Allow multiple users to enter data in windows application form -

When multiple users open my windows application, it shows a warning saying it(accdb) is already in use. How do I allow multiple users to make entries using my application simultaneously?
The database which my application is using is in shared mode.
edit :
here's a snap of the error that pops up:

You may consider making the application talk to database, and then allowing the users to use their own copy of the application. This way, only one user is using the application, but multiple instances access the database.


Is There a way to get a List of all the Enterprise Fields a user on Project Server has In Use?

I'm building a MS Project VSTO tool (written in C#) that in many instances needs to either read or write data from a field in MS Project. Since I don't always know what field will contain the data I need, I many times need to allow the user the option to select the field they want. Getting all the basic fields is easy, my issue arises if a user is in a Project Server environment and using Enterprise fields. So my question is 2 fold:
Is there a way to check if the user is in a Project Server environment?
Is there a way to easily get all of the custom enterprise fields that are being used in MS Project? I'd like to be able to capture these fields in a collection like a list or array.
Is there a way to check if the user is in a Project Server
Look at the collection of Profiles to see if there is a project server one and check its ConnectionState to see if it's connected to a project server.
Is there a way to easily get all of the custom enterprise fields that
are being used in MS Project? I'd like to be able to capture these
fields in a collection like a list or array.
If you have access to the project server, take a look at this page, Accessing Project Online enterprise custom fields. Without access to the server I suggest:
Loop through all tables and their fields to find enterprise ones.
Allow the user to enter the name of enterprise fields and store that information for future use so that it's a one-time 'setup' for the user.

Sign Databases on Domino server side

I have a need to sign database(s) on server-side using Java (preferably). I tried sign method
however it only works if you run it on workstation (doesn't work if code runs on server). I have also checked if any command for console to send them via
I wonder if there is something I miss and it's possible to sign databases?
I am considering now to update every design element in database instead.
In the Files panel in Domino administrator, right-click on a database. You will see "Sign" as an option on the context menu. You can also sign multiple databases by right-clicking on a folder, or by using a combination of shift-click and control-click to highlight a multi-selection and then right-clicking.

Make program accessible for multiple users and computers

Can someone tell me how to make my program accessible by multiple users from different computers at a time. My program has forms that will take input and save in MySQL. If multiple users from different computers fill forms it should be saved into mysql.
I am using VS 2013.
Please give me an idea about how to make this.
As an idea, you could make two programs , 1 called Server found on your personal PC and the other is called Client on every other user's PC, when client makes a change it calls a function on servers PC using .Net Remoting technology, and the server makes the appropriate changes to the MySQL.
So every change would affect one Database over WAN , and you can add event to each change that will invoke all users to update information.
hope to help :)

Setting Security Levels in Access 2007

I have created a split database in Access 2007 and need to set user level security. I don't want the users to have access to any of the tables or queries etc. I've created a form so when the database is opened it automatically opens where the user can choose an application to run. How would I go about setting the security levels for each user?
I found the below links using Google. Bit sarcy but it would always be my first port of call without further info or details in a given question showing research already done.
MS1, MSblogentry

Switch an Access database between shared and exclusive mode?

I'm working on a program that needs to edit some objects in an Access database. It also runs a subprogram (long story) that tries to access the underlying JET database while Access still has it open via ODBC.
The problem is that as soon as I start editing Form objects using VBA - for example, using Application.LoadFromText - Access changes the database to exclusive mode. Exclusive mode itself is fine, and I know why it needs it. But I need to be able to switch back to "shared" mode afterwards so that I can run my subprogram.
I've observed that if you use the UI to open a Form in Design mode, Access switches the database to Exclusive. (You can confirm this by trying to open it from another computer.) But when you then close the form designer, Access immediately switches it back to shared mode, which is what I would hope for.
Is there a way to switch it back and forth myself using VBA / COM calls?
I know I can call Application.CloseCurrentDatabase() followed by OpenCurrentDatabase(), but that closes all the windows and upsets the UI, so it's not ideal.
Is splitting the database into a separate front-end with the forms/modules/etc. and back-end with the tables an option? That way if the front-end is locked, the back-end is still accessible. Access has a database splitting wizard for just that.
You might try .UserControl and .Visible. I use them to transfer control in automated processes.