Visual Studio Online build error about NuGet client version (v3.0 or above required) - msbuild

I am trying to setup a CI build using Visual Studio Online but I am getting the following error about the NuGet client:
The 'System.Net.Http 4.0.0' package requires NuGet client version '3.0' or above, but the current NuGet version is '2.8.60318.667'.
Solution builds and deploys fine directly from my Visual Studio 2015 itself but I am unable to get it to build in VSO. Does anyone if NuGet 3.x is installed on hosted build controllers or if I can supply my own copy along with my solution?

It's hard to guess by the question what build tasks are used. If you use VSBuild/MSBuild, it is only possible to turn "Restore NuGet packages" on, but there's no influence on the NuGet version.
However, if you turn this checkbox off, and instead add another build task called NuGet Installer before the main build step, you'll be able to provide a custom path to NuGet.exe. In the case of hosted build agent, the most obvious option is to commit required version of NuGet.exe to the repo, and then reference it from the build step:
Sounds like a hack, but it might work in your case.


Why does NuGet pack break with VS2019 build tools?

We have a number of .NET Framework projects with a "nuget pack MyProject.csproj" command in the post-build step. We have been using VS2010 (:O I know) until now, and it has been happily spitting out nupkg files.
We recently updated our build tools to the 2019 version (running the new version of varsall.bat before calling msbuild), and the "nuget pack" command now fails:
Error NU5012: Unable to find 'MyProject.dll'. Make sure the project has been built.
What I've tried:
Adding a "nuget spec" step before packing
Upgrading the nuget CLI executable to the latest version
Updating from packages.config to PackageReferences
This allows you to use MSBuild -t:pack. However, two issues:
When running this in the post-build step on my machine, it starts dozens of cmd & MSBuild processes and pegs my CPU.
Our developers are stuck on VS2017 for now, but the 2017 build tools are no longer available for our build server (so we use 2019). The 2017 & 2019 installs put MSBuild in different locations. We could set path variables for all the machines, but that seems brittle.
I'm playing with upgrading one of the projects to the new csproj format, but it is rather involved. Upgrading all of our projects will be an effort all its own, and I'm still exploring the ramifications.
Is there something simple I'm missing which will allow this to work without large modifications?
Error NU5012: Unable to find 'MyProject.dll'. Make sure the project
has been built.
This message indicates that the nuget.exe can't find the output assembly. So you must make sure the assembly is created successfully.
And one point you need to take care, normally we use command like nuget pack foo.csproj -Properties Configuration=Release to pack the assembly built in release mode. If you use command like nuget pack xx.csproj in post-build-event, no matter which configuration you use msbuild to build the project, nuget will always try to find the assembly in ProjectDir/bin/debug.
So when you deploy the project to remote server without bin and obj folders, if you try to use command like msbuild xx.csproj /p:Configuration=Release, the build is in release mode while nuget.exe will search the bin\debug instead of expected bin\release. You should check if you're in same situation.
Why does NuGet pack break with VS2019 build tools?
This issue is not about the build tools package. Since the error message you got came from nuget. Msbuild just help call the nuget.exe, and the cause of the issue is nuget.exe can't find the needed assembly by one specific path. Please check if the path in the error message is right, and then check if the assembly is in that path.
I also ran into the same issue during our TFS upgrade to Azure Devops. The new Nuget task doesn't have the switch for -Build. The fields in the Nuget task screen for Pack also doesn't allow you to add this switch, that's why it's complaining about not finding the dll or the output of the build. I modified the nugetpack.js file on the agent's task folder to test the theory and now the pack options build successfully.
This is the line I added to the js file (towards the bottom of the page):
what would be nice is to have this option represented as check box to cover if there is use case to call Nuget pack without -Build switch

Building Xamarin Android on TFS - how to download Nuget packages

I have a Xamarin Android project that I'm building on a TFS build server. The Nuget packages are not restored, and so the build fails with a bunch of "[filename] could not be found" errors.
I believe the problem is that for the Android build, you specify the .csproj file, rather than the .sln. The field is called "Project" on a Xamarin.Android build step. The automatic Nuget package restore only works if you load the solution file. If you directly build the csproj with MSBuild.exe, the Nuget package restore does not happen.
I expect I can create a PowerShell script step that manually calls Nuget, but it seems this should be supported first-class. Any ideas for me?
The recommended way is to add a NuGet Installer build step before the actually build step. More about this package here

Msbuild with specific version

I am using teamcity for creating nuget packages that are being feed to a octopus deploy server. I ran into a problem regarding the dll versions that are installed as a nuget dependency, more precisely they are updated to the latest version instead of the specified version, even though in csproj, it checked the option specific version.
I don't know where it is the problem, on the local machine the build does not upgrade the dll, only on teamcity.
Is it msbuild related, or some set up to the nuget installer step, when I restore the nuget package.
Thanks in advance.

Is there an easy way to automatically create a NuGet package from a Visual Studio 2015 project?

Before Visual Studio 2015, it was trivial to setup your project to automatically generate NuGet packages. Specifically, you did:
Add a .nuspec file to your project
Enable NuGet Package Restore in the Solution right-click context menu
Edit the project .csproj file and set the build property <BuildPackage> to true
And that was it!
However, starting from VS 2015, MSBuild-integrated package restore has been removed and replaced by the new Automatic Package Restore. While these are all good news, it seems that setting the build property <BuildPackage> to true no longer triggers an automatic package build.
This is a major break of functionality! Is there a way to setup automatic builds of NuGet without using post-build events? Specifically, I'm looking for an MSBuild solution, as it forms the backbone of my build workflow.
Try OctoPack:
Just add nuget package to your project.
If you want to build it every time you build release, add
to section <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|Whatever' ">
next line:
More information about finetuning can be found here:
There is a move to Class Library Packages in VS2015 which makes it incredibly easy to create NuGet packages. I've blogged about this before, but essentially it's just a few steps. Note that this is just a RC1 at the moment and not a stable release yet.
Install the ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015 (RC1 Update 1) update to VS2015.
Open VS2015 and create a new Class Library Package project.
Add your code to the library and configure the project.json file with any changes you may need. A default project.json file is used as an example.
Right-click on the project and select the Properties menu item. In the Build tab select “Produce outputs on build”. Build the project.
You’re done. Go to the artifacts folder in your project, in my case “artifacts\bin\AwesomeSoft.TextConverter\Debug”.
You should see the NuGet package already created, and the folders targeting each framework specified earlier.
There is another alternative called NuPack :
It is a nuget package that automatically generate nuget package on build time.
VS4MAc already supports this and you can get it as a extension for VS on Windows (Visual Studio Team Services) builds failing on nuget package dependencies

Thought I would try and get the most out of my trial membership. I created a solution with a few projects, pushed it to the Microsoft git source control provider, configured a build definition and tried to build it on the project server. However it keeps failing telling me:
The type or namespace name 'Moq' could not be found (are you
missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I know this means that the build server can't find the Moq.dll library. I had installed it using NuGet, but configured my .gitignore to keep the packages folder out of source control. I also enabled NuGet package restore for the solution and pushed nuget.exe, nuget.targets, and nuget.config (all 3 of the files in the .nuget folder) along with all of the other project files.
Now I am sure I could get the build to work if I pushed the packages folder too, but I want to keep the nuget packages folder out of source control. So I am wondering, is this possible? The docs say that the build servers have visual studio 2013 installed, and because of this I assume that nuget package restore would work to download the missing dll's so that they can be resolved by MSBuild. Is this right? Or to use automated CI builds at, do you need to have your packages under source control?
According to the log file, nuget package restore downloaded the package. What gives?
Project "C:\a\src\MySln.sln" (1) is building
(3) on node 1 (default targets). RestorePackages:
"C:\a\src.nuget\NuGet.exe" install
"C:\a\src\Tests\MySln.ProjA.UnitTests\packages.config" -source ""
-NonInteractive -RequireConsent -solutionDir "C:\a\src\ " Restoring NuGet packages... To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during
build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the Package
Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages'.
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
PrepareForBuild: Creating directory "obj\Debug\".
ResolveAssemblyReferences: Primary reference "Moq". C:\Program Files
warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate
the assembly "Moq". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If
this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation
This line is also in the build log file, below the above:
Considered "..\packages\Moq.4.1.1311.0615\lib\net40\Moq.dll", but it didn't exist.
I had this same error but it was occurring on our build server. I had added Moq via NuGet, checked in the project and everything was fine. I then moved the project into a new folder in TFS and the build server just couldn't seem to find Moq. It was building great locally. I ended up fixing the problem by making sure all of my changes were checked into source control and then deleting my local source code directory. I got latest and my test project realized it needed a new copy of Moq. I blame TFS/ source safe or what ever the Visual Studio integration module is for not adding it to source control at some point in time.
Figured this one out on my own. Turns out I had added the nuget packages before moving the test project into a Tests subfolder. The solution still built on my LM, probably because the dependencies were already copied to bin/Debug. After reinstalling the nuget packages, the solution built on