3.4.4 or Nuget V5.6.x.
Actually, the package was published on 2011 and the new package management format PackageReference was used since VS2017.
Besides, the author did not make any changes to the package to accommodate the new Packagereference. And I faced the same issue in my side.
As a workaround, you have to use packages.config to install this nuget package rather than PackageReference.
Since VS2017, VS adds the new PackageReference nuget management format and for your old VS2008, it uses Packages.config.
Or you could contains the author of the nuget package to change it.

Why does NuGet pack break with VS2019 build tools?

We have a number of .NET Framework projects with a "nuget pack MyProject.csproj" command in the post-build step. We have been using VS2010 (:O I know) until now, and it has been happily spitting out nupkg files.
We recently updated our build tools to the 2019 version (running the new version of varsall.bat before calling msbuild), and the "nuget pack" command now fails:
Error NU5012: Unable to find 'MyProject.dll'. Make sure the project has been built.
What I've tried:
Adding a "nuget spec" step before packing
Upgrading the nuget CLI executable to the latest version
Updating from packages.config to PackageReferences
This allows you to use MSBuild -t:pack. However, two issues:
When running this in the post-build step on my machine, it starts dozens of cmd & MSBuild processes and pegs my CPU.
Our developers are stuck on VS2017 for now, but the 2017 build tools are no longer available for our build server (so we use 2019). The 2017 & 2019 installs put MSBuild in different locations. We could set path variables for all the machines, but that seems brittle.
I'm playing with upgrading one of the projects to the new csproj format, but it is rather involved. Upgrading all of our projects will be an effort all its own, and I'm still exploring the ramifications.
Is there something simple I'm missing which will allow this to work without large modifications?
Error NU5012: Unable to find 'MyProject.dll'. Make sure the project
has been built.
This message indicates that the nuget.exe can't find the output assembly. So you must make sure the assembly is created successfully.
And one point you need to take care, normally we use command like nuget pack foo.csproj -Properties Configuration=Release to pack the assembly built in release mode. If you use command like nuget pack xx.csproj in post-build-event, no matter which configuration you use msbuild to build the project, nuget will always try to find the assembly in ProjectDir/bin/debug.
So when you deploy the project to remote server without bin and obj folders, if you try to use command like msbuild xx.csproj /p:Configuration=Release, the build is in release mode while nuget.exe will search the bin\debug instead of expected bin\release. You should check if you're in same situation.
Why does NuGet pack break with VS2019 build tools?
This issue is not about the build tools package. Since the error message you got came from nuget. Msbuild just help call the nuget.exe, and the cause of the issue is nuget.exe can't find the needed assembly by one specific path. Please check if the path in the error message is right, and then check if the assembly is in that path.
I also ran into the same issue during our TFS upgrade to Azure Devops. The new Nuget task doesn't have the switch for -Build. The fields in the Nuget task screen for Pack also doesn't allow you to add this switch, that's why it's complaining about not finding the dll or the output of the build. I modified the nugetpack.js file on the agent's task folder to test the theory and now the pack options build successfully.
This is the line I added to the js file (towards the bottom of the page):
what would be nice is to have this option represented as check box to cover if there is use case to call Nuget pack without -Build switch

NuGet Package Reference Versioning and VS Package Manager

I have been setting the package references in my .csproj files to accept any minor version of dependent NuGet packages (see NuGet Package Versioning reference examples). An example of this might be as per the below:
<!-- Accepts any 6.2.x version. -->
<PackageReference Include="ExamplePackage" Version="6.2.*" />
However, whilst this appears to work (i.e. the latest release version of 6.2.2 is restored), the NuGet package manager GUI built into Visual Studio appears to read the package reference as 6.2.0 and prompts me to upgrade to 6.2.2.
Performing a restore from the command line appears to download 6.2.2 but I cannot get the VS Package Manager to play ball.
Is there any way to get the VS Nuget Package Manager GUI to accept that 6.2.2 is what has actually been restored?
However, whilst this appears to work (i.e. the latest release version of 6.2.2 is restored), the NuGet package manager GUI built into Visual Studio appears to read the package reference as 6.2.0 and prompts me to upgrade to 6.2.2
This is a known issue about the PackageReference versioning with wildcard.
It seems use a wildcard * is the correct way for NuGet Restore to float to a higher version. However, the NuGet package manager GUI still takes the lowest version. The current workaround is update the nuget package to the latest version via NuGet package manager GUI, but this way will remove the wildcard *.
For tracking this NuGet issue, I recommend that you vote on and follow the earlier reported issue for updates and fix notifications:
Hope this helps.

Visual Studio Online build error about NuGet client version (v3.0 or above required)

I am trying to setup a CI build using Visual Studio Online but I am getting the following error about the NuGet client:
The 'System.Net.Http 4.0.0' package requires NuGet client version '3.0' or above, but the current NuGet version is '2.8.60318.667'.
Solution builds and deploys fine directly from my Visual Studio 2015 itself but I am unable to get it to build in VSO. Does anyone if NuGet 3.x is installed on hosted build controllers or if I can supply my own copy along with my solution?
It's hard to guess by the question what build tasks are used. If you use VSBuild/MSBuild, it is only possible to turn "Restore NuGet packages" on, but there's no influence on the NuGet version.
However, if you turn this checkbox off, and instead add another build task called NuGet Installer before the main build step, you'll be able to provide a custom path to NuGet.exe. In the case of hosted build agent, the most obvious option is to commit required version of NuGet.exe to the repo, and then reference it from the build step:
Sounds like a hack, but it might work in your case.

Nuget restore not downloading dll in lib folder

I have a Team City Nuget build setup which works fine. However, I have tried to update some nuget packages, one of them being: Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc. This was updated from version 5.2.2 to 5.2.3.
This broke the build. Examining the logs I noticed that the nuget package restore seems like it didn't even try to install Mvc. However, the packages folder that was generated by Team City has a Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.5.2.3 folder but there is no dll file in the lib folder.
I'm at a loss here I don't see why updating to different package version breaks nuget restore.
Any insights on this behavior? Thanks in advance.
Delete the "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.5.2.3" package folder completely. The NuGet restore action should recreate this folder and download the assembly or assemblies correctly which are supposed to be in the "lib".
I've got the exact same issue on my build server and that solved the issue.
Check all of your projects in the solution and make sure they're targeting the same version of the .NET Framework. I've seen this flip out a build server before.
Also check in your solution packages directory and make sure that all projects that contain references that are packages are listed in the repositories.config file, so that they all get restored properly on the build server.